
一、二级分类 - 整体认识和路由配置

1. 配置二级路由

①准备组件模板 - src/views/SubCategory/index.vue

html 复制代码
<script setup></script>

  <div class="container">
    <!-- 面包屑 -->
    <div class="bread-container">
      <el-breadcrumb separator=">">
        <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
        <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">居家 </el-breadcrumb-item>
    <div class="sub-container">
        <el-tab-pane label="最新商品" name="publishTime"></el-tab-pane>
        <el-tab-pane label="最高人气" name="orderNum"></el-tab-pane>
        <el-tab-pane label="评论最多" name="evaluateNum"></el-tab-pane>
      <div class="body">
        <!-- 商品列表-->

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.bread-container {
  padding: 25px 0;
  color: #666;

.sub-container {
  padding: 20px 10px;
  background-color: #fff;

  .body {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    padding: 0 10px;

  .goods-item {
    display: block;
    width: 220px;
    margin-right: 20px;
    padding: 20px 30px;
    text-align: center;

    img {
      width: 160px;
      height: 160px;

    p {
      padding-top: 10px;

    .name {
      font-size: 16px;

    .desc {
      color: #999;
      height: 29px;

    .price {
      color: $priceColor;
      font-size: 20px;

  .pagination-container {
    margin-top: 20px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;

②配置路由关系 - src/router.index.js

javascript 复制代码
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import Login from '@/views/Login/index.vue'
import Layout from '@/views/Layout/index.vue'
import Home from '@/views/Home/index.vue'
import Category from '@/views/Category/index.vue'
import SubCategory from '@/views/SubCategory/index.vue'

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      component: Layout,
      children: [
          path: '',
          component: Home
          path: 'category/:id',
          component: Category
          path: 'category/sub/:id',
          component: SubCategory
      path: '/login',
      component: Login

export default router

③配置跳转 - src/views/Category/index.vue

html 复制代码
      <!-- 分类列表渲染 -->
      <div class="sub-list">
          <li v-for="i in categoryData.children" :key="i.id">
            <RouterLink :to="`/category/sub/${i.id}`">
              <img :src="i.picture" />
              <p>{{ i.name }}</p>


①准备接口 - src/apis/category.js

javascript 复制代码
// 获取二级分类列表数据
export const getCategoryFilterAPI = (id) => {
  return instance({
    url: '/category/sub/filter',
    params: {

②获取数据渲染模板 - src/views/SubCategory/index.vue

html 复制代码
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
import { getCategoryFilterAPI } from '@/apis/category.js'

const route = useRoute()

// 获取面包屑导航数据
const filterData = ref([])
const getFilterData = async () => {
  const res = await getCategoryFilterAPI(route.params.id)
  filterData.value = res.result


  <div class="container">
    <!-- 面包屑 -->
    <div class="bread-container">
      <el-breadcrumb separator=">">
        <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
          :to="{ path: `/category/${filterData.parentId}` }"
          >{{ filterData.parentName }}</el-breadcrumb-item
        <el-breadcrumb-item>{{ filterData.name }}</el-breadcrumb-item>
    <div class="sub-container">
        <el-tab-pane label="最新商品" name="publishTime"></el-tab-pane>
        <el-tab-pane label="最高人气" name="orderNum"></el-tab-pane>
        <el-tab-pane label="评论最多" name="evaluateNum"></el-tab-pane>
      <div class="body">
        <!-- 商品列表-->

三、二级分类 - 商品列表实现

1. 基础参数获取基础列表

①封装接口 - src/apis/category.js

javascript 复制代码
// 获取导航数据
export const getSubCategoryAPI = (data) => {
  return instance({
    url: '/category/goods/temporary',
    method: 'POST',

②获取数据列表 - src/views/SubCategory/index.vue

html 复制代码
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
import { getCategoryFilterAPI, getSubCategoryAPI } from '@/apis/category.js'
import GoodsItem from '../Home/components/GoodsItem.vue'

const route = useRoute()

