Dacade平台 SUI Move 挑战者合约实践 —— Logistics Company

一:Logistics Company 功能介绍

  • 所有人都可以创建独属于自己的物流公司,按照每百克的价格定价(不满100g的将按照100g计算),当然,公司所有者也可以注销这所公司,但前提是处理完所有的业务。
  • 所有人都可以是顾客,提供将要运输的物品信息(主要是重量)进行下单,同时支付费用。
  • 类似于现今的各大消费平台,支付的费用不会直接抵达公司的账户下,而是存储在平台的某个地方(在这里,就是 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> S u i \mathit {Sui} </math>Sui 链上的某个对象中,不提供对该对象内的金额直接提现的功能),只有用户凭借快递单确认收货,或者超过15个周期由公司进行确认收货操作后,对应的款项才会打入公司的账户。
  • 只有进入公司账户的收益额,管理者才能够将其提现到自己的钱包,当然,为了该平台的可持续发展,每一笔提现,需要支付给平台创始人 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 1 % \text 1\% </math>1% 的抽成。
  • 平台创始人可以通过对抽成得到的收益进行提现。
  • 下单后不超过3个周期,顾客可以凭快递单进行退款操作,金额将原封不动退入消费者账户钱包。


2.1 平台创始人


但是提现操作只能是创始人自己,因此通过 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> O n e \mathit {One} </math>One- <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> T i m e \mathit {Time} </math>Time- <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> W i t n e s s \mathit {Witness} </math>Witness 来创建一个Publisher在后续调用时表明身份。

move 复制代码
// Define ADMIN(one time witness) struct
struct ADMIN has drop {}

// Define Admin struct
struct Admin has key {
    id: UID,
    balance: Balance<SUI>,

2.2 公司



move 复制代码
// Define CompanyCap struct
struct CompanyCap has key {
    id: UID,

// Define Company struct
struct Company has key {
    id: UID,
    name: String,
    price_per_hundred_grams: u64,
    waiting_for_receipt: LinkedTable<ID, ItemInfo>,
    can_be_cashed: Balance<SUI>,
    all_profit: u64,

其中用到了LinkedTable,这是一个通过 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> K e y \mathit {Key} </math>Key- <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> V a l u e \mathit {Value} </math>Value 存储的自带的数据结构,拥有头插,尾插,从头部取出,从尾部取出等功能,用来维护待确认收货的物流信息比较合适,具体可以点击查看源码。

2.3 物流

顾客下单后会得到与公司相对应的快递单(通过公司的 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> I D \mathit {ID} </math>ID 进行对应),该快递单不对外公开,仅下单的顾客拥有。


move 复制代码
// Define TransportItem struct
struct TransportItem has key {
    id: UID,
    logistics_company: String,
    company_id: ID,
    weight: u64,
    price: u64,

// Define ItemInfo struct
struct ItemInfo has store {
    epoch: u64,
    transport_price: Balance<SUI>,


3.1 平台创始人

3.1.1 发布时初始化

在发布该合约的时候自动调用的init函数当中,通过只能在这里使用的 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> O n e \mathit {One} </math>One- <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> T i m e \mathit {Time} </math>Time- <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> W i t n e s s \mathit {Witness} </math>Witness 来创建Publisher,并将其拥有权递交给发布者。


move 复制代码
// Function to init the publisher and admin
fun init(otw: ADMIN, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // create Publisher and transfer it to the sender
    package::claim_and_keep(otw, ctx);

    // create Admin and share it with all users
    transfer::share_object(Admin {
        id: object::new(ctx),
        balance: balance::zero(),

3.1.2 提现

通过Publisher确认身份,当Admin当中的抽成大于零的时候可以对其进行提现(将 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> S U I \mathit {SUI} </math>SUI 的 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> b a l a n c e \mathit {balance} </math>balance 包装成 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> C o i n \mathit {Coin} </math>Coin 发送给平台创始人)。

move 复制代码
// Function to withdraw(only the publisher can withdraw)
public entry fun withdraw(_publisher: &Publisher, admin: &mut Admin, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // get the value amount
    let amount = balance::value(&admin.balance);

    // it's necessary to make sure the amount > 0
    assert!(amount > 0, ERROR_NOT_BALANCE);

