

1.1 General

Qualcomm: Quality Communications

ALSA DCP:ALSA由DAI、Codec、Platform三部分组成

ALSA TLV:Type-Length-Value

Alternative Mode: 替代模式

ANC:Automatic Noise Canceller

ASM: Anntena Switch Module

AT:ATtention Command

ATCoP:AT Command Processor

BHI: QFIL Boot human interface for PCIe

bootloader DA:Download Agent,MSM的firehose就是DA,而PBL也叫做bootROM

CAT M1: Category Minus 1

CCC:Common Command Codes,for I3C(Android 9.0 ADSP支持,类似于USB HSIC)

CCGP:Windows USB Common Class Generic Parent,Linux内核类似的驱动就是usb_generic_driver

CDT:Configuration Data Table



config_tether_usb_regexs:regular expressions,正则表达式

CSP: Continue on Short Packet , DWC3

CV: Customer Visit

DMIPS:Dhrystone Million Instructions executed Per Second,每秒执行百万条指令

DRI: Directly Responsible Individual,SSC Data Ready Interrupt

DS:USB Data Service

DSDA:Dual SIM Dual Active

DSDS:Dual SIM Dual Standby

DSR: Deferred Service Routine

EDL: Emergency Download

FFBM: Fast Factory Boot Mode

FLCB: Fast Low Current Boot

FLP:Fused Location Provider

FSG: A Golden File System

GDHS: Globally Distributed Head Switch (L2 cache)

GENI: QUPv3 Generic Interface

GLink:General Link,代替SMD的新机制

Gobi:Global Mobile Internet Technology,全球移动互联网技术,如MDM9x15等系列

HDET: High Power Detector

HIDL:HAL Interface Definition Language,读作hide-l;/dev/vndbinder - vendor binder

HKADC: Housekeeping ADC, 交互管理ADC

HMD:The Home Of Nokia Phones

HMSS: Hydra-Monaco SubSystem, qcom application processor

HVDCP3: DPF_DMF values for Floating(non-drive mode)and DPR_DMR values for Removing the float of DP/DM lines.

HVDCP-OPTI:High Voltage Dedicated Charging Port-OPTImization(QC3.0 and QC4.0 PPS)

IAAD: EHCI Interrupt on Async Advance Doorbell

IOA: Interrupt on ACK, USB

IOC: Interrupt on Completion(DWC3);Interrupt On Change(for PIC MCU)

IOT: Interrupt on Token, USB

ISP: Image Signal Processor

ISP: Interrupt-on Short Packet, DWC3

KBA: Knowledge Base Article

LDPC:Low Density Parity Check,for 5G

MBHC:MultiButton Headset Control

mbn: Modem Configuration binary

MDM: Mobile Data Modem

MLME:Mac Layer Management Entity

modemst: modem efs partition

MSM: Mobile Station Modem

MTC: Machine Type Communications

NV:Nonvolatile Data

OCMC: On-Chip Memory Controller

PBL:Primary BootLoader

PBM: Phonebook Manager

PC: Parallel Charger (并联充电模组)

PDC: Power Domain Controller

PDU:Protocol Data Unit

PMxxxx: xxxx PMIC Core

PMIxxxx: xxxx PMIC Interface


PPID:Parent Process ID(Linux ps命令可以看到);MFi Product Plan ID,例如 = 147312-0020,106455-0155

QAM8295P: Qualcomm Automotive infotainment Module

QCA: Qualcomm Atheros

QCCI:QMI Common Client Interface

QCMAP: Qualcomm Mobile Access Point Service

QCPE: QualComm TZ Protected Element

QCSI:QMI Common Service Interface

QDSP:Qualcomm Digital Signal Processor

QFE: Qualcomm Front-end

QHEE:QCOM Hypervisor Execution Environment

QMI:Qualcomm MSM Interface

QMI_PDS:QMI Position Determination Service - for GPS

QPNP: Qualcomm Plug and Play

QSC: Qualcomm Single Chip

QSD: Qualcomm Snapdragon

QTI SLPI GPIO: sensor low power interface, SSC GPIO

RBCO:Rock Bottom Current Optimization,底电流调试

RDM:Runtime Device Mapper

REX:Real-time Executive OS

RMA: Return Material Authorization

RFFE: Radio Frequency Front-end

RTR: Radio Transceiver

S801: MSM8974AA

SAM: Sensors Algorithm Manager

SBL:Secondary BootLoader

SBZ:Should Be Zero

SCHG: Switching charger

SDU:Sensor Data Unit

SEE: Sensors Execution Environment

SIO:Serial Input and Output,对各种串行接口数据的预处理(SDIO/UART/USB)

