Nxopen 直齿轮参数化设计

NXUG1953 Visualstudio 2019 参考论文: A Method for Determining the AGMA Tooth Form Factor from Equations for the Generated Tooth Root Fillet


// Mandatory UF Includes
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_object_types.h>

// Internal Includes
#include <NXOpen/ListingWindow.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/NXMessageBox.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/UI.hxx>

// Internal+External Includes
#include <NXOpen/Annotations.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Assemblies_Component.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Assemblies_ComponentAssembly.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Body.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/BodyCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Face.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Line.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/NXException.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/NXObject.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Part.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/PartCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Session.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/PointCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_PointFeatureBuilder.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_BaseFeatureCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/MathUtils.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_StudioSplineBuilderEx.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_FeatureCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Point.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_Extrude.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_ExtrudeBuilder.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/GeometricUtilities_BooleanOperation.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Direction.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/DirectionCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/GeometricUtilities_Limits.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/GeometricUtilities_Extend.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/SectionCollection.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_AssociativeArcBuilder.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_AssociativeArc.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/SelectPoint.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/CurveFeatureRule.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Features_StudioSpline.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Spline.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/Arc.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/NXObjectManager.hxx>
#include <NXOpen/ScRuleFactory.hxx>

// Std C++ Includes
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

using namespace NXOpen;
using std::string;
using std::exception;
using std::stringstream;
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;

// NXOpen c++ test class 
class MyClass
    // class members
    static Session *theSession;
    static UI *theUI;


	void do_it();
	void print(const NXString &);
	void print(const string &);
	void print(const char*);
	NXOpen::Point3d Involutecurve(double alphax, double rb);
	NXOpen::Point* pointcreat(NXOpen::Point3d InputPoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1);
	void POINTconstruction(NXOpen::Point* point1, NXOpen::BasePart* part1);
	NXOpen::Point3d Rotz(double thetai, NXOpen::Point3d inputpoint3d, NXOpen::MathUtils* Ms);
	NXOpen::NXObject* splinecreatbypoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > CurvePoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1);
	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > CreatSymmetricPoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > CurvePoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1);
	NXOpen::NXObject* arccreatthreepoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > ARCPoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1);
	void addsplinetosection(NXOpen::NXObject* splinexnObject, NXOpen::Section* sectionx, tag_t splinexTag, NXOpen::Point3d helpPoint, NXOpen::Part* GPart);
	void addarctosection(NXOpen::NXObject* arcxnObject, NXOpen::Section* sectionx, tag_t arcxTag, NXOpen::Point3d helpPoint, NXOpen::Part* GPart);
	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* >RotZPoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Point11, double theta, NXOpen::MathUtils* Ms, NXOpen::BasePart* part1);
	BasePart *workPart, *displayPart;
	NXMessageBox *mb;
	ListingWindow *lw;
	LogFile *lf;

// Initialize static variables
Session *(MyClass::theSession) = NULL;
UI *(MyClass::theUI) = NULL;

// Constructor 

	// Initialize the NX Open C++ API environment
	MyClass::theSession = NXOpen::Session::GetSession();
	MyClass::theUI = UI::GetUI();
	mb = theUI->NXMessageBox();
	lw = theSession->ListingWindow();
	lf = theSession->LogFile();

    workPart = theSession->Parts()->BaseWork();
	displayPart = theSession->Parts()->BaseDisplay();

// Destructor

// Print string to listing window or stdout
void MyClass::print(const NXString &msg)
	if(! lw->IsOpen() ) lw->Open();
void MyClass::print(const string &msg)
	if(! lw->IsOpen() ) lw->Open();
void MyClass::print(const char * msg)
	if(! lw->IsOpen() ) lw->Open();

NXOpen::Point3d MyClass::Involutecurve(double alphax, double rb)
	double rx = rb / cos(alphax);
	double thetax = tan(alphax) - alphax;
	double xx = -rx * sin(thetax);
	double yy = rx * cos(thetax);
	NXOpen::Point3d OutputPoint3d = {xx,yy,0.0} ;
	return OutputPoint3d;
NXOpen::Point* MyClass::pointcreat(NXOpen::Point3d InputPoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1)
	NXOpen::Point* point;
	point = part1->Points()->CreatePoint(InputPoint);
	return point;
void MyClass::POINTconstruction(NXOpen::Point* point1, NXOpen::BasePart* part1)
	NXOpen::Features::Feature* nullNXOpen_Features_Feature(NULL);
	NXOpen::Features::PointFeatureBuilder* pointFeatureBuilder1;
	pointFeatureBuilder1 = part1->BaseFeatures()->CreatePointFeatureBuilder(nullNXOpen_Features_Feature);
	NXOpen::NXObject* nXObject1;
	nXObject1 = pointFeatureBuilder1->Commit();

