Nevron Vision for .NET 2023.1 Crack

Nevron Vision for .NET 2023.1

Adds support for .NET Core 7.0 to the WinForms and WPF chart controls included in the suite.

September 18, 2023 - 15:47 New Version

  • Added support for Microsoft .NET Core 7.0 - This new version supports .NET Core 7.0 to the WinForms and WPF chart controls included in the suite.
  • New Fast Bar, Line, and Point Series - This new version of the chart control includes three new series (Bar, Line, and Point) that allow you to display extensive data sets (millions of data points) in real-time. The new series utilizes the GPU to perform most of the calculations. All fast series are available in both 2D and 3D.

About Nevron Vision for .NET

Design your application with professional data visualization tools.

Nevron .NET Vision is a suite for creating powerful data presentation applications with data visualization capabilities. The Suite features Nevron Chart for .NET, Nevron Diagram for .NET and Nevron User Interface for .NET. The well designed object model, numerous features and quality presentation makes the visualization of complex data easy and comprehensible.

Nevron .NET Vision includes several components that will help you to create unique and powerful data presentation applications for the .NET framework. The suite features an advanced Charting, Diagramming and User Interface components for Windows Forms and ASP.NET.

  • Nevron Chart for .NET
  • Nevron Diagram for .NET
  • Nevron User Interface Suite for .NET

Nevron Chart for .NET features:

  • Single API for the development of Desktop and Web apps.
  • Unmatched hardware accelerated performance in 2D and 3D.
  • Complete set of 2D and 3D charting types (supports 170+ charting types).
  • Complete set of Gauges and KPIs.
  • Advanced chart axes model - categorical, linear, logarithmic, date time, timeline axes.
  • Built-in financial and statistical functions.
  • Non overlapping data and axis labels.
  • Resizable chart layout support with docking, anchoring, percentages etc.
  • Data Binding.
  • Interactivity - data zooming, data panning, axis scrolling, tooltips, hit testing etc.
  • Export to PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, SVG, EMF, Flash, PDF and XAML formats.
  • 400+ examples.

