负载均衡,英文名称为 Load Balance,它的核心思想就是在用户和服务器中间加一层负载均衡服务,该层服务通过相应的负载均衡算法,将用户请求分发给应用服务器集群。
以前的单体应用时代: 随着用户规模不断扩大,单机对外提供服务越发显得力不从心:
负载均衡服务器会根据 应用服务器的健康状态来判断当前节点是否可以被转发,依次来保证整个应用系统的可用性。
- 随机算法
- 轮询算法
- 加权随机算法
- 加权轮询算法
- IP-Hash 算法
- 最小活跃连接算法
定义两个个公用类 IpInfo、ServerRegister ,用来表示 IP 节点信息以及 IP 信息的存储。
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 1:49 PM
* @Description:
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class IpInfo {
private String ipAddr;
private Integer weight;
private Integer activeLink;
public IpInfo(String ipAddr, Integer weight) {
this.ipAddr = ipAddr;
this.weight = weight;
this.activeLink = 0;
public String getIpAddr() {
return ipAddr;
public void setIpAddr(String ipAddr) {
this.ipAddr = ipAddr;
public Integer getWeight() {
return weight;
public void setWeight(Integer weight) {
this.weight = weight;
public Integer getActiveLink() {
return activeLink;
public void setActiveLink(Integer activeLink) {
this.activeLink = activeLink;
public String toString() {
return "IpInfo{" +
"ipAddr='" + ipAddr + '\'' +
", weight=" + weight +
", activeLink=" + activeLink +
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 2:05 PM
* @Description:
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class ServerRegister {
public static final Map<String, IpInfo> ipInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo("", 1));
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo("", 2));
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo("", 3));
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo("", 4));
随机算法就是在可用的应用服务器节点中随机选择一个节点来访问。例如当前有 4 个 IP 节点,那么通过随机算法每次随机生成一个 [0,size) 范围内的随机数,然后就可以得到要访问的节点,代码如下所示:
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.*;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 1:35 PM
* @Description: 随机算法
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class RandomAlgorithm {
private static Map<String, IpInfo> ipInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo(1));
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo(2));
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo(3));
ipInfoMap.put("", new IpInfo(4));
private static List<String> getIpList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ipInfoMap.size());
return result;
public static String getIpByRandomAlgorithm() {
List<String> ipList = getIpList();
Random random = new Random();
// 在 [0,size) 中选择一个随机数
int index = random.nextInt(ipList.size());
return ipList.get(index);
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByRandomAlgorithm();
System.out.println("选择的 IP 为 : " + ip);
轮询算法就是,在可用的算法节点中,按照固定的顺序依次访问节点。例如当前有 4 个 IP 节点,那么通过预先指定的 round 起始索引位开始访问节点,拿到节点数据。round 每次 + 1 并对 ipList.size 取模(保证 round 始终在 [0,ipList.size) 范围内)。代码实现如下:
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.markus.service.load.balanced.ServerRegister.ipInfoMap;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 2:04 PM
* @Description: 轮询算法
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class RoundAlgorithm {
private static List<String> getIpList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ipInfoMap.size());
return result;
// 起始位置
private static Integer round = 0;
public static String getIpByRoundAlgorithm() {
List<String> ipList = getIpList();
String ip = ipList.get(round);
round = (round + 1) % ipList.size();
return ip;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByRoundAlgorithm();
System.out.println("选择的 IP 为 : " + ip);
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.*;
import static com.markus.service.load.balanced.ServerRegister.ipInfoMap;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 1:35 PM
* @Description: 加权随机算法
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class WeightRandomAlgorithm {
private static List<String> getIpList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ipInfoMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, IpInfo> entry : ipInfoMap.entrySet()) {
String ip = entry.getKey();
IpInfo ipInfo = entry.getValue();
// 根据权重 像可用列表里增加相应 IP 出现的次数
for (int i = 0; i < ipInfo.getWeight(); i++) {
return result;
public static String getIpByRandomAlgorithm() {
List<String> ipList = getIpList();
Random random = new Random();
// 在 [0,size) 中选择一个随机数
int index = random.nextInt(ipList.size());
return ipList.get(index);
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByRandomAlgorithm();
System.out.println("选择的 IP 为 : " + ip);
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static com.markus.service.load.balanced.ServerRegister.ipInfoMap;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 2:04 PM
* @Description: 加权轮询算法
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class WeightRoundAlgorithm {
private static List<String> getIpList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ipInfoMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, IpInfo> entry : ipInfoMap.entrySet()) {
String ip = entry.getKey();
IpInfo ipInfo = entry.getValue();
// 根据权重 像可用列表里增加相应 IP 出现的次数
for (int i = 0; i < ipInfo.getWeight(); i++) {
return result;
// 起始位置
private static Integer round = 0;
public static String getIpByRoundAlgorithm() {
List<String> ipList = getIpList();
String ip = ipList.get(round);
round = (round + 1) % ipList.size();
return ip;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByRoundAlgorithm();
System.out.println("选择的 IP 为 : " + ip);
IP-HASH 算法也称一致性 Hash 算法,是通过某个 Hash 函数把同一来源的请求都映射到同一个节点上。其核心思想就是:同一个来源的请求只会分配到同一个服务节点上(具有记忆功能),只有当应用服务节点不可用时,才会将其分配到相邻的其他节点上去。示例代码如下所示:
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.markus.service.load.balanced.ServerRegister.ipInfoMap;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 2:41 PM
* @Description: IP-HASH 一致性 HASH 算法
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class IpHashAlgorithm {
private static List<String> getIpList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ipInfoMap.size());
return result;
// 这里 请求入参 仅是简单的设置 String remoteIP
public static String getIpByIpHashAlgorithm(String remoteIp) {
List<String> ipList = getIpList();
int hashCode = remoteIp.hashCode();
int index = hashCode % ipList.size();
return ipList.get(index);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String remoteIp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByIpHashAlgorithm(remoteIp);
System.out.println("remoteIp " + remoteIp + " 选择的 IP 为 : " + ip);
remoteIp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByIpHashAlgorithm(remoteIp);
System.out.println("remoteIp " + remoteIp + " 选择的 IP 为 : " + ip);
package com.markus.service.load.balanced;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.markus.service.load.balanced.ServerRegister.ipInfoMap;
* @author: markus
* @date: 2024/2/25 2:56 PM
* @Description: 最小活跃连接算法
* @Blog: https://markuszhang.com
* It's my honor to share what I've learned with you!
public class MinimumActiveLinkAlgorithm {
private static List<String> getIpList() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ipInfoMap.size());
return result;
public static String getIpByMinimumActiveLinkAlgorithm() {
List<String> ipList = getIpList();
IpInfo minimumActiveLinkIp = null;
int minimumActiveLinkCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (String ip : ipList) {
IpInfo ipInfo = ipInfoMap.get(ip);
int activeLinkCount = ipInfo.getActiveLink();
if (activeLinkCount < minimumActiveLinkCount) {
minimumActiveLinkCount = activeLinkCount;
minimumActiveLinkIp = ipInfo;
System.out.println("当前服务集群节点状态 :" + ipInfoMap);
if (minimumActiveLinkIp != null) {
// 本次 连接数加 +1
Integer activeLink = minimumActiveLinkIp.getActiveLink();
minimumActiveLinkIp.setActiveLink(activeLink + 1);
return minimumActiveLinkIp != null ? minimumActiveLinkIp.getIpAddr() : null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
String ip = getIpByMinimumActiveLinkAlgorithm();
System.out.println("选择的 IP 为 :" + ip);