Rac Services used for fail over.
User195957 Posts: 125
Oct 3, 2011 3:53PM edited Oct 6, 2011 12:33PM 6 commentsAnswered
Hi all,How to check if any failed over services are running on other node instead of original node.How I can check on which date it got failed over to other node?
Please let me know the command or sql which can list time of failed over services.
I tried srvctl service status -d db
I also tried:
COLUMN instance_name FORMAT a13
COLUMN host_name FORMAT a9
COLUMN failover_method FORMAT a15
COLUMN failed_over FORMAT a11
v.instance_name AS instance_name,
v.host_name AS host_name,
s.failover_type AS failover_type,
s.failover_method AS failover_method,
s.failed_over AS failed_over
FROM vinstance v, vsession s
But did not get the desired output.
BPeaslandDBA Posts: 11,665 Jadeite
How about this:
SELECT inst_id,service_name,count(*)
FROM gv$session
GROUP BY inst_id,service_name
You will want to query GV$SESSION since you are on RAC>
Alternatively, if you do "lsnrctl status", it will show you were the services are running.
-- Cheers, Brian
Author, Oracle guy, and hockey fan
User195957 Posts: 125
I am not asking about the status. I need to know when the service got fail over to other node. I need to know the time and date.
Helmut -Oracle Posts: 2,559 Bronze Crown
Why don't you look into the log files, especially into the alert file to find out the time and date? Once you know that the service actually failed over, you should be able to get date and time from the log files. I assume that that can be automated per script.
BPeaslandDBA Posts: 11,665 Jadeite
You can also check the CRS logs for this information.
-- Cheers, Brian
Author, Oracle guy, and hockey fan
LeightonLNelson Posts: 225 Red Ribbon
Helmut is correct. The alert logs have the date/time when the services were failed over. You could try querying V$DIAG_ALERT_EXT for "ALTER SYSTEM set service_name" messages.
User195957 Posts: 125
Thanks for the reply!!!Let me know any command by which we can filter the specific timestamp and specific word.
User_D0ISD Posts: 1 Newbie
select MESSAGE_TEXT, a.* from v$diag_alert_ext a where ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP >sysdate-1 and MESSAGE_TEXT like '%service%';
----RAC one node
Yes, I need to find out when dtabase services switch over from one node of RAC , and this sql helps
select ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP, MESSAGE_TEXT from table(gv(cursor(select \* from vdiag_alert_ext))) where ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP >sysdate-0.1 and MESSAGE_TEXT like '%service%';