Supported Charting Types

  • Bar & Column - Clustered, Stacked, Stacked%, XYZ scatter stack and XYZ scatter cluster multi bar modes. Smooth edge and cut edge bar styles as well as the standard pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid and inverted cone styles. Support for cluster stack combinations.
  • Line, Smooth Line (Spline), Step Line - Line series can be displayed as simple lines, tape, tube or stretched ellipsoids. Overlapped, Stacked and Stacked% multi line modes are supported. XY Scatter mode.
    • Smooth line series - 2D Smooth line, 3D Smooth Line, XY Scatter Smooth Line, XYZ Scatter Smooth Line.
    • Step line series - 2D Step Line, 3D Step Line, DateTime Step Line.
  • Area, Smooth Area Series - Stacked and Stacked% multi area modes are supported. XY Scatter mode. Supports markers. Standard Smooth Area, XY Smooth Area and Date-Time Smooth Area.
  • Pie - Visualized as standard pies, torus segments or smooth edge pies. Rim, center or spider modes for pie data labels.
  • Point - Points can be visualized as bar, cylinder , cone , inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, ellipse, cross, diagonal cross or star shape. XY and XYZ scatter modes are supported.
  • Bubble - Bubbles can be visualized as bar, cylinder , cone , inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, ellipse, cross, diagonal cross or star shape. XY and XYZ scatter modes are supported.
  • Stock - Stick and candle styles are supported. Open High Low and Close High Low chart subtypes are also supported. XY Scatter mode (date time stocks).
  • Kagi - Kagi is a type of financial chart that illustrates the forces of supply and demand on a security. It is focused on price action and disregards the passage of time.
  • Renko - Renko is a type of financial chart that is very effective for traders to identify key support and resistance levels. It filters minor price movements and emphasizes on general trends.
  • Point and Figure - Point and Figure is a type of financial chart that is designed to filter non-significant price changes and to focus on the main price trends. Point and Figure charts are usually used for longer term price movements.
  • Three Line Break - Three Line Break is a price change financial chart that is similar in concept to Kagi, Renko and Point and Figure.
  • Float Bar (also called Gantt) - Smooth edge and cut edge bar styles as well as the standard pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid and inverted cone styles. Date Time float bar, Date Time Clustered Float Bar.
  • Radar - Contour and filled area styles. Supports markers. A special - elevated center feature.
  • Polar - Contour and filled area styles. Supports markers. Radian and degree label formatting.
  • High Low - High low area with built-in appearance logic. Supports markers. XY scatter mode is also supported (date time range chart).
  • Mesh Surface - Surface connecting the user specified X, Y, Z data points. The Mesh surface can be filled with an automatic or user defined palette. Smooth palette filling is supported. Several frame styles are supported including: Mesh, Contour, Dots, Mesh - Contour. The frame can be uniformly displayed or synchronized with the used palette. Flat mode is also supported (Mesh Contour chart).
  • Grid Surface - Surface connecting the regularly spaced data points (forming a grid). The Grid surface can be filled with an automatic or user defined palette. Smooth palette filling is supported. Several frame styles are supported including: Mesh, Contour, Dots, Mesh - Contour. The frame can be uniformly displayed or synchronized with the used palette. Flat mode is also supported (Grid Contour chart).
  • Triangulated Surface - This charting type can display a set of points with X, Y and Z coordinates as a 3D surface. In contrast to the Mesh Surface chart, the Triangulated Surface doesn't require the points to be ordered in a network. The control creates a triangular network automatically.
  • Shape - A versatile rendering series. The ultimate scatter plotter. Can display shapes with the following styles: Smooth edge, cut edge bar, pyramid, cylinder, ellipsoid, cone, inverted pyramid and inverted cone. The user controls the (X, Y, Z) position of the shape as well as its size along the X,Y and Z dimensions. Can also be used for complex composite object rendering.
  • Venn - 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. Venn set.
  • Error Bar - Y Error Bar, XY Error Bar, XYZ Error Bar
  • Funnel - Funnel charts are often used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. This type of chart can be useful also in identifying potential problem areas in an organization's sales processes. A funnel chart is similar to a stacked percent bar chart.
  • Box and Whiskers - Box and whiskers plots are very helpful in interpreting the distribution of data. Each box and whiskers item represents a set of values and displays statistical information for it like minimum, maximum and median values, upper and lower quartiles, outliers and optionally a mean value.
  • Line Studies - Line Studies are lines and various geometric figures that are plotted in price charts or in indicator charts. They are used as analytical instruments helping to define channels, support and resistance levels, trend changes and to forecast price dynamics. Line studies supported by Nevron Chart for .NET - Fibonacci Arcs, Fibonacci Fans, Fibonacci Retracements, Quadrant Lines, Speed Resistance Lines and Trendline.
  • Vector Charts - Vector charts display arrows in 2D or 3D space. A vector data item is defined by two points (begin - end) and is represented by a single arrow. An arrowhead is placed at the end point to indicate the vector direction.
  • Range Charts - The Range series can display 2D or 3D shapes defined by the begin / end values of their bounding boxes. It can be used for display of histograms, bars with custom sizes, 3D ranges etc.
  • Combo Charts - Combo Charts are used to combine certain series types within the same chart area. Series types are specified per values data groupings. There are many per series type options.
  • Custom Series - The Custom Series allows for painting of custom geometry within a 2D chart. It has the abilities of the chart's custom painting feature and at the same time behaves like the other series, allowing you to specify its depth order and axis ranges.
  • Tree Map - Tree maps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Tree maps allow you to easily see patterns that would be difficult to spot in other ways, such as if a certain color is particularly relevant. A second advantage of tree maps is that, by construction, they make efficient use of space. As a result, they can legibly display thousands of items on the screen simultaneously.
  • Heat Map - A Heat Map is a 2D representation of data where the individual values are contained in a matrix and are represented as colors, which are taken from an associated palette.

Supported Gauge Types (part of Chart for .NET Enterprise edition)

  • Circular / Radial Gauges - Radial gauge panels allow displaying virtually any circular gauge. Gauge features include multiple indicators, multiple gauge axes, intelligent gauge scale decorations and many more.
  • Linear Gauges - Linear gauge panels allow displaying virtually any linear gauge. Gauge features include multiple indicators, multiple gauge axes, intelligent gauge scale decorations and many more.
  • Numeric Display Panel - The Numeric Display Panel features various display styles, control over the decimal formatting, full control over the panel appearance and size and many others.
  • State Indicators - State indicators are used to represent a value as a visual state. For example the most common use for state indicators is found in car dashboards where usually a red led indicator is lit when the car will soon run out of fuel.

