床头灯3000词:Pride and Prejudice阅读记录
Chapter 1 A Young Man of Fortune
"Well, Mrs. Bennet said excitedly, "Netherfield is being rented by Mr. Bingley. He is a young wealthy man from the North."
"You don't say." Mr. Bennet replied, "Is he married or single?"
"Oh, single, my dear," cried Mrs. Bennet excitedly. "What a good fortune for our daughters."
"What do you mean by that? What does this have to do with their fortune?"
"Oh, don't be so difficult, my dear Mr. Bennet," replied his wife. "I'm just thinking that perhaps Mr. Bingley might marry one of our daughters."
在这里,"difficult" 并不是字面上的"困难"或者"难以理解",而是一种形容人的性格 的表达方式,意思是 "故意刁难的、难以相处的、爱唱反调的"。
📌 改写:
- "Oh, don't be so difficult, my dear Mr. Bennet."
→ "哦,别这么挑剔/别这么爱抬杠了,亲爱的班纳特先生。"
1. "Difficult" 形容人的特殊用法
当 difficult 用来形容一个人的时候,它通常表示:
- 固执己见、不好沟通(stubborn or uncooperative)
- 爱抬杠、故意找茬(argumentative or contrary)
- 不好相处、难以取悦(hard to please)
📌 类似表达:
- Stop being so difficult.
别这么难搞了。(别故意唱反调) - She can be quite difficult sometimes.
2. 结合语境分析
在这段对话中,Mrs. Bennet 兴奋地提到了一位富有的单身男子搬到了镇上 ,她认为这对他们的女儿来说是个好消息,因为她希望其中一位女儿能嫁给他。但 Mr. Bennet 并没有顺着她的话,而是故意反问她:
"What do you mean by that? What does this have to do with their fortune?"
这显然是他在故意逗她,假装不明白她的意图 ,所以 Mrs. Bennet 有点生气地回了一句:"别这么难搞了!"(Don't be so difficult.)
🔹 这里的"difficult" 其实是一种带有幽默感的埋怨,意思是:
- 别故意唱反调了。
- 别这么不配合。
- 别装傻了,你明明知道我在说什么!
3. "Difficult" 的近义词
词汇 | 含义 | 例句 |
Stubborn | 固执的 | Stop being so stubborn, just admit you're wrong!(别这么固执,承认你错了吧!) |
Uncooperative | 不配合的 | He's being really uncooperative about the new project.(他在新项目上特别不配合。) |
Contrary | 爱抬杠的 | Why are you always so contrary?(你为什么总是喜欢唱反调?) |
Hard to please | 难以取悦的 | She's very hard to please when it comes to food.(她在吃的方面特别难伺候。) |
4. 总结
在这里,"difficult" 并不是"困难"的意思,而是指"故意刁难、唱反调、不配合"。这是一种带有幽默感的表达,适用于夫妻、朋友、家人之间的对话,尤其是在有人假装不理解对方的意图时使用。
📌 如果要翻译成更自然的中文,可以说:
- "别这么唱反调了,亲爱的班纳特先生。"
- "别这么刁难我了。"
- "别装傻了,你知道我什么意思。"
"Oh, stop being so difficult!" 😆
Mr. Bennet looked from one daughter to the other. "I've already told you I'm not going to call on Mr. Bingley," he said.
"You see," cried Mrs. Bennet, "he doesn't care. Oh, my poor head."
But Mrs. Bennet's complaining had no effect on her husband. Since she was still upset, she began to yell at one of her daughters. "By heavens, stop coughing, Kitty, you will tear my poor nerves apart."
在这里,"cried" 不是指 "哭泣" (weep, shed tears),而是 "大声喊道、激动地说" (shouted, exclaimed),表示 Mrs. Bennet 以一种激动、兴奋的语气说话。
📌 改写:
"Oh, my dear Mr. Bennet," cried his wife as she entered the room.
1. "Cry" 作为"喊叫、呼喊"的含义
虽然 cry 最常见的意思是 "哭泣" ,但在文学作品或正式写作中,它也可以表示 "高声喊叫、激动地说",通常带有情绪(如惊讶、愤怒、兴奋)。
📌 剑桥词典(Cambridge)定义:
To call out loudly.