// 获取面包屑导航数据
const filterData = ref([])
const getFilterData = async () => {
  const res = await getCategoryFilterAPI(route.params.id)
  filterData.value = res.result

// 获取基础列表数据
const goodsList = ref([])
const reqData = ref({
  categoryId: route.params.id,
  page: 1,
  pageSize: 20,
  sortField: 'publishTime'
const getGoodsList = async () => {
  const res = await getSubCategoryAPI(reqData.value)
  //   console.log(res)
  goodsList.value = res.result.items

  <div class="container">
    <!-- 面包屑 -->
    <div class="bread-container">
      <el-breadcrumb separator=">">
        <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
          :to="{ path: `/category/${filterData.parentId}` }"
          >{{ filterData.parentName }}</el-breadcrumb-item
        <el-breadcrumb-item>{{ filterData.name }}</el-breadcrumb-item>
    <div class="sub-container">
        <el-tab-pane label="最新商品" name="publishTime"></el-tab-pane>
        <el-tab-pane label="最高人气" name="orderNum"></el-tab-pane>
        <el-tab-pane label="评论最多" name="evaluateNum"></el-tab-pane>
      <div class="body">
        <!-- 商品列表-->
        <GoodsItem v-for="good in goodsList" :key="good.id" :good="good" />

2. 添加额外参数实现筛选功能

Tabs 标签页 | Element Plus



html 复制代码
<script setup>
// tab切换回调
const tabChange = () => {
  console.log('tab切换了', reqData.value.sortField)
  reqData.value.page = 1

  <el-tabs v-model="reqData.sortField" @tab-change="tabChange">
    <el-tab-pane label="最新商品" name="publishTime"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="最高人气" name="orderNum"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="评论最多" name="evaluateNum"></el-tab-pane>

3. 列表无限加载功能实现

Infinite Scroll 无限滚动 | Element Plus

核心实现逻辑:使用elementPlus提供的 v-infinite-scroll指令 监听是否满足触底条件,满足加载条件时让页面参数加一获取下一页数据,做新老数据拼接渲染。

html 复制代码
<script setup>
// 是否禁用
const disabled = ref(false)
// 加载更多
const load = async () => {
  // 获取下一页的送数据
  reqData.value.page += 1
  const res = await getSubCategoryAPI(reqData.value)
  // 新老数据拼接
  goodsList.value = [...goodsList.value, ...res.result.items]
  // 加载完毕 停止监听
  if (res.result.items.length === 0) {
    disabled.value = true

   <!-- 商品列表-->
   <GoodsItem v-for="good in goodsList" :key="good.id" :good="good" />

四、二级分类 - 定制路由scrollBehavior

1. 定制路由行文解决什么问题

接口:RouterScrollBehavior | Vue Router




javascript 复制代码
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import Login from '@/views/Login/index.vue'
import Layout from '@/views/Layout/index.vue'
import Home from '@/views/Home/index.vue'
import Category from '@/views/Category/index.vue'
import SubCategory from '@/views/SubCategory/index.vue'

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),
  routes: [
    // ......
  // 路由滚动行为定制
  scrollBehavior() {
    return {
      top: 0

export default router

五、详情页 - 整体认识和路由配置

1. 路由配置

①创建详情组件 - src/views/Detail/index.vue

html 复制代码
<script setup></script>

  <div class="xtx-goods-page">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="bread-container">
        <el-breadcrumb separator=">">
          <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
          <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">母婴 </el-breadcrumb-item>
          <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">跑步鞋 </el-breadcrumb-item>
      <!-- 商品信息 -->
      <div class="info-container">
          <div class="goods-info">
            <div class="media">
              <!-- 图片预览区 -->

              <!-- 统计数量 -->
              <ul class="goods-sales">
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-task-filling"></i>销量人气</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-comment-filling"></i>查看评价</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-favorite-filling"></i>收藏商品</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-dynamic-filling"></i>品牌主页</p>
            <div class="spec">
              <!-- 商品信息区 -->
              <p class="g-name">抓绒保暖,毛毛虫儿童鞋</p>
              <p class="g-desc">好穿</p>
              <p class="g-price">
                <span> 100</span>
              <div class="g-service">
                    <a href="javascript:;">了解详情</a>
              <!-- sku组件 -->