    // transfer the coin with the all balance to the sender
    transfer::public_transfer(coin::take(&mut admin.balance, amount, ctx), tx_context::sender(ctx));

3.2 公司

3.2.1 创建公司


move 复制代码
// Function to create company
public entry fun create_company(name: String, price_per_hundred_grams: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // create CompanyCap and transfer it to the sender
    // this is a testament to the company's managers
    transfer::transfer(CompanyCap {
        id: object::new(ctx),
    }, tx_context::sender(ctx));

    // create Company and share it with all users
    transfer::share_object(Company {
        id: object::new(ctx),
        waiting_for_receipt: linked_table::new<ID, ItemInfo>(ctx),
        can_be_cashed: balance::zero(),
        all_profit: 0,

3.2.2 确认收货

只有下单后超过 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 15 \text {15} </math>15 个周期的货物,公司有权进行确认收货操作。





move 复制代码
// Function to unconfirmed receipt items with confirmation epoch greater than 15
// Company managers can only confirm the company's transport items
public entry fun confirm_items(_company_cap: &CompanyCap, company: &mut Company, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // get the now epoch
    let now_epoch = tx_context::epoch(ctx);

    // to be confirmed list
    let items = &mut company.waiting_for_receipt;

    // theoretically, the linked table is sorted according to epoch
    // because when user call function, linked_table push_back, this is orderly in itself
    loop {
        // items need to be not empty
        if (linked_table::is_empty(items)) break;

        // linked_table::front -> &Option<Element>
        // option::borrow -> &Element
        // in this module, Element is ID
        let key = *option::borrow(linked_table::front(items));

        // linked_table::borrow -> &Value
        // in this module, Value is ItemInfo
        let transport_epoch = linked_table::borrow(items, key).epoch;

        // the front item's epoch is longer than 15
        if (transport_epoch + 15 >= now_epoch) break;

        // pop the front and get the ItemInfo
        let (_, item_info) = linked_table::pop_front(items);

        // destroy ItemInfo and get the price
        let ItemInfo {
            epoch: _,
        } = item_info;

        // add to the all_profit
        company.all_profit = company.all_profit + balance::value(&transport_price);

        // add the profit
        balance::join(&mut company.can_be_cashed, transport_price);

3.2.3 提现

需要管理员权限CompanyCap才可调用,这里的关键是需要取出 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 1 % \text 1\% </math>1% 存入Admin,由于 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> M o v e \mathit {Move} </math>Move 语言目前对浮点数的支持有限,所以这里平台创始人吃点亏,只抽取 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> ⌊ p r o f i t 100 ⌋ \lfloor \frac{\mathit{profit}}{\text{100}} \rfloor </math>⌊100profit⌋。

move 复制代码
// Function to cash
public entry fun cash(_company_cap: &CompanyCap, admin: &mut Admin, company: &mut Company, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // get the amount of balance
    let can_be_cashed = &mut company.can_be_cashed;
    let amount = balance::value(can_be_cashed);

    // check the amount
    assert!(amount > 0, ERROR_NOT_BALANCE);

    // admin profit: 1% of the balance
    let admin_profit = balance::split(can_be_cashed, amount / 100);

    // add to the admin balance
    let admin_balance = admin::get_balance_mut(admin);
    balance::join(admin_balance, admin_profit);

    // the remaining amount belongs to the company
    amount = balance::value(can_be_cashed);
    transfer::public_transfer(coin::take(can_be_cashed, amount, ctx), tx_context::sender(ctx));

3.2.4 注销公司


move 复制代码
// Function to destroy company
public entry fun destroy_company(company_cap: CompanyCap, company: Company) {
    // deconstruct the CompanyCap
    let CompanyCap {id} = company_cap;
    // delete the id

    // deconstruct the Company
    let Company {
        name: _,
        price_per_hundred_grams: _,
        all_profit: _,
    } = company;

    // delete the id

    // destroy linked_table

    // destroy balance

3.3 物流

3.3.1 创建(下单)

