你是否希望使用 SSL/TLS 证书来保护你的 Elasticsearch 部署? 在本文中,我们将指导你完成为 Elasticsearch 创建 PEM 和 P12 证书的过程。 这些证书在建立安全连接和确保 Elasticsearch 集群的完整性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
方法一:创建 P12 证书
如果你还没有安装好自己的 Elasticsearch 的话,请参考之前的文章 "如何在 Linux,MacOS 及 Windows 上进行安装 Elasticsearch"。在安装完 Elasticsearch 后,我们进行如下的步骤:
创建 CA 证书
./bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca
1. $ pwd
2. /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.9.0
3. $ ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca
4. This tool assists you in the generation of X.509 certificates and certificate
5. signing requests for use with SSL/TLS in the Elastic stack.
7. The 'ca' mode generates a new 'certificate authority'
8. This will create a new X.509 certificate and private key that can be used
9. to sign certificate when running in 'cert' mode.
11. Use the 'ca-dn' option if you wish to configure the 'distinguished name'
12. of the certificate authority
14. By default the 'ca' mode produces a single PKCS#12 output file which holds:
15. * The CA certificate
16. * The CA's private key
18. If you elect to generate PEM format certificates (the -pem option), then the output will
19. be a zip file containing individual files for the CA certificate and private key
21. Please enter the desired output file [elastic-stack-ca.p12]:
22. Enter password for elastic-stack-ca.p12 :
23. $ ls
24. LICENSE.txt bin elastic-stack-ca.p12 logs
25. NOTICE.txt config jdk.app modules
26. README.asciidoc data lib plugins
从上面的的输出中,我们可以看到多了一个叫做 elastic-stack-ca.p12 的文件。生成的过程中,我们可以使用自己喜欢的 password 来加密这个证书。
默认情况下,"ca" 模式生成一个 PKCS#12 输出文件,其中包含:
- CA 证书
- CA 的私钥
1. $ keytool -keystore elastic-stack-ca.p12 -list
2. Enter keystore password:
3. Keystore type: PKCS12
4. Keystore provider: SUN
6. Your keystore contains 1 entry
8. ca, Aug 8, 2023, PrivateKeyEntry,
9. Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 8C:32:23:AB:22:8A:51:96:D8:6D:8C:A1:32:E8:E5:DC:A1:97:A4:59:F3:55:18:EC:A1:E0:EB:96:74:61:D5:81
openssl pkcs12 -info -nodes -in elastic-stack-ca.p12
1. $ openssl pkcs12 -info -nodes -in elastic-stack-ca.p12
2. Enter Import Password:
3. MAC: sha256, Iteration 10000
4. MAC length: 32, salt length: 20
5. PKCS7 Data
6. Shrouded Keybag: PBES2, PBKDF2, AES-256-CBC, Iteration 10000, PRF hmacWithSHA256
7. Bag Attributes
8. friendlyName: ca
9. localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 36 39 31 34 36 36 33 36 31 33 35 34
10. Key Attributes: <No Attributes>
11. -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
13. 9SoCPoV9PU5DbTYPDVCFWXNoshsntgkrrhtOqP5a7vAXGT3uVvvN6kEQSVz5jtV5
14. nZtuTI/xbMDyM76JwZwfD8ncwiuNnfeqGGkHAFMDDSuj2b+dgmiUgadcX1LM1mtj
15. D8r7ayWJLzVoqZGW5OohUtSE5nbirRHWYg0z7pAFE9eVKXGonJwdr2ps5KIaQeAw
16. 4XwRxsOrfNnI6qOia9LPSuoYhiHHvFGQLg/SApDga3DWWcCvC1Y7G6ThkSmBHJN5
17. 343j9WTyG1zfeKbxX5Y6Kc95CIe5ddafP9YziNBLYfOW3vyRtykw8KCYy6Tv+X6B
18. 7TGcEcgfAgMBAAECggEAB1/U4vmcrSbKNBxyP0lQBu3pyc0TpHq+w9hCLM2DgMKa
19. mIYahkvY/QRaRpVxalMQl5FJTcik0n1uZYmPTreeK7xluHLSiQlL/pkgm9Q9SPQy