Chart Axes Features

  • Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes - Supports Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes. You can specify the X and Y axes on which each values data grouping (chart series) is scaled. Advanced settings allow you to make use of axis crossings, docking and percent positioning.
  • Depth Axis - In 3D charting, the axis model is extended with an additional depth (Z) axis. The Z axis allows data to be plotted along the depth of the chart. It automatically scales in Numeric or Categorical scale mode, allowing the creation of XYZ scatters and XZ-plane categorical plots.
  • Special Radar and Polar axes - The special Radar and Polar axes are exposed for Radar and Polar charting types, providing advanced settings for complex requirements related to these charting types.
  • Numeric Scale - The following subtypes are available:
    • Number scale - allows you to display any data in numeric format (profit, sales, percentages etc.).
    • Angular scale - allows you to display angular data in degrees and grads (used in polar charts).
    • DateTime scale - general date time scale suitable for the display of date time data.
    • ValueTimeline scale - advanced date time scale most commonly used in financial charts.
    • RangeTimeline scale - advanced date time scale most commonly used in financial and project management charts.
  • Categorical Scale - The following features are available for categorical scales:
    • Single row and grouped categorical labels.
    • Controllable grid style.
  • Advanced positioning options - The axes of the component can be docked to the chart sides (or polar rim) or crossed at value with some other axis. In addition axes can share parts of the chart plot.
  • Title - Control over the title text, appearance, position and angle.
  • Ruler - Control over the begin / end ruler caps as well as option to highlight scale breaks on the ruler.
  • Range - Control over the range displayed by the axis. Ability to inflate that range in several modes.
  • Gridlines - Control over the major and minor gridlines appearance.
  • Ticks - Control over the appearance and position of minor and major ticks.
  • Stripes - Ability to highlight repeating ranges of data on the chart walls, with controllable show / hide pattern.
  • Sections - Ability to conditionally modify the appearance of axis decorations (tick, gridlines and labels) if they fall in a specified range. This feature allows you to highlight important ranges of data on the axis.
  • Const Lines - Ability to show constant (reference) lines at specified value. In 3D mode you can also show planes crossing the plot at the specified value.
  • Axis Scale Breaks - Axis Scale Breaks skip a range of values on the axis to increase the readability of the chart. Nevron Chart for Reporting Services provides support for manual and automatic scale breaks with full control over appearance and behavior. X and Y scale breaks can be crossed. Scale breaks are also displayed in 3D Mode.
  • Label Layout - Ability to control how the axis must resolve label overlapping and layout options.
  • Label Formatting - Ability to control the label formatting on numeric scales - including many advanced options for currency, percentage, scientific and date time label formatting.