              <!-- 数据组件 -->

              <!-- 按钮组件 -->
                <el-button size="large" class="btn"> 加入购物车 </el-button>
          <div class="goods-footer">
            <div class="goods-article">
              <!-- 商品详情 -->
              <div class="goods-tabs">
                <div class="goods-detail">
                  <!-- 属性 -->
                  <ul class="attrs">
                    <li v-for="item in 3" :key="item.value">
                      <span class="dt">白色</span>
                      <span class="dd">纯棉</span>
                  <!-- 图片 -->
            <!-- 24热榜+专题推荐 -->
            <div class="goods-aside"></div>

<style scoped lang="scss">
.xtx-goods-page {
  .goods-info {
    min-height: 600px;
    background: #fff;
    display: flex;

    .media {
      width: 580px;
      height: 600px;
      padding: 30px 50px;

    .spec {
      flex: 1;
      padding: 30px 30px 30px 0;

  .goods-footer {
    display: flex;
    margin-top: 20px;

    .goods-article {
      width: 940px;
      margin-right: 20px;

    .goods-aside {
      width: 280px;
      min-height: 1000px;

  .goods-tabs {
    min-height: 600px;
    background: #fff;

  .goods-warn {
    min-height: 600px;
    background: #fff;
    margin-top: 20px;

  .number-box {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;

    .label {
      width: 60px;
      color: #999;
      padding-left: 10px;

  .g-name {
    font-size: 22px;

  .g-desc {
    color: #999;
    margin-top: 10px;

  .g-price {
    margin-top: 10px;

    span {
      &::before {
        content: '¥';
        font-size: 14px;

      &:first-child {
        color: $priceColor;
        margin-right: 10px;
        font-size: 22px;

      &:last-child {
        color: #999;
        text-decoration: line-through;
        font-size: 16px;

  .g-service {
    background: #f5f5f5;
    width: 500px;
    padding: 20px 10px 0 10px;
    margin-top: 10px;

    dl {
      padding-bottom: 20px;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;

      dt {
        width: 50px;
        color: #999;

      dd {
        color: #666;

        &:last-child {
          span {
            margin-right: 10px;

            &::before {
              content: '•';
              color: $xtxColor;
              margin-right: 2px;

          a {
            color: $xtxColor;

  .goods-sales {
    display: flex;
    width: 400px;
    align-items: center;
    text-align: center;
    height: 140px;

    li {
      flex: 1;
      position: relative;

      ~ li::after {
        position: absolute;
        top: 10px;
        left: 0;
        height: 60px;
        border-left: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
        content: '';

      p {
        &:first-child {
          color: #999;

        &:nth-child(2) {
          color: $priceColor;
          margin-top: 10px;

        &:last-child {
          color: #666;
          margin-top: 10px;

          i {
            color: $xtxColor;
            font-size: 14px;
            margin-right: 2px;

          &:hover {
            color: $xtxColor;
            cursor: pointer;

.goods-tabs {
  min-height: 600px;
  background: #fff;

  nav {
    height: 70px;
    line-height: 70px;
    display: flex;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    a {
      padding: 0 40px;
      font-size: 18px;
      position: relative;

      > span {
        color: $priceColor;
        font-size: 16px;
        margin-left: 10px;

.goods-detail {
  padding: 40px;

  .attrs {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    margin-bottom: 30px;

    li {
      display: flex;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      width: 50%;

      .dt {
        width: 100px;
        color: #999;

      .dd {
        flex: 1;
        color: #666;

  > img {
    width: 100%;

.btn {
  margin-top: 20px;

.bread-container {
  padding: 25px 0;

②配置路由 - src/router/index.js

javascript 复制代码
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
// ... ... 
import Category from '@/views/Category/index.vue'
import SubCategory from '@/views/SubCategory/index.vue'
import Detail from '@/views/Detail/index.vue'