选择公司,提供物品重量,支付对应的金额(多退少报错),顾客得到仅自己可见的快递单,而对应的信息则存储入Company当中的LinkedTable,其中作为 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> K e y \mathit {Key} </math>Key 的 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> I D \mathit {ID} </math>ID 取自对应的快递单,也就是TransportItem

move 复制代码
// Function to create transport item
public entry fun create_item(company: &mut Company, weight: u64, sui: Coin<SUI>, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // if the weight is less than 100g, it will be calculated as 100g
    // in other words: weight / 100 rounded up multiply by price_per_hundred_grams
    let price = (weight + 99) / 100 * company.price_per_hundred_grams;

    // check enough price
    assert!(coin::value(&sui) >= price, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_COIN);

    // split the right price
    let transport_price = coin::split(&mut sui, price, ctx);

    // destroy or transfer the remaining coin to the owner
    if (coin::value(&sui) == 0) {
    } else {
        transfer::public_transfer(sui, tx_context::sender(ctx));

    // create TransportItem
    let transport_item = TransportItem {
        id: object::new(ctx),
        logistics_company: company.name,
        company_id: object::id(company), // corresponding company ID

    // get the ID through transport_item to achieve a one-on-one relationship
    let id = object::id(&transport_item);

    // create ItemInfo
    let item_infomation = ItemInfo {
        epoch: tx_context::epoch(ctx),
        transport_price: coin::into_balance(transport_price),

    // transfer the credentials to the user
    transfer::transfer(transport_item, tx_context::sender(ctx));

    // store the item_info to the company
    linked_table::push_back(&mut company.waiting_for_receipt, id, item_infomation);

3.3.2 退款

下单后不超过 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 3 \text 3 </math>3 个周期的订单才可以退款,而且TransportItem当中的company_id必须与退款公司相一致,当然,该订单必须存在且未被确认收货。

move 复制代码
// Function to refunds if no more than 3 epoch
public entry fun refunds(transport_item: TransportItem, company: &mut Company, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    // check whether it corresponds to the company
    assert!(transport_item.company_id == object::id(company), ERROR_NOT_ORDERED_COMPANY);

    // get waiting_for_receipt
    let waiting_for_receipt = &mut company.waiting_for_receipt;

    // get the ID through transport_item
    let id_key = object::id(&transport_item);

    // determine whether it is the correct item or whether it is receipted
    assert!(linked_table::contains(waiting_for_receipt, id_key), ERROR_NOT_ITEM_OR_RECEIPTED);

    // must not exceed 3 epochs
    assert!(linked_table::borrow(waiting_for_receipt, id_key).epoch + 3 >= tx_context::epoch(ctx), ERROR_NOT_REFUNDS);

    // deconstruct the ItemInfo
    let ItemInfo {
        epoch: _,
    } = linked_table::remove(waiting_for_receipt, id_key);

    // get the balance amount
    let amount = balance::value(&transport_price);

    // refunds
    transfer::public_transfer(coin::take(&mut transport_price, amount, ctx), tx_context::sender(ctx));

    // destroy the zero balance

    // destroy TransportItem

3.3.3 确认收货


如果该信息已经超过了 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 15 \text {15} </math>15 个周期且物流公司确认收货了,那么此函数仅执行销毁快递单的操作。

move 复制代码
// Function to confirm receipt by correct TransportItem
public entry fun confirm_receipt(transport_item: TransportItem, company: &mut Company) {
    // check whether it corresponds to the company
    assert!(transport_item.company_id == object::id(company), ERROR_NOT_ORDERED_COMPANY);

    // get waiting_for_receipt
    let waiting_for_receipt = &mut company.waiting_for_receipt;

    // get the ID through transport_item
    let id_key = object::id(&transport_item);

    // determine whether it is the correct item or whether it is receipted
    if (linked_table::contains(waiting_for_receipt, id_key)) {
        // deconstruct the ItemInfo
        let ItemInfo {
            epoch: _,
        } = linked_table::remove(waiting_for_receipt, id_key);

        // add to the all_profit
        company.all_profit = company.all_profit + balance::value(&transport_price);

        // add the profit
        balance::join(&mut company.can_be_cashed, transport_price);