Other Common Features

  • Non-Overlapping Data Labels Layout - Data point labels of Cartesian, Polar and Radar charts can be automatically rearranged in order to avoid overlaps and ensure maximum visibility for the chart elements.
  • Flexible integrated legend - Lots of predefined styles, positions and data layout strategies. Header and Footer.
  • Built in Functions and Formula support - The component has extensive custom formula support with 50+ predefined functions including commonly used financial indicators like: Relative Strength Index, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Average True Range, Momentum, Stochastic Oscillator, Directional Movement System, Moving Averages, etc.
  • Full Visual Studio design time support - State of art editors. Improved wizard. Creating a chart based on template and modifying its data and other settings takes not more than a few minutes.
  • Editors available at runtime - All design time editors are available at runtime including the Wizard.
  • Excel like fill effect editors - You can not only specify any filling you can specify in Excel but you can also visually create any custom gradient with the built-in advanced gradient editor.
  • Advanced control over the axis scaling and position - Static and dynamic axis positioning strategies and settings. Lots of predefined text layout schemes. 4 scaling modes - DateTime, Numeric, Logarithmic and Dimension scale. Paging with lots of customizations.
  • Axis labeling abilities - Stripes, constant lines as planes or simple lines, custom axis labels, axis cursors, range selections.
  • Ability to display several charting types simultaneously - Advanced chart margins and fit strategy control.
  • Ability to display several series simultaneously - Making a chart type combination chart has never been easier and more flexible.
  • Ability to display multiple charts and legends in the component canvas - Charts can be described on one or more legends. Legends can describe multiple charts.
  • Image borders - Fancy skin effects which add this such important final touch to your chart image.
  • Watermarks - Ideal for company logos and trademarks - can be displayed on top or behind the chart image with user controlled transparency.
  • Labels - Headers, footers as well as custom positioned labels.
  • Interactivity - Trackball, zoom, offset, mouse cursor change, mouse tooltips and more.
  • Drill Down capabilities - Extensive drill down support. Lots of events for both WinForms and WebForms.
  • Advanced 3D view control - 360 degrees rotation, viewer rotation, orthogonal and perspective projections, offset, zoom as well as a lot of predefined projection schemes.
  • Advanced control over the scene lighting - Lots of predefined lighting schemes. Up to 9 light sources. Spot and Directional light.
  • Integrated layout manager - Support for docking, nesting and anchoring of panels. AutoSize and custom size, bounds mode and more makes the creation of complex, scaleable layouts easy and comprehensible.
  • Measurement Unit support - All styles and lengths are specified as a pair of value and measurement unit. More than 20 different measurement units (pixel, inch, millimeter, display etc.).
  • Annotation support - Annotation support that also allows nesting of panels and anchoring panels to key elements of the chart like data points or legend data items. Arrow, Rectangular Callout, Rounded Rectangular callout, Cut edge rectangular callout and Oval callout.
  • Advanced logic features and services - Master slave axes, master slave range selections and master slave cursors.
  • Modular design - Build on top of the Nevron Presentation Framework and Nevron DOM (Document Object Model) Framework. Custom binary and XML structured serialization.
  • SVG support - Nevron chart can export images with interactive features in SVG format.
  • Editor direct update feature - The chart editor supports direct update feature allowing you to instantly preview the changes in the chart DOM.
  • Nevron DOM Compatible - The chart is compatible with the Nevron DOM (Document Object Model), allowing you to subscribe for each property change made from code or from the user.
  • AutoRefresh property - When set to true the control will automatically refresh when some of its properties are modified from code.
  • Custom Binary and Custom XML serialization - The custom serialization capabilities of the control allow for version tolerant serialization of the control state in binary and XML form.
  • Rendering of chart walls - Improved rendering of chart walls now allows for transparent walls. Added front and top walls.
  • Background Decorator - Background decorators are a special type of panel allowing you to embed background style rendering on a per panel basis. This allows the creation of very attractive presentation quality charts.

Windows Forms Specific Features

  • Built in UI components - Grid and Toolbar components for WinForms. The grid is data aware and supports true date time editing as well as fill effect, line style and cursor type editing. The most frequently used commands are exposed by the Toolbar, which also supports custom buttons and runtime visual configuration.
  • Ability to leverage the video board hardware acceleration - This feature is very useful for real time applications because it frees your CPU from drawing the chart and transfers all the rendering to the CPU of the video board.
  • Print Manager - Advanced built-in printing and print - preview support.

Web Forms Specific Features

  • AJAX Support for Web Forms - Nevron Chart for .NET supports ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX 1.0. Nevron web controls allow AJAX callback handling of the following mouse events: click, double click, move, down and up. The web controls can be forcibly refreshed at client-side. Auto-refresh feature is also available.
  • Server side events (postback) and HTML image maps - The image maps generated by the component can display tooltips, redirect the client browser to a specified URL or change the mouse cursor.
  • Server side persistency - The component can preserve its state across roundtrips.
  • Ability to inject custom client side script - With the help of this feature you can seamlessly integrate the image maps generated from the component with any type of client side VBScript or JScript.
  • Ability to directly stream an image to the client browser - This is an indispensable feature when building scalable and secure server side applications.
  • Built-in temporary file clean up - The component automatically detects when a temporary file is expired and deletes it from the server. You can also assign disk space usage quota for the directory holding the temporary files in order to ensure that you cannot exceed the space used by your web server application.
  • Built-in browser detection - By leveraging the power of the .NET regular expressions you can instruct the component to generate different responses depending on the browser accessing the page.

Nevron Diagram for .NET features:

  • Extensible interactivity and editing options.
  • Automatic graph and tree layouts.
  • Import from Database, Visio and ESRI data.
  • Hundreds of genuine clipart shapes.
  • 450+ examples with source code.

Diagram Document Object Model

  • Regardless of whether you are creating a WinForm or an ASP.NET diagramming application, with Nevron Diagram for .NET you use the same API to create your diagram documents. The set of objects you can use to construct a document is called document object model (DOM). The DOM of Nevron Diagram for .NET is very consistent and designed to be further extended. It all starts from the type of document you want to construct. In the diagram you basically have two types of documents:
    • Drawing Document - represents a diagram drawing. A drawing basically consists of shapes, residing in layers. Shapes can be linked to form complex graph relationships. Drawings can be automatically laid-out, visually edited and exported to various raster and vector formats (for example: BMP, PNG, SVG to name a few). Drawings can be printed.
    • Library Document - represents a collection of reusable drawing clippings (masters), which you can drag and drop in the drawing document. Masters can contain one or more shapes and the connections between them.
  • Both types of documents are constructed from a consistent set of elements, the most notable ones being shapes. Documents are displayed inside different views in the context of WinForm and ASP.NET environments.

