【Microsoft® PowerPoint for Mac】MAC一键导出PPT备注


  • 1.搜索自动操作
  • 2.点击快速操作
  • 3.搜索并运行`AppleScript`
  • [4.输入代码,并选择只应用于Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac【右上角】](#4.输入代码,并选择只应用于Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac【右上角】)
  • [5. CRTL+S保存为"将备注导出为txt",PPT中应用。](#5. CRTL+S保存为“将备注导出为txt”,PPT中应用。)






4.输入代码,并选择只应用于Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac【右上角】

on pptGetAllNote(page_from as integer, page_to as integer)
   set delimit to "--------------------------"
   tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
      set counter to 0
      set total_text to ""
      repeat with slideNumber from page_from to page_to
         set page_text to "(Page " & (slideNumber as text) & ")
         tell slide slideNumber of active presentation
               set page_note to content of text range of text frame of place holder 2 of notes page
            on error
               set page_note to "(Error)"
               set counter to counter + 1
            end try
            set page_text to (page_text & page_note & "
" & delimit & "
            set total_text to total_text & page_text & "
         end tell
      end repeat
   end tell
   return total_text
end pptGetAllNote

on validateInt(str_number as text)
      set N to str_number as integer
      return {0, N}
   on error number errorNumber
      return {-1, -1}
   end try
end validateInt

on validateInput(page_from_to as text, num_slides as integer)
   set {flag, page_from, page_to} to {-1, -1, -1}
   set oldDelims to my text item delimiters -- save the current delimiters
   set my text item delimiters to {"-", "~", "~"} -- the character to split on
   set num to (count of text items of page_from_to)
   if num = 1 then
      # single page
      set {flag1, page_from} to my validateInt(first text item of page_from_to)
      if flag1 = 0 and page_from > 0 and page_from ≤ num_slides then set {flag, page_to} to {0, page_from}
   else if num = 2 then
      # multiple pages
      set {flag1, page_from} to my validateInt(first text item of page_from_to)
      set {flag2, page_to} to my validateInt(second text item of page_from_to)
      if flag1 = 0 and flag2 = 0 and page_from > 0 and page_from ≤ num_slides and page_from ≤ page_to and page_to > 0 and page_to ≤ num_slides then set flag to 0
   end if
   set my text item delimiters to oldDelims -- just to be safe, restore the old delimiters
   return {flag, page_from, page_to}
end validateInput

on run {input, parameters}
   set userLocale to user locale of (system info)
   tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint" -- version: 2019
      set ppt_name to name of active presentation
      set num_slides to count of slides of active presentation
      set cur_page to slide number of slide of view of active window
      if cur_page is missing value then
         set tips to ""
         set tips to "
   [当前页码为 " & cur_page & "]"
      end if
      if num_slides = 1 then
         set default_ans to "1"
         set default_ans to "1-" & (num_slides as text)
      end if
      set page_from_to to the text returned of (display dialog "请输入要处理的 PPT 页码范围" & tips & ":" default answer default_ans with title "提取 PPT 文本框内容" with icon note)
      set {flag, page_from, page_to} to my validateInput(page_from_to, num_slides)
      repeat while flag ≠ 0
         set page_from_to to the text returned of (display dialog "请输入要处理的 PPT 页码范围
[请确保页码范围有效]:" default answer default_ans with title "提取 PPT 文本框内容" with icon caution)
         set {flag, page_from, page_to} to my validateInput(page_from_to, num_slides)
      end repeat
   end tell
   set content_to_write to pptGetAllNote(page_from, page_to)
   set filename to POSIX path of (((path to desktop folder) as text) & ppt_name & ".txt")
   tell application "TextEdit"
      set newDoc to (make new document with properties {text:(content_to_write as Unicode text)})
   end tell
   do shell script "cat > " & filename & " << 'EOF'
" & content_to_write as Unicode text & "
   set file_path to filename as POSIX file
   tell application "Finder" to open file file_path
end run

5. CRTL+S保存为"将备注导出为txt",PPT中应用。




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