跟TED演讲学英文:How to escape education‘s death valley by Sir Ken Robinson

How to escape education's death valley

Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_how_to_escape_education_s_death_valley

Speaker: Sir Ken Robinson

Date: April 2013



Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish -- and how current education culture works against them. In a funny, stirring talk he tells us how to get out of the educational "death valley" we now face, and how to nurture our youngest generations with a climate of possibility.


Have you come across this idea? 你遇到过这种想法吗?

nobody was ironic in your presence. 没有人在你面前讽刺你。

mop up: 擦干;消除

It actually costs an enormous amount to mop up the damage from the dropout crisis. 实际上,消除辍学危机造成的损失需要巨额资金。

the tip of an iceberg:冰山一角

make a bet: 打赌

I will make you a bet, and I am confident that I will win the bet.

Education under "No Child Left Behind" is based on not diversity but conformity. 不是基于多样性,而是基于一致性

What schools are encouraged to do is to find out what kids can do across a very narrow spectrum of achievement. 这句话的意思是:学校被鼓励去了解孩子们在非常狭窄的成就范围内能做什么。也就是说,学校通常只关注学生在少数几个学科或领域的表现,而不是全面地看待他们的各种才能和潜力。

clerical work:文职工作

doing low-grade clerical work做低级的文书工作

fidget:美 [ˈfɪdʒɪt] 坐立不安


Kids prosper best with a broad curriculum that celebrates their various talents 孩子们在广泛的课程中成长得最好,这些课程颂扬他们的各种才能

Light the spark of curiosity in xxx:点燃好奇心的火花

If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child, they will learn without any further assistance, very often. 如果你能点燃孩子好奇心的火花,他们通常会在没有任何进一步帮助的情况下学习。


Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools. 教师是学校成功的命脉。

You know, you're not there just to pass on received information. Great teachers do that, but what great teachers also do is mentor, stimulate, provoke, engage. 你知道,你不只是在那里传递收到的信息。伟大的教师会这样做,但伟大的教师还会指导、激励、激发和参与。

cholesterol:美 [kəˈlestərɔːl] 胆固醇

I want to know what my cholesterol level is compared to everybody else's on a standard scale 我想知道在标准范围内我的胆固醇水平和其他人相比是多少


all that should support learning. It shouldn't obstruct it, which of course it often does. 不应该阻止学习

We all create our own lives through this restless process of imagining alternatives and possibilities, and one of the roles of education is to awaken and develop these powers of creativity. 我们都通过这种不停地想象各种选择和可能性的过程来创造自己的生活,而教育的作用之一就是唤醒和发展这些创造力。

bemused:美 [bɪ'mjuzd] 困惑的;发呆的;茫然的

The second is that they attribute a very high status to the teaching profession. 第二,他们认为教师职业的地位非常高。

devolve:美 [dɪˈvɑːlv] 移交;转移;

they devolve responsibility to the school level for getting the job done. 他们把完成任务的责任移交给学校。

discretion:美 [dɪˈskreʃn] 谨慎, 责任

[age of discretion] 责任年龄

and if you remove their discretion, it stops working. 如果你取消了他们的判断力,它就不起作用了

in spite of:尽管;虽然

in spite of the dominant culture of education

headwind:美 [ˈhɛdˌwɪnd] 逆风

It's like people are sailing into a headwind all the time. 就像人们一直在逆风航行。

it will all hum along perfectly into the future. 这一切都将完美地延续到未来。


The whole floor of Death Valley was carpeted in flowers for a while. 有一段时间,死亡谷的整个地面都铺满了鲜花。

bereft:美 [bəˈrɛft] 被剥夺的;失却的;缺少的;孤寂的;

schools that were once bereft spring to life. 曾经枯竭的学校焕发了生机。

You take an area, a school, a district, you change the conditions, give people a different sense of possibility, a different set of expectations, a broader range of opportunities, you cherish and value the relationships between teachers and learners, you offer people the discretion to be creative and to innovate in what they do, and schools that were once bereft spring to life. 你选择一个地区、一所学校或一个学区,改变其条件,给予人们不同的可能性,不同的期望,更广泛的机会,珍惜和重视教师和学生之间的关系,给予人们创造和创新的自由,那么那些曾经贫乏的学校就会焕发生机。

这里的 "discretion" 指的是自主权或自由裁量权。具体来说,就是让人们在他们的工作中拥有自由决定和采取行动的权力,以便能够进行创造和创新。

There's a wonderful quote

from Benjamin Franklin.

"There are three sorts

of people in the world:

Those who are immovable,

people who don't get it,

or don't want to do anything about it;

there are people who are movable,

people who see the need for change

and are prepared to listen to it;

and there are people who move,

people who make things happen."