Shapes and Groups

  • When constructing diagrams, you basically work with shapes. In Nevron Diagram for .NET there are two types of shapes:
    • 2D shapes - 2D shapes represent boxes, containing vector or raster primitives and text. 2D shapes are usually simply called shapes.
    • 1D shapes - 1D shapes represent lines with different geometry and behavior, which interconnect other shapes. 1D shapes are often called connectors.
  • Nevron Diagram for .NET provides an extensive set of predefined shapes, but also lets you create custom ones by simply composing drawing primitives (lines, polylines, curves, rectangles, ellipses, text blocks etc.).
  • All types of shapes can be grouped to create groups. Groups can also be by preference 1D or 2D. They act as a single shape, but are in fact composed from several others. Groups can be used for the creation of custom shapes.
  • All 1D shapes have plugs, while both 1D and 2D shapes can have an arbitrary number of ports. A diagram with connections is thus primarily constructed by connecting plugs to ports. Nevron Diagram for .NET also supports an extended type of connection, which is performed by inward and outward ports - e.g. shapes can be connected by ports too.
  • In Nevron Diagram you can convert a 1D shape to a 2D shape and vice versa via a single property.
  • All types of shapes can have control points. Control points are used to visually change the appearance of a shape by simply dragging them.
  • All types of shapes can have an arbitrary number of labels. Labels can be anchored to specific aspects of the shape.

Styles and Styling

  • The visual appearance of all diagram elements is controlled via styles. Styles can be locally specified (per each element individually) or reused through the inheritance or style sheets. The usage of inheritance and style sheets greatly minimizes the effort needed to apply a consistent outlook to your diagram and then have the ability to easily change it. It also minimizes the memory footprint of your diagrams.

Behavior Customizations

  • Nevron Diagram for .NET provides you with built-in options to consistenly customize the behavior of different diagram elements. Following is a brief overview of the most important behavior customization features:
    • Protection - Protection helps you protect certain diagram element aspects from being changed or viewed by the user. For example: you can protect shapes from being moved, resized, printed, exported to an image, deleted etc.
    • Interaction style - The interaction style defines the aspects of a shape, for which a view must create trackers (visual editors with handles) when the shape is selected. For example: when a 2D shape is selected, the view will create trackers for its bounds, rotation angle and pin point. If you want to remove the rotation angle and pin point trackers, you just have to apply the desired interaction style to the shape.
    • Translation slaves - Translation slaves lets you specify the shapes, which are automatically translated when a certain shape is translated. This helps you build rigid structures.

Visual Effects and Decorations

  • Nevron Diagram for .NET gives you full control over advanced visual effects. Raster graphics effects include image filters, which can be applied to any element, displaying vector and/or raster content. Image filter effects can be combined with classical fill styles (solid color, gradient, hatch, image and advanced gradients).
  • The component has the industry leading support for shadows - it provides several types of shadows and lets you choose the Z order in which they are dropped (behind document, behind layer etc.).
  • Nevron Diagram for .NET can automatically display bridges (hops) on connector intersections and self intersections. The bridges appearance is controlled via styling.
  • In diagramming arrowheads are usually used to distinguish between the different types of relations (one to many, one to one etc). Nevron Diagram has numerous built-in arrowheads, provides the ability to define custom ones and lets you customize their appearance via styling.

Graphs and Trees

  • Nevron Diagram for .NET has a built-in support for graph and tree data structures and the core operations with them:
    • For example, performing different traversals - depth first, breadth first etc., checking whether the graph is acyclic, whether it is a tree and so forth.
  • Graph and tree data structures can be generated from the shapes of a drawing document. This gives you the needed flexibility to operate with a visually constructed diagram as if it is a simple graph or tree.

Measurement Units

  • In Nevron Diagram for .NET you can use Metric, English and pixel units to define your drawing content measurements. The component also provides support for drawing scale, which lets you work with either too small or too large drawings (for example: diagrams measured in nanometers or kilometers).

