乾坤 - JS隔离的三种机制


照沙箱: 最初乾坤框架只有一种沙箱,即快照沙箱,它使用 SnapshotSandbox 类来实现。但是快照沙箱有一个缺点,就是需要遍历 window 上的所有属性,性能较差

LegacySandbox: 随着ES6的普及,可以使用 Proxy 来解决这个问题,于是就诞生了 LegacySandbox 可以实现和快照沙箱一样的功能,但是性能更好。由于 LegacySandbox 也会污染全局的 window,因此它仅允许页面同时运行一个微应用,我们也称之为支持单应用的代理沙箱。

ProxySandbox: 随着业务的发展,我们需要支持一个页面运行多个微应用,于是就有了 ProxySandbox,它可以支持多个微应用同时运行。因此,我们称之为支持多应用的代理沙箱。实际上,LegacySandbox在未来可能会被淘汰,因为 ProxySandbox 可以做到 LegacySandbox 的所有功能,而快照沙箱由于向下兼容的原因,可能会长期存在。




然而,快照沙箱存在两个重要的问题。首先,它会改变全局window的属性,如果同时运行多个微应用,多个应用同时改写window上的属性,就会出现状态混乱。这也是为什么快照沙箱无法支持多个微应用同时运行的原因。其次,它会通过for(prop in window){}的方式来遍历window上的所有属性,这是一件非常耗费性能的事情,因为window属性众多。


js 复制代码
import type { SandBox } from '../interfaces';
import { SandBoxType } from '../interfaces';

function iter(obj: typeof window, callbackFn: (prop: any) => void) {
  for (const prop in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) || prop === 'clearInterval') {

 * 基于 diff 方式实现的沙箱,用于不支持 Proxy 的低版本浏览器
export default class SnapshotSandbox implements SandBox {
  proxy: WindowProxy;

  name: string;

  type: SandBoxType;

  sandboxRunning = true;

  // 存储属性快照
  private windowSnapshot!: Window;

  // 修改的属性对象
  private modifyPropsMap: Record<any, any> = {};

  constructor(name: string) {
    this.name = name;
    this.proxy = window;
    this.type = SandBoxType.Snapshot;

  active() {
    // 记录当前快照
    this.windowSnapshot = {} as Window;

    // 从 window 上获取属性
    iter(window, (prop) => {
      this.windowSnapshot[prop] = window[prop];

    // 激活恢复快照数据
    Object.keys(this.modifyPropsMap).forEach((p: any) => {
      window[p] = this.modifyPropsMap[p];

    this.sandboxRunning = true;

  inactive() {
    this.modifyPropsMap = {};

    iter(window, (prop) => {
      if (window[prop] !== this.windowSnapshot[prop]) {
        // 记录变更,恢复环境
        this.modifyPropsMap[prop] = window[prop];
        window[prop] = this.windowSnapshot[prop];

    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
        `[qiankun:sandbox] ${this.name} origin window restore...`,

    this.sandboxRunning = false;

  patchDocument(): void {}
LegacySandbox 沙箱(支持单应用的代理沙箱
  • addedPropsMapInSandbox:用于记录沙箱激活期间新增的全局变量。
  • modifiedPropsOriginalValueMapInSandbox:用于记录沙箱激活期间更新的全局变量。
  • currentUpdatedPropsValueMap:持续记录更新的(新增和修改的)全局变量。


js 复制代码
 * @author Kuitos
 * @since 2019-04-11
import type { SandBox } from '../../interfaces';
import { SandBoxType } from '../../interfaces';
import { getTargetValue } from '../common';

function isPropConfigurable(target: WindowProxy, prop: PropertyKey) {
  const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop);
  return descriptor ? descriptor.configurable : true;

 * 基于 Proxy 实现的沙箱
 * TODO: 为了兼容性 singular 模式下依旧使用该沙箱,等新沙箱稳定之后再切换
export default class LegacySandbox implements SandBox {
  // 新增的变量
  private addedPropsMapInSandbox = new Map<PropertyKey, any>();

  // 更新的变量
  private modifiedPropsOriginalValueMapInSandbox = new Map<PropertyKey, any>();

  // 记录全部新增和修改的变量
  private currentUpdatedPropsValueMap = new Map<PropertyKey, any>();

  name: string;

  proxy: WindowProxy; // proxy 拦截器

  // 保存全局属性
  globalContext: typeof window;

  type: SandBoxType;

  sandboxRunning = true;

  // 记录最后更新的属性 key
  latestSetProp: PropertyKey | null = null;