📌 例句:
- "Help!" she cried, running towards us.
"救命!"她大声喊道,向我们跑来。 - "Look at this!" he cried in excitement.
"快看这个!"他激动地喊道。 - "That's unfair!" she cried angrily.
2. 为什么这里用"cried" 而不是"said"?
在文学作品(如 《傲慢与偏见》 )中,作者经常使用 cried 代替 said ,以强调人物的情绪,比如:
- 兴奋(excitement)
- 惊讶(surprise)
- 愤怒(anger)
- 悲伤(sorrow)
🔹 在 Mrs. Bennet 这句话中,她非常激动地讲述女儿 Jane 在舞会上受欢迎的事情,因此作者用 "cried" 来表达她的兴奋和激动。
3. "Cry" vs. 其他类似动词
动词 | 含义 | 适用场景 | 例句 |
Cry | 激动地喊叫 | 兴奋、愤怒、惊讶 | "What a wonderful surprise!" she cried. |
Exclaim | 叫喊(通常带有情绪) | 惊讶、强烈情绪 | "That's amazing!" he exclaimed. |
Shout | 大声喊叫(一般是为了让别人听见) | 吵闹、愤怒、危险警告 | "Stop right there!" he shouted. |
Yell | 大声喊叫(通常带有愤怒或恐惧) | 愤怒、恐惧、警告 | "Watch out!" she yelled. |
Scream | 尖叫(通常是恐惧或痛苦) | 害怕、惊恐、痛苦 | She screamed when she saw the spider. |
4. "Cry" 在文学作品中的常见用法
在古典小说 (如《傲慢与偏见》、《简·爱》)或童话故事 中,cry 常常用于表现人物的情绪激动。
📌 例句:
- "You must go at once!" cried the Queen.
"你必须立刻离开!"女王喊道。 - "Oh no! The ship is sinking!" cried the sailor.
"不好了!船在下沉!"水手喊道。 - "What a terrible mistake!" cried Mr. Darcy.
🔹 在这些例子中,"cried" 都表达了说话者的强烈情绪,而不仅仅是"说"而已。
5. 总结
✅ "Cry" 在这里不是"哭泣",而是"激动地喊叫" ,带有强烈的情绪色彩。
✅ 在文学作品中,"cried" 常用于表达兴奋、愤怒或惊讶 ,比普通的 said 更有表现力。
✅ 近义词包括 "exclaim" (惊叹), "shout" (大声喊叫), "yell" (愤怒喊叫), "scream" (尖叫),但语境有所不同。
📌 翻译时可以用:
- "喊道"
- "叫道"
- "惊呼"
- "兴奋地说"
下次在阅读文学作品时,如果看到 cried,别急着翻译成"哭了",看看它是否意味着**"喊道"或"激动地说"**,这样你的理解会更加精准!📖✨
La, he sounds like an awfully boring person," said Lydia.
Mr. Bennet regarded her coldly.
"I guess you are disappointed. Maybe you would be happier if he wore a military coat. We are expecting this peaceful gentleman at four o'clock. Until then, please do not discuss what romantic or financial opportunity he has."
He was a tall, heavy young man, about 25 years old.
heavy: 胖胖的
They are known to be the most handsome girls in the country. It is not surprising, after all. I have had my share of beauty.
handsome: (男子)英俊的;帅气的;(女子)端庄的;
Mrs. Philip's, always glad to see her nieces, received Mr. Collins most politely.
nieces: 美 [ni:siz] 侄女;外甥女;(niece的复数)
When Mr. Wickham entered the house Elizabeth was struck by his handsomeness.
My father was a lawyer. He did much to be useful to the late Mr. Darcy.
Chapter 5 A Young Lady Ashamed
"Good heavens!" she shouted. "Why would he behave so cruelly?"
Elizabeth shrugged. "I imagine he was jealous."
good heavens: 天哪;老天;老天爷
shrugged:美 [ʃrʌɡd] 耸肩;(shrug的过去式和过去分词)
"I'm sure he would have left his business for a while," he added with a knowing smile, "if there wasn't a certain gentleman here tonight."