NXOpen::Point3d  MyClass::Rotz(double thetai, NXOpen::Point3d inputpoint3d, NXOpen::MathUtils* Ms)
	NXOpen::Matrix3x3 Rzmatrix;
	Rzmatrix.Xx = cos(thetai);
	Rzmatrix.Xy = -sin(thetai);
	Rzmatrix.Xz = 0.0;
	Rzmatrix.Yx = sin(thetai);
	Rzmatrix.Yy = cos(thetai);
	Rzmatrix.Yz = 0.0;
	Rzmatrix.Zx = 0.0;
	Rzmatrix.Zy = 0.0;
	Rzmatrix.Zz = 1.0;
	NXOpen::Point3d outputpoint3d= Ms->Multiply(Rzmatrix, inputpoint3d);
	return outputpoint3d;
NXOpen::NXObject* MyClass::splinecreatbypoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > CurvePoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1)
	NXOpen::NXObject* nullNXOpen_NXObject(NULL);
	NXOpen::Features::StudioSplineBuilderEx* studioSplineBuilderEx;
	studioSplineBuilderEx = part1->Features()->CreateStudioSplineBuilderEx(nullNXOpen_NXObject);
	NXOpen::Features::GeometricConstraintData* geometricConstraintData;
	std::vector<Features::GeometricConstraintData*> constraints(CurvePoint.size());
	for (int gg = 0; gg < CurvePoint.size(); gg++)
		NXOpen::Point* point = CurvePoint[gg];
		geometricConstraintData = studioSplineBuilderEx->ConstraintManager()->CreateGeometricConstraintData();
		constraints[gg] = geometricConstraintData;
	NXOpen::NXObject* nXObject;
	nXObject = studioSplineBuilderEx->Commit();
	Spline* returnSpline = studioSplineBuilderEx->Curve();
	return nXObject;
std::vector<NXOpen::Point* >MyClass::CreatSymmetricPoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > CurvePoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1)
	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > CurvePoint1;
	for (int i = 0; i < CurvePoint.size(); i++)
		NXOpen::Point* PP = CurvePoint[i];
		NXOpen::Point3d PP3d = PP->Coordinates();
		NXOpen::Point3d PP3df = { -PP3d.X,PP3d.Y,PP3d.Z};
		NXOpen::Point* pointi = pointcreat(PP3df, part1);
	return CurvePoint1;

NXOpen::NXObject* MyClass::arccreatthreepoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > ARCPoint, NXOpen::BasePart* part1)
	NXOpen::Point* starpoint = ARCPoint[0];
	NXOpen::Point* endpoint =  ARCPoint[1];
	NXOpen::Point* midpoint = ARCPoint[2];

	Features::AssociativeArc* nullFeatures_AssociativeArc(NULL);
	Features::AssociativeArcBuilder* associativeArcBuilder;
	associativeArcBuilder = part1->BaseFeatures()->CreateAssociativeArcBuilder(nullFeatures_AssociativeArc);
	Unit* unit;
	unit = associativeArcBuilder->Radius()->Units();
	NXObject* nXObject;
	nXObject = associativeArcBuilder->Commit();
	return nXObject;
void MyClass::addsplinetosection(NXOpen::NXObject* splinexnObject, NXOpen::Section* sectionx, tag_t splinexTag, NXOpen::Point3d helpPoint, NXOpen::Part* GPart)
	NXOpen::NXObject* nullNXOpen_NXObject(NULL);
	std::vector<NXOpen::Features::Feature*> features2(1);
	NXOpen::Features::StudioSpline* studioSpline1(dynamic_cast<NXOpen::Features::StudioSpline*>(GPart->Features()->FindObject(splinexnObject->JournalIdentifier())));
	features2[0] = studioSpline1;
	NXOpen::CurveFeatureRule* curveFeatureRule2;
	curveFeatureRule2 = GPart->ScRuleFactory()->CreateRuleCurveFeature(features2);
	std::vector<NXOpen::SelectionIntentRule*> rules2(1);
	rules2[0] = curveFeatureRule2;
	NXOpen::Spline* spline1(dynamic_cast<NXOpen::Spline*>(NXOpen::NXObjectManager::Get(splinexTag)));
	sectionx->AddToSection(rules2, spline1, nullNXOpen_NXObject, nullNXOpen_NXObject, helpPoint, NXOpen::Section::ModeCreate, false);
void MyClass::addarctosection(NXOpen::NXObject* arcxnObject, NXOpen::Section* sectionx, tag_t arcxTag, NXOpen::Point3d helpPoint, NXOpen::Part* GPart)