  // 设置、删除 globalContext 的属性值
  private setWindowProp(prop: PropertyKey, value: any, toDelete?: boolean) {
    if (value === undefined && toDelete) {
      // 删除属性
      delete (this.globalContext as any)[prop];
    } else if (isPropConfigurable(this.globalContext, prop) && typeof prop !== 'symbol') {
      // 设置属性
      Object.defineProperty(this.globalContext, prop, { writable: true, configurable: true });
      (this.globalContext as any)[prop] = value;

  // 启动沙箱 - 重置 globalContext
  active() {
    if (!this.sandboxRunning) {
      this.currentUpdatedPropsValueMap.forEach((v, p) => this.setWindowProp(p, v));

    this.sandboxRunning = true;

  // 关闭沙箱 - 重置 globalContext
  inactive() {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
      console.info(`[qiankun:sandbox] ${this.name} modified global properties restore...`, [

    // renderSandboxSnapshot = snapshot(currentUpdatedPropsValueMapForSnapshot);
    this.modifiedPropsOriginalValueMapInSandbox.forEach((v, p) => this.setWindowProp(p, v));
    this.addedPropsMapInSandbox.forEach((_, p) => this.setWindowProp(p, undefined, true));

    this.sandboxRunning = false;

  constructor(name: string, globalContext = window) {
    this.name = name;
    this.globalContext = globalContext;
    this.type = SandBoxType.LegacyProxy;
    const {
    } = this;

    const rawWindow = globalContext;
    const fakeWindow = Object.create(null) as Window;

    // 设置属性
    const setTrap = (p: PropertyKey, value: any, originalValue: any, sync2Window = true) => {
      // 运行中才可以设置值
      if (this.sandboxRunning) {
        if (!rawWindow.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
          // rawWindow 上不存在 p 属性
          addedPropsMapInSandbox.set(p, value);
        } else if (!modifiedPropsOriginalValueMapInSandbox.has(p)) {
          // 沙箱更新期间不存在
          modifiedPropsOriginalValueMapInSandbox.set(p, originalValue);

        // 记录全部变更的值
        currentUpdatedPropsValueMap.set(p, value);

        // 必须重新设置 window 对象保证下次 get 时能拿到已更新的数据
        if (sync2Window) {
          (rawWindow as any)[p] = value;

        // 最后更新的属性
        this.latestSetProp = p;

        return true;

      if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
          `[qiankun] Set window.${p.toString()} while sandbox destroyed or inactive in ${name}!`,

      // 在 strict-mode 下,Proxy 的 handler.set 返回 false 会抛出 TypeError
      // 在沙箱卸载的情况下应该忽略错误
      return true;

    const proxy = new Proxy(fakeWindow, {
      // 设置属性值
      set: (_: Window, p: PropertyKey, value: any): boolean => {
        const originalValue = (rawWindow as any)[p];
        return setTrap(p, value, originalValue, true);

      // 获取属性值
      get(_: Window, p: PropertyKey): any {
        if (p === 'top' || p === 'parent' || p === 'window' || p === 'self') {
          return proxy;
        const value = (rawWindow as any)[p];
        return getTargetValue(rawWindow, value);

      // 是否包含某属性
      has(_: Window, p: string | number | symbol): boolean {
        return p in rawWindow;

      // 获取属性描述
      getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_: Window, p: PropertyKey): PropertyDescriptor | undefined {
        const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(rawWindow, p);
        if (descriptor && !descriptor.configurable) {
          descriptor.configurable = true;
        return descriptor;

      // 新增属性
      defineProperty(_: Window, p: string | symbol, attributes: PropertyDescriptor): boolean {
        const originalValue = (rawWindow as any)[p];
        const done = Reflect.defineProperty(rawWindow, p, attributes);
        const value = (rawWindow as any)[p];
        setTrap(p, value, originalValue, false);

        return done;

    this.proxy = proxy;

  patchDocument(): void {}

ProxySandbox 沙箱(支持多应用的代理沙箱

  • 在沙箱激活后,每次获取window属性时,会先从当前沙箱环境的fakeWindow里面查找,如果不存在,就从外部的window里面去查找。这样做可以保证沙箱内部的操作不会影响到全局的window对象。
  • 同时,当window对象发生修改时,使用代理的set方法进行拦截,直接操作代理对象fakeWindow,而不是全局的window对象,从而实现真正的隔离。这种机制可以避免不同微应用之间的状态混乱问题,保证微应用之间的独立性。


js 复制代码
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
import { without } from 'lodash';
 * @author Kuitos
 * @since 2020-3-31
import type { SandBox } from '../interfaces';
import { SandBoxType } from '../interfaces';
import { isPropertyFrozen, nativeGlobal, nextTask } from '../utils';
import {
} from './common';
import { globals } from './globals';

type SymbolTarget = 'target' | 'globalContext';

type FakeWindow = Window & Record<PropertyKey, any>;

