
1.set output compare register 1B

In assembly language

ldi r16,high(4321);
sts OCR1BH,r16;
ldi r16,low(4321);
sts OCR1BL,r16;

In C

  1. To toggle OC1A pin (what pin is this?) 8 times per second (i.e. 4Hz period)

    #include <avr/io.h>


    • main -- Main program
      int main(void)
      Set OC1A pin to be an output /
      Pin OC1A is Port D, pin 5 */
      DDRD = (1<<5);

      /* We want to count 1,000,000 clock cycles between each toggle of the pin.
      ** We choose to do this with a prescale of /64 and to count 15625 cycles,
      ** i.e. we count from 0 to 15624. /
      Set output compare register value */
      OCR1A = 15624;

      /* Set timer counter control registers A and B so that

        • mode is - clear counter on compare match (WGM bits are 0100)
        • output compare match action is to toggle pin OC1A (COM1A bits are 01)
        • correct clock prescale value is chosen.
      • TCCR1C can just stay as default value (0).
        TCCR1A = (0 << COM1A1) | (1 << COM1A0) // Toggle OC1A on compare match
        | (0 << WGM11) | (0 << WGM10); // Least two significant WGM bits
        TCCR1B = (0 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) // Two most significant WGM bits
        | (0 << CS12) | (1 << CS11) | (1 <<CS10); // Divide clock by 64

      /* Do nothing forever - the hardware takes care of everything */
      while(1) {

5.7 segment display connected to port A, with CC (digit select) connected to port D, pin 0

#include <avr/io.h>
uint8_t seven_seg[10] = { 63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111};

/* Display digit function. Arguments are the digit number (0 to 9)
 * and the digit to display it on (0 = right, 1 = left). The function 
 * outputs the correct seven segment display value to port A and the 
 * correct digit select value to port D, pin 0.
 * See Lecture 14 example code for some code to base this on.
void display_digit(uint8_t number, uint8_t digit) 
	PORTD = digit;
	PORTA = seven_seg[number];	// We assume digit is in range 0 to 9

 * main -- Main program
int main(void)
	uint8_t digit; /* 0 = right, 1 = left */
	uint8_t value;

	/* Set port A (all pins) to be outputs */
	DDRA = 0xFF;

    /* Set port D, pin 0 to be an output */
    DDRD = 1;

	/* Set up timer/counter 0 to count the number of rising
	** edges on pin T0.
	TCCR0A = 0;
	TCCR0B = (1<<CS02) | (1<<CS01) | (1<<CS00);

	/* Set up timer/counter 1 so that it reaches an output compare
	** match every 1 millisecond (1000 times per second) and then
	** resets to 0.
	** We divide the clock by 8 and count 1000 cycles (0 to 999)
	OCR1A = 999;
	TCCR1A = (0 << COM1A1) | (1 << COM1A0)  // Toggle OC1A on compare match
		| (0 << WGM11) | (0 << WGM10); // Least two significant WGM bits
	TCCR1B = (0 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) // Two most significant WGM bits
		| (0 << CS12) | (1 << CS11) | (0 <<CS10); // Divide clock by 8

	/* Repeatedly output the digits. We keep track of which 
	** digit. 0 = right (ones place), 1 = left (tens place) 
	digit = 0;
	while(1) {
		/* Output the current digit */
		if(digit == 0) {
			/* Extract the ones place from the timer counter 0 value */
			/* HINT: Consider the modulus (%) operator. */
			value = TCNT0 % 10;
		} else {
			/* Extract the tens place from the timer counter 0 */
			value = (TCNT0 / 10) % 10;
		display_digit(value, digit);
		/* Change the digit flag for next time. if 0 becomes 1, if 1 becomes 0. */
		digit = 1 - digit;

		/* Wait for timer 1 to reach output compare A value.
		 * We can monitor the OCF1A bit in the TIFR1 register. When 
		 * it becomes 1, we know that the output compare value has
		 * been reached. We can write a 1 to this bit to clear it.
		 * See page 143-144 of datasheet for details.
		while ((TIFR1 & (1 << OCF1A)) == 0) {
		 	; /* Do nothing - wait for the bit to be set */
		/* Clear the output compare flag - by writing a 1 to it. */
		TIFR1 &= (1 << OCF1A);
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