20. Oyd0y+w5Ta1KtkIl9LLWSws7xQVQLr3nqHCGzjB23EjJkYEHl9+LQqWTRQ/Wx4WU
21. 2q9+SY5Er5nc3XPlzZYif2j61Yl1w97sjFibgVola6Ad0dJ4ALF8EGy9WChQ66NJ
22. ajoRaN2LMImQZHF2Zt1tM/MwI3czC+3O7tPZOlNZ0UKGeYEUQ/snsvjNhKq4MrwC
23. tOdFF+opQ2lP6jOrA/b83V9tHQehhj80MxWbGrk2QQKBgQDs33DrNGw4ZspDRi70
24. 5HGoofebZ6uUzffAMRgRp0HTJYnVABLw7FmAwT0LUJdfj0MN8K1FUdKMMxCVRg90
25. cMDO061gzzfOIpDcAhbzilNXC1DXsE710rk8QMZ7iFY0E9D5CfsOBAljDdKgRzzT
26. +2hOJ/efbA0s99UKPeDyZ64d2QKBgQDqGN0x2VpXIOLn0srAJx+mwPyrHhBgrGfR
27. DWwsyMfnJBv5dKOJOhPLRdyPX0k7HLrFyj6Pmki0B/TF8kq0qW3Epy3pWti/VgDJ
28. YrhZkqjUjhVb4C7/BNTs3kCqyaiucXvaofvymAoTqEpglZ/oYHkqwit6jz18teD7
29. 2ep+IlzCtwKBgQC/MPMRxfR76evkNSf9ns5m0KTtGNaTe1Q4GuhUh25IIYqJFFA1
30. inALzu2YzmoARcBX5iXVR9/sLeN6uVwMHl5iEtVkyJ1AkwHdswoXdVUjcwzDq5lw
31. LbA6BAaw+zCpRD1uZjHv9C4nd6bEm/trFwfv3a6vTSWtYDTi2WNSBYGysQKBgQDT
32. fXMYvgzn+kYEumOCBdaKiH+8+IRDUn7YVxALxbkUEYNUcxPrvhRz6MHCpYs7ZFE4
33. r+alRfW48BcrXiIv5YHN0FuiHvkCo2hCiHWUNvNgVJznTDopGuxissgpg9ZpAw2q
34. D/3WxZUU/U10xLia782H27P8HbynFooT/mPjYJf9MQKBgQCqm5fYBhZxTQ5FAZe4
35. gTdiShx81Nr8cUbTBpVGfK/ADCc+G+67fAK7EYgg2LxcKpHkuy/NNUkcnFYKjvAX
36. FhLkSA8N/fXsLYi3JgbvFoaKAsb003TcV7/rPM+0Oqcrxy4feJM/2QeYIqpPVtlV
37. kjUYJSAaHIGiK6OlbBuBWIRzzA==
38. -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
39. PKCS7 Encrypted data: PBES2, PBKDF2, AES-256-CBC, Iteration 10000, PRF hmacWithSHA256
40. Certificate bag
41. Bag Attributes
42. friendlyName: ca
43. localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 36 39 31 34 36 36 33 36 31 33 35 34
44. subject=CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
45. issuer=CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
50. A1UEAxMpRWxhc3RpYyBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBUb29sIEF1dG9nZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ0Ew
52. PU5DbTYPDVCFWXNoshsntgkrrhtOqP5a7vAXGT3uVvvN6kEQSVz5jtV5nZtuTI/x
53. bMDyM76JwZwfD8ncwiuNnfeqGGkHAFMDDSuj2b+dgmiUgadcX1LM1mtjD8r7ayWJ
54. LzVoqZGW5OohUtSE5nbirRHWYg0z7pAFE9eVKXGonJwdr2ps5KIaQeAw4XwRxsOr
55. fNnI6qOia9LPSuoYhiHHvFGQLg/SApDga3DWWcCvC1Y7G6ThkSmBHJN5343j9WTy
56. G1zfeKbxX5Y6Kc95CIe5ddafP9YziNBLYfOW3vyRtykw8KCYy6Tv+X6B7TGcEcgf
60. JWOdJSDEJCGD+N2pse1F46/nfWY1sJRS1/iM5CxKIiYna4HULOzCYhxsk4WK5kZx
61. wZ5TNx9WW/+rBYiltjwR48DpVQbEAUCtR47LxW/KSqqr2THRXG2Ni/6jFns498nV
62. IrGOUVLPW7bEpMTWUMmnCxIjgpqY7wO+7ePgu1/zSLghxMQlTgMw4sSskiGDeboz
63. SKxh27ttk9sStyvDhEUW+eir+peUdY/xoezVViAM7T5UtlT1iQzhZ1JCWbJtQhfV
64. 8Y8wBF2UUo+ZF4SkQ2Pkwodhz4BbHCw9dH1Q+AnW
65. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-stack-ca.p12 -nodes -nokeys -clcerts | openssl x509 -enddate -noout
1. $ openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-stack-ca.p12 -nodes -nokeys -clcerts | openssl x509 -enddate -noout
2. Enter Import Password:
3. notAfter=Aug 7 03:45:29 2026 GMT
./bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12
1. $ ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12
2. This tool assists you in the generation of X.509 certificates and certificate
3. signing requests for use with SSL/TLS in the Elastic stack.
