Chromium window.document对象c++实现

一、前端Document 对象

当浏览器载入 HTML 文档, 它就会成为 Document 对象

Document 对象是 HTML 文档的根节点。

Document 对象使我们可以从脚本中对 HTML 页面中的所有元素进行访问。

**提示:**Document 对象是 Window 对象的一部分,可通过 window.document 属性对其进行访问。

二、Document 对象在c++中对应接口



cpp 复制代码
enum DocumentReadyState { "loading", "interactive", "complete" };

enum VisibilityState { "hidden", "visible" };

typedef (HTMLScriptElement or SVGScriptElement) HTMLOrSVGScriptElement;


] interface Document : Node {
    [CallWith=Document] constructor();
    [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
    [ImplementedAs=urlForBinding] readonly attribute USVString URL;
    // FIXME: documentURI should not be nullable.
    [ImplementedAs=urlForBinding] readonly attribute USVString? documentURI;
    readonly attribute DOMString compatMode;

    readonly attribute DOMString characterSet;
    [ImplementedAs=characterSet] readonly attribute DOMString charset; // legacy alias of .characterSet
    [ImplementedAs=characterSet] readonly attribute DOMString inputEncoding; // legacy alias of .characterSet
    readonly attribute DOMString contentType;

    readonly attribute DocumentType? doctype;
    readonly attribute Element? documentElement;
    [Affects=Nothing] HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(DOMString localName);
    [Affects=Nothing] HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString localName);
    [Affects=Nothing] HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(DOMString classNames);

    [NewObject, PerWorldBindings, RaisesException, ImplementedAs=CreateElementForBinding] Element createElement(DOMString localName);
    [NewObject, RaisesException] Element createElementNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName);
    [NewObject] DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();
    [NewObject] Text createTextNode(DOMString data);
    [NewObject, RaisesException] CDATASection createCDATASection(DOMString data);
    [NewObject] Comment createComment(DOMString data);
    [NewObject, RaisesException] ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(DOMString target, DOMString data);

    [NewObject, CEReactions, RaisesException] Node importNode(Node node, optional boolean deep = false);
    [RaisesException, CEReactions] Node adoptNode(Node node);

    [NewObject, RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentCreateAttribute] Attr createAttribute(DOMString localName);
    [NewObject, RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentCreateAttributeNS] Attr createAttributeNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName);

    [NewObject, RaisesException, CallWith=ScriptState] Event createEvent(DOMString eventType);

    [NewObject] Range createRange();

    // NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF
    [NewObject] NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root, optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, optional NodeFilter? filter = null);
    [NewObject] TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root, optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, optional NodeFilter? filter = null);

    // FIXME: xmlEncoding/xmlVersion/xmlStandalone have been removed from the spec.
    [MeasureAs=DocumentXMLEncoding] readonly attribute DOMString? xmlEncoding;
    [RaisesException=Setter, MeasureAs=DocumentXMLVersion] attribute DOMString? xmlVersion;
    [RaisesException=Setter, MeasureAs=DocumentXMLStandalone] attribute boolean xmlStandalone;

    // HTML

    [RuntimeEnabled=HTMLUnsafeMethods,CallWith=ExecutionContext,MeasureAs=ParseHTMLUnsafe] static Document parseHTMLUnsafe(DOMString html);

    // resource metadata management

    [PutForwards=href, LegacyUnforgeable] readonly attribute Location? location;
    [RaisesException=Setter] attribute USVString domain;
    readonly attribute USVString referrer;
    [RaisesException, RuntimeCallStatsCounter=DocumentCookie] attribute DOMString cookie;
    readonly attribute DOMString lastModified;
    readonly attribute DocumentReadyState readyState;

    // DOM tree accessors
    // Named getter is implemented without IDL code generation for better
    // performance. See
    // getter object (DOMString name);
    [CEReactions] attribute DOMString title;
    [CEReactions] attribute DOMString dir;
    [CEReactions, RaisesException=Setter, PerWorldBindings] attribute HTMLElement? body;
    readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement? head;
    [SameObject, Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection images;
    [SameObject, Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds;
    [SameObject, ImplementedAs=embeds, Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins;
    [SameObject, Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection links;
    [SameObject, Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms;
    [SameObject, Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts;
    [Affects=Nothing, PerWorldBindings] NodeList getElementsByName(DOMString elementName);
    [ImplementedAs=currentScriptForBinding] readonly attribute HTMLOrSVGScriptElement? currentScript;

    // dynamic markup insertion
    [CallWith=Isolate, CEReactions, RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentOpenTwoArgs] Document open(optional DOMString type = "text/html", optional DOMString replace = "");
    [CallWith=Isolate, RaisesException, MeasureAs=DocumentOpenThreeArgs] Window open(USVString url, DOMString name, DOMString features);
    [CEReactions, RaisesException] void close();
    [CallWith=Isolate, CEReactions, RaisesException] void write(DOMString... text);
    [CallWith=Isolate, CEReactions, RaisesException] void writeln(DOMString... text);

    // TrustedTypes variants of the above.
    [CallWith=Isolate, CEReactions, RaisesException] void write(TrustedHTML text);
    [CallWith=Isolate, CEReactions, RaisesException] void writeln(TrustedHTML text);

    // user interaction
    readonly attribute Window? defaultView;
    [Affects=Nothing] boolean hasFocus();
    [CEReactions, MeasureAs=DocumentDesignMode] attribute DOMString designMode;
    // Only the execCommand("insertHTML",..) sub-command needs to be Trusted
    // Types checked. Other sub-commands will string-ify its input. This, we
    // pass in a type union instead of using a [StringContext=] annotation.
    [CEReactions, RaisesException] boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, optional boolean showUI = false, optional (DOMString or TrustedHTML) value = "");
    [RaisesException] boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString commandId);
    [RaisesException] boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString commandId);
    [RaisesException] boolean queryCommandState(DOMString commandId);
    [RaisesException] boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString commandId);
    [RaisesException] DOMString queryCommandValue(DOMString commandId);

    [LegacyLenientThis] attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange;

    // HTML obsolete features

    [Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors;
    [Measure] readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets;

    [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString fgColor;
    [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString linkColor;
    [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString vlinkColor;
    [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString alinkColor;
    [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString bgColor;

    [MeasureAs=DocumentClear] void clear();
    [MeasureAs=DocumentCaptureEvents] void captureEvents();
    [MeasureAs=DocumentReleaseEvents] void releaseEvents();

    [SameObject, MeasureAs=DocumentAll] readonly attribute HTMLAllCollection all;

    readonly attribute Element? scrollingElement;

    // Pointer Lock
    attribute EventHandler onpointerlockchange;
    attribute EventHandler onpointerlockerror;
    [MeasureAs=DocumentExitPointerLock] void exitPointerLock();

    // Custom Elements
    [PerWorldBindings, RaisesException, ImplementedAs=CreateElementForBinding] Element createElement(DOMString localName, (DOMString or ElementCreationOptions) options);
    [RaisesException] Element createElementNS(DOMString? namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName, (DOMString or ElementCreationOptions) options);

    // Page Visibility
    readonly attribute boolean hidden;
    readonly attribute VisibilityState visibilityState;
    readonly attribute boolean wasDiscarded;

    [Measure] readonly attribute boolean prerendering;

    // Non-exposed API, used to evaluate and test soft navigation heuristics
    [RuntimeEnabled=SoftNavigationHeuristics] readonly attribute unsigned long softNavigations;

    // Non-standard APIs
    [MeasureAs=DocumentCaretRangeFromPoint] Range caretRangeFromPoint(optional long x = 0, optional long y = 0);

    // Storage Access API
    [CallWith=ScriptState, NewObject, MeasureAs=StorageAccessAPI_HasStorageAccess_Method] Promise<boolean> hasStorageAccess();
    [CallWith=ScriptState, NewObject, MeasureAs=StorageAccessAPI_requestStorageAccess_Method] Promise<void> requestStorageAccess();
    [CallWith=ScriptState, NewObject, MeasureAs=StorageAccessAPI_requestStorageAccessFor_Method] Promise<void> requestStorageAccessFor(USVString requestedOrigin);

    // Text fragment directive API
    [SameObject, Measure, RuntimeEnabled=TextFragmentIdentifiers] readonly attribute FragmentDirective fragmentDirective;

    readonly attribute FeaturePolicy featurePolicy;

    // Deprecated prefixed page visibility API.
    // TODO(davidben): This is a property so attaching a deprecation warning results in false positives when outputting
    // document in the console. It's possible will resolve this.
    [MeasureAs=PrefixedPageVisibility, ImplementedAs=visibilityState] readonly attribute DOMString webkitVisibilityState;
    [MeasureAs=PrefixedPageVisibility, ImplementedAs=hidden] readonly attribute boolean webkitHidden;

    // Private Token API (
    [CallWith=ScriptState, Measure, RaisesException, NewObject, SecureContext, RuntimeEnabled=PrivateStateTokens] Promise<boolean> hasPrivateToken(USVString issuer);

    [CallWith=ScriptState, Measure, RaisesException, NewObject, SecureContext, RuntimeEnabled=PrivateStateTokens] Promise<boolean> hasRedemptionRecord(USVString issuer);

    // Confirmation of Action API
    [RuntimeEnabled=ConfirmationOfAction] void ariaNotify(HTMLString announcement, optional AriaNotificationOptions options = {});

    // The (experimental) DOM Parts API.
    [RuntimeEnabled=DOMPartsAPI] DocumentPartRoot getPartRoot();

    // Event handler attributes
    attribute EventHandler onbeforecopy;
    attribute EventHandler onbeforecut;
    attribute EventHandler onbeforepaste;
    attribute EventHandler onfreeze;
    [Measure] attribute EventHandler onprerenderingchange;
    attribute EventHandler onresume;
    attribute EventHandler onsearch;
    attribute EventHandler onvisibilitychange;

    // Proposed setter for focus navigation starting point
    [RuntimeEnabled=SetSequentialFocusStartingPoint, ImplementedAs=SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint] void setSequentialFocusStartingPoint(Element element);

Document includes GlobalEventHandlers;
Document includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers;
Document includes ParentNode;
Document includes NonElementParentNode;
Document includes DocumentOrShadowRoot;
Document includes FontFaceSource;

