
**构造者模式(Builder Pattern)**使用简单的对象一步一步构建成一个复杂的对象。这种设计模式属于创建者模式,它提供了一种创建对象的最佳方式。一个 Builder 类会一步一步构造最终的对象。该 Builder 类是独立于其他对象的。例如,计算机是由 CPU、主板、内存、硬盘、显卡、机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标等部件组装而成的,采购员不可能自己去组装计算机,而是将计算机的配置要求告诉计算机销售公司,计算机销售公司安排技术人员去组装计算机,然后再交给要买计算机的采购员。


  1. 产品(Product)

    • 需要构建的复杂对象,通常是一个包含多个属性的类。
  2. 构造器接口(Builder)

    • 定义了构建产品的接口,通常包括设置产品各个部分的方法。
  3. 具体构建者(Concrete Builder)

    • 实现了构造器接口,负责具体产品的构建过程。通常还提供一个方法用于获取最终产品。
  4. 指挥者(Director)

    • 负责管理构建过程,调用构建者的具体方法来构建产品。

其实在 Golang 中对于创建类参数比较多的对象的时候,我们常见的做法是必填参数直接传递,可选参数通过传递可变的方法进行创建。

方式一:使用 Go 编写建造者模式的代码其实会很长,这些是它的一个缺点,所以如果不是参数的校验逻辑很复杂的情况下一般我们在 Go 中不会采用这种方式,而会采用后面的另外一种方式
Go 复制代码
package builder

import "fmt"

const (
	defaultMaxTotal = 10
	defaultMaxIdle  = 9
	defaultMinIdle  = 1

// ResourcePoolConfig resource pool
type ResourcePoolConfig struct {
	name     string
	maxTotal int
	maxIdle  int
	minIdle  int

// ResourcePoolConfigBuilder 用于构建 ResourcePoolConfig
type ResourcePoolConfigBuilder struct {
	name     string
	maxTotal int
	maxIdle  int
	minIdle  int

// SetName SetName
func (b *ResourcePoolConfigBuilder) SetName(name string) error {
	if name == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("name can not be empty")
	b.name = name
	return nil

// SetMinIdle SetMinIdle
func (b *ResourcePoolConfigBuilder) SetMinIdle(minIdle int) error {
	if minIdle < 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("max tatal cannot < 0, input: %d", minIdle)
	b.minIdle = minIdle
	return nil

// SetMaxIdle SetMaxIdle
func (b *ResourcePoolConfigBuilder) SetMaxIdle(maxIdle int) error {
	if maxIdle < 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("max tatal cannot < 0, input: %d", maxIdle)
	b.maxIdle = maxIdle
	return nil

// SetMaxTotal SetMaxTotal
func (b *ResourcePoolConfigBuilder) SetMaxTotal(maxTotal int) error {
	if maxTotal <= 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("max tatal cannot <= 0, input: %d", maxTotal)
	b.maxTotal = maxTotal
	return nil

// Build Build
func (b *ResourcePoolConfigBuilder) Build() (*ResourcePoolConfig, error) {
	if b.name == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("name can not be empty")
	// 设置默认值
	if b.minIdle == 0 {
		b.minIdle = defaultMinIdle

	if b.maxIdle == 0 {
		b.maxIdle = defaultMaxIdle

	if b.maxTotal == 0 {
		b.maxTotal = defaultMaxTotal

	if b.maxTotal < b.maxIdle {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("max total(%d) cannot < max idle(%d)", b.maxTotal, b.maxIdle)

	if b.minIdle > b.maxIdle {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("max idle(%d) cannot < min idle(%d)", b.maxIdle, b.minIdle)
	return &ResourcePoolConfig{
		name:     b.name,
		maxTotal: b.maxTotal,
		maxIdle:  b.maxIdle,
		minIdle:  b.minIdle,
	}, nil
Go 复制代码
func TestBuilder(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name    string
		builder *ResourcePoolConfigBuilder
		want    *ResourcePoolConfig
		wantErr bool
			name: "name empty",
			builder: &ResourcePoolConfigBuilder{
				name:     "",
				maxTotal: 0,
			want:    nil,
			wantErr: true,
			name: "maxIdle < minIdle",
			builder: &ResourcePoolConfigBuilder{
				name:     "test",
				maxTotal: 0,
				maxIdle:  10,
				minIdle:  20,
			want:    nil,
			wantErr: true,
			name: "success",
			builder: &ResourcePoolConfigBuilder{
				name: "test",
			want: &ResourcePoolConfig{
				name:     "test",
				maxTotal: defaultMaxTotal,
				maxIdle:  defaultMaxIdle,
				minIdle:  defaultMinIdle,
			wantErr: false,
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			got, err := tt.builder.Build()
			fmt.Printf("Build() error = %v, wantErr %v\n", err, tt.wantErr)

Go 复制代码
package builder

import "fmt"

const (
	defaultMaxTotal = 10
	defaultMaxIdle  = 9
	defaultMinIdle  = 1

// ResourcePoolConfig resource pool
type ResourcePoolConfig struct {
	name     string
	maxTotal int
	maxIdle  int
	minIdle  int

// ResourcePoolConfigOption resource pool
type ResourcePoolConfigOption struct {
	maxTotal int
	maxIdle  int
	minIdle  int

// ResourcePoolConfigOptFunc to set option
type ResourcePoolConfigOptFunc func(option *ResourcePoolConfigOption)

// NewResourcePoolConfig NewResourcePoolConfig
func NewResourcePoolConfig(name string, opts ...ResourcePoolConfigOptFunc) (*ResourcePoolConfig, error) {
	if name == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("name can not be empty")
	option := &ResourcePoolConfigOption{
		maxTotal: 10,
		maxIdle:  9,
		minIdle:  1,
	for _, opt := range opts {
	if option.maxTotal < 0 || option.maxIdle < 0 || option.minIdle < 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("args err, option: %v", option)

	if option.maxTotal < option.maxIdle || option.minIdle > option.maxIdle {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("args err, option: %v", option)

	return &ResourcePoolConfig{
		name:     name,
		maxTotal: option.maxTotal,
		maxIdle:  option.maxIdle,
		minIdle:  option.minIdle,
	}, nil
Go 复制代码
func TestBuilder(t *testing.T) {
	type args struct {
		name string
		opts []ResourcePoolConfigOptFunc
	tests := []struct {
		name    string
		args    args
		want    *ResourcePoolConfig
		wantErr bool
			name: "name empty",
			args: args{
				name: "",
			want:    nil,
			wantErr: true,
			name: "success",
			args: args{
				name: "test",
				opts: []ResourcePoolConfigOptFunc{
					func(option *ResourcePoolConfigOption) {
						option.minIdle = 2
					func(option *ResourcePoolConfigOption) {
						option.maxTotal = 100
			want: &ResourcePoolConfig{
				name:     "test",
				maxTotal: 10,
				maxIdle:  9,
				minIdle:  2,
			wantErr: false,
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			got, err := NewResourcePoolConfig(tt.args.name, tt.args.opts...)
			require.Equalf(t, tt.wantErr, err != nil, "error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
			assert.Equal(t, tt.want, got)



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