    // destroy TransportItem


4.1 发布

  • 运行命令

sui client publish --gas-budget 100000000

  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                   │
│ Created Objects:                                                                                 │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x64adbd96a562851de6dc79eeec7f5b8c173914aa667083693aa295f162deeb0d                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 ) │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::package::Publisher                                                           │
│  │ Version: 81313247                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: H9BpBvmMayuLeGwbrtMXgmQiYVFT6LjscSiwpxaRp1jm                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xa9c37253c81a63606a697eb6d249790aac5443b2c9063fd61ea7a2072498e010                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 ) │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::package::UpgradeCap                                                          │
│  │ Version: 81313247                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: H2b31NtMkE4PhtZ1e3VhjS5YqKH8HkpewgyYjHkpqUVT                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xd5785555e3c0d1745a502633353cf9aaad1b79d1fd04fb0fa4943bdea98006af                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                 │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::admin::Admin  │
│  │ Version: 81313247                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: 5FPD5bwqPENjnH2TpmKw4pt2pgGyZprteSE5besGyAiC                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                 │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x6a8d2d47ad669e0ff5d4c4d32ddb282014daca375f3eabf454a42701beb1ec06                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 ) │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                    │
│  │ Version: 81313247                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: 8RKM8DLrFPWMLFjaE4k5yNCvfbwXFfE57mJFxucUbLLw                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│ Published Objects:                                                                               │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ PackageID: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6                 │
│  │ Version: 1                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: 8u1KT2dfoqfkFk7C5eoFVkMH7czoph4LoNsY8HupUHiY                                          │
│  │ Modules: admin, company                                                                       │
│  └──                                                                                             │
  • 设置环境变量
bash 复制代码
export PACKAGE_ID=0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6
export PUBLISHER=0x64adbd96a562851de6dc79eeec7f5b8c173914aa667083693aa295f162deeb0d
export ADMIN=0xd5785555e3c0d1745a502633353cf9aaad1b79d1fd04fb0fa4943bdea98006af

4.2 创建公司

  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function create_company --args NightCandle 100 --gas-budget 10000000

  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                          │
│ Created Objects:                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xbb83fb182eaaa0054dd465eb0f600056b0e81aa600b053b1577cf49ce0c54898                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 )        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::CompanyCap  │
│  │ Version: 81313248                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: 7ZRmFTb4Xe2idgiw3PM5qMEUGGJ5ieg1xeEaepwoyRGZ                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company     │
│  │ Version: 81313248                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: DZqQn4hw6koM6fjrKUYTDHe7TJnAfPbp7hP9jA93L3Lr                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x6a8d2d47ad669e0ff5d4c4d32ddb282014daca375f3eabf454a42701beb1ec06                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 )        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                           │
│  │ Version: 81313248                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: 2Z2CDce9ck99QwMT7UtqeAQK4Trr9iLgysnXqF4gjr37                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
  • 设置环境变量
bash 复制代码
export COMPANYCAP=0xbb83fb182eaaa0054dd465eb0f600056b0e81aa600b053b1577cf49ce0c54898
export COMPANY=0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2

4.3 下单物流

  • 切换到另一个用户

sui client switch --address <alias>

  • 设置 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> C o i n \mathit {Coin} </math>Coin 环境变量
bash 复制代码
sui client gas
export COIN=0xca1e96b358f722d601accc962d54460068244d4f7f75ee122d50e1132d25ee36
  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function create_item --args $COMPANY 1 $COIN --gas-budget 10000000