  1. 不动的人(immovable)


  2. 可动的人(movable)


  3. 行动的人(people who move)




Summary of Sir Ken Robinson's TED Talk

In his engaging and humorous TED Talk, Sir Ken Robinson reflects on his move to America and debunks the myth that Americans don't understand irony, using the example of the "No Child Left Behind" legislation. He critiques the current education system, highlighting its emphasis on conformity and standardized testing, which he argues stifles creativity and individual talents. Robinson points out the detrimental effects of these policies, such as high dropout rates and disengaged students, and underscores the need for a more personalized approach to education that values diversity and individual strengths.

Robinson argues that effective education should nurture curiosity and creativity. He emphasizes that teaching is a creative profession that involves mentoring and engaging students, not merely delivering information. He criticizes the focus on testing and compliance, which undermines the true purpose of education: learning. Robinson calls for a shift in perspective, where teachers are empowered to inspire curiosity and imagination in their students, fostering an environment where learning can thrive organically.

In conclusion, Robinson advocates for a transformation in education, drawing inspiration from successful systems like Finland's, which prioritize individualized learning, high-status teaching professions, and school-level responsibility. He uses the metaphor of Death Valley, which bloomed after unexpected rainfall, to illustrate that with the right conditions, any school can flourish. Robinson urges leaders to create a climate of possibility, encouraging innovation and creativity, ultimately leading to a revolution in education that better prepares students for the future.

Ken Robinson爵士的TED演讲总结

在他引人入胜且幽默的TED演讲中,Ken Robinson爵士回顾了他搬到美国的经历,并驳斥了美国人不懂讽刺的说法,举例说明了"No Child Left Behind"立法的讽刺意味。他批评了当前的教育体系,指出其强调一致性和标准化测试,抑制了创造力和个人才能。Robinson强调了这些政策的有害影响,如高辍学率和学生的疏离感,并强调需要更个性化的教育方法,重视多样性和个人优势。




Thank you very much.

I moved to America 12 years ago

with my wife Terry and our two kids.

Actually, truthfully, we moved

to Los Angeles --


thinking we were moving

to America, but anyway --


It's a short plane ride

from Los Angeles to America.


I got here 12 years ago,

and when I got here,

I was told various things,

like, "Americans don't get irony."


Have you come across this idea?

It's not true.

I've traveled the whole length

and breadth of this country.

I have found no evidence

that Americans don't get irony.

It's one of those cultural myths,

like, "The British are reserved."


I don't know why people think this.

We've invaded every country

we've encountered.


But it's not true Americans

don't get irony,

but I just want you to know

that that's what people

are saying about you behind your back.

You know, so when you leave

living rooms in Europe,

people say, thankfully,

nobody was ironic in your presence.


But I knew that Americans get irony

when I came across that legislation,

"No Child Left Behind."


Because whoever thought

of that title gets irony.


Don't they?


Because it's leaving

millions of children behind.

Now I can see that's not a very attractive

name for legislation:

"Millions of Children Left Behind."

I can see that.

What's the plan?

We propose to leave

millions of children behind,

and here's how it's going to work.

And it's working beautifully.


In some parts of the country,

60 percent of kids drop out

of high school.

In the Native American communities,

it's 80 percent of kids.

If we halved that number,

one estimate is it would create

a net gain to the U.S. economy

over 10 years,

of nearly a trillion dollars.

From an economic point of view,

this is good math, isn't it,

that we should do this?

It actually costs an enormous amount

to mop up the damage

from the dropout crisis.

But the dropout crisis

is just the tip of an iceberg.

What it doesn't count

are all the kids who are in school

but being disengaged

from it, who don't enjoy it,

who don't get any real benefit from it.

And the reason is not

that we're not spending enough money.

America spends more money on education

than most other countries.

Class sizes are smaller

than in many countries.

And there are hundreds

of initiatives every year

to try and improve education.

The trouble is, it's all going

in the wrong direction.

There are three principles

on which human life flourishes,

and they are contradicted

by the culture of education

under which most teachers have to labor

and most students have to endure.

The first is this, that human beings

are naturally different and diverse.

Can I ask you, how many of you

have got children of your own?

Okay. Or grandchildren.

How about two children or more? Right.

And the rest of you

have seen such children.


Small people wandering about.


I will make you a bet,

and I am confident

that I will win the bet.

If you've got two children or more,

I bet you they are completely

different from each other.

Aren't they?


You would never confuse them, would you?

Like, "Which one are you? Remind me."


"Your mother and I need

some color-coding system

so we don't get confused."

Education under "No Child Left Behind"

is based on not diversity but conformity.

What schools are encouraged

to do is to find out

what kids can do across

a very narrow spectrum of achievement.

One of the effects

of "No Child Left Behind"

has been to narrow the focus

onto the so-called STEM disciplines.

They're very important.

I'm not here to argue

against science and math.