2、 document.idl接口(blink)实现



cpp 复制代码

#include <memory>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/enum_set.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/referrer_policy.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/restricted_cookie_manager.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/metrics/document_update_reason.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/css/preferred_color_scheme.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/color_scheme.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/page.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission_status.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions_policy/document_policy_feature.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scrollbar_mode.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_form_related_change_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/v8_typedefs.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/accessibility/axid.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/animation_clock.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/media_value_change.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/container_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/create_element_flags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_encoding_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_lifecycle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_part_root.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_timing.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/event_path.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/live_node_list_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/qualified_name.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/synchronous_mutation_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/text_link_colors.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/tree_scope.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/user_action_element_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/listed_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/parser_synchronization_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_linked_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap_observer_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/use_counter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/post_cancellable_task.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/supplementable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/kurl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/gc_plugin.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"

namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;

namespace cc {
class AnimationTimeline;

namespace gfx {
class QuadF;
class RectF;
}  // namespace gfx

namespace mojo {
template <typename Interface>
class PendingRemote;
}  // namespace mojo

namespace ukm {
class UkmRecorder;
}  // namespace ukm

namespace net {
class SiteForCookies;
}  // namespace net

namespace network {
namespace mojom {
enum class CSPDisposition : int32_t;
}  // namespace mojom
}  // namespace network

namespace ui {
class ColorProvider;
}  // namespace ui

namespace blink {

class AXContext;
class AXObjectCache;
class Agent;
class AnchorElementInteractionTracker;
class AnimationClock;
class AriaNotificationOptions;
class Attr;
class BeforeUnloadEventListener;
class CDATASection;
class CSSStyleSheet;
class CanvasFontCache;
class CheckPseudoHasCacheScope;
class ChromeClient;
class Comment;
class ComputedAccessibleNode;
class ComputedStyle;
class ConsoleMessage;
class CookieJar;
class DOMFeaturePolicy;
class DOMImplementation;
class DOMWindow;
class DOMWrapperWorld;
class DisplayLockDocumentState;
class DocumentAnimations;
class DocumentData;
class DocumentFragment;
class DocumentInit;
class DocumentLoader;
class DocumentMarkerController;
class DocumentNameCollection;
class DocumentParser;
class DocumentResourceCoordinator;
class DocumentState;
class DocumentTimeline;
class DocumentType;
class Element;
class ElementDataCache;
class ElementIntersectionObserverData;
class ElementRegistrationOptions;
class Event;
class EventFactoryBase;
class EventListener;
class ExceptionState;
class FocusedElementChangeObserver;
class FontFaceSet;
class FontMatchingMetrics;
class FormController;
class FragmentDirective;
class FrameCallback;
class FrameScheduler;
class HTMLAllCollection;
class HTMLBodyElement;
class HTMLCollection;
class HTMLDialogElement;
class HTMLElement;
class HTMLFrameOwnerElement;
class HTMLHeadElement;
class HTMLImageElement;
class HTMLLinkElement;
class HTMLMetaElement;
class HitTestRequest;
class HttpRefreshScheduler;
class IdleRequestOptions;
class IdleTask;
class IntersectionObserverController;
class LayoutUpgrade;
class LayoutView;
class LazyLoadImageObserver;
class ListedElement;
class LiveNodeListBase;
class LocalDOMWindow;
class LocalFrame;
class LocalFrameView;
class LocalSVGResource;
class Locale;
class Location;
class MediaQueryListListener;
class MediaQueryMatcher;
class NodeIterator;
class NthIndexCache;
class Page;
class PendingAnimations;
class PendingLinkPreload;
class ProcessingInstruction;
class PropertyRegistry;
class QualifiedName;
class Range;
class RenderBlockingResourceManager;
class ResizeObserver;
class Resource;
class ResourceFetcher;
class RootScrollerController;
class SVGDocumentExtensions;
class SVGUseElement;
class ScriptElementBase;
class ScriptPromise;
class ScriptPromiseResolver;
class ScriptRegexp;
class ScriptRunner;
class ScriptRunnerDelayer;
class ScriptValue;
class ScriptableDocumentParser;
class ScriptedAnimationController;
class ScriptedIdleTaskController;
class SecurityOrigin;
class SelectorQueryCache;
class SerializedScriptValue;
class Settings;
class SlotAssignmentEngine;
class StyleEngine;
class StylePropertyMapReadOnly;
class StyleResolver;
class Text;
class TextAutosizer;
class TransformSource;
class TreeWalker;
class TrustedHTML;
class V8NodeFilter;
class V8ObservableArrayCSSStyleSheet;
class V8UnionStringOrTrustedHTML;
class ViewportData;
class VisitedLinkState;
class WebMouseEvent;
class WorkletAnimationController;

template <typename EventType>
class EventWithHitTestResults;

enum class CSSPropertyID;

struct AnnotatedRegionValue;
struct FocusParams;
struct IconURL;
struct PhysicalOffset;
struct WebPrintPageDescription;

using MouseEventWithHitTestResults = EventWithHitTestResults<WebMouseEvent>;

enum NodeListInvalidationType : int {
  kDoNotInvalidateOnAttributeChanges = 0,
const int kNumNodeListInvalidationTypes = kInvalidateOnAnyAttrChange + 1;

// Specifies a class of document. Values are not mutually exclusive, and can be
// combined using `DocumentClassFlags`.
// Remember to keep `kMinValue` and `kMaxValue` up to date.
enum class DocumentClass {

  // For `DocumentClassFlags`.
  kMinValue = kHTML,
  kMaxValue = kText,

using DocumentClassFlags = base::
    EnumSet<DocumentClass, DocumentClass::kMinValue, DocumentClass::kMaxValue>;

// A map of IDL attribute name to Element list value, for one particular
// element. For example,
//   el1.ariaActiveDescendant = el2
// would add the following pair to the ExplicitlySetAttrElementMap for el1:
//   ("ariaActiveDescendant", el2)
// This represents 'explicitly set attr-element' in the HTML specification.
// Note that in the interest of simplicitly, attributes that reflect a single
// element reference are implemented using the same ExplicitlySetAttrElementsMap
// storage, but only store a single element vector which is DCHECKED at the
// calling site.
using ExplicitlySetAttrElementsMap =
    HeapHashMap<QualifiedName, Member<HeapLinkedHashSet<WeakMember<Element>>>>;

// Represents the start and end time of the unload event.
struct UnloadEventTiming {
  bool can_request;
  base::TimeTicks unload_event_start;
  base::TimeTicks unload_event_end;

// Used to gather the unload event timing of an unloading document, to be used
// in a new document (if it's same-origin).
struct UnloadEventTimingInfo {
  explicit UnloadEventTimingInfo(
      scoped_refptr<SecurityOrigin> new_document_origin);
  // The origin of the new document that replaces the older document.
  const scoped_refptr<SecurityOrigin> new_document_origin;
  // The unload timing of the old document. This is only set from
  // Document::DispatchUnloadEvents() of the old document. This might not be set
  // if no old document gets unloaded.
  absl::optional<UnloadEventTiming> unload_timing;

// A document ( is the root node
// of a tree of DOM nodes, generally resulting from the parsing of a markup
// (typically, HTML) resource.
// A document may or may not have a browsing context
// ( A document with a browsing
// context is created by navigation, and has a non-null domWindow(), GetFrame(),
// Loader(), etc., and is visible to the user. It will have a valid
// GetExecutionContext(), which will be equal to domWindow(). If the Document
// constructor receives a DocumentInit created WithDocumentLoader(), it will
// have a browsing context.
// Documents created by all other APIs do not have a browsing context. These
// Documents still have a valid GetExecutionContext() (i.e., the domWindow() of
// the Document in which they were created), so they can still access
// script, but return null for domWindow(), GetFrame() and Loader(). Generally,
// they should not downcast the ExecutionContext to a LocalDOMWindow and access
// the properties of the window directly.
// Finally, unit tests are allowed to create a Document that does not even
// have a valid GetExecutionContext(). This is a lightweight way to test
// properties of the Document and the DOM that do not require script.
class CORE_EXPORT Document : public ContainerNode,
                             public TreeScope,
                             public UseCounter,
                             public Supplementable<Document> {

  // Factory for web-exposed Document constructor. The argument document must be
  // a document instance representing window.document, and it works as the
  // source of ExecutionContext and security origin of the new document.
  static Document* Create(Document&);

  explicit Document(const DocumentInit& init,
                    DocumentClassFlags flags = DocumentClassFlags());
  ~Document() override;

  // Constructs a Document instance without a subclass for testing.
  static Document* CreateForTest(ExecutionContext& execution_context);

  static Range* CreateRangeAdjustedToTreeScope(const TreeScope&,
                                               const Position&);

  // Support JS introspection of frame policy (e.g. permissions policy).
  DOMFeaturePolicy* featurePolicy();

  MediaQueryMatcher& GetMediaQueryMatcher();

  void MediaQueryAffectingValueChanged(MediaValueChange change);

  // SetMediaFeatureEvaluated and WasMediaFeatureEvaluated are used to prevent
  // UKM sampling of CSS media features more than once per document.
  void SetMediaFeatureEvaluated(int feature);
  bool WasMediaFeatureEvaluated(int feature);

  using TreeScope::getElementById;

  bool IsInitialEmptyDocument() const { return is_initial_empty_document_; }
  // Sometimes we permit an initial empty document to cease to be the initial
  // empty document. This is needed for cross-process navigations, where a new
  // LocalFrame needs to be created but the conceptual frame might have had
  // other Documents in a different process. also causes the
  // document to cease to be the initial empty document.
  void OverrideIsInitialEmptyDocument() { is_initial_empty_document_ = false; }

  bool IsPrerendering() const { return is_prerendering_; }

  bool HasDocumentPictureInPictureWindow() const;

  void SetIsTrackingSoftNavigationHeuristics(bool value) {
    is_tracking_soft_navigation_heuristics_ = value;

  bool IsTrackingSoftNavigationHeuristics() const {
    return is_tracking_soft_navigation_heuristics_;

  network::mojom::ReferrerPolicy GetReferrerPolicy() const;

  bool DocumentPolicyFeatureObserved(
      mojom::blink::DocumentPolicyFeature feature);

  bool CanContainRangeEndPoint() const override { return true; }

  SelectorQueryCache& GetSelectorQueryCache();

  // Focus Management.
  Element* ActiveElement() const;
  bool hasFocus() const;

  // DOM methods & attributes for Document

  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(beforecopy, kBeforecopy)
  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(beforepaste, kBeforepaste)
  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(pointerlockchange, kPointerlockchange)
  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(pointerlockerror, kPointerlockerror)
  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(readystatechange, kReadystatechange)
  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(visibilitychange, kVisibilitychange)
  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(prerenderingchange, kPrerenderingchange)

  ViewportData& GetViewportData() const { return *viewport_data_; }

  void SetDoctype(DocumentType*);
  DocumentType* doctype() const { return doc_type_.Get(); }

  DOMImplementation& implementation();

  // Typically, but not guaranteed, to be non-null.
  // ```js
  // document.documentElement.remove();
  // // document.documentElement is now null
  // ```
  Element* documentElement() const { return document_element_.Get(); }

  Location* location() const;

  DocumentFragment* createDocumentFragment();
  Text* createTextNode(const String& data);
  Comment* createComment(const String& data);
  CDATASection* createCDATASection(const String& data, ExceptionState&);
  ProcessingInstruction* createProcessingInstruction(const String& target,
                                                     const String& data,
  Attr* createAttribute(const AtomicString& name, ExceptionState&);
  Attr* createAttributeNS(const AtomicString& namespace_uri,
                          const AtomicString& qualified_name,
  Node* importNode(Node* imported_node, bool deep, ExceptionState&);

  // Creates an element without custom element processing.
  Element* CreateRawElement(const QualifiedName&,
                            const CreateElementFlags = CreateElementFlags());

  Range* caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y);
  Element* scrollingElement();