在这句话中,knowing 作为形容词 ,表示 "心照不宣的、会意的、意味深长的",通常用于形容微笑(knowing smile)、眼神(knowing look)或语气,暗示说话人知道某些隐情或者故意暗示某些信息。
📌 改写:
"...he added with a knowing smile."
1. "Knowing" 作为形容词的含义
Knowing 源自动词 know (知道),但作为形容词 时,它的意思不仅仅是"有知识的"或"知道的",而是更倾向于表示 "故意暗示某些事情、意味深长的"。
📌 剑桥词典(Cambridge)定义:
A knowing smile/look, etc. shows that you know something that other people do not.
(knowing smile/look等)表示你知道别人不知道的事情,或者暗示某些隐情。
📌 牛津词典(Oxford)定义:
Showing that you know more about something than other people.
2. "Knowing" 的常见搭配
表达 | 含义 | 例句 |
Knowing smile | 意味深长的微笑 | He gave me a knowing smile , as if he understood my secret.(他对我露出意味深长的微笑,仿佛知道了我的秘密。) |
Knowing look | 会意的眼神 | She glanced at me with a knowing look .(她用一个会意的眼神看了我一眼。) |
Knowing glance | 眼神交流,暗示性的目光 | They exchanged knowing glances when she walked in.(当她走进来时,他们互相交换了意味深长的眼神。) |
Knowing tone | 暗示性的语气 | His voice had a knowing tone , as if he had already guessed my answer.(他的语气里带着一种故意暗示的感觉,仿佛他已经猜到了我的答案。) |
3. 结合原文分析
"I'm sure he would have left his business for a while," he added with a knowing smile, "if there wasn't a certain gentleman here tonight."
🔹 这里的"knowing smile" 暗示说话人知道一些隐情,可能是关于"某位绅士"和"他"的关系。
- 这可能是在开玩笑,或者暗示某种浪漫关系、竞争、秘密等,让听者会意。
- 这种微笑往往带有些许狡黠、调侃,甚至一点点神秘的意味。
4. "Knowing" vs. 其他相似表达
词汇 | 含义 | 适用场景 | 例句 |
Knowing | 意味深长的、会意的 | 微笑、眼神、语气 | She gave me a knowing smile.(她给了我一个意味深长的微笑。) |
Suggestive | 暗示性的(常带暧昧含义) | 语气、微笑、玩笑 | He made a suggestive remark.(他发表了一句带有暗示性的话。) |
Subtle | 含蓄的、不明显的 | 语气、表达、动作 | There was a subtle hint in his words.(他的话里带着微妙的暗示。) |
Conspiratorial | 带有共谋意味的、像是在秘密策划的 | 眼神、微笑、低语 | They exchanged conspiratorial glances.(他们交换了一个像是在密谋的眼神。) |
📌 对比
- Knowing smile 👉 "我懂的"式微笑,暗示你知道别人不知道的事情
- Suggestive smile 👉 带有挑逗或暧昧意味的微笑
- Conspiratorial smile 👉 像是和某人一起分享秘密的微笑
- Subtle smile 👉 含蓄的微笑,不明显,但让人觉得意味深长
5. 总结
✅ "Knowing" 作为形容词,表示"意味深长的、会意的",常用于 smile(微笑)、look(眼神)、glance(目光)、tone(语气)等表达。
✅ 在文学作品或日常对话中,knowing smile/look 暗示说话人知道某些隐情,但不会直说,而是用微笑、眼神或语气让对方会意。
✅ 在翻译时,可以用 "意味深长的、会意的、狡黠的" 来表达它的隐含意义。
📌 如果你想用更自然的方式翻译这句话,可以这样说:
- "他露出一个意味深长的微笑。"
- "他狡黠地一笑,补充道......"
- "他笑得耐人寻味,接着说道......"
Mean-hearted girl: 心胸狭隘的,刻薄的
Even when supper was finished, Elizabeth could only relax for a short time. The company wanted to sing and she had the embarrassment of seeing Mary prepare to sing for everybody. Mary's voice was very weak and her manner not true.