	NXOpen::NXObject* nullNXOpen_NXObject(NULL);
	std::vector<NXOpen::Features::Feature*> features3(1);
	NXOpen::Features::AssociativeArc* associativeArc1(dynamic_cast<NXOpen::Features::AssociativeArc*>(GPart->Features()->FindObject(arcxnObject->JournalIdentifier())));
	features3[0] = associativeArc1;
	NXOpen::CurveFeatureRule* curveFeatureRule3;
	curveFeatureRule3 = GPart->ScRuleFactory()->CreateRuleCurveFeature(features3);
	std::vector<NXOpen::SelectionIntentRule*> rules3(1);
	rules3[0] = curveFeatureRule3;
	NXOpen::Arc* arc1(dynamic_cast<NXOpen::Arc*>(NXOpen::NXObjectManager::Get(arcxTag)));
	sectionx->AddToSection(rules3, arc1, nullNXOpen_NXObject, nullNXOpen_NXObject, helpPoint, NXOpen::Section::ModeCreate, false);
std::vector<NXOpen::Point* >MyClass::RotZPoint(std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > inputPoint, double theta, NXOpen::MathUtils* Ms, NXOpen::BasePart* part1)
	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > outputPoint;
	for (int i = 0; i < inputPoint.size(); i++)
		NXOpen::Point3d Pointi3d = Rotz(theta, inputPoint[i]->Coordinates(), Ms);
		NXOpen::Point* point1i = pointcreat(Pointi3d, part1);
	return outputPoint;

// Do something
void MyClass::do_it()

	NXOpen::Session* theSession = NXOpen::Session::GetSession();
	NXOpen::Part* GPart(theSession->Parts()->Work());
	NXOpen::Part* displayPart(theSession->Parts()->Display());
	NXOpen::MathUtils* Ms(theSession->MathUtils());

	char msg[256];

	double mn = 6;
	double z = 20;
	double ToothWidth = 55.0;
	double Holediameter = 30.0;

	double ha = 1;
	double c = 0.25;
	double hf = (ha + c) * mn;
	double alphan = PI / 9;
	double theten = tan(alphan) - alphan;
	double d = mn * z;
	double r = d / 2;
	double da = d + 2 * ha * mn;
	double ra = da / 2;
	double db = d * cos(alphan);
	double rb = db / 2;
	double df = d - 2 * hf;
	double rf = df / 2;
	double beta = PI / z;
	double omegaS = PI / (2 * z) + theten;
	double alphaA = acos(rb / ra);

	// 齿条参数
	double cP = 0.25 * mn;
	double  rhofP = 0.38 * mn;
	double hfP = 1.25 * mn;
	double hFfP = hfP - cP;
	double P = PI * mn;
	double sP = 0.5 * P;
	double alphaP = PI / 9;

	double lB = 0.5 * sP + hFfP * tan(alphaP) + hFfP / tan(alphan);
	double etaB = lB / r;
	double xB = cos(-etaB) * (-hFfP / tan(alphan)) - sin(-etaB) * (r - hFfP);
	double yB = sin(-etaB) * (-hFfP / tan(alphan)) + cos(-etaB) * (r - hFfP);
	double rB = sqrt(pow(xB, 2) + pow(yB, 2));
	double alphaB = acos(rb / rB);
	double lC = 0.5 * sP + hFfP * tan(alphaP) + rhofP * cos(alphaP);
	double etaC = lC / r;
	double xC = cos(-etaC) * 0.0 - sin(-etaC) * (r - hfP);
	double yC = sin(-etaC) * 0.0 + cos(-etaC) * (r - hfP);

	double deltaS = 0.5;

	double S = rb / 2 * (1 / pow(cos(alphaA), 2) - 1 / pow(cos(alphaB), 2));