  // When calling from C++ code, use this method. scrollingElement() is
  // just for the web IDL implementation.
  // Style/layout-tree needs to be updated before calling this function,
  // otherwise the returned element might be outdated. However, accessing
  // information based on the layout of the previous frame is occasionally
  // the correct behavior [1], hence it's not invalid to call this function
  // while style/layout dirty.
  // [1]
  Element* ScrollingElementNoLayout();

  String readyState() const;

  AtomicString characterSet() const { return Document::EncodingName(); }

  AtomicString EncodingName() const;

  void SetContent(const String&);

  String SuggestedMIMEType() const;
  void SetMimeType(const AtomicString&);
  AtomicString contentType() const;  // DOM 4 document.contentType

  const AtomicString& ContentLanguage() const { return content_language_; }
  void SetContentLanguage(const AtomicString&);

  String xmlEncoding() const { return xml_encoding_; }
  String xmlVersion() const { return xml_version_; }
  enum StandaloneStatus { kStandaloneUnspecified, kStandalone, kNotStandalone };
  bool xmlStandalone() const { return xml_standalone_ == kStandalone; }
  StandaloneStatus XmlStandaloneStatus() const {
    return static_cast<StandaloneStatus>(xml_standalone_);
  bool HasXMLDeclaration() const { return has_xml_declaration_; }

  void SetXMLEncoding(const String& encoding) {
    xml_encoding_ = encoding;
  }  // read-only property, only to be set from XMLDocumentParser
  void setXMLVersion(const String&, ExceptionState&);
  void setXMLStandalone(bool, ExceptionState&);
  void SetHasXMLDeclaration(bool has_xml_declaration) {
    has_xml_declaration_ = has_xml_declaration ? 1 : 0;

  AtomicString visibilityState() const;
  bool IsPageVisible() const;
  bool hidden() const;
  void DidChangeVisibilityState();

  bool prerendering() const;

  uint32_t softNavigations() const;

  bool wasDiscarded() const;
  void SetWasDiscarded(bool);

  // If the document is "prefetch only", it will not be fully contstructed,
  // and should never be displayed. Only a few resources will be loaded and
  // scanned, in order to warm up caches.
  bool IsPrefetchOnly() const;

  Node* adoptNode(Node* source, ExceptionState&);

  HTMLCollection* images();
  HTMLCollection* embeds();
  HTMLCollection* applets();
  HTMLCollection* links();
  HTMLCollection* forms();
  HTMLCollection* anchors();
  HTMLCollection* scripts();
  HTMLAllCollection* all();

  HTMLCollection* WindowNamedItems(const AtomicString& name);
  DocumentNameCollection* DocumentNamedItems(const AtomicString& name);
  HTMLCollection* DocumentAllNamedItems(const AtomicString& name);

  // The unassociated listed elements are listed elements that are not
  // associated to a <form> element.
  const ListedElement::List& UnassociatedListedElements() const;
  void MarkUnassociatedListedElementsDirty();

  // "defaultView" attribute defined in HTML spec.
  DOMWindow* defaultView() const;

  bool IsHTMLDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kHTML);
  bool IsXHTMLDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kXHTML);
  bool IsXMLDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kXML);
  bool IsImageDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kImage);
  bool IsSVGDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kSVG);
  bool IsPluginDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kPlugin);
  bool IsMediaDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kMedia);
  bool IsTextDocument() const {
    return document_classes_.Has(DocumentClass::kText);

  bool HasSVGRootNode() const;

  bool IsFrameSet() const;

  bool IsSrcdocDocument() const { return is_srcdoc_document_; }
  bool IsMobileDocument() const { return is_mobile_document_; }

  StyleResolver& GetStyleResolver() const;

  bool IsViewSource() const { return is_view_source_; }
  void SetIsViewSource(bool is_view_source) {
    is_view_source_ = is_view_source;

  // WebXR DOM Overlay support, cf
  // True if there's an ongoing "immersive-ar" WebXR session with a DOM Overlay
  // element active. This is needed for applying the :xr-overlay pseudoclass
  // and compositing/paint integration for this mode.
  bool IsXrOverlay() const { return is_xr_overlay_; }
  // Called from modules/xr's XRSystem when DOM Overlay mode starts and ends.
  // This lazy-loads the UA stylesheet and updates the overlay element's
  // pseudoclass.
  void SetIsXrOverlay(bool enabled, Element* overlay_element);

  bool SawElementsInKnownNamespaces() const {
    return saw_elements_in_known_namespaces_;

  bool IsScriptExecutionReady() const {
    return HaveScriptBlockingStylesheetsLoaded();

  bool IsForExternalHandler() const { return is_for_external_handler_; }

  StyleEngine& GetStyleEngine() const {
    return *style_engine_.Get();

  mojom::blink::PreferredColorScheme GetPreferredColorScheme() const;

  void ScheduleUseShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement&);
  void UnscheduleUseShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement&);

  void ScheduleSVGResourceInvalidation(LocalSVGResource&);
  void InvalidatePendingSVGResources();

  void EvaluateMediaQueryList();

  FormController& GetFormController();
  DocumentState* GetDocumentState() const;
  void SetStateForNewControls(const Vector<String>&);

  LocalFrameView* View() const;   // can be null
  LocalFrame* GetFrame() const;   // can be null
  Page* GetPage() const;          // can be null
  Settings* GetSettings() const;  // can be null

  float DevicePixelRatio() const;

  Range* createRange();

  NodeIterator* createNodeIterator(Node* root,
                                   unsigned what_to_show,
  TreeWalker* createTreeWalker(Node* root,
                               unsigned what_to_show,

  // Special support for editing
  Text* CreateEditingTextNode(const String&);

  enum class StyleAndLayoutTreeUpdate {
    // Style/layout-tree is not dirty.

    // Style/layout-tree is dirty, and it's possible to understand whether a
    // given element will be affected or not by analyzing its ancestor chain.

    // Style/layout-tree is dirty, but we cannot decide which specific elements
    // need to have its style or layout tree updated.

  // Looks at various sources that cause style/layout-tree dirtiness,
  // and returns the severity of the needed update.
  // Note that this does not cover "implicit" style/layout-tree dirtiness
  // via layout/container-queries. That is: this function may return kNone,
  // and yet a subsequent layout may need to recalc container-query-dependent
  // styles.
  StyleAndLayoutTreeUpdate CalculateStyleAndLayoutTreeUpdate() const;

  bool NeedsLayoutTreeUpdate() const {
    return CalculateStyleAndLayoutTreeUpdate() !=

  // Whether we need layout tree update for this node or not, without
  // considering nodes in display locked subtrees.
  bool NeedsLayoutTreeUpdateForNode(const Node&) const;
  // Whether we need layout tree update for this node or not, including nodes in
  // display locked subtrees.
  bool NeedsLayoutTreeUpdateForNodeIncludingDisplayLocked(const Node&) const;

  // Update ComputedStyles and attach LayoutObjects if necessary. This
  // recursively invokes itself for all ancestor LocalFrames, because style in
  // an ancestor frame can affect style in a child frame. This method is
  // appropriate for cases where we need to ensure that the style for a single
  // Document is up-to-date.
  // A call to UpdateStyleAndLayoutTree may be upgraded [1] to also perform
  // layout. This is because updating the style and layout-tree may depend
  // on layout when container queries are used.
  // Whether or not an upgrade should take place is decide by the
  // provided LayoutUpgrade object.
  // [1] See blink::LayoutUpgrade
  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTree();
  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTree(LayoutUpgrade&);

  // Same as UpdateStyleAndLayoutTree, but does not recursively update style in
  // ancestor frames. This method is intended to be used in cases where we can
  // guarantee that ancestor frames already have clean style (e.g., from
  // LocalFrameView::UpdateLifecyclePhases, which is a top-down iteration over
  // the entire LocalFrame tree; or from Document::UpdateStyleAndLayout, which
  // does its own ancestor tree walk).
  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForThisDocument();

  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForElement(const Element*, DocumentUpdateReason);
  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForSubtree(const Element*, DocumentUpdateReason);

  void UpdateStyleAndLayout(DocumentUpdateReason);
  void LayoutUpdated();
  enum RunPostLayoutTasks {
  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutForNode(const Node*, DocumentUpdateReason);
  void UpdateStyleAndLayoutForRange(const Range*, DocumentUpdateReason);

  // Get the computed style for a given page and name. Note that when using the
  // function that doesn't provide a page name, layout needs to be complete,
  // since page names are determined during layout.
  const ComputedStyle* StyleForPage(uint32_t page_index);
  const ComputedStyle* StyleForPage(uint32_t page_index,
                                    const AtomicString& page_name);

  // Ensures that location-based data will be valid for a given node.
  // This will run style and layout if they are currently dirty, and it may also
  // run compositing inputs if the node is in a sticky subtree (as the sticky
  // offset may change the node's position).
  // Due to this you should only call this if you definitely need valid location
  // data, otherwise use one of the |UpdateStyleAndLayout...| methods above.
  void EnsurePaintLocationDataValidForNode(const Node*,
                                           DocumentUpdateReason reason);

  // Gets the description for the specified page. This includes preferred page
  // size and margins in pixels, assuming 96 pixels per inch. The size and
  // margins must be initialized to the default values that are used if auto is
  // specified. Updates layout as needed to get the description.
  void GetPageDescription(uint32_t page_index, WebPrintPageDescription*);
  void GetPageDescriptionNoLifecycleUpdate(const ComputedStyle&,

  ResourceFetcher* Fetcher() const { return fetcher_.Get(); }

  void Initialize();
  virtual void Shutdown();

  // If you have a Document, use GetLayoutView() instead which is faster.
  void GetLayoutObject() const = delete;

  LayoutView* GetLayoutView() const { return layout_view_.Get(); }

  // This will return an AXObjectCache only if there's one or more
  // AXContext associated with this document. When all associated
  // AXContexts are deleted, the AXObjectCache will be removed.
  AXObjectCache* ExistingAXObjectCache() const;
  Document& AXObjectCacheOwner() const;
  // If there is an accessibility tree, recompute it and re-serialize it all.
  // This method is useful when something that potentially affects most of the
  // page occurs, such as an inertness change or a fullscreen toggle.
  void RefreshAccessibilityTree() const;

  // to get visually ordered hebrew and arabic pages right
  bool VisuallyOrdered() const { return visually_ordered_; }

  DocumentLoader* Loader() const;

  // This is the DOM API
  void open(LocalDOMWindow* entered_window, ExceptionState&);
  // This is used internally and does not handle exceptions.
  void open();
  DocumentParser* OpenForNavigation(ParserSynchronizationPolicy,
                                    const AtomicString& mime_type,
                                    const AtomicString& encoding);
  DocumentParser* ImplicitOpen(ParserSynchronizationPolicy);

  // This is the DOM API implementation.
  // opens a new window when called with three arguments.
  Document* open(v8::Isolate*,
                 const AtomicString& type,
                 const AtomicString& replace,
  DOMWindow* open(v8::Isolate*,
                  const String& url_string,
                  const AtomicString& name,
                  const AtomicString& features,
  // This is the DOM API document.close().
  void close(ExceptionState&);
  // This is used internally and does not handle exceptions.
  void close();

  // Corresponds to "9. Abort the active document of browsingContext."
  void Abort();

  void CheckCompleted();