Chapter 6 A Young Man Refused
Two days later, Mr. Collins asked Elizabeth to be his wife. He was very orderly in his manner. One day, after breakfast, when he found Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth, and Kitty together, he addressed the mother.
Orderly 的含义
在这句话中,orderly 是形容词,表示有条理的、井然有序的 。这里用来形容 Mr. Collins 求婚时的方式,意味着他按部就班、有条不紊、非常正式,而不是带着激情或浪漫的情绪。
📌 例句:
- She arranged the books in an orderly fashion.
她把书整理得井井有条。 - The soldiers retreated in an orderly manner.
在其他语境下,orderly 还可以表示 整洁的、有规律的 ,或者指 医院中的勤务员(orderly 作为名词)
Address 的含义
在这里,address 作为动词,表示对......讲话、向......正式表达 。在正式或庄重的场合,address 常用于表示向某人讲话或发表演讲。
📌 例句:
- The president addressed the nation on television.
总统在电视上向全国发表讲话。 - He addressed the letter to his friend.
在原文中,"he addressed the mother" 表示 Collins 先生正式地对伊丽莎白的母亲(Mrs. Bennet)说话,这符合他的拘谨和正式的性格。
- Orderly = 有条理的、井井有条的
- Address = 正式地讲话,向......表达(特别是在正式场合)
"May I hope, madam, for your approval, when I ask to privately speak with your fair daughter Elizabeth?"
Elizabeth turned red with surprise, but before she could say anything, Mrs. Bennet was already leading Kitty to the door.
在这句话中,fair 作为形容词,形容 Elizabeth ,表示 "美丽的、漂亮的" ,带有一种文雅、诗意的色彩。这种用法在文学作品 和旧式英语中较为常见,特别是用于形容女性的外貌或气质。
📌 fair 的不同含义
- 美丽的、优雅的 (多用于文学作品)
- "He fell in love with the fair maiden."
"他爱上了这位美丽的少女。" - "The fair princess was admired by all."
- "He fell in love with the fair maiden."
- 公平的、公正的
- "The judge made a fair decision."
- "The judge made a fair decision."
- 浅色的、白皙的 (特别指肤色或头发)
- "She has fair skin and golden hair."
- "She has fair skin and golden hair."
- 天气晴朗的
- "We had fair weather for the picnic."
- "We had fair weather for the picnic."
"your fair daughter Elizabeth" 可以理解为 "您美丽的女儿伊丽莎白" ,这里的 fair 带有一种尊敬和赞美的语气。
After thinking for a moment, Elizabeth thought it would be wisest to get it over as quickly and as quietly as possible. She sat down again on the sofa, took up her sewing, and Mr. Collins began.
sewing: 美 [ˈsoʊɪŋ] 缝纫工作;针线活;裁缝活;缝纫业
"You are too quick, sir," she answered. "Though I am able to see the honor and necessity of your offer, I cannot accept it."
"I know, dear cousin," replied Mr. Collins. "It is common for young ladies not to accept a man's wishes. Sometimes their refusal is repeated a second or third time."
"Upon my word, sir," cried Elizabeth, "I am not speaking in such a way."
"Please believe me, dear cousin, that your refusal does not discourage me."
"Upon my word" 是一个旧式的英语表达,表示 "我发誓"、"真的" ,用来强调说话人的诚意或惊讶,类似于 "I assure you" 或 "Honestly" 。在某些语境下,它也可以表示惊讶、不满或强烈的语气。
📌 "Upon my word" 的用法
- 表示诚意或强调自己的话 (类似于 "I swear")
- "Upon my word, I did not take your book!"
- "Upon my word, I did not take your book!"
- 表达惊讶或不满 (类似于 "Good heavens" 或 "Really?")