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      component: Layout,
      children: [
        // ... ... 
          path: 'category/sub/:id',
          component: SubCategory
          path: 'detail/:id',
          component: Detail
      path: '/login',
      component: Login
  // 路由滚动行为定制
  scrollBehavior() {
    return {
      top: 0

export default router

③绑定模板测试跳转 - src/views/Home/components/HomeNew.vue

html 复制代码
<RouterLink :to="`/detail/${item.id}`">
  <img :src="item.picture" alt="" />
  <p class="name">{{ item.name }}</p>
  <p class="price">&yen;{{ item.price }}</p>

六、详情页 - 基础数据渲染

1. 封装接口 - src/apis/detail.js

javascript 复制代码
import instance from '@/utils/http.js'

// 获取详情数据
export const getDetail = (id) => {
  return instance({
    url: '/goods',
    params: {

2. 获取数据渲染模板 -src/views/Detail/index.vue

html 复制代码
<script setup>
import { getDetail } from '@/apis/detail.js'
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'

const loading = ref(false)

const goods = ref({})
const route = useRoute()
const getGoods = async () => {
  loading.value = true
  const res = await getDetail(route.params.id)
  goods.value = res.result
  loading.value = false

  <div class="xtx-goods-page" v-loading="loading">
    <!-- 有数据时才渲染 -->
    <div class="container" v-if="goods.details">
      <div class="bread-container">
        <el-breadcrumb separator=">">
          <el-breadcrumb-item :to="{ path: '/' }">首页</el-breadcrumb-item>
            :to="{ path: `/category/${goods.categories[1].id}` }"
            >{{ goods.categories[1].name }}

          <!-- 可选链写法:只有前面的有值才继续访问后面的 -->
          <!-- <el-breadcrumb-item
            :to="{ path: `/category/${goods.categories?.[1].id}` }"
            >{{ goods.categories?.[1].name }}
          </el-breadcrumb-item> -->

            :to="{ path: `/category/sub/${goods.categories[0].id}` }"
            >{{ goods.categories[0].name }}
          <el-breadcrumb-item>{{ goods.name }}</el-breadcrumb-item>
      <!-- 商品信息 -->
      <div class="info-container">
          <div class="goods-info">
            <div class="media">
              <!-- 图片预览区 -->

              <!-- 统计数量 -->
              <ul class="goods-sales">
                  <p>{{ goods.salesCount }}+</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-task-filling"></i>销量人气</p>
                  <p>{{ goods.commentCount }}+</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-comment-filling"></i>查看评价</p>
                  <p>{{ goods.collectCount }}+</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-favorite-filling"></i>收藏商品</p>
                  <p>{{ goods.brand.name }}</p>
                  <p><i class="iconfont icon-dynamic-filling"></i>品牌主页</p>
            <div class="spec">
              <!-- 商品信息区 -->
              <p class="g-name">{{ goods.name }}</p>
              <p class="g-desc">{{ goods.desc }}</p>
              <p class="g-price">
                <span>{{ goods.price }}</span>
                <span>{{ goods.oldPrice }}</span>
              <div class="g-service">
                    <a href="javascript:;">了解详情</a>
              <!-- sku组件 -->

              <!-- 数据组件 -->

              <!-- 按钮组件 -->
                <el-button size="large" class="btn"> 加入购物车 </el-button>
          <div class="goods-footer">
            <div class="goods-article">
              <!-- 商品详情 -->
              <div class="goods-tabs">
                <div class="goods-detail">
                  <!-- 属性 -->
                  <ul class="attrs">
                      v-for="item in goods.details.properties"
                      <span class="dt">{{ item.name }}</span>
                      <span class="dd">{{ item.value }}</span>
                  <!-- 图片 -->
                    v-for="img in goods.details.pictures"
            <!-- 24热榜+专题推荐 -->
            <div class="goods-aside"></div>

<style scoped lang="scss">
// ... ... 