Automatic Layouts

The automatic arrangement of diagrams is an indispensable feature, especially when diagrams are either too large or are automatically generated. Nevron Diagram for .NET comes equipped with a sophisticated set of automatic layouts:

  • Obstacle Avoidance Routing - The obstacle avoidance routing of routable connectors addresses user laid-out diagrams in which certain connectors must be automatically rerouted not to cross any obstacles (shapes) in their path. Nevron Diagram for .NET provides support for both Mesh and Grid connectors routing, which is automatically performed. Addressed are issues like minimal bendings, port headings etc.
  • Tree Layouts - Nevron Diagram for .NET provides an extended set of automatic layouts, which deal with the shapes placement and connectors routing in the case of diagrams representing trees. Implemented is the following set of tree layouts:
    • Layered Tree Layout - Layouts the tree vertices in layers. Supports breadth compaction. Produces both straight line and orthogonal tree drawings. Supports layout direction (top-to-bottom, left-to-right etc.).
    • Compact Depth Tree Layout - The depth arrangement of the vertices is as compact as possible. This layout supports breadth compaction. Produces both straight line and orthogonal tree drawings. Supports layout direction (top-to-bottom, left-to-right etc.).
    • Tip Over Tree Layout - Layouts the children vertices of a vertex in either a single row or a single column. The children placement can be specified on a per-vertex basis. Produces orthogonal tree drawings.
    • Balloon Tree Layout - Layouts the children vertices in a single circle around its parent vertex. The children angular range can be controller. Produces straight line tree drawings.
  • Graph Layouts - Nevron Diagram for .NET provides an extended set of automatic layouts, which deal with the shape placement and connector routing in the case of diagrams, representing graphs. Implemented is the following set of graph layouts:
    • Layered Graph Layout (Hierarchical Graph Layout) - This layout distributes vertices to layers. It tries to minimize the number of edge crossings and edge bends. Supports layout direction (top-to-bottom, left-to-right etc.). Produces polyline graph drawings.
    • Orthogonal Graph Layout - This layout tries to display the graph only with orthogonal edges and tries to minimize the drawing area, edge crossings and edge bends.
    • Symmetrical Graph Layout - This is a force directed layout, which aims to produce a straight line graph drawing with uniform edge lengths. It couples attractive and repulsive forces, which balance each other at user-specified desired edge length. Because of that the produced drawings tend to be symmetrical.
    • Spring Graph Layout - This is a force directed layout, which aims to produce a straight line graph drawing, which reflects the nature of the graph. It couples an electrical force (repels the vertices, which are close to each other) and a spring force (tries to enforce a certain distance between connected vertices). The parameters of the spring force can be specified on a per edge basis (e.g. some edges can be longer and/or stiffer than others).
    • Barycenter Graph Layout - This is a force directed layout, which splits the graph into fixed and free vertices. It places the fixed vertices at a strictly convex polygon and then places the free vertices at their barycenter (center of mass). This layout produces straight-line graph drawings.
    • Radial Graph Layout - This is a circular graph layout, which layouts the graph in concentric circles. Produces straight-line graph drawings.
  • Cells Layouts - Sometimes it is needed to arrange only the vertices of the graph. In these cases each vertex can be treated a cell. Nevron Diagram for .NET implements the following cells layouts:
    • Stack Layout - The stack layout represents a directed, constrained cells layout, which stacks the cells in horizontal or vertical order. Depending on the layout direction, the layout is constrained by either width or height.
    • Flow Layout - The flow layout represents a directed constrained cells layout, which arranges the cells in horizontal or vertical lanes. The flow layout does not preserve tabular metrics.
    • Table Layout - The table layout represents a directed constrained cells layout, which arranges cells in a tabular manner (e.g. preserves tabular metrics).
    • Dock Layout - The dock layout represents a space eating cells layout, which places vertices at per-vertex specified docking areas of the currently available layout area.

Visio Stencil Importer

  • The Nevron Diagram Visio Stencil Importer will allow you to import and reuse the standard or custom designed MS Visio shapes inside your projects which use Nevron Diagramming controls. It takes as an input an XML serialized Visio stencil (VSX format) and imports its shapes in a Nevron library document which you can use with Nevron diagrams.
  • Provides support for additional customization of the shapes and full integration for desktop or web applications. You can now build more complex and stylish diagrams by combining the Visio shapes with the power of Nevron Diagramming components. Developers can exploit all the functionality of the Nevron Diagram to further customize and fine-tune your projects, well beyond the capabilities of any other diagramming solution available.