5. The 'cert' mode generates X.509 certificate and private keys.
6. * By default, this generates a single certificate and key for use
7. on a single instance.
8. * The '-multiple' option will prompt you to enter details for multiple
9. instances and will generate a certificate and key for each one
10. * The '-in' option allows for the certificate generation to be automated by describing
11. the details of each instance in a YAML file
13. * An instance is any piece of the Elastic Stack that requires an SSL certificate.
14. Depending on your configuration, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats
15. may all require a certificate and private key.
16. * The minimum required value for each instance is a name. This can simply be the
17. hostname, which will be used as the Common Name of the certificate. A full
18. distinguished name may also be used.
19. * A filename value may be required for each instance. This is necessary when the
20. name would result in an invalid file or directory name. The name provided here
21. is used as the directory name (within the zip) and the prefix for the key and
22. certificate files. The filename is required if you are prompted and the name
23. is not displayed in the prompt.
24. * IP addresses and DNS names are optional. Multiple values can be specified as a
25. comma separated string. If no IP addresses or DNS names are provided, you may
26. disable hostname verification in your SSL configuration.
29. * All certificates generated by this tool will be signed by a certificate authority (CA)
30. unless the --self-signed command line option is specified.
31. The tool can automatically generate a new CA for you, or you can provide your own with
32. the --ca or --ca-cert command line options.
35. By default the 'cert' mode produces a single PKCS#12 output file which holds:
36. * The instance certificate
37. * The private key for the instance certificate
38. * The CA certificate
40. If you specify any of the following options:
41. * -pem (PEM formatted output)
42. * -multiple (generate multiple certificates)
43. * -in (generate certificates from an input file)
44. then the output will be be a zip file containing individual certificate/key files
46. Enter password for CA (elastic-stack-ca.p12) :
47. Please enter the desired output file [elastic-certificates.p12]:
48. Enter password for elastic-certificates.p12 :
50. Certificates written to /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.9.0/elastic-certificates.p12
52. This file should be properly secured as it contains the private key for
53. your instance.
54. This file is a self contained file and can be copied and used 'as is'
55. For each Elastic product that you wish to configure, you should copy
56. this '.p12' file to the relevant configuration directory
57. and then follow the SSL configuration instructions in the product guide.
59. For client applications, you may only need to copy the CA certificate and
60. configure the client to trust this certificate.
61. $ ls
62. LICENSE.txt data logs
63. NOTICE.txt elastic-certificates.p12 modules
64. README.asciidoc elastic-stack-ca.p12 plugins
65. bin jdk.app
66. config lib
在运行上面的命令时,我们需要输入在上一步定义的 password。在输出中,我们可以看到一个新生成的 elastic-certificates.p12 文件。默认情况下,"cert" 模式生成一个 PKCS#12 输出文件,其中包含:
- 实例证书
- 实例证书的私钥
- CA 证书
1. $ keytool -keystore elastic-certificates.p12 -list
2. Enter keystore password:
3. Keystore type: PKCS12
4. Keystore provider: SUN
6. Your keystore contains 2 entries