On the contrary, they're necessary

but they're not sufficient.

A real education has to give equal weight

to the arts, the humanities,

to physical education.

An awful lot of kids, sorry, thank you --


One estimate in America currently

is that something like 10 percent of kids,

getting on that way,

are being diagnosed

with various conditions

under the broad title

of attention deficit disorder.


I'm not saying there's no such thing.

I just don't believe

it's an epidemic like this.

If you sit kids down, hour after hour,

doing low-grade clerical work,

don't be surprised if they start

to fidget, you know?



Children are not, for the most part,

suffering from a psychological condition.

They're suffering from childhood.


And I know this because

I spent my early life as a child.

I went through the whole thing.

Kids prosper best with a broad curriculum

that celebrates their various talents,

not just a small range of them.

And by the way, the arts

aren't just important

because they improve math scores.

They're important because they speak

to parts of children's being

which are otherwise untouched.

The second, thank you --


The second principle

that drives human life flourishing

is curiosity.

If you can light the spark

of curiosity in a child,

they will learn without any further

assistance, very often.

Children are natural learners.

It's a real achievement

to put that particular ability out,

or to stifle it.

Curiosity is the engine of achievement.

Now the reason I say this

is because one of the effects

of the current culture here,

if I can say so,

has been to de-professionalize teachers.

There is no system in the world

or any school in the country

that is better than its teachers.

Teachers are the lifeblood

of the success of schools.

But teaching is a creative profession.

Teaching, properly conceived,

is not a delivery system.

You know, you're not there just

to pass on received information.

Great teachers do that,

but what great teachers also do is mentor,

stimulate, provoke, engage.

You see, in the end,

education is about learning.

If there's no learning going on,

there's no education going on.

And people can spend an awful lot of time

discussing education

without ever discussing learning.

The whole point of education

is to get people to learn.

An old friend of mine --

actually very old, he's dead.


That's as old as it gets, I'm afraid.


But a wonderful guy he was,

wonderful philosopher.

He used to talk about the difference

between the task

and achievement senses of verbs.

You can be engaged

in the activity of something,

but not really be

achieving it, like dieting.


It's a very good example.

There he is. He's dieting.

Is he losing any weight? Not really.


Teaching is a word like that.

You can say, "There's Deborah,

she's in room 34, she's teaching."

But if nobody's learning anything,

she may be engaged in the task of teaching

but not actually fulfilling it.

The role of a teacher

is to facilitate learning.

That's it.

And part of the problem is, I think,

that the dominant culture

of education has come to focus

on not teaching and learning, but testing.

Now, testing is important.

Standardized tests have a place.

But they should not be

the dominant culture of education.

They should be diagnostic.

They should help.


If I go for a medical examination,

I want some standardized tests.

I do.

I want to know

what my cholesterol level is

compared to everybody else's

on a standard scale.

I don't want to be told on some scale

my doctor invented in the car.


"Your cholesterol

is what I call Level Orange."



"Is that good?" "We don't know."


But all that should support learning.

It shouldn't obstruct it,

which of course it often does.

So in place of curiosity,

what we have is a culture of compliance.

Our children and teachers are encouraged

to follow routine algorithms

rather than to excite that power

of imagination and curiosity.

And the third principle is this:

that human life is inherently creative.

It's why we all have different résumés.

We create our lives,

and we can recreate them

as we go through them.

It's the common currency

of being a human being.

It's why human culture

is so interesting and diverse and dynamic.

I mean, other animals may well have

imaginations and creativity,

but it's not so much

in evidence, is it, as ours?

I mean, you may have a dog.

And your dog may get depressed.

You know, but it doesn't listen

to Radiohead, does it?


And sit staring out the window

with a bottle of Jack Daniels.


"Would you like to come for a walk?"

"No, I'm fine."


"You go. I'll wait. But take pictures."


We all create our own lives

through this restless process

of imagining alternatives

and possibilities,

and one of the roles of education

is to awaken and develop

these powers of creativity.

Instead, what we have

is a culture of standardization.

Now, it doesn't have to be that way.

It really doesn't.

Finland regularly comes out on top

in math, science and reading.

Now, we only know

that's what they do well at,

because that's all that's being tested.

That's one of the problems of the test.

They don't look for other things

that matter just as much.

The thing about work in Finland is this:

they don't obsess about those disciplines.

They have a very broad

approach to education,

which includes humanities,

physical education, the arts.

Second, there is no standardized

testing in Finland.

I mean, there's a bit,

but it's not what gets

people up in the morning,

what keeps them at their desks.

The third thing --

and I was at a meeting recently

with some people from Finland,

actual Finnish people,

and somebody from the American system

was saying to the people in Finland,

"What do you do

about the drop-out rate in Finland?"

And they all looked a bit

bemused, and said,

"Well, we don't have one.