  // Dispatches beforeunload into this document. Returns true if the
  // beforeunload handler indicates that it is safe to proceed with an unload,
  // false otherwise.
  // |chrome_client| is used to synchronously get user consent (via a modal
  // javascript dialog) to allow the unload to proceed if the beforeunload
  // handler returns a non-null value, indicating unsaved state. If a
  // null |chrome_client| is provided and the beforeunload returns a non-null
  // value this function will automatically return false, indicating that the
  // unload should not proceed. A null chrome client is set to by the freezing
  // logic, which uses this to determine if a non-empty beforeunload handler
  // is present before allowing discarding to proceed.
  // |is_reload| indicates if the beforeunload is being triggered because of a
  // reload operation, otherwise it is assumed to be a page close or navigation.
  // |did_allow_navigation| is set to reflect the choice made by the user via
  // the modal dialog. The value is meaningless if |auto_cancel|
  // is true, in which case it will always be set to false.
  bool DispatchBeforeUnloadEvent(ChromeClient* chrome_client,
                                 bool is_reload,
                                 bool& did_allow_navigation);

  // Dispatches "pagehide", "visibilitychange" and "unload" events, if not
  // dispatched already. Fills `unload_timing_info` if present.
  void DispatchUnloadEvents(UnloadEventTimingInfo* unload_timing_info);

  void DispatchFreezeEvent();

  enum PageDismissalType {
  PageDismissalType PageDismissalEventBeingDispatched() const;

  void CancelParsing();

  void write(const String& text,
             LocalDOMWindow* entered_window = nullptr,
             ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
  void writeln(const String& text,
               LocalDOMWindow* entered_window = nullptr,
               ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
  void write(v8::Isolate*, const Vector<String>& text, ExceptionState&);
  void writeln(v8::Isolate*, const Vector<String>& text, ExceptionState&);

  // TrustedHTML variants of the above.
  // TODO(mkwst): Write a spec for this.
  void write(v8::Isolate*, TrustedHTML*, ExceptionState&);
  void writeln(v8::Isolate*, TrustedHTML*, ExceptionState&);

  bool WellFormed() const { return well_formed_; }

  const DocumentToken& Token() const { return token_; }

  // Return the document URL, or an empty URL if it's unavailable.
  // This is not an implementation of web-exposed Document.prototype.URL.
  const KURL& Url() const { return url_; }
  void SetURL(const KURL&);

  // Bind the url to document.url, if unavailable bind to about:blank.
  KURL urlForBinding() const;

  // To understand how these concepts relate to one another, please see the
  // comments surrounding their declaration.

  // Document base URL.
  const KURL& BaseURL() const;
  void SetBaseURLOverride(const KURL&);
  const KURL& BaseURLOverride() const { return base_url_override_; }
  KURL ValidBaseElementURL() const;
  const AtomicString& BaseTarget() const { return base_target_; }
  void ProcessBaseElement();

  // Fallback base URL.
  KURL FallbackBaseURL() const;

  // Creates URL based on passed relative url and this documents base URL.
  // Depending on base URL value it is possible that parent document
  // base URL will be used instead. Uses CompleteURLWithOverride internally.
  KURL CompleteURL(const String&) const;
  // Creates URL based on passed relative url and passed base URL override.
  KURL CompleteURLWithOverride(const String&,
                               const KURL& base_url_override) const;

  // Determines whether a new document should take on the same origin as that of
  // the document which created it.
  static bool ShouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner(const KURL&);

  CSSStyleSheet& ElementSheet();

  virtual DocumentParser* CreateParser();
  DocumentParser* Parser() const { return parser_.Get(); }
  ScriptableDocumentParser* GetScriptableDocumentParser() const;

  // FinishingPrinting denotes that the non-printing layout state is being
  // restored.
  enum PrintingState {
  bool Printing() const { return printing_ == kPrinting; }
  bool BeforePrintingOrPrinting() const {
    return printing_ == kPrinting || printing_ == kBeforePrinting;
  bool FinishingOrIsPrinting() const {
    return printing_ == kPrinting || printing_ == kFinishingPrinting;
  void SetPrinting(PrintingState);
  // Call this if printing is about to begin, so that any unloaded resources
  // (such as lazy-loaded images) necessary for printing are requested and
  // marked as blocking load. Returns whether any resources have started
  // loading as a result.
  bool WillPrintSoon();

  enum PaintPreviewState {
    // A paint preview is not in the process of being captured.
    kNotPaintingPreview = 0,

    // A paint preview is in the process of being captured.

    // The same as `kPaintingPreview`, but where appropriate GPU accelerated
    // content should be skipped during painting. This can reduce hangs and
    // memory usage at the expense of a lower fidelity capture.
  PaintPreviewState GetPaintPreviewState() const { return paint_preview_; }
  bool IsPrintingOrPaintingPreview() const {
    return Printing() ||
           GetPaintPreviewState() != Document::kNotPaintingPreview;

  enum CompatibilityMode { kQuirksMode, kLimitedQuirksMode, kNoQuirksMode };

  void SetCompatibilityMode(CompatibilityMode);
  CompatibilityMode GetCompatibilityMode() const { return compatibility_mode_; }

  String compatMode() const;

  bool InQuirksMode() const { return compatibility_mode_ == kQuirksMode; }
  bool InLimitedQuirksMode() const {
    return compatibility_mode_ == kLimitedQuirksMode;
  bool InNoQuirksMode() const { return compatibility_mode_ == kNoQuirksMode; }
  bool InLineHeightQuirksMode() const { return !InNoQuirksMode(); }

  enum DocumentReadyState { kLoading, kInteractive, kComplete };

  DocumentReadyState GetReadyState() const { return ready_state_; }
  void SetReadyState(DocumentReadyState);
  bool IsLoadCompleted() const;

  bool IsFreezingInProgress() const { return is_freezing_in_progress_; }

  enum ParsingState { kParsing, kInDOMContentLoaded, kFinishedParsing };
  void SetParsingState(ParsingState);
  bool Parsing() const { return parsing_state_ == kParsing; }
  bool HasFinishedParsing() const { return parsing_state_ == kFinishedParsing; }

  bool ShouldScheduleLayout() const;

  TextLinkColors& GetTextLinkColors() { return text_link_colors_; }
  const TextLinkColors& GetTextLinkColors() const { return text_link_colors_; }
  VisitedLinkState& GetVisitedLinkState() const { return *visited_link_state_; }

  MouseEventWithHitTestResults PerformMouseEventHitTest(const HitTestRequest&,
                                                        const PhysicalOffset&,
                                                        const WebMouseEvent&);

  void SetHadKeyboardEvent(bool had_keyboard_event) {
    had_keyboard_event_ = had_keyboard_event;
  bool HadKeyboardEvent() const { return had_keyboard_event_; }
  void SetLastFocusType(mojom::blink::FocusType last_focus_type);
  mojom::blink::FocusType LastFocusType() const { return last_focus_type_; }
  bool SetFocusedElement(Element*, const FocusParams&);
  void ClearFocusedElement();
  Element* FocusedElement() const { return focused_element_.Get(); }
  void ClearFocusedElementIfNeeded();
  UserActionElementSet& UserActionElements() { return user_action_elements_; }
  const UserActionElementSet& UserActionElements() const {
    return user_action_elements_;

  ExplicitlySetAttrElementsMap* GetExplicitlySetAttrElementsMap(Element*);
  void MoveElementExplicitlySetAttrElementsMapToNewDocument(
      Document& new_document);

  // Returns false if the function fails.  e.g. |pseudo| is not supported.
  bool SetPseudoStateForTesting(Element& element,
                                const String& pseudo,
                                bool matches);
  void EnqueueAutofocusCandidate(Element&);
  bool HasAutofocusCandidates() const;
  void FlushAutofocusCandidates();
  void FinalizeAutofocus();
  Element* GetAutofocusDelegate() const;
  void SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint(Node*);
  Element* SequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint(
      mojom::blink::FocusType) const;

  void SetActiveElement(Element*);
  Element* GetActiveElement() const { return active_element_.Get(); }

  void AddFocusedElementChangeObserver(FocusedElementChangeObserver*);
  void RemoveFocusedElementChangeObserver(FocusedElementChangeObserver*);

  Element* HoverElement() const { return hover_element_.Get(); }

  void RemoveFocusedElementOfSubtree(Node&, bool among_children_only = false);
  void HoveredElementDetached(Element&);
  void ActiveChainNodeDetached(Element&);

  // Updates hover and active state of elements in the Document. The
  // |is_active| param specifies whether the active state should be set or
  // unset. |update_active_chain| is used to prevent updates to elements
  // outside the frozen active chain; passing false will only refresh the
  // active state of elements in the existing chain, but not outside of it. The
  // given element is the inner-most element whose state is being modified.
  // Hover is always applied.
  void UpdateHoverActiveState(bool is_active,
                              bool update_active_chain,

  // Updates for :target (CSS3 selector).
  void SetCSSTarget(Element*);
  Element* CssTarget() const { return css_target_.Get(); }
  void SetSelectorFragmentAnchorCSSTarget(Element*);

  void ScheduleLayoutTreeUpdateIfNeeded();
  bool HasPendingForcedStyleRecalc() const;

  void RegisterNodeList(const LiveNodeListBase*);
  void UnregisterNodeList(const LiveNodeListBase*);
  void RegisterNodeListWithIdNameCache(const LiveNodeListBase*);
  void UnregisterNodeListWithIdNameCache(const LiveNodeListBase*);
  bool ShouldInvalidateNodeListCaches(
      const QualifiedName* attr_name = nullptr) const;
  void InvalidateNodeListCaches(const QualifiedName* attr_name);

  void AttachNodeIterator(NodeIterator*);
  void DetachNodeIterator(NodeIterator*);
  void MoveNodeIteratorsToNewDocument(Node&, Document&);

  void AttachRange(Range*);
  void DetachRange(Range*);

  void DidMoveTreeToNewDocument(const Node& root);
  // nodeChildrenWillBeRemoved is used when removing all node children at once.
  void NodeChildrenWillBeRemoved(ContainerNode&);
  // nodeWillBeRemoved is only safe when removing one node at a time.
  void NodeWillBeRemoved(Node&);
  bool CanAcceptChild(const Node& new_child,
                      const Node* next,
                      const Node* old_child,
                      ExceptionState&) const;

  void DidInsertText(const CharacterData&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
  void DidRemoveText(const CharacterData&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
  void DidMergeTextNodes(const Text& merged_node,
                         const Text& node_to_be_removed,
                         unsigned old_length);
  void DidSplitTextNode(const Text& old_node);

  LocalDOMWindow* domWindow() const { return dom_window_.Get(); }

  // Helper functions for forwarding LocalDOMWindow event related tasks to the
  // LocalDOMWindow if it exists.
  void SetWindowAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
  EventListener* GetWindowAttributeEventListener(
      const AtomicString& event_type);

  static void RegisterEventFactory(std::unique_ptr<EventFactoryBase>);
  static Event* createEvent(ScriptState*,
                            const String& event_type,