8. ca, Aug 8, 2023, trustedCertEntry,
9. Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 8C:32:23:AB:22:8A:51:96:D8:6D:8C:A1:32:E8:E5:DC:A1:97:A4:59:F3:55:18:EC:A1:E0:EB:96:74:61:D5:81
10. instance, Aug 8, 2023, PrivateKeyEntry,
11. Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 98:45:D7:F2:B2:AC:0B:A0:2C:EF:14:FB:70:54:1B:00:24:02:CB:D5:48:57:2C:8A:47:92:F9:F3:0A:0E:1D:78
openssl pkcs12 -info -nodes -in elastic-stack-ca.p12
1. $ openssl pkcs12 -info -nodes -in elastic-stack-ca.p12
2. Enter Import Password:
3. MAC: sha256, Iteration 10000
4. MAC length: 32, salt length: 20
5. PKCS7 Data
6. Shrouded Keybag: PBES2, PBKDF2, AES-256-CBC, Iteration 10000, PRF hmacWithSHA256
7. Bag Attributes
8. friendlyName: ca
9. localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 36 39 31 34 36 36 33 36 31 33 35 34
10. Key Attributes: <No Attributes>
11. -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
13. 9SoCPoV9PU5DbTYPDVCFWXNoshsntgkrrhtOqP5a7vAXGT3uVvvN6kEQSVz5jtV5
14. nZtuTI/xbMDyM76JwZwfD8ncwiuNnfeqGGkHAFMDDSuj2b+dgmiUgadcX1LM1mtj
15. D8r7ayWJLzVoqZGW5OohUtSE5nbirRHWYg0z7pAFE9eVKXGonJwdr2ps5KIaQeAw
16. 4XwRxsOrfNnI6qOia9LPSuoYhiHHvFGQLg/SApDga3DWWcCvC1Y7G6ThkSmBHJN5
17. 343j9WTyG1zfeKbxX5Y6Kc95CIe5ddafP9YziNBLYfOW3vyRtykw8KCYy6Tv+X6B
18. 7TGcEcgfAgMBAAECggEAB1/U4vmcrSbKNBxyP0lQBu3pyc0TpHq+w9hCLM2DgMKa
19. mIYahkvY/QRaRpVxalMQl5FJTcik0n1uZYmPTreeK7xluHLSiQlL/pkgm9Q9SPQy
20. Oyd0y+w5Ta1KtkIl9LLWSws7xQVQLr3nqHCGzjB23EjJkYEHl9+LQqWTRQ/Wx4WU
21. 2q9+SY5Er5nc3XPlzZYif2j61Yl1w97sjFibgVola6Ad0dJ4ALF8EGy9WChQ66NJ
22. ajoRaN2LMImQZHF2Zt1tM/MwI3czC+3O7tPZOlNZ0UKGeYEUQ/snsvjNhKq4MrwC
23. tOdFF+opQ2lP6jOrA/b83V9tHQehhj80MxWbGrk2QQKBgQDs33DrNGw4ZspDRi70
24. 5HGoofebZ6uUzffAMRgRp0HTJYnVABLw7FmAwT0LUJdfj0MN8K1FUdKMMxCVRg90
25. cMDO061gzzfOIpDcAhbzilNXC1DXsE710rk8QMZ7iFY0E9D5CfsOBAljDdKgRzzT
26. +2hOJ/efbA0s99UKPeDyZ64d2QKBgQDqGN0x2VpXIOLn0srAJx+mwPyrHhBgrGfR
27. DWwsyMfnJBv5dKOJOhPLRdyPX0k7HLrFyj6Pmki0B/TF8kq0qW3Epy3pWti/VgDJ
28. YrhZkqjUjhVb4C7/BNTs3kCqyaiucXvaofvymAoTqEpglZ/oYHkqwit6jz18teD7
29. 2ep+IlzCtwKBgQC/MPMRxfR76evkNSf9ns5m0KTtGNaTe1Q4GuhUh25IIYqJFFA1
30. inALzu2YzmoARcBX5iXVR9/sLeN6uVwMHl5iEtVkyJ1AkwHdswoXdVUjcwzDq5lw
31. LbA6BAaw+zCpRD1uZjHv9C4nd6bEm/trFwfv3a6vTSWtYDTi2WNSBYGysQKBgQDT
32. fXMYvgzn+kYEumOCBdaKiH+8+IRDUn7YVxALxbkUEYNUcxPrvhRz6MHCpYs7ZFE4
33. r+alRfW48BcrXiIv5YHN0FuiHvkCo2hCiHWUNvNgVJznTDopGuxissgpg9ZpAw2q
34. D/3WxZUU/U10xLia782H27P8HbynFooT/mPjYJf9MQKBgQCqm5fYBhZxTQ5FAZe4
35. gTdiShx81Nr8cUbTBpVGfK/ADCc+G+67fAK7EYgg2LxcKpHkuy/NNUkcnFYKjvAX
36. FhLkSA8N/fXsLYi3JgbvFoaKAsb003TcV7/rPM+0Oqcrxy4feJM/2QeYIqpPVtlV
37. kjUYJSAaHIGiK6OlbBuBWIRzzA==
38. -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
39. PKCS7 Encrypted data: PBES2, PBKDF2, AES-256-CBC, Iteration 10000, PRF hmacWithSHA256
40. Certificate bag
41. Bag Attributes
42. friendlyName: ca
43. localKeyID: 54 69 6D 65 20 31 36 39 31 34 36 36 33 36 31 33 35 34
44. subject=CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
45. issuer=CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
50. A1UEAxMpRWxhc3RpYyBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBUb29sIEF1dG9nZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ0Ew
52. PU5DbTYPDVCFWXNoshsntgkrrhtOqP5a7vAXGT3uVvvN6kEQSVz5jtV5nZtuTI/x
53. bMDyM76JwZwfD8ncwiuNnfeqGGkHAFMDDSuj2b+dgmiUgadcX1LM1mtjD8r7ayWJ
54. LzVoqZGW5OohUtSE5nbirRHWYg0z7pAFE9eVKXGonJwdr2ps5KIaQeAw4XwRxsOr
55. fNnI6qOia9LPSuoYhiHHvFGQLg/SApDga3DWWcCvC1Y7G6ThkSmBHJN5343j9WTy