  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                                                                                                              │
│ Created Objects:                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x9128a11aae6362040052e943098e12d8a8e625a3fd164aa0772cdb7c6209c0f7                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Object ID: ( 0xfb39822d0d3883ed1a02d720ed6bc1f38a09b8c2b7ad33d00a466d28306860c5 )                                                                                                 │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x2::object::ID, 0x2::linked_table::Node<0x2::object::ID, 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::ItemInfo>>  │
│  │ Version: 81313254                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: 3EzLVtMtZj88Q3JzqQU3SkARE6ZBLiwou7csLiJkATdT                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xcc9581fae40a69c7e8681a0f497a900a38cc1379abf420039a2ce783a0d9cb28                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b )                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::TransportItem                                                                                   │
│  │ Version: 81313254                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: EAtDCZAR8vZiAZ7FWy4bTU2kQn7KUYnT8uRSeUH6bdpQ                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xa5e9cc06d7bfb34b49fd2f6631e0580129fa8124a36030ae5107ebf785fca37c                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b )                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                                                                                                               │
│  │ Version: 81313254                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: J9w5dNToKgigdoc3VtM5KucRKbMZkyVzqM4cuLeLBUDm                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xca1e96b358f722d601accc962d54460068244d4f7f75ee122d50e1132d25ee36                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b )                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                                                                                                               │
│  │ Version: 81313254                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: 97oxDW1DDton7k1S81HgkoC9rexw7YGvUDXw1aMGKjXd                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company                                                                                         │
│  │ Version: 81313254                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: 5hTdm7unYsfMEiopZwHwDDanfvEDwW2cSaY8GtvA462D                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
  • 设置环境变量

export TRANSPORTITEM=0xcc9581fae40a69c7e8681a0f497a900a38cc1379abf420039a2ce783a0d9cb28

  • **通过查询可以发现, <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> b a l a n c e g a s \mathit {balance}\ \mathit {gas} </math>balance gas 少了 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 100 \text {100} </math>100 **

sui client gas

  • 类似的,我们再下单一件 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 999 g \text {999}\mathit g </math>999g 的物品,同时记录对应的 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> O b j e c t I D \mathit {Object}\ {ID} </math>Object ID 信息
bash 复制代码
sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function create_item --args $COMPANY 999 $COIN --gas-budget 10000000
export TRANSPORTITEM999=0x73a317b42fe947049085edca5117a49e59e8d17f8c90cecd8437fbaeb73b20a2

4.4 退款

  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function refunds --args $TRANSPORTITEM $COMPANY --gas-budget 10000000

  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                                                                                                              │
│ Created Objects:                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x990be8a45b632a81cf7e5ed6dc763b195edbaa994d827e5d6ac6f0db1eedc3d5                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b )                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                                                                                                               │
│  │ Version: 81313256                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: Eo4kQG93h8nUwYCmJbkQ2J7spFPgtZpdx2dWhtvRUp4f                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x393096cbb4b767cc89988c7ef1566b30ce0ed69f367c1a2dc46a394e33c4a358                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Object ID: ( 0xfb39822d0d3883ed1a02d720ed6bc1f38a09b8c2b7ad33d00a466d28306860c5 )                                                                                                 │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::dynamic_field::Field<0x2::object::ID, 0x2::linked_table::Node<0x2::object::ID, 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::ItemInfo>>  │
│  │ Version: 81313256                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: BX5RYwdf94HGfqyxqj49LdoxDxFHf19YaSezM6ZLysup                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xa5e9cc06d7bfb34b49fd2f6631e0580129fa8124a36030ae5107ebf785fca37c                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b )                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                                                                                                               │
│  │ Version: 81313256                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: bAY6jemHXqpQ7B9P234ueRHC76mz9sE6FxoYUdjXtP9                                                                                                                                      │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2                                                                                                             │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                                                                                                               │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company                                                                                         │
│  │ Version: 81313256                                                                                                                                                                        │
│  │ Digest: 5WNobseyxFD5isae3QDzY4aaT18ysesgfLVbzXfBJK5C                                                                                                                                     │
│  └──                                                                                                                                                                                        │
  • 确认余额
bash 复制代码
sui client gas

# output:
│ gasCoinId                                                          │ mistBalance (MIST) │ suiBalance (SUI) │
│ 0x990be8a45b632a81cf7e5ed6dc763b195edbaa994d827e5d6ac6f0db1eedc3d5 │ 100                │ 0.00             │
│ 0xa5e9cc06d7bfb34b49fd2f6631e0580129fa8124a36030ae5107ebf785fca37c │ 40997689           │ 0.04             │
│ 0xca1e96b358f722d601accc962d54460068244d4f7f75ee122d50e1132d25ee36 │ 8241140            │ 0.00             │
# 100 is a refund

4.5 确认收货

  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function confirm_receipt --args $TRANSPORTITEM999 $COMPANY --gas-budget 10000000