- "Upon my word, this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"
- "Upon my word, this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"
在 "Upon my word, sir," cried Elizabeth, "I am not speaking in such a way." 这句话中,Elizabeth 用 'Upon my word' 来强调她的诚意,表明她是认真的,并非像 Mr. Collins 所说的那样故意拒绝他几次才接受。 这里的语气可能带着一点愤怒或不耐烦,类似于 "先生,我可不是在开玩笑!" 或 "请相信我,我是认真的!"。
"I do not think Lady Catherine would disapprove of you," said Mr. Collins very seriously. "She said, 'Choose a gentlewoman and let her be both active and useful. Make sure she has been raised not to expect too much, so that she can make a small amount of money go a long way.'"
"Gentlewoman" 是一个旧式英语词,指的是受过良好教育、有教养的女士,通常来自较高社会阶层。它类似于"淑女"或"贵妇",但不一定意味着贵族出身,而更强调良好的家庭背景和端庄的举止。
📌 "Gentlewoman" 的含义
- 贵族或上层社会的女士 (相对于"gentleman")
- She was a true gentlewoman, always poised and polite.
- She was a true gentlewoman, always poised and polite.
- 受过良好教育、行为端庄的女性
- In the 18th century, a gentlewoman was expected to know music, literature, and embroidery.
- In the 18th century, a gentlewoman was expected to know music, literature, and embroidery.
📖 在《傲慢与偏见》中的含义
在这句话里,"Choose a gentlewoman" 的意思是:"挑选一位有教养的女士"。Lady Catherine 认为,合适的妻子应该是一个温文尔雅、懂得节俭、不过分奢求生活的女性,而不是娇生惯养或追求奢华的贵族小姐。
在当时的社会背景下,"gentlewoman" 既强调身份,又强调品行,她不一定是贵族,但必须具备高尚的品德和良好的教育背景。
"You give me too much praise, sir."
"When I see Lady Catherine," continued Mr. Collins, "I shall speak about you in the highest terms."
"You confuse me. I have said nothing to you that can be taken as an encouragement. I don't know how to express my refusal any more strongly."
"Come now, dear cousin, I know that your refusal is merely words. My offer is very worthy and you can only accept it."
"In the highest terms" 直译为 "用最高的措辞" ,意思是 "极力称赞" 或 "用最好的话语来形容" 。在这里,Mr. Collins 的意思是 "当我见到 Lady Catherine 时,我会用最热烈、最夸张的语言来夸奖你"。
📌 "In the highest terms" 的用法
- speak of someone/something in the highest terms → 用最崇高的措辞称赞某人/某事
- He spoke of his mentor in the highest terms.
他对他的导师赞不绝口。 - The critics reviewed the film in the highest terms.
- He spoke of his mentor in the highest terms.
📖 在《傲慢与偏见》中的含义
Mr. Collins 说这句话,是在向 Elizabeth 施压,希望她接受求婚。他的意思是:"我会向 Lady Catherine 极力称赞你。" 但 Elizabeth 并不想得到这样的"赞美",所以她更加坚定地拒绝了他。
"So it is settled," she cried. "May I be the first to congratulate you, my dear Mr. Collins?"
"Thank you, dear ma'am," he replied and gave her a little bow. "I have every reason to be happy with my dear cousin's refusal."
"Refusal?" cried Mrs. Bennet, shocked.
"Yes, indeed, ma'am," said Mr. Collins happily. "She told me that she would not have me. I'm sure she means to encourage me."
"Mr. Collins, if only this were true. But that is not Lizzie's manner. She must have meant what she said."
📌 "Have me" 在这里是什么意思?
"She told me that she would not have me." 这句话中的 "have me" 是 "接受我" 或 "愿意嫁给我" 的意思。
在这里,"have" 表示 "接受某人作为伴侣" ,常用于求婚或恋爱场景。Mr. Collins 误解了 Elizabeth 的拒绝,他认为她只是出于矜持,所以他说 "她告诉我不会要我(不会嫁给我),但我确信她其实是在鼓励我。"
📖 相关用法
- Would you have me?
你愿意嫁给我吗? / 你愿意接受我吗?(求婚时的表达) - She refused to have him.
她拒绝了他(的求婚)。 - If I were the last man on earth, she still wouldn't have me.