  // keep track of what types of event listeners are registered, so we don't
  // dispatch events unnecessarily
  enum ListenerType {
    kDOMSubtreeModifiedListener = 1,
    kDOMNodeInsertedListener = 1 << 1,
    kDOMNodeRemovedListener = 1 << 2,
    kDOMNodeRemovedFromDocumentListener = 1 << 3,
    kDOMNodeInsertedIntoDocumentListener = 1 << 4,
    kDOMCharacterDataModifiedListener = 1 << 5,
    kAnimationEndListener = 1 << 6,
    kAnimationStartListener = 1 << 7,
    kAnimationIterationListener = 1 << 8,
    kAnimationCancelListener = 1 << 9,
    kTransitionRunListener = 1 << 10,
    kTransitionStartListener = 1 << 11,
    kTransitionEndListener = 1 << 12,
    kTransitionCancelListener = 1 << 13,
    kScrollListener = 1 << 14,
    kLoadListenerAtCapturePhaseOrAtStyleElement = 1 << 15,
    // 0 bits remaining
    kDOMMutationEventListener =
        kDOMSubtreeModifiedListener | kDOMNodeInsertedListener |
        kDOMNodeRemovedListener | kDOMNodeRemovedFromDocumentListener |
        kDOMNodeInsertedIntoDocumentListener |

  bool HasListenerType(ListenerType listener_type) const {
    DCHECK(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::MutationEventsEnabled() ||
           !(listener_types_ & kDOMMutationEventListener));
    return (listener_types_ & listener_type);
  void AddListenerTypeIfNeeded(const AtomicString& event_type, EventTarget&);

  bool HasMutationObserversOfType(MutationType type) const {
    return mutation_observer_types_ & type;
  bool HasMutationObservers() const { return mutation_observer_types_; }
  void AddMutationObserverTypes(MutationType types) {
    mutation_observer_types_ |= types;

  IntersectionObserverController* GetIntersectionObserverController();
  IntersectionObserverController& EnsureIntersectionObserverController();

  // This is used to track IntersectionObservers for which this document is the
  // explicit root. The IntersectionObserverController tracks *all* observers
  // associated with this document; usually that's what you want.
  DocumentExplicitRootIntersectionObserverData() const;

  const ScriptRegexp& EnsureEmailRegexp() const;

  // Returns the owning element in the parent document. Returns nullptr if
  // this is the top level document or the owner is remote.
  HTMLFrameOwnerElement* LocalOwner() const;

  void WillChangeFrameOwnerProperties(int margin_width,
                                      int margin_height,
                                      bool is_display_none,
                                      mojom::blink::ColorScheme color_scheme);

  String title() const { return title_; }
  void setTitle(const String&);

  Element* TitleElement() const { return title_element_.Get(); }
  void SetTitleElement(Element*);
  void RemoveTitle(Element* title_element);

  const AtomicString& dir();
  void setDir(const AtomicString&);

  String cookie(ExceptionState&) const;
  void setCookie(const String&, ExceptionState&);
  bool CookiesEnabled() const;

  void SetCookieManager(

  const AtomicString& referrer() const;

  String domain() const;
  void setDomain(const String& new_domain, ExceptionState&);

  void OverrideLastModified(const AtomicString& modified) {
    override_last_modified_ = modified;
  absl::optional<base::Time> lastModifiedTime() const;
  String lastModified() const;

  // The cookieURL is used to query the cookie database for this document's
  // cookies. For example, if the cookie URL is, we'll
  // use the non-Secure cookies for when computing
  // document.cookie.
  // Q: How is the cookieURL different from the document's URL?
  // A: The two URLs are the same almost all the time.  However, if one
  //    document inherits the security context of another document, it
  //    inherits its cookieURL but not its URL.
  const KURL& CookieURL() const { return cookie_url_; }

  // Returns null if the document is not attached to a frame.
  scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> TopFrameOrigin() const;

  net::SiteForCookies SiteForCookies() const;

  // Permissions service helper methods to facilitate requesting and checking
  // storage access permissions.
  mojom::blink::PermissionService* GetPermissionService(
      ExecutionContext* execution_context);
  void PermissionServiceConnectionError();

  // Storage Access API methods to check for or request access to storage that
  // may otherwise be blocked.
  ScriptPromise hasStorageAccess(ScriptState* script_state);
  ScriptPromise requestStorageAccess(ScriptState* script_state);
  ScriptPromise requestStorageAccessFor(ScriptState* script_state,
                                        const AtomicString& site);

  // Fragment directive API, currently used to feature detect text-fragments.
  FragmentDirective& fragmentDirective() const;

  // Sends a query via Mojo to ask whether the user has any private
  // tokens. This can reject on permissions errors (e.g. associating |issuer|
  // with the top-level origin would exceed the top-level origin's limit on the
  // number of associated issuers) or on other internal errors (e.g. the network
  // service is unavailable).
  ScriptPromise hasPrivateToken(ScriptState* script_state,
                                const String& issuer,

  // Sends a query via Mojo to ask whether the user has a redemption record.
  // This can reject on permissions errors (e.g. associating |issuer| with the
  // top-level origin would exceed the top-level origin's limit on the number of
  // associated issuers) or on other internal errors (e.g. the network service
  // is unavailable).
  ScriptPromise hasRedemptionRecord(ScriptState* script_state,
                                    const String& issuer,

  void ariaNotify(const String announcement, const AriaNotificationOptions*);

  // The following implements the rule from HTML 4 for what valid names are.
  // To get this right for all the XML cases, we probably have to improve this
  // or move it and make it sensitive to the type of document.
  static bool IsValidName(const StringView&);

  // The following breaks a qualified name into a prefix and a local name.
  // It also does a validity check, and returns false if the qualified name
  // is invalid.  It also sets ExceptionCode when name is invalid.
  static bool ParseQualifiedName(const AtomicString& qualified_name,
                                 AtomicString& prefix,
                                 AtomicString& local_name,

  // Checks to make sure prefix and namespace do not conflict (per DOM Core 3)
  static bool HasValidNamespaceForElements(const QualifiedName&);
  static bool HasValidNamespaceForAttributes(const QualifiedName&);

  // "body element" as defined by HTML5
  // (
  // That is, the first body or frameset child of the document element.
  HTMLElement* body() const;

  // "HTML body element" as defined by CSSOM View spec
  // (
  // That is, the first body child of the document element.
  HTMLBodyElement* FirstBodyElement() const;

  void setBody(HTMLElement*, ExceptionState&);
  void WillInsertBody();

  HTMLHeadElement* head() const;

  // Decide which element is to define the viewport's overflow policy.
  Element* ViewportDefiningElement() const;

  DocumentMarkerController& Markers() const { return *markers_; }

  // Support for Javascript execCommand, and related methods
  // See "core/editing/commands/" for implementations.
  bool execCommand(const String& command,
                   bool show_ui,
                   const V8UnionStringOrTrustedHTML* value,

  bool execCommand(const String& command,
                   bool show_ui,
                   const String& value,

  bool IsRunningExecCommand() const { return is_running_exec_command_; }
  bool queryCommandEnabled(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
  bool queryCommandIndeterm(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
  bool queryCommandState(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
  bool queryCommandSupported(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
  String queryCommandValue(const String& command, ExceptionState&);

  KURL OpenSearchDescriptionURL();

  // designMode support
  bool InDesignMode() const { return design_mode_; }
  String designMode() const;
  void setDesignMode(const String&);

  // The document of the parent frame.
  Document* ParentDocument() const;
  Document& TopDocument() const;

  // Will only return nullptr if the document has Shutdown() or in unit tests.
  // See `execution_context_` for details.
  ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const final;

  // Return the agent.
  Agent& GetAgent() const;

  ScriptRunner* GetScriptRunner() { return script_runner_.Get(); }
  const base::ElapsedTimer& GetStartTime() const { return start_time_; }

  V8HTMLOrSVGScriptElement* currentScriptForBinding() const;
  void PushCurrentScript(ScriptElementBase*);
  void PopCurrentScript(ScriptElementBase*);

  void SetTransformSource(std::unique_ptr<TransformSource>);
  TransformSource* GetTransformSource() const {
    return transform_source_.get();

  void IncDOMTreeVersion() {
    dom_tree_version_ = ++global_tree_version_;
  uint64_t DomTreeVersion() const { return dom_tree_version_; }

  uint64_t StyleVersion() const { return style_version_; }

  enum PendingSheetLayout {

  Vector<IconURL> IconURLs(int icon_types_mask);

  void UpdateThemeColorCache();
  absl::optional<Color> ThemeColor();

  // Returns the HTMLLinkElement currently in use for the Web Manifest.
  // Returns null if there is no such element.
  HTMLLinkElement* LinkManifest() const;

  // Returns the HTMLLinkElement holding the canonical URL. Returns null if
  // there is no such element.
  HTMLLinkElement* LinkCanonical() const;

  void SetShouldUpdateSelectionAfterLayout(bool flag) {
    should_update_selection_after_layout_ = flag;
  bool ShouldUpdateSelectionAfterLayout() const {
    return should_update_selection_after_layout_;

  void SendFocusNotification(Element*, mojom::blink::FocusType);

  bool IsDNSPrefetchEnabled() const { return is_dns_prefetch_enabled_; }
  void ParseDNSPrefetchControlHeader(const String&);

  void MarkFirstPaint();
  void OnPaintFinished();
  void OnLargestContentfulPaintUpdated();
  void OnPrepareToStopParsing();
  void FinishedParsing();

  void SetEncodingData(const DocumentEncodingData& new_data);
  const WTF::TextEncoding& Encoding() const {
    return encoding_data_.Encoding();

  bool EncodingWasDetectedHeuristically() const {
    return encoding_data_.WasDetectedHeuristically();
  bool SawDecodingError() const { return encoding_data_.SawDecodingError(); }

  void SetAnnotatedRegionsDirty(bool f) { annotated_regions_dirty_ = f; }
  bool AnnotatedRegionsDirty() const { return annotated_regions_dirty_; }
  bool HasAnnotatedRegions() const { return has_annotated_regions_; }
  void SetHasAnnotatedRegions(bool f) { has_annotated_regions_ = f; }
  const Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>& AnnotatedRegions() const;
  void SetAnnotatedRegions(const Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&);

  void RemovedEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
                            const RegisteredEventListener&) final;
  void RemoveAllEventListeners() final;

  const SVGDocumentExtensions* SvgExtensions() const;
  SVGDocumentExtensions& AccessSVGExtensions();

  bool AllowInlineEventHandler(Node*,
                               const String& context_url,
                               const WTF::OrdinalNumber& context_line);

  void StatePopped(scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue>);

  enum LoadEventProgress {
    // Advanced to only if the beforeunload event in this document and
    // subdocuments isn't canceled and will cause an unload. If beforeunload is
    // canceled |load_event_progress_| will revert to its value prior to the
    // beforeunload being dispatched.
  bool LoadEventStillNeeded() const {
    return load_event_progress_ == kLoadEventNotRun;
  bool LoadEventStarted() const {
    return load_event_progress_ == kLoadEventInProgress;
  bool LoadEventFinished() const {
    return load_event_progress_ >= kLoadEventCompleted;
  bool BeforeUnloadStarted() const {
    return load_event_progress_ >= kBeforeUnloadEventInProgress;
  bool ProcessingBeforeUnload() const {
    return load_event_progress_ == kBeforeUnloadEventInProgress;
  bool UnloadStarted() const {
    return load_event_progress_ >= kPageHideInProgress;
  bool UnloadEventInProgress() const {
    return load_event_progress_ == kUnloadEventInProgress;

  void BeforeUnloadDoneWillUnload() {
    load_event_progress_ = kBeforeUnloadEventHandled;

  void SetContainsPlugins() { contains_plugins_ = true; }
  bool ContainsPlugins() const { return contains_plugins_; }

  void EnqueueMoveEvent();
  void EnqueueResizeEvent();
  void EnqueueScrollEventForNode(Node*);
  void EnqueueScrollEndEventForNode(Node*);
  void EnqueueOverscrollEventForNode(Node* target,
                                     double delta_x,
                                     double delta_y);
  void EnqueueDisplayLockActivationTask(base::OnceClosure);
  void EnqueueAnimationFrameTask(base::OnceClosure);
  void EnqueueAnimationFrameEvent(Event*);
  // Only one event for a target/event type combination will be dispatched per
  // frame.
  void EnqueueUniqueAnimationFrameEvent(Event*);
  void EnqueueMediaQueryChangeListeners(
  void EnqueueVisualViewportScrollEvent();
  void EnqueueVisualViewportResizeEvent();
  void EnqueueSnapChangedEvent(Node* target, HeapVector<Member<Node>>& targets);
  void EnqueueSnapChangingEvent(Node* target,
                                HeapVector<Member<Node>>& targets);

  void DispatchEventsForPrinting();

  void exitPointerLock();
  Element* PointerLockElement() const;