  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                       │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                     │
│  ┌──                                                                                                 │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xa5e9cc06d7bfb34b49fd2f6631e0580129fa8124a36030ae5107ebf785fca37c                      │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                        │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b )     │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                        │
│  │ Version: 81313257                                                                                 │
│  │ Digest: 51dpW1fdGD8N4gNNscivJ1Bj4xH6NbviAknscBWJK2U1                                              │
│  └──                                                                                                 │
│  ┌──                                                                                                 │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2                      │
│  │ Sender: 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b                        │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                     │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company  │
│  │ Version: 81313257                                                                                 │
│  │ Digest: 5VGyDPiy1eQAG41j7QrKtWrUpu3tfsP34d1697B3efys                                              │
│  └──                                                                                                 │

4.6 提现

  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function cash --args $COMPANYCAP $ADMIN $COMPANY --gas-budget 10000000

  • 报错
bash 复制代码
RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: "Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: Transaction was not signed by the correct sender: Object 0xbb83fb182eaaa0054dd465eb0f600056b0e81aa600b053b1577cf49ce0c54898 is owned by account address 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67, but given owner/signer address is 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b.", data: None }

Caused by:
    RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: "Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: Transaction was not signed by the correct sender: Object 0xbb83fb182eaaa0054dd465eb0f600056b0e81aa600b053b1577cf49ce0c54898 is owned by account address 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67, but given owner/signer address is 0xf6029b82e355f627b0e3d8941d63e139c4b73b495a2017ef48aaf17cc377457b.", data: None }


  • 运行命令
bash 复制代码
sui client switch --address <alias>
sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function cash --args $COMPANYCAP $ADMIN $COMPANY --gas-budget 10000000
  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                          │
│ Created Objects:                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xb24851602eeb642a28821f6608f74f4137c7657f0a2ef51fe8081fe680dc275f                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 )        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                           │
│  │ Version: 81313258                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: 8K3U4WEqjzMhjh2RhWFwVYpr35jkroAtXUoHEtSzxdqD                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                        │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x6a8d2d47ad669e0ff5d4c4d32ddb282014daca375f3eabf454a42701beb1ec06                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 )        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                           │
│  │ Version: 81313258                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: CPzvjMrt83jp6UhdpMaJMkid5Z3uqQa46uVGYWBkvzYM                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xbb83fb182eaaa0054dd465eb0f600056b0e81aa600b053b1577cf49ce0c54898                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 )        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::CompanyCap  │
│  │ Version: 81313258                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: 9xw1ApyAkSEZjQA24ixvK4h5CGvdpQHxRTLS81SXRNYp                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company     │
│  │ Version: 81313258                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: AEnTkUuctn8S7eGhDVdhMCBb49pttjjyivBJksqpg9a2                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
│  ┌──                                                                                                    │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xd5785555e3c0d1745a502633353cf9aaad1b79d1fd04fb0fa4943bdea98006af                         │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                           │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                        │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::admin::Admin         │
│  │ Version: 81313258                                                                                    │
│  │ Digest: 5zoMeLAmpr29RFUxMbAvdNethPXbreEnpJdhzdxFu9kv                                                 │
│  └──                                                                                                    │
  • 确认公司对象
bash 复制代码
sui client object $COMPANY