SLPI: Sensor Low Power Island

SMD:Shared Memory Device

SNOC:System Network On Chip

Socket BLA:bind()、listen()、accept()

SRLTE: Simultaneous Radio and LTE

SSC: Snapdragon Sensors Core, used by aDSP

SSR:SubSystem Restart

SSUSB-QMP:QCOM Multiple Protocol Phy

SURF: Subscriber Unit Reference Platform

TCSR: Top Control and Status Register

TE:Terminal Equipment

ThreadX: X means context switching

Tilt Sensor:抬手亮屏传感器,另外一个Wrist Sensor(检测翻腕动作),与Tilt差不多

TLMM: GPIO Top Level Mode Multiplexer

ttyAMA: ARM AMBA PL011, for QNX Hypervisor

ttyHSL: tty High Speed Serial Lite

ttySAC: tty Special Administrator Control

UniPro: Universal Protocol

USAM: Universal SSC Algorithm Module,ADSP SSC算法模块

WCD: wafer codec/decode

WCN: wireless connectivity network

WTR: Wafer Transceiver

XBL:Extended BootLoader

XPU: Embedded Memory Protected Unit

1.2 SoC

APQ: Application Processor Qualcomm

MPQ: Media Processor Qualcomm

SDA:Snapdragon Auto(汽车APQ)


Snapdragon Mobile (SDM) = MSM

Snapdragon Modem(SDX)= MDM

Snapdragon Mobile (Compute) (SDA) = APQ

Snapdragon Mobile (Compute) (SDC) = MSM

SDW:Snapdragon Wear

SDW1100 = MDM9207-1

SDW1200 = 取MDM9206的Modem和Snapdragon Wear 1100/2100的AP

SDW2100 = MSM8909w

1.3 DSP

NPU: qcom Neural Process Unit, DSP and CM3

aDSP: qcom audio DSP

cDSP: qcom compute DSP

mDSP: qcom modem DSP

sDSP: qcom sensor DSP, SLPI

1.4 Platforms

ADP:Automotive Development Platform

CDP:Core Development Platform

FFA: Form Factor Accurate

FLUID:Forward Looking User Interface Device

LiQUID:Large Qualcomm User Interface Device

MTP:Modem Test Platform

QRD SKU:Qualcomm Reference Design Skull

SURF: Subscriber Unit Reference Platform

1.5 MSM软件成熟度

FC:Feature Completed

ES:Engineering Sample

CS:Commercial Sample

1.6 QMI

DMS: Device Management Service

NAS: Network Access Service

UIM: User Identity Module

WDS: Wireless Data Service

2 Charge

2.1 Misc

OPPO VOOC:Voltage Open-Looped, Multi-Step Constant-Current Charging,电压开环,多步恒流充电

2.2 MTK Charge



BAT_ON:电池NTC (热敏电阻) 引脚



DOD:Depth of Discharging,放电深度百分比

ept:MTK Easy PinMux Tool

IPO: MTK Instant Power On



OCV:Open Circuit Voltage,开路电压


R (battery):电池内阻,(V2-V1)/400mA

SOP: Standard Operation Procedure,操作指导

VC (=VBAT):Voltage of Closed Circuit,闭路电压,Charge ADC采样的到电压就是闭路电压


VCDT:VCHG Charger Detect充电电压检测脚

ZCV:(Zero Current) Voltage,零电流-电压,一般指ZCV的2个表格(开路电压-放电深度百分比,开路电压-电池内阻)

3 Display and Camera

3.1 General


CSI:Camera Serial Interface

DSI:Display Serial Interface

EOS:Electro Optical System,佳能电子光学系统

EVS:Exterior View System,Android车载系统Camera架构HAL层(不同于手机Camera架构)

FPC指纹:FingerPrint Cards AB

FPD:Flat Plane Display

GMSL:Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link

HPD:HotPlug Detection


TNT显示器:Touch & Talk

3.2 ADAS摄像头种类

ADAS:Advanced Driver Assistance System,先进驾驶辅助系统,Bosch提供整个方案模块

ADASIS:Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Interface Specifications,EHP规范

AVM:Around View Monior,360°环视摄像头

DMS:Driver Monitoring System,疲劳驾驶监控,使用GHS INTEGRITY RTOS系统,通过车载以太网通信(PHY工作在Master模式,连接时,会主动和Slave PHY进行链路训练),法国Valeo提供方案