在这段对话中,Mrs. Bennet 明白 Elizabeth 的拒绝是认真的,而 Mr. Collins 却固执地认为她是在"吊他胃口",因此对拒绝一事毫不在意。
Mrs. Bennet left the library, but she did not give up on Mr. Collins' offer. She talked to Elizabeth again and again, hoping to make her change her mind.
While the family were in this confusion, Charlotte Lucas came to visit. Immediately Mrs. Bennet asked her to help convince Lizzie to listen to the wishes of her family.
"Please speak to her, dear Charlotte," she added sadly. "Nobody is on my side, and nobody takes my part."
Just then Kitty and Lydia came into the room.
"Oh, Mama, what is going to happen to us," cried Lydia.
"What are we to do?" Screamed Kitty.
"Good heavens!" cried Mrs. Bennet. "Don't shout like this, girls. My head is ready to blow open."
📌 "Take my part" 和 "Blow open" 的意思
1️⃣ Take my part = 站在我这边,支持我
📌 "Nobody takes my part." = "没有人支持我。"
在这里,take my part 意思是 "支持我,站在我这边",表达的是 Mrs. Bennet 觉得自己孤立无援,没有人帮她劝 Elizabeth 嫁给 Mr. Collins。
🔹 类似表达:
- Take someone's side → 支持某人,站在某人一边
- Nobody takes my side in this argument. (在这场争论中,没有人站在我这边。)
- Be on someone's side → 支持某人
- I'm on your side, don't worry. (我支持你,别担心。)
2️⃣ Blow open = (比喻)要炸裂、要裂开
📌 "My head is ready to blow open." = "我的头快要裂开了。"
这里的 blow open 是 "爆炸、裂开" 的意思,通常用于比喻压力太大,感到崩溃。在这句话里,Mrs. Bennet 在抱怨女儿们吵闹不休,让她感到头痛欲裂。
🔹 类似表达:
- Blow up → (比喻)情绪爆发
- If you keep arguing, I'll blow up! (如果你们继续吵,我就要爆发了!)
- My head is going to explode. → (压力大、头疼)头要炸了
- There's so much work to do, my head is going to explode. (有太多工作要做,我的头要炸了。)
📌 总结
- Take my part = 站在我这边,支持我
- Blow open = (比喻)头快要裂开,感到崩溃
Mrs. Bennet 在这句话里表达的是 "没有人站在我这边,大家都不帮我劝 Lizzie。我太难了,女儿们还在吵,让我头都要炸裂了。"
"I am surprised by this news, Mama. The whole family has left Netherfield. They are on their way to Mr. Darcy's house in town. They will not return this winter."
"This is Mr. Darcy's doing," said Elizabeth.
"Oh, my poor Jane," cried Mrs. Bennet. "You have lost him forever."
Jane quickly hurried from the room.
"And my poor Kitty and Lydia," continued their mother. "You are soon to lose your officers, my poor daughters."
Mrs. Bennet sat down on to the sofa, her hands raised to her head.
📌 "Sat down on to" 和 "Raised to her head" 的解析
1️⃣ Sat down on to = 坐到......上
📌 "Mrs. Bennet sat down on to the sofa." = "Mrs. Bennet 坐到了沙发上。"
这里的 "sat down on to" 可以拆解为:
- sat down = 坐下(过去式)
- on to = "到......上"(表明动作的方向)
💡 为什么用 "on to" 而不是 "onto" 或 "on"?
- "On to" 强调的是 "移动到某个表面上"。
- She stepped on to the stage. (她走上了舞台。)
- He jumped on to the table. (他跳上了桌子。)
- "Onto" 和 "on to" 有时可以互换,但 "on to" 更强调从一个地方移动到另一个地方,而 "on" 只是描述已经在某个表面上。
- She sat on the sofa. (她坐在沙发上。)------ 这里没有强调"移动"的过程。
2️⃣ Raised to her head = 把手举到头上
📌 "Mrs. Bennet sat down on to the sofa, her hands raised to her head." = "Mrs. Bennet 坐到沙发上,双手举到头上。"
- raise = 举起(及物动词,需要加宾语)
- to her head = 朝着她的头部,表示方向
💡 为什么用 "raised to her head" 而不是 "raised her head"?