Maps (part of Nevron Diagram for .NET Enterprise edition)

  • Nevron Diagram for .NET has built-in support for display of maps. ESRI shapefiles (the industry leading standard for storing map data) can be easily imported in any diagram with just a few lines of code.
  • Maps and diagrams fit perfectly together - in many cases the simple vector data provided by the ESRI shapefiles needs additional decorations and interactivity extensions. For example: you may want to display predefined shapes on certain points of interest, use different color coding rules depending on the data associated with the shape, provide the user with the ability to drag and drop objects on maps etc, provide free hand drawing etc. - in all these scenarios you will soon discover that you do not need a simple map component -- you need a diagram with map support. Following is a brief overview of the most important mapping features:
    • Supports ESRI shapefile format - the industry leading standard
    • Supports 22 projection types
    • Intelligent layer properties - show/hide layers based on zoom level
    • Automatic naming and labeling of map elements through data field association
    • Full programmatic access to map elements including shapes and paths

Thick client (WinForms) and Visual Editing

Nevron Diagram for .NET provides the leading built-in support for developing thick client diagramming applications.

  • Ready to use Controls - Nevron Diagram for .NET comes equipped with several ready to use controls, which can help you create a standalone diagramming application in minutes. In fact, the Diagram Designer application, which is included in the package, is built only by assembling the following controls:
    • Drawing View - The drawing view helps you display and edit drawing documents. Drawing views are feature-rich and help you zoom, pan, stretch and fit documents. Drawing views can edit numerous shape features via interactive editors (trackers).
    • Library View - The library view helps you display and edit library documents. You can drag and drop shapes from the library view to the drawing view and vice versa.
    • Pan and Zoom Control - The pan and zoom control helps you display a bird's eye view of the document, which is being edited in its master drawing view. It also lets you interactively pan and zoom the master drawing view.
    • Diagram Command Bars Manager - The diagram command bars manager helps you visualize and execute the set of predefined commands, which can be performed on drawing and library views.
    • Diagram Properties Browser - The diagram, properties browser helps you instantly edit the properties of the document, the active layer, the selected element or the view.
    • Diagram Status Bar - The diagram status bar displays important information about the current state of a drawing view (size of the selected element, keyboard state, measurement unit etc.).
  • Undo/Redo - Nevron Diagram for .NET has support for Undo/Redo that works for everything the user does. The support for Undo/Redo is deeply integrated in the product and provides you with a transaction based programming model - this means that not only the user actions, but also the programmable actions can be undone and redone.
  • Tools - Nevron Diagram for .NET takes a radical approach towards processing the user gestures in both drawing and library views. All UI events are processed via tools, which are maintained by a controller, assigned to each view. This helps you easily configure the way, in which the user interacts with your diagram, which is achieved by simply enabling/disabling certain tools. If the myriad of predefined tools does not fit in your particular integration case, you can enrich your application by implementing custom tools.
  • Advanced Visual Aids - Nevron Diagram for .NET has the industry leading support for visual aids. Following is a brief overview:
    • Previews - All operations, which the user performs with shapes, are previewed. For example: if you move shapes, drag and drop shapes, rotate or resize shapes, the diagram will automatically generate previews for the shapes, upon which the operation is performed. This helps the user see the effect of the action, before it is actually committed. All previewed actions can be canceled by pressing the Esc key.
    • Snapping - Previews are smartly snapped. Snapping is context sensitive. For example, if you move a connector plug, it tries to snap to inward ports first. If you move a shape, it tries to snap its outward ports to inward ports first. If you rotate a shape, the diagram tries to snap the rotation angle and so forth. Snapping can be tuned in numerous ways.
    • Grid and Rulers - All previews can be snapped to grid lines and ruler ticks. The grid and ruler components are built in each drawing view. Both the grid and rulers have smart scales - for example, if you zoom in/out the diagram, they try to adjust their tick steps automatically, in order to fill the view port area in the best way (e.g. automatically increase or decrease the step). They can of course have a fixed step too, if you prefer. Both grid and rulers can operate in different measurement units.
    • Auto scrolling - Auto-scrolling helps the user to scroll the view, while moving shapes, by just moving the mouse close the view rims.
    • Attention to detail - Nevron Diagram for .NET pays great attention to visual aids details. For example: The cursors, which appear on resize handles, are properly oriented. Many operations accept Ctrl/Shift modifications (Ctrl + Move for example duplicates a shape). Tooltips appear on handles, control points, rulers etc. Connection ports are highlighted to indicate connection. Selection target shapes are highlighted. Moved region bounds are projected on the rulers. Mouse cursor position is projected on rulers. Multiple moved shapes bounds are displayed. And many more...