七、详情页 - 热榜区域实现

1. 模块实现整体分析


①封装接口 - src/apis/detail.js

javascript 复制代码
 * 获取热榜商品
 * @param {Number} id - 商品id
 * @param {Number} type - 1代表24小时热销榜 2代表周热销榜
 * @param {Number} limit - 获取个数
export const getHotGoodsAPI = ({ id, type, limit = 3 }) => {
  return instance({
    url: '/goods/hot',
    params: {

②获取基础数据渲染模板 - src/views/Detail/components/DetailHot.vue

html 复制代码
<script setup>
// 以24小时热榜获取数据渲染模板
// 1. 封装接口
// 2. 调用接口渲染模板
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
import { getHotGoodsAPI } from '@/apis/detail.js'

// 设计props参数 适配不同的title和数据
const props = defineProps({
  type: {
    type: Number,
    default: 1

const titleMap = {
  1: '24小时热榜',
  2: '周热榜'
const title = computed(() => titleMap[props.type])

const goodList = ref([])
const route = useRoute()
const getHotList = async () => {
  const res = await getHotGoodsAPI({
    id: route.params.id,
    type: props.type
  goodList.value = res.result

  <div class="goods-hot">
    <h3>{{ title }}</h3>
    <!-- 商品区块 -->
      v-for="item in goodList"
      <img :src="item.picture" alt="" />
      <p class="name ellipsis">{{ item.name }}</p>
      <p class="desc ellipsis">{{ item.desc }}</p>
      <p class="price">&yen;{{ item.price }}</p>

<style scoped lang="scss">
.goods-hot {
  h3 {
    height: 70px;
    background: $helpColor;
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 70px;
    padding-left: 25px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;

  .goods-item {
    display: block;
    padding: 20px 30px;
    text-align: center;
    background: #fff;

    img {
      width: 160px;
      height: 160px;

    p {
      padding-top: 10px;

    .name {
      font-size: 16px;

    .desc {
      color: #999;
      height: 29px;

    .price {
      color: $priceColor;
      font-size: 20px;


html 复制代码
import DetailHot from './components/DetailHot.vue'

<!-- 24热榜+专题推荐 -->
  <div class="goods-aside">
  <!-- 24小时榜单 -->
  <DetailHot :type="1"></DetailHot>
  <!-- 周日榜单 -->
  DetailHot :type="2"></DetailHot>

八、详情页 - 图片预览组件封装

1. 组件功能分析

2. 通关小图切换大图实现



html 复制代码
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

// 图片列表
const imageList = [

// 1. 小图切换大图显示
const activeIndex = ref(0)
const enterHandler = (index) => {
  activeIndex.value = index
  //   console.log(activeIndex.value)

  <div class="goods-image">
    <!-- 左侧大图-->
    <div class="middle" ref="target">
      <img :src="imageList[activeIndex]" alt="" />
      <!-- 蒙层小滑块 -->
      <div class="layer" :style="{ left: `0px`, top: `0px` }"></div>
    <!-- 小图列表 -->
    <ul class="small">
        v-for="(img, i) in imageList"
        :class="{ active: i === activeIndex }"
        <img :src="img" alt="" />
    <!-- 放大镜大图 -->
          backgroundImage: `url(${imageList[0]})`,
          backgroundPositionX: `0px`,
          backgroundPositionY: `0px`

<style scoped lang="scss">
.goods-image {
  width: 480px;
  height: 400px;
  position: relative;
  display: flex;

  .middle {
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    background: #f5f5f5;

  .large {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 412px;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    z-index: 500;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    // 背景图:盒子的大小 = 2:1  将来控制背景图的移动来实现放大的效果查看 background-position
    background-size: 800px 800px;
    background-color: #f8f8f8;

  .layer {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    // 绝对定位 然后跟随咱们鼠标控制left和top属性就可以让滑块移动起来
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    position: absolute;

  .small {
    width: 80px;

    li {
      width: 68px;
      height: 68px;
      margin-left: 12px;
      margin-bottom: 15px;
      cursor: pointer;

