Story(Never Use The Wrong Compass)

There was once a couple named Nancy and Mike Tate, and it was their life's dream to have compass company. They finally saved enough money and started the Tate's Compass Company. Luck was with them, for the first contract they aquired was to manufacture 750,000 brass compasses for the Boy Scouts. They expected a large profit. Nancy and Mike worked feverishly day and night to produce compasses with precision and meet their deadline, right on schedule they finished just before the Boy Scout Jamboree was to begin. On the day of the Boy Scout Wilderness hike, each boy scout was given a Tate's Compass to help them find their way. Unfortunately, it was revealed a little too late that every single compass was made with the colored point of the needle facing the wrong way, so when one was facing North, the needle pointed on the reverse. Needless to say, all of the boy scouts got lost and it was the biggest scandal known in Boy Scout history. The Tate's Compass Company went out of business, but from this experience came the familiar saying, "He who has a Tate's is lost."


从前有一对夫妇名叫南希和迈克·塔特,开设一家指南针公司是他们毕生的梦想。最后他们攒足了钱终于开了一家 塔特指南针公司。幸运伴随着他们,他们的第一笔生意就获得了为童子军制造75万枚黄铜指南针的合同,他们认为一定能大赚一笔。南希和麦克夜以继日地生产高精度指南针以便能按时交付,最后终于在童子军狂欢活动开始前按时完成了。在童子军徒步荒野的那天,每一个童子军都拿到了一枚塔特指南针,以帮助他们辨别方向。不幸的是,每一枚指南针的彩色指针都指错了方向,也就是说应该指向北方却指向了相反的方向,当发现这一切时已经晚了。不用说,所有的童子军都迷路了,这在童子军历史上是一个最大的丑闻。塔特公司也因此而破产,但从这场事件中却流传出一句耳熟能详的谚语:"谁持有塔特指南针谁迷路。"