Thin client (ASP.NET) and AJAX

Nevron Diagram for .NET provides built-in support for developing interactive thin client diagramming applications. It can operate either in Postback or in AJAX mode. Following is a brief description of the thin client modes:

  • ASP.NET AJAX Mode - Nevron Diagram for .NET comes with a powerful, yet easy to use built-in set of AJAX interactivity styles. It is based on the Nevron AJAX Framework, which is a reliable, fault tolerant and cross-browser compatible JavaScript library, that converts the simple diagram images inside your web page into an interactive client side application with flicker-free asynchronous image updates. Following is a brief overview of the AJAX features of Nevron Diagram for .NET:
    • Refresh and Auto Refresh - The diagram inside your web page can be configured to refresh itself within a specified update interval by simply enabling auto refresh and implementing the server side logic that will modify the diagram on refresh. The diagram can be updated also on demand through the client side JavaScript API, exposed by the Nevron AJAX Framework.
    • Client Side AJAX Tools - Most of the Nevron Diagram for .NET AJAX functionality is based on the controller/tools architecture. Pure client side tools that work with an updateable diagram image are the Tooltip tool, the Dynamic cursor tool and the Browser redirect tool.
      • In addition, a set of tools is available that intercept the user input and route it via AJAX calls to the server for processing. All mouse events can be enabled for AJAX routing, helping you create drill-down functionality and add hover effects. The controller/tools architecture allows you to easily extend the AJAX functionality by creating new custom tools.
    • Reliability and Fault Tolerance - You should think of an AJAX web page as of a classical client-server application. The client is implemented with JavaScript classes, running within the browser's DOM. The server is your ASP.NET AJAX enabled web form. Client and server communicate asynchronously and once initialized, the client runs independently from the server and is operational even if the server is unavailable. The Nevron AJAX Framework implements all the necessary logic, required to adequately notify the user of server unavailability and to resume operation when the connection to the server is restored.
  • ASP.NET Postback Mode - Nevron Diagram for .NET provides a set of useful features that help you add interactivity to your web application, while sticking to the more traditional and simple postback technology:
    • Interactive Image Maps - Nevron Diagram for .NET can send an HTML image map to the client browser, which allows you to build web applications with drill down capabilities. The interactive image map helps you add the following interactivity to your diagram:
      • Client side browser redirect, with configurable target URL for every diagram element
      • Dynamic cursor, that changes when the user hovers over diagram elements
      • Client side tooltips.
      • It also provides a way to inject client side script blocks to be executed on user input on per-diagram element basis.
    • SVG Image Response - The SVG image response sends to the client a rich vector graphics image. This helps you have the diagram image rescaled in the web browser without loss of quality, which would be the case if rescaling raster format images. The SVG format also allows client side interactivity such as mouse hover effects.

Nevron User Interface Suite for .NET features:

  • Powerful Docking Library
  • Command Bars
  • Set of 70+ extended/custom WinForms controls


Nevron User Interface enables you to skin your application with just a few lines of code. The suite comes along with five predefined skins including the famous "Vista", "MacOS", "Office 2007 Black", "Office 2007 Blue" and "Orange".

Docking Panels

Nevron User Interface comes with a powerful docking library which provides your applications with the latest GUI standards and technologies. These are tree-based, interface-structured hierarchies of predefined controls that can be docked, floated or redocked with visual feedback at run or design time. The unique layout system helps you model any complex structure in just a few lines of code.

Document Management

Nevron Docking Library comes with a powerful document management system which makes creation of tabbed or standard MDI interfaces a snap.

Command Bars

Nevron User Interface provides you with distinguishable and stylish menus and toolbars, which are created entirely from scratch. All commands share a common object model, which makes it easy for a command to be visualized by any parent. The rich design-time support enables you to easily create modern Microsoft Office 2003-like menus and toolbars with dock/undock capabilities.

Custom Toolbox

Nevron User Interface extends almost every control in the standard Windows Forms toolbox in order to give it stylish and consistent look-and-feel. The suite comes with a total of 70+ extended/custom controls - all fully extensible, customizable and with great appearance. By using these controls you can build Graphical User Interfaces with clean, consistent and professional look-and-feel.