      &.active {
        border: 2px solid $xtxColor;

3. 放大镜效果实现


  • ①左侧滑块跟随鼠标移动
  • ②右侧大图放大效果实现
  • ③鼠标移入控制滑块和大图显示隐藏



useMouseInElement | VueUse

  1. 有效移动范围内的计算逻辑
  • 横向:100 < elementX < 300, left = elementX - 小滑块宽度一半
  • 纵向:100 < elementY < 300, top = elementY - 小滑块高度一半
  1. 边界距离控制
  • 横向:elementY > 300 -> left = 200, elementX < 100 -> left = 0
  • 纵向:elementY > 300 -> top = 200, elementY < 100 -> top = 0







html 复制代码
<script setup>
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { useMouseInElement } from '@vueuse/core'

// 图片列表
const imageList = [

// 1. 小图切换大图显示
const activeIndex = ref(0)
const enterHandler = (index) => {
  activeIndex.value = index
  //   console.log(activeIndex.value)

// 2. 获取鼠标相对位置
const target = ref(null)
const { elementX, elementY, isOutside } = useMouseInElement(target)

// 3. 控制滑块跟随鼠标移动(监听elementX/Y变化,一旦变化,重新设置left/top)
const left = ref(0)
const top = ref(0)
const positionX = ref(0)
const positionY = ref(0)
watch([elementX, elementY, isOutside], () => {
  // 鼠标不在盒子边界内,直接不执行后面的逻辑
  if (isOutside.value) return

  // 有效范围内控制滑块距离
  // 横向
  if (elementX.value > 100 && elementX.value < 300) {
    left.value = elementX.value - 100
  // 纵向
  if (elementY.value > 100 && elementY.value < 300) {
    top.value = elementY.value - 100

  // 处理边界
  // 横向
  if (elementX.value > 300) {
    left.value = 200
  if (elementX.value < 100) {
    left.value = 0
  // 纵向
  if (elementY.value > 3000) {
    top.value = 200
  if (elementY.value < 100) {
    top.value = 0

  // 控制大图的显示
  positionX.value = -left.value * 2
  positionY.value = -top.value * 2

  <!-- {{ elementX }} {{ elementY }} {{ isOutside }} -->
  <div class="goods-image">
    <!-- 左侧大图-->
    <div class="middle" ref="target">
      <img :src="imageList[activeIndex]" alt="" />
      <!-- 蒙层小滑块 -->
        :style="{ left: `${left}px`, top: `${top}px` }"
    <!-- 小图列表 -->
    <ul class="small">
        v-for="(img, i) in imageList"
        :class="{ active: i === activeIndex }"
        <img :src="img" alt="" />
    <!-- 放大镜大图 -->
          backgroundImage: `url(${imageList[activeIndex]})`,
          backgroundPositionX: `${positionX}px`,
          backgroundPositionY: `${positionY}px`

<style scoped lang="scss">
.goods-image {
  width: 480px;
  height: 400px;
  position: relative;
  display: flex;

  .middle {
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    background: #f5f5f5;

  .large {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 412px;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    z-index: 500;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    // 背景图:盒子的大小 = 2:1  将来控制背景图的移动来实现放大的效果查看 background-position
    background-size: 800px 800px;
    background-color: #f8f8f8;

  .layer {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    // 绝对定位 然后跟随咱们鼠标控制left和top属性就可以让滑块移动起来
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    position: absolute;

  .small {
    width: 80px;

    li {
      width: 68px;
      height: 68px;
      margin-left: 12px;
      margin-bottom: 15px;
      cursor: pointer;

      &.active {
        border: 2px solid $xtxColor;


html 复制代码
import ImageView from '@/components/ImageView/index.vue'
<div class="media">
   <!-- 图片预览区 -->
   <!-- 统计数量 -->
   <!-- ...... -->      

4. 组件props适配



javascript 复制代码
// props适配图片列表
  imageList: {
    type: Array,
    default: () => []

