Exercise 10

Exercise 10


VR has this 1 unique ability to really take you there and that's sort of something I've been trying to do in traditional still images and 2 documentary film.虚拟现实(VR)有能让你真正身临其境的独特能力 我一直试图在传统的静态影像和纪录片中实现这一点

And those mediums have great power to influence,这些媒介具有很强的影响力

but I was always frustrated with the inability to really take a first-person subjective experience and let someone see it for themselves.但它无法让人真正拥有第一人称的主观体验并让他们亲自看到这一切 还挺沮丧的

And VR can start to do that.VR可以做到这一点

I can place people into worlds that they may never otherwise see 我可以把人们置身于他们从未见过的世界

and experience something firsthand in a way that is very different than watching a film.You recall it as a memory.当你回忆起来的时候 会觉得这是一种记忆

Instead of "I saw a movie," "I actually was there in this experience."你不会说"我看了部电影" 而是"我参与到了这个过程中"

And so those memories actually 3 code in a stronger way.这样的话 记忆就会更加强烈

And I think that allows us to reflect and 4 process them in a more personal way.我觉得这能让我们以更加亲身体验的方式去回忆和处理这些信息

You have an emotional connection and you get as close to being in their position as possible.你会产生情感连接 并尽可能接近他们的立场

It's not completely a first-person perspective---它并不完全是第一人称视角------

and there is some testing and research around that where it could actually embody someone else, that's a little bit harder.它周围还会有一些测试和研究 会出现其他人 这样会更难

But right now we know we can at least be very close.但现在我们知道 至少我们可以非常接近

And when you are very close to someone and you're seeing what they're experiencing, you start to internalize that.如果你离某人特别近 能看到他们所经历的事情 你就会把这些事情内化吸收

We have these mirror neurons that we can feel what other people are feeling.我们有镜像神经元 可以感受到别人的感受

And that reflection that I think is
5 invoked from these powerful experiences can start to foster empathy for the other.从这种强大的经历中唤出的感受可以培养与他人的共鸣

And it can dissolve your own ego and help you take the perspective of someone else.它会融化你的自负 让你站在别人的角度看待问题

And I think this special ability of VR is really important for the urgent crises that we're facing, especially climate change,我认为VR这种特殊的能力对我们现在所面临的紧迫危机非常重要 尤其是气候变化

which can be hard to dig into, to really lean into, because it seems so big and abstract.因为它很难让人深入研究 深入感受 毕竟它听起来如此空大和抽象

But when you are experiencing climate change right in the places that it's happening 但是如果你能到正在发生气候变化的地方去感受一下

you feel like it's here, that you're getting this glimpse into the future of a world of
6 extreme weather.你就会觉得它是真的 你会提前感受到未来有着极端气候的世界是什么样子

Of dried out drought desert conditions. Of refugees.感受到极度干旱的沙漠气候 感受到难民

Of pristine 7 ecosystems collapsing and being destroyed.感受到原始生态系统的崩塌和破坏

And so when you can actually experience these events as if you were there, you internalize them.如果你真的能设身处地地经历这些事情 你就会把它内化

And I think that starts to lead to this process of, "Well am I participating in it?然后你就会开始反思"我也参与其中了吗?

Am I consuming fossil fuels that I don't need to?我是否在消耗着不必要的化石燃料?

Can I divest from some of the industries that are responsible for this crisis?"我能否减少一些应为气候变化危机负责的产业?"

And so I think that reflection is really important because it leads to, or is necessary to lead to, action in one's own life.这种反思很重要 因为它会 或者一定会让人们行动起来

And there's a whole threshold of different actions one can take to 8 engage with this incredible environmental problem that we're facing.每个人都可以采取各种行动来应对我们所面临的这个环境问题

And so this chain of events I think can be triggered through a singular powerful experience.只需要一次强有力的体验就能触发这一系列活动

And so with this medium, we can convey not just information.所以有了这种媒介 我们不光能传递信息

We can convey emotional fidelity in a way that we haven't been able to do with such clarity.还能以从未有过的清晰度来传递精确的情感

And so we can really feel what it's like to be a mother in the deserts of Somalia trying to find food for her children 所以我们能真切地感受到索马里沙漠里的一位母亲给孩子寻找食物

and having to 9 flee to the outskirts of cities and to huge camps---被迫逃到郊区 前往巨大的集中营是什么感觉------

and seeing that they're really just trying to care for their families just as we would do if we were there.还能看到他们在努力照顾自己的家人 跟身处那种境地中的我们并无差别

And so I think it has this ability to help us invoke the empathy that we all have 所以我觉得VR能够唤醒我们每个人都有的共鸣

and 10 cultivate the compassion and the action that is needed to address so many of the world's problems.


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