DVR:Digital Video Recorder,行车记录仪

HAP: GWM Highly Automatic Parking

IRK: BMW Innenraumkamera, interior camera

OMS: Occupancy Monitoring System

RVC:Rear View Camera,倒车影像

SVC:Side View Camera,盲区摄像头

UCAP: BMW UltraSonics Camera Automated Parking, including EAVB AVM

VIMS: GWM Video Intelligent Monitor System with EAVB supported

3.3 touch

FTS touch: Focaltech Systems


C/A码:Coarse / Acquisition Code,粗码

CNR:Carrier Noise Ratio

EPO: Extended Prediction Orbit

GGA: Global Positioning System Fix Data,定位信息

GLL: Geographic Position, Latitude/Longitude,地位地理信息

GNRMC:Global Navigation Recommended Minimum sentence C,多模推荐定位信息

GPRMC:GPS Recommended Minimum sentence C,GPS推荐定位信息

GSA: GPS DOP and Active Satellites,当前卫星信息

GSV: GPS Satellites in View,可見卫星信息

NAV-DOP:Dilution of Precision,精度因子,U-BLOX的私有的UBX消息包

NAV-PVT:Position Velocity and Time(UTC),U-BLOX的私有的UBX消息包;fixType表示定位有没有成功标志字段,velN表示NED north velocity

P码:Precise Code,精码

QMI_PDS:QMI Position Determination Service - for GPS

RMC: Recommend Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data,推荐定位信息

RTCM:Radio Technical Commission for Maritime services,海事无线电技术委员会

VTG: Track Made Good and Ground Speed,地面速度信息

ZDA: Time & Date,时间日期信息



Falcon:FAst Logic CONtroller。NVIDIA私有的RISC MCU,主要用在桌面GPU(Falcon中的寄存器一般映射到PCI BAR0)或者Tegra xHCI控制器中。NVIDIA正在把私有的Falcon MCU架构换成RISC-V

GC7000: Vivante GC (Graphics and Compute), used by iMX 6 and iMX 8

GeForce:Geometry Force,几何威力

GTX显卡:Grand Touring eXtreme

IMG AXT-64-2048:Imagination Technologies;A表示AI,A系列的意思;XT表示eXTreme

LE:Low Edition,低端版


RTX显卡:Ray Tracing eXtreme

TI:Titanium 钛


6 MCU and SOC

6.1 ARC

ARC:Synopsys Argonaut RISC Core

ARC EM5D:Synopsys ARC Embedded 5 DSP

ARC EM SEP:Synopsys ARC Embedded Safety-Enhanced Processor

ARC HS:Synopsys ARC High-Speed

6.2 Automotive

AURIX: Infineon Automotive Realtime Integrated NeXt Generation Architecture

TC265: Infineon TriCore (Triple Core), RISC/MCU/DSP

XMC: Infineon Cross Market Microcontroller, based on ARM Cortex-M

ITMON: Samsung EA9 IPs Traffic Monitor, 36bit physical memory address bus

S2MPU: Samsung EA9 Stage-2 Memory Protection Unit

vGEN: Samsung EA9 Hypervisor VID Generator

6.3 CE

ABOV:AP(Application Processor)Division of Magnachip Semiconductor,韩国现代单片机

AT91SAM9260:SAM means Smart ARM-based Microcontroller

ATMEL SAMBA:ATMEL Smart ARM-based Microcontroller Boot Assistant



ED:Engineering Debug

EFM32:Silicon Labs, Energy Friendly Microcontroller

ICC:Integrated Cockpit Controller

IOC:Input Output Controller,车机MCU

LPC:NXP, Low Power Consumption

Marvell SoC ARMADA:(西班牙的)无敌舰队

MCS-51:Micro Computer System

Microchip PIC:Programmable Interface Controller

MSP:TI, Mixed Signal Processor

OTA:Running change

PSoC:发音p sock,Seattle Cypress Microsystems Inc, acquired by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, http://blog.chinaaet.com/fy_zhu/p/31978

PXA:Xscale Application Processor

RA:Renesas Advanced

RX:Renesas eXtreme

RH850:Renesas High-performance


STC:SysTem Chip

Tegra K1:K means Kepler

Tegra X1:X means Maxwell,Drive CX(Cockpit Maxwell),Drive PX(Auto-Pilot Maxwell)

Workaround:确定现象,找不到root cause,但是可以解决;与rework的意思大概相同(可能印度人用的多)

6.4 DSP

CEVA公司:塞瓦定理,是由意大利几何学家Giovanni Ceva发现,用来证明共点线的一个几何原理,通常称为汇集定理。当今将各种技术汇集在单个产品之上正是半导体工业大势所趋,以塞瓦定理命名的CEVA公司也正是秉承这一理念才走到了今天。

