Agent 1 从 (0, 0) 出发,目标是 (4, 4)。
Agent 2 从 (4, 4) 出发,目标是 (0, 0)。
奖励:到达目标位置获得 10 分,否则每步 -1 分。
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import spaces
# 定义多智能体环境
class MultiAgentEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self):
super(MultiAgentEnv, self).__init__()
# 定义网格世界大小
self.grid_size = 5
# 智能体的初始位置
self.agent1_pos = np.array([0, 0]) # Agent 1 起始点
self.agent2_pos = np.array([4, 4]) # Agent 2 起始点
# 智能体的目标位置
self.goal1 = np.array([4, 4]) # Agent 1 的目标
self.goal2 = np.array([0, 0]) # Agent 2 的目标
# 定义动作空间和状态空间
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) # 上、下、左、右 4 个动作
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=self.grid_size - 1, shape=(2,), dtype=np.int32)
def reset(self):
# 重置智能体的位置
self.agent1_pos = np.array([0, 0])
self.agent2_pos = np.array([4, 4])
return self._get_obs()
def step(self, actions):
# 传入两个智能体的动作
action1, action2 = actions
# 更新智能体1的位置
self.agent1_pos = self._move(self.agent1_pos, action1)
# 更新智能体2的位置
self.agent2_pos = self._move(self.agent2_pos, action2)
# 检查是否到达目标
reward1 = 10 if np.array_equal(self.agent1_pos, self.goal1) else -1
reward2 = 10 if np.array_equal(self.agent2_pos, self.goal2) else -1
done1 = np.array_equal(self.agent1_pos, self.goal1)
done2 = np.array_equal(self.agent2_pos, self.goal2)
done = done1 and done2
return self._get_obs(), [reward1, reward2], done, {}
def _move(self, position, action):
# 根据动作移动智能体
if action == 0 and position[0] > 0: # 向上
position[0] -= 1
elif action == 1 and position[0] < self.grid_size - 1: # 向下
position[0] += 1
elif action == 2 and position[1] > 0: # 向左
position[1] -= 1
elif action == 3 and position[1] < self.grid_size - 1: # 向右
position[1] += 1
return position
def _get_obs(self):
# 返回两个智能体的当前状态
return np.array([self.agent1_pos, self.agent2_pos])
# 运行多智能体环境
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = MultiAgentEnv()
for episode in range(5):
print(f"Episode {episode + 1}:")
obs = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
actions = [env.action_space.sample(), env.action_space.sample()] # 随机动作
obs, rewards, done, info = env.step(actions)
step += 1
print(f" Step {step}:")
print(f" Agent 1 Position: {obs[0]}, Reward: {rewards[0]}")
print(f" Agent 2 Position: {obs[1]}, Reward: {rewards[1]}")
print("Episode finished!\n")