# outputs
│ objectId      │  0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2                                                                                                                                         │
│ version       │  81313258                                                                                                                                                                                                   │
│ digest        │  AEnTkUuctn8S7eGhDVdhMCBb49pttjjyivBJksqpg9a2                                                                                                                                                               │
│ objType       │  0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company                                                                                                                       │
│ owner         │ ╭────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────╮                                                                                                                                                        │
│               │ │ Shared │ ╭────────────────────────┬────────────╮ │                                                                                                                                                        │
│               │ │        │ │ initial_shared_version │  81313248  │ │                                                                                                                                                        │
│               │ │        │ ╰────────────────────────┴────────────╯ │                                                                                                                                                        │
│               │ ╰────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────╯                                                                                                                                                        │
│ prevTx        │  HL7sXWFe2bGSHd7sE8VCkksBBzQP3VwuS3NVwWdiRvyM                                                                                                                                                               │
│ storageRebate │  1892400                                                                                                                                                                                                    │
│ content       │ ╭───────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│               │ │ dataType          │  moveObject                                                                                                                                                                         │ │
│               │ │ type              │  0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::Company                                                                                               │ │
│               │ │ hasPublicTransfer │  false                                                                                                                                                                              │ │
│               │ │ fields            │ ╭─────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │ all_profit              │  1000                                                                                                                                                 │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │ can_be_cashed           │  0                                                                                                                                                    │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │ id                      │ ╭────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮                                                                         │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │ id │  0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2  │                                                                         │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ ╰────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯                                                                         │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │ name                    │  NightCandle                                                                                                                                          │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │ price_per_hundred_grams │  100                                                                                                                                                  │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │ waiting_for_receipt     │ ╭────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │ type   │  0x2::linked_table::LinkedTable<0x2::object::ID, 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::company::ItemInfo>  │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │ fields │ ╭──────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ │ head │                                                                               │                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ │ id   │ ╭────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ │      │ │ id │  0xfb39822d0d3883ed1a02d720ed6bc1f38a09b8c2b7ad33d00a466d28306860c5  │ │                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ │      │ ╰────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ │ size │  0                                                                            │                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ │ tail │                                                                               │                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ │        │ ╰──────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯                                                 │ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ │                         │ ╰────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │ │ │
│               │ │                   │ ╰─────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │ │
│               │ ╰───────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │

可以发现,all_profit是 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 1000 \text {1000} </math>1000,理论上来说,平台发布者赚取 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 10 \text {10} </math>10,公司管理者赚取 <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 990 \text {990} </math>990,可以通过sui client gas来查看,当然,你首先需要用Publisher进行提现。

  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module admin --function withdraw --args $PUBLISHER $ADMIN --gas-budget 10000000

  • 重要输出信息
bash 复制代码
│ Object Changes                                                                                   │
│ Created Objects:                                                                                 │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xfcf76783c005cd1119624a38c7fea70508eb6f6e8e3998dc3f08cb454ec58341                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 ) │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                    │
│  │ Version: 81313259                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: 31FWkR7WmpdBEgZCaSsh28Ffs8AFLJQMMz2T7vQT1bHz                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│ Mutated Objects:                                                                                 │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x64adbd96a562851de6dc79eeec7f5b8c173914aa667083693aa295f162deeb0d                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 ) │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::package::Publisher                                                           │
│  │ Version: 81313259                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: 6XkP1sj42fcPY413r6TrVWxgwCv9qa2ic8wc95t5cgBM                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0x6a8d2d47ad669e0ff5d4c4d32ddb282014daca375f3eabf454a42701beb1ec06                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67 ) │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>                                                    │
│  │ Version: 81313259                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: UfJzotSMJAFTPQRqtsVwdKpX3qfxcEyVhxa5ZfvJdkU                                           │
│  └──                                                                                             │
│  ┌──                                                                                             │
│  │ ObjectID: 0xd5785555e3c0d1745a502633353cf9aaad1b79d1fd04fb0fa4943bdea98006af                  │
│  │ Sender: 0x9e4092b6a894e6b168aa1c6c009f5c1c1fcb83fb95e5aa39144e1d2be4ee0d67                    │
│  │ Owner: Shared                                                                                 │
│  │ ObjectType: 0x9bf00314ecf5c82bce70a7afac8905960734d600e76ac31d78588d81ed63d2d6::admin::Admin  │
│  │ Version: 81313259                                                                             │
│  │ Digest: EMiBCe4QXLrhEpexZaiV8FGyHVbi6WYnAwCZ1dSvwCxq                                          │
│  └──                                                                                             │

4.7 注销公司

  • 运行命令

sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module company --function destroy_company --args $COMPANYCAP $COMPANY --gas-budget 10000000

  • 确认公司对象
bash 复制代码
sui client object $COMPANY

# outputs
Internal error, cannot read the object: Object has been deleted object_id: 0xcab6bc0ebef6ccf8cd18fcb424e3b5ee5d35544e03536aac66a0f8b0738363a2 at version: SequenceNumber(81313260) in digest o#7gyGAp71YXQRoxmFBaHxofQXAipvgHyBKPyxmdSJxyvz



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  • Sui 中文开发群(TG)
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