7 Misc

CoAP:The Constrained Application Protocol

MFF:eSIM M2M form factors

RCA:Root Cause Analysis

RMA:Return Materials Authorization,芯片失效测试,一般是指公司内部的退货流程,假设一公司售出某物品, 因为品质问题或出错货,客户要求退货,公司经过与客户沟通后,确认客户可以退货

SOP:Standard Operation Procedure,操作指导

SOP:Start Of Production,开始量产

8 NXP/Freescale

74HC04D:High CMOS,最后一个D表示封装形式

HCS08:Freescale High-speed CMOS Speedup,简写为S08

iMX287: integrates the first generation FEC and MorethanIP L2 switch, MorethanIP GmbH was acquired by Synopsys in 2021

ISP1161:Philips' Integrated host Solution Pairs 1161,"Firms introduce USB host controllers",https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1290054

MC i.MX6Q:(Motorola Advanced Computer System on Silicon)innovative Multimedia eXtended 6 Quad Core;最早由SigmaTel创立


MQX RTOS:Message Queue eXecutive

NE555: 555 Timer IC. Made by Signetics which is Signal Network Electronics, hence NE is Network Electronics

NPU: iMX 8M Plus integrates Vivante VIP8000 NPU

PowerPC:Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC -- Performance Computing;the "PPC" prefix is IBM terminology;Motorola uses the mnemonic "MPC" instead

S32: NXP scalable

SBC:Single Board Computer

SJA1000:Stand-alone CAN controller,C51并行接口

TFA:Terminal For Amplifier

TJA1050:Transceiver,High-speed CAN transceiver

UJA1164:Mini high-speed CAN System Basis Chip(SBC)transceiver, SPI接口

How to find NXP PNI?

search "NXP Product Numbering Information"

9 Sensor

9.1 General

HRV:Heart Rate Variability(心率变异性),光电心率没有办法检测HRV数据的,需要ECG才可以测量;心率变异性(HRV)特指心跳时间间隔的微小变化。心率变异性变化越大,表明自主神经系统对身体协调作用越好、身体具备更多的活力。测量心率变异性(HRV)可以直观反映一个人的身体健康状况,并且也能够判断目前的训练方式对改善身体状态是否有效。

PDR:Pedestrian Dead Reckoning,室内定位(计算相对位置的定位方法),PDR定位是一种基于传感器信息计算相对位置的定位方法,首先通过加速度传感器检测行人的步数并计算出步长,然后通过磁阻传感器和陀螺仪计算出行人的航向角,最后获取人体移动的相对位置从而实现定位。相较于其他室内定位方法,PDR不受外界环境影响,定位精度较高,但只能获取相对位置信息且存在累积误差。

PPG:photoplethysmography,光电心率传感器,Apple Watch用的就是这种。

9.2 Bosch

BHI160B:Bosch Sensor Hub with MEMS IMU 160B

BMA355:Bosch 3-Axis MEMS Accelerometer 355

BMI160:Bosch 6-Axis MEMS IMU 160

9.3 ST

AIS328DQ:Automotive Inertial Sensor - 3 axes - 2/4/8g full scale - Digital Output - QFPN package

A3G4250D:Automotive - 3 axes - Gyroscope - 4x4 LGA 16L - 245dps full scale - Digital Output

LIS3DH:Linear Inertial Sensor - Digital Output - High Level

LPS001DL:Linear Pressure Sensor - Digital Output - Low Level

LSM303DLH:Linear Sensor Module - Digital Output - High Level

10 TI

AM335x:ARM MPU,可以运行Linux的才叫MPU,否则叫MCU,用于工控

BB: Burr Brown, co-founded by Robert Page Burr and Thomas R.Brown Jr., PCM1972. Acquired by TI


CC2530:TI ChipCon2530


LM117 / LM317: W117 / W317, Fundamentals of Analog Electronic. The LM in the part number stands for Linear Monolithic (线性单片电路), which National Semiconductor used to describe many of their analog ICs

LM555: 555 Timer IC. The LM in the part number stands for Linear Monolithic, which National Semiconductor used to describe many of their analog ICs

McBSP:Multichannel Buffered Serial Port

TDA:TI Driver Assistance

TIP110: Texas Instruments Power

TLC:Texas Instruments Linear CMOS

TLV:TI Low Value,高性价比

TMS:Texas Manufactured Semiconductors

TMX:Texas Manufactured Experimental Device

TPS:TI Performance Solution

11 USB

ACP:iPod Authentication CoProcessor,IC mfi337s3959

iAP2:iPhone CarPlay iOS Accessory Protocol, Version 2,iAP2分为3层,分别是传输层、链路层、会话层;而iAP1没有分层的概念

