《雅思口语真经总纲1.0》话题实战训练笔记part1——7. Sports



What kinds of physical exercise do you like?


Well, I'm into tons of physical exercise, like swimming, hiking, riding and so on. But because of tense work, It's hard for me to distribute time to do these exercise, maybe twice a week, or even longer.




  1. "Well, I'm into tons of physical exercise, like swimming, hiking, riding and so on."

    • 这句话的开头用了"Well",这很好,因为它给人一种轻松的口语感。不过,"tons of"在这里稍显非正式,可以替换为更常见的表达。同时,"riding"可能需要具体化,是指骑自行车还是骑马?
  2. "But because of tense work, It's hard for me to distribute time to do these exercise, maybe twice a week, or even longer."

    • "tense work"应该是"busy work"或"a hectic work schedule(繁忙的工作日程)",这样听起来更自然。在英语中,"distribute time"不是一个常用的表达,我们通常说"find time"或者"make time"。此外,"these exercise"中的"exercise"应该是复数形式"exercises",因为你提到了多种运动。


"Oh, I really enjoy a variety of physical exercises. You know, activities like swimming, hiking, and cycling really catch my fancy. However, with my hectic work schedule, it's quite challenging to find time for these activities. I manage to squeeze them in maybe twice a week, or sometimes even less frequently."

这样的回答更加地道和连贯,同时也保持了口语化的风格,听起来就像是与朋友聊天。通过具体说明"cycling"而不是笼统的"riding",使得答案更加清晰。此外,使用"catch my fancy"增加了一点个性和色彩,使得整个答案更加生动有趣。



A: I really enjoy working out, so in fact I dig many sports, including playing badminton, riding the exercise bike, hiting the gym to lift weights, swimming and so on. As a matter of fact, before coming here, I rode the exercise bike at home for about thirty minutes and it helped me work up a sweat. That made me feel really good.



Do you think children should do sports regularly?


Yep, I think children are at their best time to grow, if they do some sports regularly, it'd contribute to their heathy. But don't forget to keep safety while doing excercise.



  1. Yep, I think children are at their best time to grow:

    • 这里"are at their best time to grow"表达上有些笨拙和不自然。更地道的表达可能是"are at an ideal stage for growth"或者简单地说"are growing quickly"。
  2. if they do some sports regularly, it'd contribute to their heathy:

    • 这里"heathy"应该是一个拼写错误,正确的单词是"health"。
    • 句子结构上可以稍作简化,以增强语言的自然流畅性。
  3. But don't forget to keep safety while doing excercise:

    • "excercise"拼写错误,正确的拼写是"exercise"。
    • "keep safety"是一个不常见的表达,更自然的表达是"stay safe"。


"Absolutely, I definitely think kids should engage in sports regularly. You know, they're in a crucial phase of growth and doing sports can really boost their health. Plus, it's not just about being active---sports help them develop teamwork and discipline. Just remember, it's important to make sure they stay safe while they're at it, especially with all the running and jumping involved."




A: Absolutely. There is no doubt that sport should play a vital role in children's lives. In fact, what I think is that it's not just about children; everybody should do the same. Um, regular exercise is important for children in so many ways. For starters, it allows them to lead a healthy life. Nobody should ever lead a sedentary life, so if they do sports on a regular basis, they can be healthier. Another reason is that a lot of sports are team sports, so by participating in them, children can learn how to work with others on a team, how to cooperate and stuff like that, which are very important for them when they grow up.



What was your favourite sport when you were young?


When I were young, I think my favorite sport had to be swimming, there was a small river just located in front of my house, I swam with my friends in it whatever the weather was rainy or sunny. That was the best time of my life.



  1. When I were young --- 这里使用了错误的动词形式,应该使用单数形式 "was"。
  2. I think my favorite sport had to be swimming --- 这里的 "had to be" 可能听起来有点过于强制,可以用更自然的表达方式。
  3. there was a small river just located in front of my house --- "just located" 这个词组用法不太自然,可以简化。
  4. I swam with my friends in it whatever the weather was rainy or sunny --- 这里的表达有点拗口,可以简化并改进连贯性。
  5. That was the best time of my life --- 这句很好,但可以稍作调整以更自然地连接前文。


"When I was young, I'd say swimming was definitely my favorite sport. There was a small river right in front of my house, and no matter the weather---rainy or sunny---I was always there swimming with my friends. Those were some of the best times of my life."





A: When I was growing up, I think my favourite sport was playing badminton and I would do it on a daily basis with my parents. Every day after dinner, we would just go to the park near our home and play badminton for about forty or fifty minutes. It was a good opportunity for us to bond and it also helped me live a healthier life.

A: 我小时候,我觉得我最喜欢的运动是打羽毛球,我几乎每天都和我的父母一起打。每天晚饭后,我们就会去我们家附近的公园,打大约四十到五十分钟的羽毛球。这是一个很好的加强家庭关系的机会,同时也让我过上了更健康的生活。



Without a doubt, table tennis is definitely the most popular sport because it's the nation sport in China, apart from that, running, swimming are also catch people's fancy, especially swimming, many people swim on a regular basis, if you went to the swimming gym, you may see the lanes are filled with people, making it really jam-packed, but you know, swimming is really good for people's back, especially for those who live a sedentary life.



  1. Without a doubt, table tennis is definitely the most popular sport because it's the nation sport in China --- 这里的"nation sport"应为"national sport"。同时,"Without a doubt" 和 "definitely" 重复强调了,可以考虑去掉一个以避免过度强调。

  2. apart from that, running, swimming are also catch people's fancy --- 这里的表达"catch people's fancy"不太自然,通常我们会说"are also popular"或"also appeal to people"。此外,需要在"running"和"swimming"前加上"and"来连接这两个并列的元素。

  3. especially swimming, many people swim on a regular basis --- 这句话可以合并为一个更连贯的句子,改善结构。

  4. if you went to the swimming gym, you may see the lanes are filled with people, making it really jam-packed --- "swimming gym"不是一个常用的表达,可以简化为"swimming pool"或"public pool"。时态也需要调整,使用一致的时态,"went"应改为"go","may see"改为"will see"。

  5. but you know, swimming is really good for people's back, especially for those who live a sedentary life --- 这句话可以稍作简化和重新组织,以更自然地融入整个回答。


"Without a doubt, table tennis is the national sport of China and incredibly popular. Besides, running and swimming also really appeal to people. Swimming is particularly popular; if you go to a public pool, you'll likely find it bustling with people. You know, swimming is fantastic for the back, especially for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle."





A: Many sports are well-liked here, like swimming and jogging. Perhaps swimming is the most popular sport, because every time you go to a public swimming pool, especially in the summer, you will see it's jam-packed with people. In one lane, there are usually dozens of people, so sometimes it makes it a little hard for people to swim.

A: 这里有很多受欢迎的运动,比如游泳和慢跑。或许游泳是最受欢迎的运动,因为每当你在夏天去公共游泳池时,你会看到那里人山人海。在一条泳道里,通常会挤满几十人,所以有时候这会让游泳变得有点困难。

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