// 图片列表
/* const imageList = [
] */


html 复制代码
<div class="media">
   <!-- 图片预览区 -->
   <ImageView :imageList="goods.mainPictures"></ImageView>
   <!-- 统计数量 -->
   <!-- ... ... -->

5. 总结

  1. 封装复杂交互组件的通用思路
  1. 图片预览组件的封装逻辑

九、详情页 - 认识SKU组件

1. SKU的概念

存货单位(stock keeping unit),也翻译为库存单元,是一个会计学名词,定义为库存管理中的最小可用单元,例如纺织品中一个SKU通常表示规格、颜色、款式,而在连锁零售门店中有时称单品为一个SKU。


2. SKU组件使用





html 复制代码
  <div class="goods-sku">
    <dl v-for="item in goods.specs" :key="item.id">
      <dt>{{ item.name }}</dt>
        <template v-for="val in item.values" :key="val.name">
            :class="{ selected: val.selected, disabled: val.disabled }"
            @click="clickSpecs(item, val)"
            :class="{ selected: val.selected, disabled: val.disabled }"
            @click="clickSpecs(item, val)"
            >{{ val.name }}</span

import { watchEffect } from 'vue'
import getPowerSet from './power-set'
const spliter = '★'
// 根据skus数据得到路径字典对象
const getPathMap = (skus) => {
  const pathMap = {}
  if (skus && skus.length > 0) {
    skus.forEach((sku) => {
      // 1. 过滤出有库存有效的sku
      if (sku.inventory) {
        // 2. 得到sku属性值数组
        const specs = sku.specs.map((spec) => spec.valueName)
        // 3. 得到sku属性值数组的子集
        const powerSet = getPowerSet(specs)
        // 4. 设置给路径字典对象
        powerSet.forEach((set) => {
          const key = set.join(spliter)
          // 如果没有就先初始化一个空数组
          if (!pathMap[key]) {
            pathMap[key] = []
  return pathMap

// 初始化禁用状态
function initDisabledStatus(specs, pathMap) {
  if (specs && specs.length > 0) {
    specs.forEach((spec) => {
      spec.values.forEach((val) => {
        // 设置禁用状态
        val.disabled = !pathMap[val.name]

// 得到当前选中规格集合
const getSelectedArr = (specs) => {
  const selectedArr = []
  specs.forEach((spec, index) => {
    const selectedVal = spec.values.find((val) => val.selected)
    if (selectedVal) {
      selectedArr[index] = selectedVal.name
    } else {
      selectedArr[index] = undefined
  return selectedArr

// 更新按钮的禁用状态
const updateDisabledStatus = (specs, pathMap) => {
  // 遍历每一种规格
  specs.forEach((item, i) => {
    // 拿到当前选择的项目
    const selectedArr = getSelectedArr(specs)
    // 遍历每一个按钮
    item.values.forEach((val) => {
      if (!val.selected) {
        selectedArr[i] = val.name
        // 去掉undefined之后组合成key
        const key = selectedArr.filter((value) => value).join(spliter)
        val.disabled = !pathMap[key]

export default {
  name: 'XtxGoodSku',
  props: {
    // specs:所有的规格信息  skus:所有的sku组合
    goods: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => ({ specs: [], skus: [] })
  emits: ['change'],
  setup(props, { emit }) {
    let pathMap = {}
    watchEffect(() => {
      // 得到所有字典集合
      pathMap = getPathMap(props.goods.skus)
      // 组件初始化的时候更新禁用状态
      initDisabledStatus(props.goods.specs, pathMap)