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > RInvolutePoint;
	for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
		double Si = S - (i - 1) * deltaS;
		if (Si > 0)
			double alphai = acos(sqrt(1 / (2 * Si / rb + 1 / pow(cos(alphaB), 2))));
			NXOpen::Point3d OutputPoint3d = Involutecurve(alphai, rb);
			NXOpen::Point3d OutputPoint3d1 = Rotz(-omegaS, OutputPoint3d, Ms);
			NXOpen::Point* Opoint = pointcreat(OutputPoint3d1, GPart);
			double alphai = alphaB;
			NXOpen::Point3d OutputPoint3d = Involutecurve(alphai, rb);
			NXOpen::Point3d OutputPoint3d1 = Rotz(-omegaS, OutputPoint3d, Ms);
			NXOpen::Point* Opoint = pointcreat(OutputPoint3d1, GPart);

	double Xc0 = 0.5 * sP + hFfP * tan(alphaP) + rhofP * cos(alphaP);
	double Yc0 = r - (hfP - rhofP);
	double deltaA = 0.01;
	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > RTransitionpoint;
	for (int k = 1; k < 1000; k++)
		double thete = etaB - k * deltaA;
		if (thete > etaC)
			double phi = atan((r * thete - Xc0) / (r - Yc0));
			double Xc = (Yc0 * tan(thete) - (r * thete - Xc0)) * cos(thete);
			double Yc = -(r - Yc0 / cos(thete) + (Yc0 * tan(thete) - (r * thete - Xc0)) * sin(thete));
			double alpha = PI + (PI / 2 - phi - thete);
			double Xf = Xc + rhofP * cos(alpha);
			double Yf = Yc + rhofP * sin(alpha);
			double xk = Xf;
			double yk = r + Yf;
			NXOpen::Point3d InputPoint3d = { xk, yk,0.0 };
			NXOpen::Point* Tpoint = pointcreat(InputPoint3d, GPart);

	double xD = rf * sin(beta);
	double yD = rf * cos(beta);
	double xM = (xC + xD) / 2;
	double yM = sqrt(pow(rf, 2) - pow(xM, 2));

	NXOpen::Point3d Cpoint3d = { xC,yC,0.0 };
	NXOpen::Point3d Dpoint3d = { xD,yD,0.0 };
	NXOpen::Point3d Mpoint3d = { xM,yM,0.0 };

	NXOpen::Point* Cpoint = pointcreat(Cpoint3d, GPart);
	NXOpen::Point* Dpoint = pointcreat(Dpoint3d, GPart);
	NXOpen::Point* Mpoint = pointcreat(Mpoint3d, GPart);

	RTransitionpoint[0] = RInvolutePoint.back();

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > RDedendumcirclepoint;

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > LInvolutePoint;
	LInvolutePoint = CreatSymmetricPoint(RInvolutePoint, GPart);

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > LTransitionpoint;
	LTransitionpoint = CreatSymmetricPoint(RTransitionpoint, GPart);

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > LDedendumcirclepoint;
	LDedendumcirclepoint = CreatSymmetricPoint(RDedendumcirclepoint, GPart);

	NXOpen::Point* Hpoint = pointcreat({ 0.0,ra,0.0 }, GPart);

	NXOpen::Point* Apoint = RInvolutePoint[0];
	NXOpen::Point3d Apoint3d = Apoint->Coordinates();
	NXOpen::Point* ApointR = pointcreat({ Apoint3d.X,Apoint3d.Y,Apoint3d.Z }, GPart);
	NXOpen::Point* ApointL = pointcreat({ -Apoint3d.X,Apoint3d.Y,Apoint3d.Z }, GPart);

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Addendumcirclepoint;
	char Twidth[256];
	sprintf(Twidth, "%f", ToothWidth);

	NXOpen::Features::Feature* nullNXOpen_Features_Feature(NULL);
	NXOpen::Body* nullNXOpen_Body(NULL);
	NXOpen::Features::ExtrudeBuilder* extrudeBuilder1;
	extrudeBuilder1 = GPart->Features()->CreateExtrudeBuilder(nullNXOpen_Features_Feature);

	NXOpen::Section* section1;
	section1 = GPart->Sections()->CreateSection(0.00095, 0.001, 0.05);

	std::vector<NXOpen::Body*> targetBodies1(1);
	targetBodies1[0] = nullNXOpen_Body;

	NXOpen::Point3d origin1;
	NXOpen::Vector3d vector1(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	NXOpen::Direction* direction1;
	direction1 = GPart->Directions()->CreateDirection(origin1, vector1, NXOpen::SmartObject::UpdateOptionWithinModeling);
	NXOpen::NXObject* nullNXOpen_NXObject(NULL);
	NXOpen::Point3d helpPoint1;
	for (int j = 0; j < z; j++)
		double thetaj = j * 2 * PI / z;
		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Arc1jpoint;
		Arc1jpoint = RotZPoint(RDedendumcirclepoint, thetaj,Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Arc1jnXObject = arccreatthreepoint(Arc1jpoint, GPart);

		tag_t Arc1jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Arc1jTag = Arc1jnXObject->Tag();
		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Spline2jpoint;
		Spline2jpoint = RotZPoint(RTransitionpoint, thetaj, Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Spline2jnXObject = splinecreatbypoint(Spline2jpoint, GPart);
		tag_t Spline2jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Spline2jTag = Spline2jnXObject->Tag();

