
On the one hand

创建永久卷(Persistent Volume Claim,PVC)时需要考虑以下几个因素:

  1. 存储类别(Storage Class):选择适合需求的存储类别是创建 PVC 的第一步。存储类别定义了永久卷的属性,包括存储容量、访问模式和持久化策略等。根据应用程序的需求和集群环境的支持情况,选择合适的存储类别。
  2. 存储容量:根据应用程序的需求,确定永久卷的存储容量。存储容量取决于应用程序处理的数据量以及所需的持久化存储。根据预估的数据量,选择合适的存储容量。
  3. 访问模式:确定永久卷的访问模式是非常重要的。访问模式决定了多个 Pod 如何访问同一个 PVC。常见的访问模式包括:
    • ReadWriteOnce(读写一致):一个 Pod 可以以读写的方式挂载 PVC。这种模式适用于单个 Pod 需要对数据进行读写的情况。
    • ReadOnlyMany(只读多次):多个 Pod 可以以只读的方式挂载 PVC。这种模式适用于多个 Pod 只需要读取数据而无需写入的情况。
    • ReadWriteMany(读写多次):多个 Pod 可以以读写的方式挂载 PVC。这种模式适用于多个 Pod 需要对数据进行读写的情况。
  4. PVC 名称:为 PVC 指定一个唯一的名称以在集群内进行标识。名称应具有描述性,可根据自己的需求进行命名,确保名称的唯一性。
  5. PVC 的标签和注释(可选):可以为 PVC 添加标签和注释,以更好地组织和管理 PVC。标签和注释可以根据需求来定义,以便更好地对 PVC 进行分类和跟踪。
  6. 存储配额(可选):可以为 PVC 设置存储配额,限制 PVC 的存储容量。通过设置存储配额,可以确保 PVC 不会超出所分配的存储容量。

On the other hand

When creating a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), you need to consider the following additional factors:

  1. Storage Class: You need to choose an appropriate storage class that suits your requirements. The storage class defines the properties of the persistent volume, such as storage capacity, access modes, and persistence policies. Select the appropriate storage class based on your needs.
  2. Storage Capacity: Specify the storage capacity of the PVC. Choose the storage size according to the requirements of your application.
  3. Access Modes: Determine the access modes for the PVC. The access mode defines how multiple Pods can access the same PVC. Common access modes include ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, and ReadWriteMany.
  4. PVC Name: Provide a unique name for the PVC. This name is used to identify the PVC within the cluster.
  5. Labels and Annotations for PVC (optional): You can add labels and annotations to the PVC for better organization and management. Labels and annotations can be used to categorize and track PVCs based on your requirements.
  6. Storage Quotas (optional): You can set storage quotas for the PVC to limit the storage capacity. Setting storage quotas ensures that the PVC does not exceed the allocated storage capacity.

These are some additional considerations when creating a PVC. Configure them according to your specific requirements and environment.


The withReadOnly option is not set in the code provided. Therefore, the default value of withReadOnly option is null.

When withReadOnly option is set to true, it specifies that the volume will be mounted in read-only mode. When it is set to false, the volume will be mounted in read-write mode. If it is set to null, Kubernetes will default to read-write mode.

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