56. G1zfeKbxX5Y6Kc95CIe5ddafP9YziNBLYfOW3vyRtykw8KCYy6Tv+X6B7TGcEcgf
60. JWOdJSDEJCGD+N2pse1F46/nfWY1sJRS1/iM5CxKIiYna4HULOzCYhxsk4WK5kZx
61. wZ5TNx9WW/+rBYiltjwR48DpVQbEAUCtR47LxW/KSqqr2THRXG2Ni/6jFns498nV
62. IrGOUVLPW7bEpMTWUMmnCxIjgpqY7wO+7ePgu1/zSLghxMQlTgMw4sSskiGDeboz
63. SKxh27ttk9sStyvDhEUW+eir+peUdY/xoezVViAM7T5UtlT1iQzhZ1JCWbJtQhfV
64. 8Y8wBF2UUo+ZF4SkQ2Pkwodhz4BbHCw9dH1Q+AnW
65. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-certificates.p12 -nodes -nokeys -clcerts | openssl x509 -enddate -noout
1. $ openssl pkcs12 -in elastic-certificates.p12 -nodes -nokeys -clcerts | openssl x509 -enddate -noout
2. Enter Import Password:
3. notAfter=Aug 7 03:52:51 2026 GMT
我们可以使用如上的证书来配置 Elasticsearch:
#elasticsearch.yml example
1. xpack.security.enabled: true
2. xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
3. xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
4. xpack.security.transport.ssl.client_authentication: required
5. xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
6. xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
7. xpack.security.transport.http.enabled: true
8. xpack.security.transport.http.verification_mode: certificate
9. xpack.security.transport.http.client_authentication: required
10. xpack.security.transport.http.keystore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
11. xpack.security.transport.http.truststore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
更多参考 "Elasticsearch:使用不同的 CA 更新安全证书 (一)(二)"
方法二:创建 pem 和 key 证书
生成 CA 证书
./bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca --pem
1. $ pwd
2. /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.9.0
3. $ ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca --pem
4. This tool assists you in the generation of X.509 certificates and certificate
5. signing requests for use with SSL/TLS in the Elastic stack.
7. The 'ca' mode generates a new 'certificate authority'
8. This will create a new X.509 certificate and private key that can be used
9. to sign certificate when running in 'cert' mode.
11. Use the 'ca-dn' option if you wish to configure the 'distinguished name'
12. of the certificate authority
14. By default the 'ca' mode produces a single PKCS#12 output file which holds:
15. * The CA certificate
16. * The CA's private key
18. If you elect to generate PEM format certificates (the -pem option), then the output will
19. be a zip file containing individual files for the CA certificate and private key
21. Please enter the desired output file [elastic-stack-ca.zip]:
22. $ ls
23. LICENSE.txt bin elastic-stack-ca.zip logs
24. NOTICE.txt config jdk.app modules
25. README.asciidoc data lib plugins
从上面的输出中,我们可以看到一个叫做 elastic-stack-ca.zip 的文件被生成了。我们可以通过如下的命令来进行解压缩:
unzip elastic-stack-ca.zip
1. $ unzip elastic-stack-ca.zip
2. Archive: elastic-stack-ca.zip
3. creating: ca/
4. inflating: ca/ca.crt
5. inflating: ca/ca.key
6. $ tree ./ca -L 2
7. ./ca
8. ├── ca.crt
9. └── ca.key
./bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert -ca-cert ca/ca.crt -ca-key ca/ca.key --pem
1. $ pwd
2. /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.9.0
3. $ ls
4. LICENSE.txt ca jdk.app plugins
5. NOTICE.txt config lib
6. README.asciidoc data logs
7. bin elastic-stack-ca.zip modules
8. $ ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert -ca-cert ca/ca.crt -ca-key ca/ca.key --pem
9. This tool assists you in the generation of X.509 certificates and certificate
10. signing requests for use with SSL/TLS in the Elastic stack.