		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Spline3jpoint;
		Spline3jpoint = RotZPoint(RInvolutePoint, thetaj,Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Spline3jnXObject = splinecreatbypoint(Spline3jpoint, GPart);
		tag_t Spline3jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Spline3jTag = Spline3jnXObject->Tag();

		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Arc4jpoint;
		Arc4jpoint = RotZPoint(Addendumcirclepoint, thetaj,Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Arc4jnXObject = arccreatthreepoint(Arc4jpoint, GPart);
		tag_t Arc4jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Arc4jTag = Arc4jnXObject->Tag();

		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Spline5jpoint;
		Spline5jpoint = RotZPoint(LInvolutePoint, thetaj,Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Spline5jnXObject = splinecreatbypoint(Spline5jpoint, GPart);
		tag_t Spline5jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Spline5jTag = Spline5jnXObject->Tag();

		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Spline6jpoint;
		Spline6jpoint = RotZPoint(LTransitionpoint, thetaj,Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Spline6jnXObject = splinecreatbypoint(Spline6jpoint, GPart);
		tag_t Spline6jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Spline6jTag = Spline6jnXObject->Tag();

		std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Arc7jpoint;
		Arc7jpoint = RotZPoint(LDedendumcirclepoint, thetaj,Ms, GPart);
		NXObject* Arc7jnXObject = arccreatthreepoint(Arc7jpoint, GPart);
		tag_t Arc7jTag = NULL_TAG;
		Arc7jTag = Arc7jnXObject->Tag();

		addarctosection(Arc1jnXObject, section1, Arc1jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);
		addsplinetosection(Spline2jnXObject, section1, Spline2jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);
		addsplinetosection(Spline3jnXObject, section1, Spline3jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);
		addarctosection(Arc4jnXObject, section1, Arc4jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);
		addsplinetosection(Spline5jnXObject, section1, Spline5jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);
		addsplinetosection(Spline6jnXObject, section1, Spline6jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);
		addarctosection(Arc7jnXObject, section1, Arc7jTag, helpPoint1, GPart);

	NXOpen::Point* HalfholepointS= pointcreat({ Holediameter / 2,0.0,0.0}, GPart);
	NXOpen::Point* HalfholepointE = pointcreat({ -Holediameter / 2, 0.0,0.0 }, GPart);
	NXOpen::Point* HalfholepointM1 =pointcreat({0.0, Holediameter / 2,0.0 }, GPart);
	NXOpen::Point* HalfholepointM2 = pointcreat({ 0.0,-Holediameter / 2,0.0 }, GPart);

	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Halfhole1point;
	NXOpen::NXObject* HolenXObject1 = arccreatthreepoint(Halfhole1point, GPart);
	tag_t HoleTag1 = NULL_TAG;
	HoleTag1 = HolenXObject1->Tag();
	addarctosection(HolenXObject1, section1, HoleTag1, helpPoint1, GPart);
	std::vector<NXOpen::Point* > Halfhole2point;

	NXOpen::NXObject* HolenXObject2 = arccreatthreepoint(Halfhole2point, GPart);
	tag_t HoleTag2 = NULL_TAG;
	HoleTag2 = HolenXObject2->Tag();
	addarctosection(HolenXObject2, section1, HoleTag2, helpPoint1, GPart);
	NXOpen::Features::Feature* feature1;
	feature1 = extrudeBuilder1->CommitFeature();
	// TODO: add your code here

// Entry point(s) for unmanaged internal NXOpen C/C++ programs
//  Explicit Execution
extern "C" DllExport void ufusr( char *parm, int *returnCode, int rlen )
		// Create NXOpen C++ class instance
		MyClass *theMyClass;
		theMyClass = new MyClass();
		delete theMyClass;
    catch (const NXException& e1)
		UI::GetUI()->NXMessageBox()->Show("NXException", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, e1.Message());
	catch (const exception& e2)
		UI::GetUI()->NXMessageBox()->Show("Exception", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, e2.what());
	catch (...)
		UI::GetUI()->NXMessageBox()->Show("Exception", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, "Unknown Exception.");

// Unload Handler
extern "C" DllExport int ufusr_ask_unload()
	// Unloads the image when the application completes
	return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionImmediately;	