  // Used to allow element that loads data without going through a FrameLoader
  // to delay the 'load' event.
  void IncrementLoadEventDelayCount() { ++load_event_delay_count_; }
  void DecrementLoadEventDelayCount();
  void CheckLoadEventSoon();
  bool IsDelayingLoadEvent();
  void LoadPluginsSoon();
  // This calls CheckCompleted() sync and thus can cause JavaScript execution.
  void DecrementLoadEventDelayCountAndCheckLoadEvent();
  // Objects and embeds depend on "being rendered" for delaying the load event.
  // This method makes sure we run a layout tree update before unblocking the
  // load event after such elements have been inserted.
  // Spec:
  void DelayLoadEventUntilLayoutTreeUpdate();

  const DocumentTiming& GetTiming() const { return document_timing_; }

  bool ShouldMarkFontPerformance() const {
    return !IsInitialEmptyDocument() && !IsXMLDocument() &&

  int RequestAnimationFrame(FrameCallback*);
  void CancelAnimationFrame(int id);

  int RequestIdleCallback(IdleTask*, const IdleRequestOptions*);
  void CancelIdleCallback(int id);

  ScriptedAnimationController& GetScriptedAnimationController();

  void InitDNSPrefetch();

  bool IsInDocumentWrite() const { return write_recursion_depth_ > 0; }

  TextAutosizer* GetTextAutosizer();

  ScriptValue registerElement(ScriptState*,
                              const AtomicString& name,
                              const ElementRegistrationOptions*,

  void AdjustQuadsForScrollAndAbsoluteZoom(Vector<gfx::QuadF>&,
                                           const LayoutObject&) const;
  void AdjustRectForScrollAndAbsoluteZoom(gfx::RectF&,
                                          const LayoutObject&) const;

  ElementDataCache* GetElementDataCache() { return element_data_cache_.Get(); }

  void DidLoadAllScriptBlockingResources();
  void DidAddPendingParserBlockingStylesheet();
  void DidLoadAllPendingParserBlockingStylesheets();
  void DidRemoveAllPendingStylesheets();

  bool InStyleRecalc() const;

  // Return a Locale for the default locale if the argument is null or empty.
  Locale& GetCachedLocale(const AtomicString& locale = g_null_atom);

  AnimationClock& GetAnimationClock();
  const AnimationClock& GetAnimationClock() const;
  DocumentAnimations& GetDocumentAnimations() const {
    return *document_animations_;
  DocumentTimeline& Timeline() const { return *timeline_; }
  PendingAnimations& GetPendingAnimations() { return *pending_animations_; }
  WorkletAnimationController& GetWorkletAnimationController() {
    return *worklet_animation_controller_;

  void AttachCompositorTimeline(cc::AnimationTimeline*) const;

  enum class TopLayerReason {
  void AddToTopLayer(Element*, const Element* before = nullptr);
  void RemoveFromTopLayerImmediately(Element*);
  const HeapVector<Member<Element>>& TopLayerElements() const {
    return top_layer_elements_;
  void ScheduleForTopLayerRemoval(Element*, TopLayerReason);
  void RemoveFinishedTopLayerElements();
  // Returns absl::nullopt if the provided element is not scheduled for top
  // layer removal. If it is scheduled for removal, then this returns the reason
  // for the element being in the top layer.
  absl::optional<TopLayerReason> IsScheduledForTopLayerRemoval(Element*) const;

  HTMLDialogElement* ActiveModalDialog() const;

  HTMLElement* PopoverHintShowing() const {
    return popover_hint_showing_.Get();
  void SetPopoverHintShowing(HTMLElement* element);
  HeapVector<Member<HTMLElement>>& PopoverStack() { return popover_stack_; }
  const HeapVector<Member<HTMLElement>>& PopoverStack() const {
    return popover_stack_;
  bool PopoverAutoShowing() const { return !popover_stack_.empty(); }
  HeapHashSet<Member<HTMLElement>>& AllOpenPopovers() {
    return all_open_popovers_;
  HTMLElement* TopmostPopoverOrHint() const;
  HeapHashSet<Member<HTMLElement>>& PopoversWaitingToHide() {
    return popovers_waiting_to_hide_;
  const HTMLElement* PopoverPointerdownTarget() const {
    return popover_pointerdown_target_.Get();
  void SetPopoverPointerdownTarget(const HTMLElement*);

  // The DOM Parts API:
  DocumentPartRoot& getPartRoot();
  DocumentPartRoot& EnsureDocumentPartRoot();
  bool DOMPartsInUse() const { return document_part_root_ != nullptr; }

  // A non-null template_document_host_ implies that |this| was created by
  // EnsureTemplateDocument().
  bool IsTemplateDocument() const { return template_document_host_ != nullptr; }
  Document& EnsureTemplateDocument();
  Document* TemplateDocumentHost() { return template_document_host_.Get(); }

  // Signals the ChromeClient that a (Form|Listed)Element changed dynamically,
  // passing the changed element as well as the type of the change.
  // TODO( Fire the signal for elements that become hidden.
  void DidChangeFormRelatedElementDynamically(HTMLElement*,

  void AddConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage* message,
                         bool discard_duplicates = false) const;

  DocumentLifecycle& Lifecycle() { return lifecycle_; }
  const DocumentLifecycle& Lifecycle() const { return lifecycle_; }
  bool IsActive() const { return lifecycle_.IsActive(); }
  bool IsDetached() const {
    return lifecycle_.GetState() >= DocumentLifecycle::kStopping;
  bool IsStopped() const {
    return lifecycle_.GetState() == DocumentLifecycle::kStopped;
  bool InPostLifecycleSteps() const;

  enum HttpRefreshType { kHttpRefreshFromHeader, kHttpRefreshFromMetaTag };
  void MaybeHandleHttpRefresh(const String&, HttpRefreshType);
  bool IsHttpRefreshScheduledWithin(base::TimeDelta interval);

  // Marks the Document has having at least one Element which depends
  // on the specified ViewportUnitFlags.
  void AddViewportUnitFlags(unsigned flags) { viewport_unit_flags_ |= flags; }

  bool HasViewportUnits() const { return viewport_unit_flags_; }
  bool HasStaticViewportUnits() const {
    return viewport_unit_flags_ &
  bool HasDynamicViewportUnits() const {
    return viewport_unit_flags_ &

  void LayoutViewportWasResized();
  void MarkViewportUnitsDirty();

  // dv*
  void DynamicViewportUnitsChanged();

  void InvalidateStyleAndLayoutForFontUpdates();

  void Trace(Visitor*) const override;

  AtomicString ConvertLocalName(const AtomicString&);

  void PlatformColorsChanged();

  NthIndexCache* GetNthIndexCache() const { return nth_index_cache_; }

  CheckPseudoHasCacheScope* GetCheckPseudoHasCacheScope() const {
    return check_pseudo_has_cache_scope_;

  CanvasFontCache* GetCanvasFontCache();

  // Used by unit tests so that all parsing will be synchronous for
  // controlling parsing and chunking precisely.
  static void SetForceSynchronousParsingForTesting(bool);
  static bool ForceSynchronousParsingForTesting();

  void IncrementNodeCount() { node_count_++; }
  void DecrementNodeCount() {
    DCHECK_GT(node_count_, 0);
#endif  // DCHECK_IS_ON()

  void SetContainsShadowRoot() { may_contain_shadow_roots_ = true; }

  bool MayContainShadowRoots() const { return may_contain_shadow_roots_; }

  RootScrollerController& GetRootScrollerController() const {
    return *root_scroller_controller_;

  AnchorElementInteractionTracker* GetAnchorElementInteractionTracker() const {
    return anchor_element_interaction_tracker_.Get();

  // Returns true if this document has a frame and it is a main frame.
  // See `Frame::IsMainFrame`.
  bool IsInMainFrame() const;

  // Returns true if this document has a frame and is an outermost main frame.
  // See `Frame::IsOutermostMainFrame`.
  bool IsInOutermostMainFrame() const;

  const PropertyRegistry* GetPropertyRegistry() const {
    return property_registry_.Get();
  PropertyRegistry& EnsurePropertyRegistry();

  // May return nullptr when PerformanceManager instrumentation is disabled.
  DocumentResourceCoordinator* GetResourceCoordinator();

  const AtomicString& bgColor() const;
  void setBgColor(const AtomicString&);
  const AtomicString& fgColor() const;
  void setFgColor(const AtomicString&);
  const AtomicString& alinkColor() const;
  void setAlinkColor(const AtomicString&);
  const AtomicString& linkColor() const;
  void setLinkColor(const AtomicString&);
  const AtomicString& vlinkColor() const;
  void setVlinkColor(const AtomicString&);

  void clear() {}

  void captureEvents() {}
  void releaseEvents() {}

  FontFaceSet* fonts();

  ukm::UkmRecorder* UkmRecorder();
  ukm::SourceId UkmSourceID() const;

  // Tracks and reports UKM metrics of the number of attempted font family match
  // attempts (both successful and not successful) by the page.
  FontMatchingMetrics* GetFontMatchingMetrics();

  scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner(TaskType);

  StylePropertyMapReadOnly* ComputedStyleMap(Element*);
  void AddComputedStyleMapItem(Element*, StylePropertyMapReadOnly*);
  StylePropertyMapReadOnly* RemoveComputedStyleMapItem(Element*);

