# OpenIM (Open-Source Instant Messaging) Mac Deployment Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying OpenIM on a Mac, including both source code and Docker deployment methods.

Preliminary Environment Setup

Ensure a clean working environment:

  1. Create a New Directory: Start in a new directory to prevent conflicts.
  2. Check for Conflicting Processes : Run these commands:
    • ps -ef | grep openim
    • ps -ef | grep chat
  3. Check Docker Containers : Use docker ps to confirm no related containers are running.

Source Code Deployment

Deploying openim-server

Deploying from source requires adjusting Docker's network configurations for Mac.

  1. Clone and Prepare the Repository:

    jsx 复制代码
    git clone https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server
    cd open-im-server
    export OPENIM_IP="[Your External/Internal IP]"
    make init
  2. Configure Kafka in docker-compose.yml:

    • Replace:

      jsx 复制代码
    • With:

      jsx 复制代码
  3. Start the Service:

    jsx 复制代码
    docker compose up -d
  4. Final Configurations:

    jsx 复制代码
    vim config/config.yaml -c "%s/172\.28\.0\.1/" -c "wq"
  5. Launch openim-server:

    jsx 复制代码
    make start
  6. Verification:

    jsx 复制代码
    make check

    Wait five minutes before checking to ensure accuracy.

Deploying openim-chat

Deploy openim-chat using source code or Docker.

  1. Return to Parent Directory:

    jsx 复制代码
    cd ..
  2. Deploy from Source:

    jsx 复制代码
    git clone https://github.com/openimsdk/chat
    cd chat
    make init
  3. Set Up MySQL (if not already deployed):

    jsx 复制代码
    docker run -d \
      --name mysql \
      -p 13306:3306 \
      -p 23306:33060 \
      -v "$(pwd)/components/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql" \
      -v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime" \
      -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="openIM123" \
      --restart always \
  4. Configure openim-chat :

    Modify config/config.yaml, replacing with

  5. Start openim-chat:

    jsx 复制代码
    make start
  6. Verification:

    jsx 复制代码
    make check
  7. Web Interface Access :

    Visit For validation, see this guide.

Docker Deployment

For Docker deployment on Mac, refer to OpenIM Docker Documentation.

About OpenIM

OpenIM is an open-source instant messaging component and solution that specializes in in-app communication. It is one of the most popular open-source IM projects currently. Developers can integrate the OpenIM component and deploy the server privately, quickly incorporating instant and real-time communication capabilities into their applications, ensuring the security and confidentiality of business data.

Repository address: https://github.com/openimsdk

Developer Documentation: https://docs.openim.io/guides/introduction

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