// 数据中唯一方法
function uniq(array: Array<string | symbol>) {
  return array.filter(function filter(this: PropertyKey[], element) {
    return element in this ? false : ((this as any)[element] = true);
  }, Object.create(null));

// zone.js will overwrite Object.defineProperty
const rawObjectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty;

const variableWhiteListInDev =
  process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ||
  process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ||
    ? ['__REACT_ERROR_OVERLAY_GLOBAL_HOOK__', 'event']
    : [];

// 白名单字段
const globalVariableWhiteList: string[] = ['System', '__cjsWrapper', ...variableWhiteListInDev];

const inTest = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test';
const mockSafariTop = 'mockSafariTop';
const mockTop = 'mockTop';
const mockGlobalThis = 'mockGlobalThis';

// these globals should be recorded while accessing every time
const accessingSpiedGlobals = ['document', 'top', 'parent', 'eval'];
const overwrittenGlobals = ['window', 'self', 'globalThis', 'hasOwnProperty'].concat(
  inTest ? [mockGlobalThis] : [],
export const cachedGlobals = Array.from(
  new Set(

// transform cachedGlobals to object for faster element check
const cachedGlobalObjects = cachedGlobals.reduce(
  (acc, globalProp) => ({ ...acc, [globalProp]: true }),

const unscopables = without(
).reduce((acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: true }), Object.create(null));

const useNativeWindowForBindingsProps = new Map<PropertyKey, boolean>([
  ['fetch', true],
  ['mockDomAPIInBlackList', process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'],

// 伪造 Window
function createFakeWindow(globalContext: Window, speedy: boolean) {
  const propertiesWithGetter = new Map<PropertyKey, boolean>();
  const fakeWindow = {} as FakeWindow;

    .filter((p) => {
      const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalContext, p);
      return !descriptor?.configurable; // 不可配置属性
    .forEach((p) => {
      const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalContext, p);
      if (descriptor) {
        const hasGetter = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(descriptor, 'get');

        if (
          p === 'top' ||
          p === 'parent' ||
          p === 'self' ||
          p === 'window' ||
          // window.document is overwriting in speedy mode
          (p === 'document' && speedy) ||
          (inTest && (p === mockTop || p === mockSafariTop))
        ) {
          descriptor.configurable = true;
          if (!hasGetter) {
            descriptor.writable = true;

        if (hasGetter) propertiesWithGetter.set(p, true);
        rawObjectDefineProperty(fakeWindow, p, Object.freeze(descriptor));

  return {

// 记录激活沙箱的数量
let activeSandboxCount = 0;

 * 基于 Proxy 实现的沙箱
export default class ProxySandbox implements SandBox {
  // 值变更记录
  private updatedValueSet = new Set<PropertyKey>();
  private document = document;
  name: string;
  type: SandBoxType;
  proxy: WindowProxy;
  sandboxRunning = true;
  latestSetProp: PropertyKey | null = null;

  // 激活沙箱
  active() {
    if (!this.sandboxRunning) activeSandboxCount++;
    this.sandboxRunning = true;

  // 关闭沙箱
  inactive() {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
      console.info(`[qiankun:sandbox] ${this.name} modified global properties restore...`, [

    if (inTest || --activeSandboxCount === 0) {
      // 将全局值重置为前一个值
      Object.keys(this.globalWhitelistPrevDescriptor).forEach((p) => {
        const descriptor = this.globalWhitelistPrevDescriptor[p];
        if (descriptor) {
          Object.defineProperty(this.globalContext, p, descriptor);
        } else {
          // @ts-ignore
          delete this.globalContext[p];

    this.sandboxRunning = false;

  public patchDocument(doc: Document) {
    this.document = doc;

  // 白名单中未被修改的全局变量的描述符
  globalWhitelistPrevDescriptor: {
    [p in (typeof globalVariableWhiteList)[number]]: PropertyDescriptor | undefined;
  } = {};
  globalContext: typeof window;

  constructor(name: string, globalContext = window, opts?: { speedy: boolean }) {
    this.name = name;
    this.globalContext = globalContext;
    this.type = SandBoxType.Proxy;
    const { updatedValueSet } = this;
    const { speedy } = opts || {};

    const { fakeWindow, propertiesWithGetter } = createFakeWindow(globalContext, !!speedy);

    const descriptorTargetMap = new Map<PropertyKey, SymbolTarget>();

    const proxy = new Proxy(fakeWindow, {
      // 设置属性值
      set: (target: FakeWindow, p: PropertyKey, value: any): boolean => {
        if (this.sandboxRunning) {
          // 设置沙箱状态
          this.registerRunningApp(name, proxy);