    const clickSpecs = (item, val) => {
      if (val.disabled) return false
      // 选中与取消选中逻辑
      if (val.selected) {
        val.selected = false
      } else {
        item.values.forEach((bv) => {
          bv.selected = false
        val.selected = true
      // 点击之后再次更新选中状态
      updateDisabledStatus(props.goods.specs, pathMap)
      // 把选择的sku信息传出去给父组件
      // 触发change事件将sku数据传递出去
      const selectedArr = getSelectedArr(props.goods.specs).filter(
        (value) => value
      // 如果选中得规格数量和传入得规格总数相等则传出完整信息(都选择了)
      // 否则传出空对象
      if (selectedArr.length === props.goods.specs.length) {
        // 从路径字典中得到skuId
        const skuId = pathMap[selectedArr.join(spliter)][0]
        const sku = props.goods.skus.find((sku) => sku.id === skuId)
        // 传递数据给父组件
        emit('change', {
          skuId: sku.id,
          price: sku.price,
          oldPrice: sku.oldPrice,
          inventory: sku.inventory,
          specsText: sku.specs
            .reduce((p, n) => `${p} ${n.name}:${n.valueName}`, '')
      } else {
        emit('change', {})
    return { clickSpecs }

<style scoped lang="scss">
@mixin sku-state-mixin {
  border: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
  margin-right: 10px;
  cursor: pointer;

  &.selected {
    border-color: $xtxColor;

  &.disabled {
    opacity: 0.6;
    border-style: dashed;
    cursor: not-allowed;

.goods-sku {
  padding-left: 10px;
  padding-top: 20px;

  dl {
    display: flex;
    padding-bottom: 20px;
    align-items: center;

    dt {
      width: 50px;
      color: #999;

    dd {
      flex: 1;
      color: #666;

      > img {
        width: 50px;
        height: 50px;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        @include sku-state-mixin;

      > span {
        display: inline-block;
        height: 30px;
        line-height: 28px;
        padding: 0 20px;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        @include sku-state-mixin;


javascript 复制代码
export default function bwPowerSet(originalSet) {
  const subSets = []

  // We will have 2^n possible combinations (where n is a length of original set).
  // It is because for every element of original set we will decide whether to include
  // it or not (2 options for each set element).
  const numberOfCombinations = 2 ** originalSet.length

  // Each number in binary representation in a range from 0 to 2^n does exactly what we need:
  // it shows by its bits (0 or 1) whether to include related element from the set or not.
  // For example, for the set {1, 2, 3} the binary number of 0b010 would mean that we need to
  // include only "2" to the current set.
  for (
    let combinationIndex = 0;
    combinationIndex < numberOfCombinations;
    combinationIndex += 1
  ) {
    const subSet = []

    for (
      let setElementIndex = 0;
      setElementIndex < originalSet.length;
      setElementIndex += 1
    ) {
      // Decide whether we need to include current element into the subset or not.
      if (combinationIndex & (1 << setElementIndex)) {

    // Add current subset to the list of all subsets.

  return subSets


html 复制代码
<script setup>
// sku规格被操作时
const skuChange = (sku) => {

<!-- sku组件 -->
<XtxSku :goods="goods" @change="skuChange"></XtxSku>

十、详情页 - 通用组件统一注册全局

1. 为什么要优化



javascript 复制代码
// 把components中的所有组件进行全局化注册
// 通过插件的方式
import ImageView from './ImageView/index.vue'
import Sku from './XtxSku/index.vue'

export const componentPlugin = {
  install(app) {
    // app.component('组件名字', 组件配置对象)
    app.component('XtxImageView', ImageView)
    app.component('XtxSku', Sku)


javascript 复制代码
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'

import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
// 引入初始化样式文件
import '@/styles/common.scss'
// 引入懒加载指令插件并注册
import { lazyPlugin } from '@/direactives'
// 引入全局组件插件
import { componentPlugin } from '@/components/index.js'

const app = createApp(App)



③src/views/Detail/index.vue - 修改

javascript 复制代码
// import ImageView from '@/components/ImageView/index.vue'
// import XtxSku from '@/components/XtxSku/index.vue'

<!-- 图片预览区 -->
<XtxImageView :imageList="goods.mainPictures"></XtxImageView>
<!-- sku组件 -->
<XtxSku :goods="goods" @change="skuChange"></XtxSku>
神之王楠6 分钟前
余生H11 分钟前
花花鱼12 分钟前
@antv/x6 导出图片下载,或者导出图片为base64由后端去处理。
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