- Raise her head = 抬起头
- Raise her hands to her head = 把手举到头部(表示沮丧、痛苦或震惊)
在这句话里,Mrs. Bennet 把双手举到头上,表现出一种惊讶或痛苦的姿态,类似于捂头或者抱头的动作。
📌 总结
- Sat down on to = 坐到......上 ,强调移动的过程。
- Raised to her head = 把手举到头上,表现震惊或沮丧的情绪。
➡ "Mrs. Bennet 坐到沙发上,双手抱住头,显得非常痛苦和绝望。"
Chapter 7 An Engagement for a Young Lady
One morning before Mr. Collins was to leave for Hertfordshire, Miss Lucas saw him from an upper window as he walked towards the house. She immediately left to meet him, as if accidentally, in the lane.
在路上用in the lane
Chapter 8 A Clergyman at Home
clergyman:美 [ˈklɜːrdʒimən] 牧师;神职人员;传道者
The following Monday Mrs. Bennet received her brother and his wife. They had come from London to spend Christmas at Longbourn. Mr. Gardiner was a gentle man, quite above his sister in nature, as well as in education. Mrs. Gardiner, who was several years younger than Mrs. Bennet, was an intelligent and well-mannered woman. She was a great favourite with all her nieces. Between Jane and Elizabeth and her there was a very strong regard.
在这里,favourite (英式拼写,美国英语为 favorite)作名词使用,意思是:
📖 在句子中的含义
She was a great favourite with all her nieces.
这里的 favourite 指的是:
👉 "非常受欢迎的人",也就是所有侄女(包括简和伊丽莎白)都很喜欢、尊敬和亲近的姨妈。
✅ 其他常见用法
用法 | 例句 | 含义 |
a favourite with somebody | She is a favourite with the children. | 她深受孩子们的喜爱。 |
become a favourite | The new teacher quickly became a favourite in the class. | 新老师很快成了班上的"红人"。 |
my favourite | Chocolate is my favourite. | 巧克力是我最喜欢的。 |
⚠ 注意
- favourite 作名词时,表示 "最受宠爱的人" 或 "最受欢迎的事物"。
- 作形容词时,表示 "最喜欢的"。
✅ 总结
- favourite 在这里的意思是 "备受喜爱的、大家最喜欢的人"。
- 这句话可以理解为:
"她(Mrs. Gardiner)是所有侄女们最喜欢、最受欢迎的人。"
Mrs. Gardiner began their visit by giving out her presents. Then she began to describe the newest fashions in London. Soon Mrs. Bennet began to tell her of her problems. She explained that they had been wronged since she last saw her sister. Two of her girls had been on the point of marriage and both plans had fallen through.
✅ fall through 的含义
fall through 是一个常见的英语短语,意思是:
📖 在文中的含义
Two of her girls had been on the point of marriage and both plans had fallen through.
这里的 fall through 指的是 原本即将达成的婚事最终失败了,没有成行。
✅ 常见例句
英文句子 | 中文含义 |
Our travel plans fell through because of the storm. | 我们的旅行计划因为暴风雨而泡汤了。 |
The business deal fell through at the last minute. | 这笔生意在最后一刻黄了。 |
His proposal to start a new project fell through due to lack of funding. | 他启动新项目的提议因为资金不足而告吹。 |
✅ 常用搭配
搭配 | 含义 |
plans fall through | 计划落空 |
marriage falls through | 婚事告吹 |
deal falls through | 协议失败 |
✅ 总结
fall through = (计划或期望中的事情)失败、落空、没有实现。
在这段文字中,指的是 本来很接近成功的两场婚事最后都没有成,让 Mrs. Bennet 感到遗憾和苦恼。
They were met at the entrance hall by a servant, and he led them to the room where Lady Catherine was sitting. Her ladyship proudly stood up to receive them. Sir William bowed very low and sat down without saying a word. His daughter Maria was terribly frightened and sat on the edge of her chair, not knowing which way to look. Elizabeth found herself quite prepared for the dinner.
ladyship: 夫人;贵妇;女士
Chapter 9 A Young Lady Cries
billiard table:台球桌 美 [ˈbɪljərd]
of high character
"I have met them before. Their brother is a great friend of Darcy's."