          // sync the property to globalContext
          if (typeof p === 'string' && globalVariableWhiteList.indexOf(p) !== -1) {
            this.globalWhitelistPrevDescriptor[p] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
            globalContext[p] = value;
          } else {
            if (!target.hasOwnProperty(p) && globalContext.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
              const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalContext, p);
              const { writable, configurable, enumerable, set } = descriptor!;
              if (writable || set) {
                Object.defineProperty(target, p, {
                  writable: true,
            } else {
              target[p] = value;


          this.latestSetProp = p;

          return true;

        if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
            `[qiankun] Set window.${p.toString()} while sandbox destroyed or inactive in ${name}!`,

        // 在 strict-mode 下,Proxy 的 handler.set 返回 false 会抛出 TypeError
        // 在沙箱卸载的情况下应该忽略错误
        return true;

      get: (target: FakeWindow, p: PropertyKey): any => {
        this.registerRunningApp(name, proxy);

        if (p === Symbol.unscopables) return unscopables;
        if (p === 'window' || p === 'self') {
          return proxy;

        if (p === 'globalThis' || (inTest && p === mockGlobalThis)) {
          return proxy;

        if (p === 'top' || p === 'parent' || (inTest && (p === mockTop || p === mockSafariTop))) {
          if (globalContext === globalContext.parent) {
            return proxy;
          return (globalContext as any)[p];

        if (p === 'hasOwnProperty') {
          return hasOwnProperty;

        if (p === 'document') {
          return this.document;

        if (p === 'eval') {
          return eval;

        if (p === 'string' && globalVariableWhiteList.indexOf(p) !== -1) {
          // @ts-ignore
          return globalContext[p];

        const actualTarget = propertiesWithGetter.has(p)
          ? globalContext
          : p in target
          ? target
          : globalContext;
        const value = actualTarget[p];

        if (isPropertyFrozen(actualTarget, p)) {
          return value;

        const boundTarget = useNativeWindowForBindingsProps.get(p) ? nativeGlobal : globalContext;
        return getTargetValue(boundTarget, value);

      has(target: FakeWindow, p: string | number | symbol): boolean {
        return p in cachedGlobalObjects || p in target || p in globalContext;

        target: FakeWindow,
        p: string | number | symbol,
      ): PropertyDescriptor | undefined {
        if (target.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
          const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, p);
          descriptorTargetMap.set(p, 'target');
          return descriptor;

        if (globalContext.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
          const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalContext, p);
          descriptorTargetMap.set(p, 'globalContext');
          if (descriptor && !descriptor.configurable) {
            descriptor.configurable = true;
          return descriptor;

        return undefined;

      // trap to support iterator with sandbox
      ownKeys(target: FakeWindow): ArrayLike<string | symbol> {
        return uniq(Reflect.ownKeys(globalContext).concat(Reflect.ownKeys(target)));

      defineProperty: (target: Window, p: PropertyKey, attributes: PropertyDescriptor): boolean => {
        const from = descriptorTargetMap.get(p);
        switch (from) {
          case 'globalContext':
            return Reflect.defineProperty(globalContext, p, attributes);
            return Reflect.defineProperty(target, p, attributes);

      deleteProperty: (target: FakeWindow, p: string | number | symbol): boolean => {
        this.registerRunningApp(name, proxy);
        if (target.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
          // @ts-ignore
          delete target[p];

          return true;

        return true;

      // makes sure `window instanceof Window` returns truthy in micro app
      getPrototypeOf() {
        return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(globalContext);

    this.proxy = proxy;


    function hasOwnProperty(this: any, key: PropertyKey): boolean {
      // calling from hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
      if (this !== proxy && this !== null && typeof this === 'object') {
        return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this, key);

      return fakeWindow.hasOwnProperty(key) || globalContext.hasOwnProperty(key);

  // 设置当前沙箱状态
  private registerRunningApp(name: string, proxy: Window) {
    if (this.sandboxRunning) {
      const currentRunningApp = getCurrentRunningApp();
      if (!currentRunningApp || currentRunningApp.name !== name) {
        setCurrentRunningApp({ name, window: proxy });
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