12. The 'cert' mode generates X.509 certificate and private keys.
13. * By default, this generates a single certificate and key for use
14. on a single instance.
15. * The '-multiple' option will prompt you to enter details for multiple
16. instances and will generate a certificate and key for each one
17. * The '-in' option allows for the certificate generation to be automated by describing
18. the details of each instance in a YAML file
20. * An instance is any piece of the Elastic Stack that requires an SSL certificate.
21. Depending on your configuration, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats
22. may all require a certificate and private key.
23. * The minimum required value for each instance is a name. This can simply be the
24. hostname, which will be used as the Common Name of the certificate. A full
25. distinguished name may also be used.
26. * A filename value may be required for each instance. This is necessary when the
27. name would result in an invalid file or directory name. The name provided here
28. is used as the directory name (within the zip) and the prefix for the key and
29. certificate files. The filename is required if you are prompted and the name
30. is not displayed in the prompt.
31. * IP addresses and DNS names are optional. Multiple values can be specified as a
32. comma separated string. If no IP addresses or DNS names are provided, you may
33. disable hostname verification in your SSL configuration.
36. * All certificates generated by this tool will be signed by a certificate authority (CA)
37. unless the --self-signed command line option is specified.
38. The tool can automatically generate a new CA for you, or you can provide your own with
39. the --ca or --ca-cert command line options.
42. By default the 'cert' mode produces a single PKCS#12 output file which holds:
43. * The instance certificate
44. * The private key for the instance certificate
45. * The CA certificate
47. If you specify any of the following options:
48. * -pem (PEM formatted output)
49. * -multiple (generate multiple certificates)
50. * -in (generate certificates from an input file)
51. then the output will be be a zip file containing individual certificate/key files
53. Please enter the desired output file [certificate-bundle.zip]:
55. Certificates written to /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.9.0/certificate-bundle.zip
57. This file should be properly secured as it contains the private key for
58. your instance.
59. After unzipping the file, there will be a directory for each instance.
60. Each instance has a certificate and private key.
61. For each Elastic product that you wish to configure, you should copy
62. the certificate, key, and CA certificate to the relevant configuration directory
63. and then follow the SSL configuration instructions in the product guide.
65. For client applications, you may only need to copy the CA certificate and
66. configure the client to trust this certificate.
67. $ ls
68. LICENSE.txt ca elastic-stack-ca.zip modules
69. NOTICE.txt certificate-bundle.zip jdk.app plugins
70. README.asciidoc config lib
71. bin data logs
我们发现一个新生成的 elastic-stack-ca.zip 文件。我们可以通过解压缩的方法来查看里面的文件:
unzip certificate-bundle.zip
1. $ unzip certificate-bundle.zip
2. Archive: certificate-bundle.zip
3. creating: instance/
4. inflating: instance/instance.crt
5. inflating: instance/instance.key
openssl x509 -in ca/ca.crt -text -noout
1. $ openssl x509 -in ca/ca.crt -text -noout
2. Certificate:
3. Data:
4. Version: 3 (0x2)
5. Serial Number:
6. a0:08:2b:4a:2e:42:27:1a:e9:b3:09:54:a4:f1:71:ed:6f:61:a6:45
7. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
8. Issuer: CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
9. Validity
10. Not Before: Aug 8 04:28:33 2023 GMT
11. Not After : Aug 7 04:28:33 2026 GMT
12. Subject: CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
13. Subject Public Key Info:
14. Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
15. Public-Key: (2048 bit)
16. Modulus:
17. 00:85:3c:66:37:4c:66:03:93:27:58:34:c9:c9:38:
18. 5c:12:e0:1a:85:b4:89:23:5f:ed:ad:2e:df:8d:0b:
19. 0a:0c:39:df:04:e2:43:34:03:92:c7:d0:4a:55:84:
20. 78:1f:d7:0d:48:38:17:e9:a7:3b:93:11:2a:a4:f3:
21. b5:67:bf:d3:89:99:ff:67:1c:40:3c:bf:bf:d5:9a:
22. 4d:3f:88:b4:76:5c:4f:c6:7e:a7:2b:92:53:f5:d8:
23. 60:1d:39:03:e1:4f:b4:a3:06:ef:60:dd:db:be:c3:
24. 25:4b:34:d1:42:a2:0c:c9:59:af:9c:90:6c:1f:8c:
25. 3b:8f:cc:55:6f:f2:83:83:d7:7a:89:fd:3b:c1:a7:
26. 91:53:b1:60:0f:2c:84:14:16:9d:7c:33:38:55:f0:
27. 85:ec:e7:cf:64:c2:2a:00:f4:9d:04:8e:af:e2:54:
28. f1:6d:3a:81:3b:0c:ad:cd:21:6d:fe:02:4b:66:c7:
29. d0:17:1f:4a:f7:ad:30:49:ab:5e:aa:df:0b:8d:2e:
30. 01:2d:c5:e6:30:95:60:0a:2b:06:59:21:7b:b9:6d:
31. 60:93:9c:1b:ba:49:09:73:26:49:9d:61:97:c9:f4:
32. 26:53:53:95:31:de:d4:c3:d3:cd:63:01:df:63:05:
33. fa:63:cf:6e:ed:e2:63:62:85:93:ea:7a:53:a7:b5:
34. 4d:8f
35. Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
36. X509v3 extensions:
37. X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
38. 16:E4:55:54:1F:49:64:FB:8D:39:4C:9A:A1:67:9C:44:D0:49:47:10
39. X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
40. 16:E4:55:54:1F:49:64:FB:8D:39:4C:9A:A1:67:9C:44:D0:49:47:10
41. X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
43. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
44. Signature Value:
45. 12:a5:62:41:8d:e3:8f:5e:e4:ff:ec:6a:24:ba:f0:7b:b7:9c:
46. 00:28:81:45:d0:83:6b:dd:48:02:f6:21:c9:3c:45:da:ec:d3:
47. 24:a6:37:eb:bf:57:65:bb:50:05:aa:2d:8c:e4:da:15:01:9d:
48. 72:7b:4a:d6:79:42:30:dd:2f:da:a8:3a:9a:48:e5:4c:73:ef:
49. ca:70:4f:b4:55:7e:a7:6e:43:3b:6a:e0:94:87:ec:a6:83:75:
50. 6c:c9:6a:a9:23:52:66:e8:59:c1:3b:0d:cf:2c:e0:33:01:e5:
51. 8a:81:a9:d7:3e:aa:68:c8:47:e2:c6:35:5d:49:b7:f8:3f:b4:
52. 5c:2d:d3:da:cd:67:f2:fc:4d:a5:45:0b:e8:c9:10:89:18:94:
53. 36:af:2e:c3:f2:1b:a6:80:06:55:32:ed:f2:83:a2:26:3a:58:
54. 7d:cd:51:fd:4f:e8:02:2f:66:63:6e:9d:36:c8:3f:32:8e:0d:
55. 67:cb:5f:7c:4c:62:73:a3:9b:ce:5e:ba:fb:92:81:64:b2:56:
56. 72:0d:69:3e:03:0c:7a:61:10:2c:2d:f5:d2:54:5f:de:42:b4:
57. 0c:4c:cb:65:99:e4:8a:fd:57:b0:ad:f8:23:00:35:fb:54:84:
58. 6d:32:b2:34:53:7a:99:40:b3:56:75:02:08:04:27:07:5e:4e:
59. 78:65:33:77
openssl x509 -in instance/instance.crt -text -noout
1. $ openssl x509 -in instance/instance.crt -text -noout
2. Certificate:
3. Data:
4. Version: 3 (0x2)
5. Serial Number:
6. ab:59:38:42:bc:5f:2d:0f:2b:22:e3:44:14:78:ed:5f:5e:73:fe:43
7. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
8. Issuer: CN = Elastic Certificate Tool Autogenerated CA
9. Validity
10. Not Before: Aug 8 04:32:58 2023 GMT
11. Not After : Aug 7 04:32:58 2026 GMT
12. Subject: CN = instance
13. Subject Public Key Info:
14. Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
15. Public-Key: (2048 bit)
16. Modulus:
17. 00:a2:e6:6e:74:ce:52:8a:d8:3b:6b:3f:23:cb:a6:
18. e9:5e:83:55:6c:e1:77:53:0e:e1:9e:fd:18:cc:43:
19. 57:a5:09:9c:e6:06:ab:89:cd:83:f6:4a:71:ab:1c:
20. f5:ed:74:26:15:67:52:27:d5:5c:b3:f3:c5:ba:ee:
21. 41:cb:45:10:a9:84:b7:87:88:de:6f:ec:db:62:36:
22. b8:6e:84:ca:9d:99:da:8f:73:3f:d6:54:5e:88:7f:
23. 1a:96:91:e6:e3:e6:17:c6:a8:df:d9:fa:b7:ad:de:
24. b1:d7:c6:dd:05:46:5f:2e:e1:c4:4f:f0:7d:95:7e:
25. d4:83:b6:b8:5a:7d:4e:51:b8:54:9b:76:09:6f:b6:
26. 14:57:86:c3:77:0f:26:19:f9:d9:12:68:b8:4c:d5:
27. 07:5c:2a:c5:7e:a2:53:b0:8b:bd:9c:d4:13:56:13:
28. ae:53:99:16:81:64:0c:9a:df:d1:9d:ff:f7:21:74:
29. 01:08:bf:22:91:09:bd:b9:f3:12:dc:51:4b:29:54:
30. b6:09:d4:47:f0:b5:22:48:b9:d6:22:ac:2e:9a:43:
31. 45:35:e4:8e:a0:c3:0a:88:97:a9:36:96:9d:a3:08:
32. df:fa:4c:51:05:2f:ef:80:51:56:02:0f:ee:5a:47:
33. 53:75:20:23:7a:c5:a8:4d:65:67:e9:46:f6:a0:24:
34. 0b:e7
35. Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
36. X509v3 extensions:
37. X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
38. AF:83:15:0D:DF:5E:7F:55:84:07:7E:C4:F9:F4:5C:69:65:98:10:1B
39. X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
40. 16:E4:55:54:1F:49:64:FB:8D:39:4C:9A:A1:67:9C:44:D0:49:47:10
41. X509v3 Basic Constraints:
43. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
44. Signature Value:
45. 20:8d:c2:d1:21:8e:82:9a:9c:7a:82:6c:d3:4e:c4:6b:cd:e5:
46. 99:ab:27:ee:0a:05:47:c1:d3:3e:b5:2a:29:07:a8:0c:79:f4:
47. b5:1f:23:f9:c9:3f:26:ba:c2:2b:2a:9f:2d:d8:78:dc:77:8c:
48. 6a:4c:17:39:84:35:bc:d8:0c:e0:5d:14:59:ae:7f:a4:f6:4d:
49. b9:ab:da:57:c7:ee:9c:48:ac:82:72:53:6b:1a:be:3f:1d:96:
50. f0:de:70:df:5d:7f:5f:aa:a2:ed:27:94:2d:80:be:6a:b1:a0:
51. b1:1a:56:25:67:b4:f6:d9:bb:80:fe:03:c8:07:76:9e:60:2e:
52. 60:3a:2f:f1:c9:83:83:4f:b2:ee:fe:ef:64:93:ac:5a:20:0d:
53. 18:cc:bc:3d:9c:9b:89:89:de:22:5b:1b:45:d1:66:c0:22:85:
54. 01:3b:98:b3:9b:f4:41:d9:45:56:a6:ea:bc:99:5f:71:e0:57:
55. a8:39:10:c9:41:ed:cf:68:49:82:8d:b9:fb:56:8e:19:be:05:
56. de:7e:bd:ed:88:6e:a7:0f:9c:b4:28:e8:bd:b5:12:d6:52:7f:
57. 1e:89:24:73:0d:39:61:32:66:e4:f6:99:78:86:e5:26:a5:c9:
58. 36:e3:66:a6:4f:97:76:c3:3d:cf:6d:17:47:d3:75:65:d4:a0:
59. 7a:88:16:aa
我们可以通过上面的证书来配置 Elasticsearch:
1. xpack.security.enabled: true
2. xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
3. xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
4. xpack.security.transport.ssl.client_authentication: required
5. xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: instance.key
6. xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: instance.crt
7. xpack.security.transport.http.enabled: true
8. xpack.security.transport.http.verification_mode: certificate
9. xpack.security.transport.http.client_authentication: required
10. xpack.security.transport.http.keystore.path: instance.key
11. xpack.security.transport.http.truststore.path: instance.crt