ARC:Argonant RISC Core

ATS:Accessory Test System,iPhone Carplay自测试

CCG2:Type-C Controller Generation 2

CCG3PA:Type-C Controller Generation 3 Power Application

CCGP:Windows USB Common Class Generic Parent,Linux内核类似的驱动就是usb_generic_driver

CMG1:USB Type-C EMCA Controller Generation 1

DP:Dual Port,或者Display Port

DWC2/DWC3:Design Ware Controller,Apple的嵌入式设备,包括iPad和iPhone都是使用的DWC2

EZ-USB:Easy AnchorChips

FTDI:Future Technology Devices International

giveback:归还 - ehci_urb_done() -> usb_hcd_giveback_urb()。USB PD中的giveback(= 1)指sink会响应source的GotoMin请求,返还部分电力给source。

GRL:Granite River Labs ,美国工程测试认证实验室

HX3C:Cypress USB Type-C Hub with PD

IAAD:EHCI Interrupt on Async Advance Doorbell

iPhone XR:R means Regular

ISP1161:Philips' Integrated host Solution Pairs 1161,"Firms introduce USB host controllers",https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1290054

MDATA:More DATA,USB双缓冲(ep_kind配置使能)切换机制对应到DATA0和DATA1


NEC uPA, uPB, uPC, uPD:uP:微型产品(micro Product),A代表Analog(混合元件),B代表bipolar(双极数字电路),C代表双极模拟电路,D代表单极型数字电路


PTN5100:Part Number

Quirks:the attributes of a device that are considered to be noncompliant with expected operation

RNDIS OID:Object Identifier

RNDIS wceis:Windows CE Internet Sharging,(WceIsVista.INF -- This is the inf installation script for RNDIS-over-USB host driver for Intenet Sharing device.)

Renesas名字由来:Renaissance Semiconductor for Advanced Solutions

SL811HS:Cypress/ScanLogic 811 Host/Slave,性能上与ISP1161(Integrated host Solution Pairs 1161)相当

SPH:USB Single-Port Host

SSUSB-QMP:QCOM Multiple Protocol Phy

TDI:TransDimension Inc.,该公司首先发明了将TT集成到EHCI RootHub中的方法,这样对于嵌入式系统来说,就省去了OHCI/UHCI的硬件,同时降低了成本,作为对该公司的纪念,Linux内核定义了宏ehci_is_TDI(ehci);产品UHC124表示USB Host Controller;收购了ARC USB技术;现已被chipidea收购,chipidea又被mips收购

TT:Transaction Translator(事务转换器,将USB2.0的包转换成USB1.1的包)

µAB:Micro AB

USB BH reset:Bigger Hammer or Brad Hosler,表示warm reset;you may be confused why the USB 3.0 spec calls the same type of reset "warm reset" in some places and "BH reset" in other places. "BH" reset is supposed to stand for "Big Hammer" reset, but it also stands for "Brad Hosler". Brad died shortly after the USB 3.0 bus specification was started, and they decided to name the reset after him. The suggestion was made shortly before the spec was finalized, so the wording is a bit inconsistent.

USB3 BULK Stream ID:对应到SCSI Tag或者SATA Tag

USB KVM:KVM是键盘(Keyboard)、显示器(Video)、鼠标(Mouse)的缩写;KVM端口是25-pin,包含VGA接口和USB接口

uSOF:micro Start of Frame,125us


WinPE:Windows Preinstallation Environment

12 x86

ABL:Automotive BootLoader,是UEFI的一部分,ABL负责启动bootloader(= kernelflinger),kernelflinger启动boot.img

Android LTS:Long Term Support

Android MR1:Maintenance Release

ELK:Emergency Linux Kernel

GR_MRB:Gordon Peak Modular Reference Board

HECI:Host Embedded Controller Interface,Host OS和x86 ME的通信接口,只有4pin,分别是REQ#、GNT#、TX和RX,目的是为了代替SMBus

IFWI:Intel Proprietary Integrated Firmware Image

Intel BXT:Broxton

MEI:Intel Management Engine Interface;一个独立的子系统,使用ARC处理器,OS是Minix 3,固件整合到BIOS中,通过PCI桥片在x86端访问ARC的local端

MPH:USB Multi-Port Host,Intel APL (Gen9, A39X0) 8-port MPH xHCI的Port1作为OTG使用,和DWC3(仅作为slave)使用一个MUX开关来控制Host还是UDC连接到该Port1

TOS:Trusted OS,类似于ARM的TZ

vbmeta:Verified Boot Meta Image Partition

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