Enhance Analytics with Angular Chart Trend Lines

Enhance Analytics with Angular Chart Trend Lines

December 1, 2023

Provide a visual representation of the overall direction of chart data, helping users identify trends and patterns.

Trend lines are a chart feature used to indicate patterns or trends in data over time. Common examples include linear, exponential, polynomial, logarithmic, and moving average. Trend lines are crucial for making predictions or understanding the direction of data points in scatter plots and line charts, helping make data-driven decisions.

Several Angular chart components provide trend line support including:

  • Highcharts Stock by Highsoft features various trend line types and customization options.
  • Wijmo FlexChart and FinancialChart (part of Wijmo by MESCIUS) includes trend lines for analyzing and visualizing data trends.
  • amCharts 5: Stock Chart offers a variety of trend line types and advanced analytical features.
  • AnyStock JS by AnyChart provides rich trend line customization and predictive analysis capabilities.
  • JSCharting supports trend lines with a variety of line fit variations.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our Angular Chart Component comparison.

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