  SlotAssignmentEngine& GetSlotAssignmentEngine();

  bool IsSlotAssignmentDirty() const;

  unsigned& SlotAssignmentRecalcForbiddenRecursionDepth() {
    return slot_assignment_recalc_forbidden_recursion_depth_;
  bool IsSlotAssignmentRecalcForbidden() {
    return slot_assignment_recalc_forbidden_recursion_depth_ > 0;

  void AssertLayoutTreeUpdatedAfterLayout();

  unsigned& FlatTreeTraversalForbiddenRecursionDepth() {
    return flat_tree_traversal_forbidden_recursion_depth_;
  bool IsFlatTreeTraversalForbidden() {
    return flat_tree_traversal_forbidden_recursion_depth_ > 0;

  unsigned& SlotAssignmentRecalcDepth() {
    return slot_assignment_recalc_depth_;
  bool IsInSlotAssignmentRecalc() const {
    // Since we forbid recursive slot assignement recalc, the depth should be
    // <= 1.
    DCHECK_LE(slot_assignment_recalc_depth_, 1u);
    return slot_assignment_recalc_depth_ == 1;

  bool ShouldSuppressMutationEvents() const {
    return suppress_mutation_events_;
  // To be called from MutationEventSuppressionScope.
  void SetSuppressMutationEvents(bool suppress) {
    CHECK_NE(suppress, suppress_mutation_events_);
    suppress_mutation_events_ = suppress;

  bool IsVerticalScrollEnforced() const { return is_vertical_scroll_enforced_; }
  bool IsFocusAllowed() const;

  LazyLoadImageObserver& EnsureLazyLoadImageObserver();

  void IncrementNumberOfCanvases();
  unsigned GetNumberOfCanvases() const { return num_canvases_; }

  void ProcessJavaScriptUrl(const KURL&,
                            scoped_refptr<const DOMWrapperWorld> world);

  DisplayLockDocumentState& GetDisplayLockDocumentState() const;

  // Deferred compositor commits are disallowed by default, and are only allowed
  // for same-origin navigations to an html document fetched with http.
  bool DeferredCompositorCommitIsAllowed() const;
  void SetDeferredCompositorCommitIsAllowed(bool new_value) {
    deferred_compositor_commit_is_allowed_ = new_value;

  // Returns whether the document is inside the scope specified in the Web App
  // Manifest. If the document doesn't run in a context of a Web App or has no
  // associated Web App Manifest, it will return false.
  bool IsInWebAppScope() const;

  ComputedAccessibleNode* GetOrCreateComputedAccessibleNode(AXID ax_id);

  // Return true if any accessibility contexts have been enabled.
  bool IsAccessibilityEnabled() const { return !ax_contexts_.empty(); }

  void DispatchHandleLoadStart();
  void DispatchHandleLoadComplete();

  bool HaveRenderBlockingStylesheetsLoaded() const;
  bool HaveRenderBlockingResourcesLoaded() const;

  // Sets a beforeunload handler for documents which are embedding plugins. This
  // includes PluginDocument as well as an HTMLDocument which embeds a plugin
  // inside a cross-process frame (MimeHandlerView).
  void SetShowBeforeUnloadDialog(bool show_dialog);

  void ColorSchemeChanged();

  // A new vision deficiency is being emulated through DevTools.
  void VisionDeficiencyChanged();

  // A META element with name=color-scheme was added, removed, or modified.
  // Update the presentation level color-scheme property for the root element.
  void ColorSchemeMetaChanged();

  // A META element with name=supports-reduced-motion was added, removed, or
  // modified. Re-collect the META values.
  void SupportsReducedMotionMetaChanged();

  // Use counter related functions.
  void CountUse(mojom::WebFeature feature) final;
  void CountDeprecation(mojom::WebFeature feature) final;
  void CountUse(mojom::WebFeature feature) const;
  void CountProperty(CSSPropertyID property_id) const;
  void CountAnimatedProperty(CSSPropertyID property_id) const;
  // Return whether the Feature was previously counted for this document.
  // NOTE: only for use in testing.
  bool IsUseCounted(mojom::WebFeature) const;
  // Return whether the property was previously counted for this document.
  // NOTE: only for use in testing.
  bool IsPropertyCounted(CSSPropertyID property) const;
  // Return whether the animated property was previously counted for this
  // document.
  // NOTE: only for use in testing.
  bool IsAnimatedPropertyCounted(CSSPropertyID property) const;
  void ClearUseCounterForTesting(mojom::WebFeature);

  void UpdateForcedColors();
  bool InForcedColorsMode() const;
  bool InDarkMode();

  const ui::ColorProvider* GetColorProviderForPainting(
      mojom::blink::ColorScheme color_scheme) const;

  // Capture the toggle event during parsing either by HTML parser or XML
  // parser.
  void SetToggleDuringParsing(bool toggle_during_parsing) {
    toggle_during_parsing_ = toggle_during_parsing;
  bool ToggleDuringParsing() { return toggle_during_parsing_; }

  // We setup a dummy document to sanitize clipboard markup before pasting.
  // Sets and indicates whether this is the dummy document.
  void SetIsForMarkupSanitization(bool is_for_sanitization) {
    is_for_markup_sanitization_ = is_for_sanitization;
  bool IsForMarkupSanitization() const { return is_for_markup_sanitization_; }

  bool HasPendingJavaScriptUrlsForTest() {
    return !pending_javascript_urls_.empty();

  void ApplyScrollRestorationLogic();

  void MarkHasFindInPageRequest();
  void MarkHasFindInPageContentVisibilityActiveMatch();
  void MarkHasFindInPageBeforematchExpandedHiddenMatchable();

  void CancelPendingJavaScriptUrls();

  SynchronousMutationObserverSet() {
    return synchronous_mutation_observer_set_;

  void NotifyUpdateCharacterData(CharacterData* character_data,
                                 unsigned offset,
                                 unsigned old_length,
                                 unsigned new_length);
  void NotifyChangeChildren(const ContainerNode& container,
                            const ContainerNode::ChildrenChange& change);
  void NotifyAttributeChanged(const Element& element,
                              const QualifiedName& name,
                              const AtomicString& old_value,
                              const AtomicString& new_value);

  RenderBlockingResourceManager* GetRenderBlockingResourceManager() {
    return render_blocking_resource_manager_.Get();

  void SetHasRenderBlockingExpectLinkElements(bool flag) {
    has_render_blocking_expect_link_elements_ = flag;

  bool HasRenderBlockingExpectLinkElements() const {
    return has_render_blocking_expect_link_elements_;

  // Called when a previously render-blocking resource is no longer render-
  // blocking, due to it has finished loading or has given up render-blocking.
  void RenderBlockingResourceUnblocked();

  bool RenderingHasBegun() const { return rendering_has_begun_; }
  bool RenderingHadBegunForLastStyleUpdate() const {
    return rendering_had_begun_for_last_style_update_;

  void IncrementLazyAdsFrameCount();
  void IncrementLazyEmbedsFrameCount();
  void IncrementImmediateChildFrameCreationCount();
  int GetImmediateChildFrameCreationCount() const;

  enum class DeclarativeShadowRootAllowState : uint8_t {
  DeclarativeShadowRootAllowState GetDeclarativeShadowRootAllowState() const;
  void setAllowDeclarativeShadowRoots(bool val);

  void SetFindInPageActiveMatchNode(Node*);
  const Node* GetFindInPageActiveMatchNode() const;

  void ActivateForPrerendering(
      const mojom::blink::PrerenderPageActivationParams& params);

  void AddWillDispatchPrerenderingchangeCallback(base::OnceClosure);

  void AddPostPrerenderingActivationStep(base::OnceClosure callback);

  using LCPCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const Element&)>;
  void AddLCPPredictedCallback(LCPCallback callback);
  void RunLCPPredictedCallbacks(const Element& lcp_element);

  class CORE_EXPORT PaintPreviewScope {

    PaintPreviewScope(Document& document, PaintPreviewState state);

    PaintPreviewScope(PaintPreviewScope&) = delete;
    PaintPreviewScope& operator=(PaintPreviewScope&) = delete;

    Document& document_;

  // Does an element in this document have an HTML dir attribute (or its
  // implicit equivalent)?
  bool HasDirAttribute() const { return has_dir_attribute_; }
  void SetHasDirAttribute() { has_dir_attribute_ = true; }

  ResizeObserver& EnsureResizeObserver();

  void ObserveForIntrinsicSize(Element* element);
  void UnobserveForIntrinsicSize(Element* element);

  void ObserveForLazyLoadedAutoSizedImg(HTMLImageElement* img);
  void UnobserveForLazyLoadedAutoSizedImg(HTMLImageElement* img);

  // Returns true if motion should be forcibly reduced in animations on this
  // document. This returns true if all of the following conditions are true:
  // 1. The user prefers reduced motion.
  // 2. The document does not contain a meta tag indicating it supports and uses
  //    prefers-reduced-motion media queries.
  // 3. The ForceReduceMotion feature is enabled.
  // For more details and explanation, see
  bool ShouldForceReduceMotion() const;

  void AddPendingLinkHeaderPreload(const PendingLinkPreload&);

  // Has no effect if the preload is not initiated by link header.
  void RemovePendingLinkHeaderPreloadIfNeeded(const PendingLinkPreload&);

  void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue ctx) const;

  void IncrementIgnoreDestructiveWriteModuleScriptCount() {
  unsigned GetIgnoreDestructiveWriteModuleScriptCount() {
    return ignore_destructive_write_module_script_count_;

  void IncrementDataListCount() { ++data_list_count_; }
  void DecrementDataListCount() {
    DCHECK_GT(data_list_count_, 0u);
  // Returns true if the Document has at least one data-list associated with
  // it.
  bool HasAtLeastOneDataList() const { return data_list_count_; }

  void ResetAgent(Agent& agent);

  bool SupportsLegacyDOMMutations();

  void EnqueuePageRevealEvent();

  static Document* parseHTMLUnsafe(ExecutionContext* context,
                                   const String& html);

  // Delays execution of pending async scripts until a milestone is reached.
  // Used in conjunction with kDelayAsyncScriptExecution experiment.
  void DelayAsyncScriptExecution();
  void ResumeAsyncScriptExecution();

  // This method should only be called when the document is top-level and it is
  // rendering static media like video or images.
  void SetOverrideSiteForCookiesForCSPMedia(bool value);

  // Flags to determine if LCPP ElementLocator matched during
  // HTML preload scanning.
  void SetLcpElementFoundInHtml(bool found);
  bool IsLcpElementFoundInHtml();

  void ClearXMLVersion() { xml_version_ = String(); }

  virtual Document* CloneDocumentWithoutChildren() const;

  void LockCompatibilityMode() { compatibility_mode_locked_ = true; }
  ParserSynchronizationPolicy GetParserSynchronizationPolicy() const {
    return parser_sync_policy_;

  void OnAdoptedStyleSheetSet(ScriptState*,
                              ExceptionState&) override;
  void OnAdoptedStyleSheetDelete(ScriptState*,
                                 ExceptionState&) override;

  friend class DocumentTest;
  friend class IgnoreDestructiveWriteCountIncrementer;
  friend class ThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCountIncrementer;
  friend class IgnoreOpensDuringUnloadCountIncrementer;
  friend class NthIndexCache;
  friend class CheckPseudoHasCacheScope;
  friend class CanvasRenderingAPIUkmMetricsTest;
  friend class MobileFriendlinessCheckerTest;
  friend class OffscreenCanvasRenderingAPIUkmMetricsTest;
  friend class TapFriendlinessCheckerTest;
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DocumentTest, FindInPageUkm);
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DocumentTest, FindInPageUkmInFrame);

  // Listed elements that are not associated to a <form> element.
  class UnassociatedListedElementsList {

    void MarkDirty();
    const ListedElement::List& Get(const Document& owner);
    void Trace(Visitor*) const;

    ListedElement::List list_;
    // Set this flag if the stored unassociated listed elements were changed.
    bool dirty_ = false;

  friend class AXContext;
  void AddAXContext(AXContext*);
  void RemoveAXContext(AXContext*);
  // Called when the AXMode of an existing AXContext changes.
  void AXContextModeChanged();
  void ClearAXObjectCache();

  bool IsDocumentFragment() const =
      delete;  // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
  bool IsDocumentNode() const =
      delete;  // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
  bool IsElementNode() const =
      delete;  // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.

