jxbrowser 7.x for Java Crack

jxbrowser Add Chromium web browser to your Java app.

Display web pages and PDFs in JavaFX, Swing, SWT.

Work with DOM, JS, Network, Printing, Downloads, etc.

Runs on Windows x86/x64, macOS x64/Apple Silicon, Linux x64/ARM, Java 8+

Release notes

Clear API & Docs

Easy-to-use API with extensive documentation, tutorials, and dozens of examples.

Prompt support

Get reply from JxBrowser engineers within one business day in your personal Help center account.

Proven expertise

Created by engineers who have been integrating Java with MS IE, Firefox, WebKit, Safari, and Chromium for 19 years.

Trusted by 1,500+ companies worldwide

Here are just a few to name:

Simple integration

Java Swing




import ...


public final class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Engine engine = Engine.newInstance(HARDWARE_ACCELERATED);

Browser browser = engine.newBrowser();

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {

BrowserView view = BrowserView.newInstance(browser);

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Swing BrowserView");

frame.add(view, BorderLayout.CENTER);

frame.setSize(700, 500);






Your Java Swing Framecom.teamdev.jxbrowser.swing.BrowserView

Swing Quick Start Guide

See more examples

How you can use JxBrowser


HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Display modern web pages built with the latest web standards.

Java ↔ JavaScript

Call Java code from JavaScript and vice versa.

4K 60FPS

Render 4K video full screen with 60FPS via GPU.


Display Swing and JavaFX components over the web page.


Stay secure with constant Chromium updates.

Chromium profiles

Create and use multiple standard and incognito profiles.


Display PDF documents via the built-in PDF Viewer.

HTML to Bitmap

Save the web page as a PNG or JPEG file.


Print web pages and PDFs. Save the web page as PDF.


Access and modify the DOM of the currently loaded web page.


Play DRM-protected media content from Netflix and Amazon.


Debug web pages via DevTools or Remote Debugging Port.


Inject additional CSS into the web page document.


Get notifications about spelling mistakes on a web page.


Runs on the Apple Silicon and Linux ARM64 devices.

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Intercept network requests, modify HTTP headers, etc.


Access, create, delete, and filter session and persistent cookies.

Custom protocols

Register custom protocols and emulate web server responses.

See guide


Control JavaScript and File dialogs or display your own.


Modify the user-agent string for each web page.


Configure HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SOCKS proxy settings per Profile.

Save web page

Save the currently loaded web page as a set of files.

Keyboard & mouse

Filter the keyboard and mouse events. Register your shortcuts.


Change zoom level, zoom in/out content of a web page.

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Manage file downloads, get notifications about download progress, pause or cancel.

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Custom context menus

Display your own custom context menu or do nothing on the mouse right click.

See guide


Handle Basic, Digest, NTLM, Proxy, and SSL Cert auth. Work with SuisseID and U2F devices.

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