Why would you drop out?

If people are in trouble,

we get to them quite quickly

and we help and support them."

Now people always say,

"Well, you know, you can't compare

Finland to America."

No. I think there's a population

of around five million in Finland.

But you can compare it

to a state in America.

Many states in America

have fewer people in them than that.

I mean, I've been

to some states in America

and I was the only person there.


Really. Really.

I was asked to lock up when I left.


But what all the high-performing

systems in the world do

is currently what is not evident, sadly,

across the systems in America --

I mean, as a whole.

One is this:

they individualize teaching and learning.

They recognize that it's students

who are learning

and the system has to engage them,

their curiosity, their individuality,

and their creativity.

That's how you get them to learn.

The second is that they attribute

a very high status

to the teaching profession.

They recognize

that you can't improve education

if you don't pick great people to teach

and keep giving them

constant support

and professional development.

Investing in professional

development is not a cost.

It's an investment,

and every other country

that's succeeding well knows that,

whether it's Australia, Canada,

South Korea, Singapore,

Hong Kong or Shanghai.

They know that to be the case.

And the third is,

they devolve responsibility

to the school level

for getting the job done.

You see, there's a big difference here

between going into a mode of command

and control in education --

That's what happens in some systems.

Central or state governments decide,

they know best and they're going

to tell you what to do.

The trouble is that education

doesn't go on

in the committee rooms

of our legislative buildings.

It happens in classrooms and schools,

and the people who do it

are the teachers and the students,

and if you remove their discretion,

it stops working.

You have to put it back to the people.


There is wonderful work

happening in this country.

But I have to say it's happening

in spite of the dominant

culture of education,

not because of it.

It's like people are sailing

into a headwind all the time.

And the reason I think is this:

that many of the current policies

are based on mechanistic

conceptions of education.

It's like education

is an industrial process

that can be improved

just by having better data,

and somewhere in the back of the mind

of some policy makers

is this idea that if we fine-tune it

well enough, if we just get it right,

it will all hum along perfectly

into the future.

It won't, and it never did.

The point is that education

is not a mechanical system.

It's a human system.

It's about people,

people who either do want

to learn or don't want to learn.

Every student who drops

out of school has a reason for it

which is rooted in their own biography.

They may find it boring.

They may find it irrelevant.

They may find that it's at odds with

the life they're living outside of school.

There are trends,

but the stories are always unique.

I was at a meeting recently

in Los Angeles of --

they're called alternative

education programs.

These are programs designed

to get kids back into education.

They have certain common features.

They're very personalized.

They have strong support for the teachers,

close links with the community

and a broad and diverse curriculum,

and often programs which involve students

outside school as well as inside school.

And they work.

What's interesting to me is,

these are called "alternative education."


You know?

And all the evidence

from around the world is,

if we all did that, there'd be

no need for the alternative.


(Applause ends)

So I think we have to embrace

a different metaphor.

We have to recognize

that it's a human system,

and there are conditions

under which people thrive,

and conditions under which they don't.

We are after all organic creatures,

and the culture of the school

is absolutely essential.

Culture is an organic term, isn't it?

Not far from where I live

is a place called Death Valley.

Death Valley is the hottest,

driest place in America,

and nothing grows there.

Nothing grows there

because it doesn't rain.

Hence, Death Valley.

In the winter of 2004,

it rained in Death Valley.

Seven inches of rain fell

over a very short period.

And in the spring of 2005,

there was a phenomenon.

The whole floor of Death Valley

was carpeted in flowers for a while.

What it proved is this:

that Death Valley isn't dead.

It's dormant.

Right beneath the surface

are these seeds of possibility

waiting for the right conditions

to come about,

and with organic systems,

if the conditions are right,

life is inevitable.

It happens all the time.

You take an area, a school, a district,

you change the conditions, give people

a different sense of possibility,

a different set of expectations,

a broader range of opportunities,

you cherish and value the relationships

between teachers and learners,

you offer people

the discretion to be creative

and to innovate in what they do,

and schools that were once

bereft spring to life.

Great leaders know that.

The real role of leadership

in education --

and I think it's true

at the national level,

the state level, at the school level --

is not and should not be

command and control.

The real role of leadership

is climate control,

creating a climate of possibility.

And if you do that, people will rise to it

and achieve things

that you completely did not anticipate

and couldn't have expected.

There's a wonderful quote

from Benjamin Franklin.

"There are three sorts

of people in the world:

Those who are immovable,

people who don't get it,

or don't want to do anything about it;

there are people who are movable,

people who see the need for change

and are prepared to listen to it;

and there are people who move,

people who make things happen."

And if we can encourage more people,

that will be a movement.

And if the movement is strong enough,

that's, in the best sense

of the word, a revolution.

And that's what we need.

Thank you very much.


Thank you very much.




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