"Oh, yes," said Elizabeth coolly. "Mr. Darcy takes great care of him."
"Great care of him? Yes," replied the Colonel. "I believe Bingley owes him very much."
"What do you mean, owes him?"
"Mr. Darcy told me that he had recently saved a close friend from unwisely getting married. I guessed that he was speaking about Bingley."
"Did Mr. Darcy tell you what his reasons were for his belief that it was an unwise marriage?"
"I understood that the lady was not of high character."
Elizabeth did not reply. She walked on, her heart quickly filling with anger.
在这里,"of high character" 的意思是:
📖 在这段话中的含义
"I understood that the lady was not of high character."
这里的意思是,Darcy 向 Colonel Fitzwilliam 暗示,Bingley差点娶的那位女士(指 Jane Bennet)在他看来并不是一个"品格高尚"的人,也就是说 Darcy 不认为她配得上 Bingley,才出手"干预"了这场婚事。
这让 Elizabeth 感到愤怒,因为她知道 Jane 的品行非常好,而 Darcy 的看法完全是偏见。
✅ "of high character" 其他例句
英文句子 | 中文含义 |
She is a woman of high character and integrity. | 她是一个品格高尚、正直的人。 |
People of high character are respected by all. | 品德高尚的人受人尊敬。 |
We are looking for employees of high character and responsibility. | 我们在寻找品德高尚、有责任感的员工。 |
✅ 类似表达
表达 | 意思 |
of good character | 品行良好 |
of impeccable character | 品行无可挑剔 |
virtuous | 品德高尚的 |
well-bred | 有教养的 |
✅ 总结
"of high character" = 品格高尚、道德优良、有良好声誉。
在这段对话中,它表现出 Darcy 对 Jane 的傲慢评价,而这也成为 Elizabeth 愤怒的原因之一,因为她认为 Darcy 错误地低估了自己姐姐的品德。
Chapter 10 A Young Man Surprised
Chapter 11 A Young Lady Thinks About Matters
Chapter 12 A Young Lady Goes to Brighton
Chapter 13 A Young Man Changed
Chapter 14 A Young Lady Runs Away
exclaim: 惊呼;呼喊;大声说;喊叫
Chapter 16 Two Young Happy Couples
He took her hands and made her stand. Seeing that he felt great delight, Elizabeth knew that she too was full of happiness.
"My feelings and wishes have not changed," he said quietly. "Elizabeth, will you marry me?"
"Oh, yes," she cried. "Can you forgive me for hurting you?"
"There is nothing to forgive," he replied. "I was taught a lesson. You properly humbled me. I'm sure you hated me after that evening."
这里的 humble 是动词,意思是:
📖 在句子中的含义
"You properly humbled me."
这里,Darcy 的意思是:伊丽莎白在拒绝他的第一次求婚时,让他意识到了自己的骄傲和傲慢,迫使他反思自己,变得谦逊。
这句话表现出 Darcy 的成长:他从一个骄傲自大的人,变成了一个学会反思、自我调整、更加懂得平等和尊重的人。
✅ humble 作为动词的用法
用法 | 中文含义 | 例句 |
humble someone | 使某人谦卑 / 让某人放下傲慢 | The defeat humbled him.(这次失败让他学会了谦卑。) |
be humbled by something | 因某事而感到谦卑或受教 | I was humbled by her kindness.(她的善良让我感到惭愧并受到教益。) |
✅ humble 作为形容词
用法 | 中文含义 | 例句 |
humble person | 谦逊的人 | He is a humble man despite his success.(尽管他很成功,但他仍然很谦虚。) |
humble background | 出身卑微 | She comes from a humble background.(她出身普通。) |
✅ 总结
这里的 humble 是动词,表示"让某人变得谦卑、放下傲慢"。
Darcy 在这里承认,伊丽莎白拒绝他之后,他被真正"教育"了一番,学会了反省与谦逊。