  ScriptedIdleTaskController& EnsureScriptedIdleTaskController();

  bool HasPendingVisualUpdate() const {
    return lifecycle_.GetState() == DocumentLifecycle::kVisualUpdatePending;

  bool ShouldScheduleLayoutTreeUpdate() const;
  void ScheduleLayoutTreeUpdate();

  // See UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForThisDocument for an explanation of
  // the "ForThisDocument" suffix.
  // These functions do not take into account dirtiness of parent frames:
  // they are assumed to be clean. If it isn't possible to guarantee
  // clean parent frames, use Needs[Full]LayoutTreeUpdate() instead.
  bool NeedsLayoutTreeUpdateForThisDocument() const {
    return CalculateStyleAndLayoutTreeUpdateForThisDocument() !=

  StyleAndLayoutTreeUpdate CalculateStyleAndLayoutTreeUpdateForThisDocument()
  StyleAndLayoutTreeUpdate CalculateStyleAndLayoutTreeUpdateForParentFrame()

  void UpdateUseShadowTreesIfNeeded();
  void EvaluateMediaQueryListIfNeeded();

  void UpdateStyleInvalidationIfNeeded();
  void UpdateStyle();
  bool ChildrenCanHaveStyle() const final;

  // Objects and embeds depend on "being rendered" for delaying the load event.
  // This method unblocks the load event after the first layout tree update
  // after parsing finished.
  void UnblockLoadEventAfterLayoutTreeUpdate();

  // ImplicitClose() actually does the work of closing the input stream.
  void ImplicitClose();
  bool ShouldComplete();

  // Returns |true| if both document and its owning frame are still attached.
  // Any of them could be detached during the check, e.g. by calling
  // iframe.remove() from an event handler.
  bool CheckCompletedInternal();

  void DetachParser();

  void BeginLifecycleUpdatesIfRenderingReady();

  void ChildrenChanged(const ChildrenChange&) override;

  String nodeName() const final;
  bool ChildTypeAllowed(NodeType) const final;
  Node* Clone(Document& factory,
              NodeCloningData& data,
              ContainerNode* append_to,
              ExceptionState& append_exception_state) const override;
  void CloneDataFromDocument(const Document&);

  void UpdateTitle(const String&);
  void DispatchDidReceiveTitle();
  void UpdateSelectionAfterLayout();
  void UpdateBaseURL();

  void ExecuteScriptsWaitingForResources();
  void ExecuteJavaScriptUrls();

  enum class MilestoneForDelayedAsyncScript {
  void MaybeExecuteDelayedAsyncScripts(MilestoneForDelayedAsyncScript);

  void LoadEventDelayTimerFired(TimerBase*);
  void PluginLoadingTimerFired(TimerBase*);

  void AddListenerType(ListenerType listener_type) {
    listener_types_ |= listener_type;
  void AddMutationEventListenerTypeIfEnabled(ListenerType);

  void ClearFocusedElementTimerFired(TimerBase*);

  bool HaveScriptBlockingStylesheetsLoaded() const;

  void SetHoverElement(Element*);

  using EventFactorySet = HashSet<std::unique_ptr<EventFactoryBase>>;
  static EventFactorySet& EventFactories();

  void SetNthIndexCache(NthIndexCache* nth_index_cache) {
    DCHECK(!nth_index_cache_ || !nth_index_cache);
    nth_index_cache_ = nth_index_cache;

  void SetCheckPseudoHasCacheScope(
      CheckPseudoHasCacheScope* check_pseudo_has_cache_scope) {
    DCHECK(!check_pseudo_has_cache_scope_ || !check_pseudo_has_cache_scope);
    check_pseudo_has_cache_scope_ = check_pseudo_has_cache_scope;

  void UpdateActiveState(bool is_active, bool update_active_chain, Element*);
  void UpdateHoverState(Element*);

  const AtomicString& BodyAttributeValue(const QualifiedName&) const;
  void SetBodyAttribute(const QualifiedName&, const AtomicString&);

  // Returns true if use of |method_name| for markup insertion is allowed by
  // permissions policy; otherwise returns false and throws a DOM exception.
  bool AllowedToUseDynamicMarkUpInsertion(const char* method_name,

  void SetFreezingInProgress(bool is_freezing_in_progress) {
    is_freezing_in_progress_ = is_freezing_in_progress;

  void NotifyFocusedElementChanged(Element* old_focused_element,
                                   Element* new_focused_element,
                                   mojom::blink::FocusType focus_type);
  void DisplayNoneChangedForFrame();

  // Handles a connection error to |trust_token_query_answerer_| by rejecting
  // all pending promises created by |hasPrivateToken| and
  // |hasRedemptionRecord|.
  void TrustTokenQueryAnswererConnectionError();

  void RunPostPrerenderingActivationSteps();

  // Resolves the promise if the `status` can approve; rejects the promise
  // otherwise, and consumes user activation.
  void ProcessStorageAccessPermissionState(
      ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
      mojom::blink::PermissionStatus status);

  // Similar to `ProcessStorageAccessPermissionState`, but for the top-level
  // variant. Notably, does not modify the per-frame storage access bit.
  void ProcessTopLevelStorageAccessPermissionState(
      ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver,
      mojom::blink::PermissionStatus status);

  // Fetch the compression dictionary sent in the response header after the
  // document load completes.
  void FetchDictionaryFromLinkHeader();

  Resource* GetPendingLinkPreloadForTesting(const KURL&);

  ResizeObserver& GetLazyLoadedAutoSizedImgObserver();

  const DocumentToken token_;

  // Bitfield used for tracking UKM sampling of media features such that each
  // media feature is sampled only once per document.
  uint64_t evaluated_media_features_ = 0;

  DocumentLifecycle lifecycle_;

  bool is_initial_empty_document_;

  // Track the prerendering state.
  // TODO( Update the flag on the prerendering activation.
  // Also, we will merge the state into the lifecycle state eventually.
  // TODO(bokan): This should eventually be based on the document loading-mode:
  bool is_prerendering_;

  // Callbacks to execute upon activation of a prerendered page, just before the
  // prerenderingchange event is dispatched.
  Vector<base::OnceClosure> will_dispatch_prerenderingchange_callbacks_;

  // The callback list for post-prerendering activation step.
  Vector<base::OnceClosure> post_prerendering_activation_callbacks_;

  // Callbacks are called when predicted LCP is painted. Never called if
  // prediction is incorrect.
  Vector<LCPCallback> lcp_predicted_callbacks_;

  bool evaluate_media_queries_on_style_recalc_;

  // If we do ignore the pending stylesheet count, then we need to add a boolean
  // to track that this happened so that we can do a full repaint when the
  // stylesheets do eventually load.
  PendingSheetLayout pending_sheet_layout_;

  Member<LocalDOMWindow> dom_window_;

  // For Documents given a dom_window_ at creation that are not Shutdown(),
  // execution_context_ and dom_window_ will be equal and non-null.
  // For Documents given a dom_window_ at creation that are Shutdown(),
  // execution_context_ and dom_window_ will both be nullptr.
  // For Documents not given a dom_window_ at creation, execution_context_
  // will be the LocalDOMWindow where script will execute (which may be nullptr
  // in unit tests).
  Member<ExecutionContext> execution_context_;

  // Documents should always have an agent.
  Member<Agent> agent_;

  Member<ResourceFetcher> fetcher_;
  Member<DocumentParser> parser_;
  Member<HttpRefreshScheduler> http_refresh_scheduler_;

  bool well_formed_;

  bool is_tracking_soft_navigation_heuristics_ = false;

  // Document URLs.
  KURL url_;  // Document.URL: The URL from which this document was retrieved.
  KURL base_url_;  // Node.baseURI: The URL to use when resolving relative URLs.
  KURL base_url_override_;  // An alternative base URL that takes precedence
                            // over base_url_ (but not base_element_url_).

  // Used in FallbackBaseURL() to provide the base URL for  about:srcdoc  and
  // about:blank documents, which is the initiator's base URL at the time the
  // navigation was initiated. Separate from the base_url_* fields because the
  // fallback base URL should not take precedence over things like <base>. Note:
  // this currently is only used when NewBaseUrlInheritanceBehavior is enabled.
  KURL fallback_base_url_;

  KURL base_element_url_;   // The URL set by the <base> element.
  KURL cookie_url_;         // The URL to use for cookie access.

  AtomicString base_target_;

  // Mime-type of the document in case it was cloned or created by XHR.
  AtomicString mime_type_;

  Member<DocumentType> doc_type_;
  Member<DOMImplementation> implementation_;

  Member<CSSStyleSheet> elem_sheet_;

  PrintingState printing_;
  PaintPreviewState paint_preview_;

  CompatibilityMode compatibility_mode_;
  // This is cheaper than making setCompatibilityMode virtual.
  bool compatibility_mode_locked_;

  TaskHandle execute_scripts_waiting_for_resources_task_handle_;
  TaskHandle javascript_url_task_handle_;
  struct PendingJavascriptUrl {
    PendingJavascriptUrl(const KURL& input_url,
                         scoped_refptr<const DOMWrapperWorld> world);

    KURL url;

    // The world in which the navigation to |url| initiated. Non-null.
    scoped_refptr<const DOMWrapperWorld> world;
  Vector<PendingJavascriptUrl> pending_javascript_urls_;

  bool autofocus_processed_flag_ = false;
  mojom::blink::FocusType last_focus_type_;
  bool had_keyboard_event_;
  HeapTaskRunnerTimer<Document> clear_focused_element_timer_;
  // We implement this as a Vector because its maximum size is typically 1.
  HeapVector<Member<Element>> autofocus_candidates_;
  Member<Element> focused_element_;
  Member<Range> sequential_focus_navigation_starting_point_;
  Member<Element> hover_element_;
  Member<Element> active_element_;
  Member<Element> document_element_;
  UserActionElementSet user_action_elements_;
  Member<RootScrollerController> root_scroller_controller_;
  Member<AnchorElementInteractionTracker> anchor_element_interaction_tracker_;


  double overscroll_accumulated_delta_x_ = 0;
  double overscroll_accumulated_delta_y_ = 0;

  uint64_t dom_tree_version_;
  static uint64_t global_tree_version_;

  uint64_t style_version_;

  HeapHashSet<WeakMember<NodeIterator>> node_iterators_;
  using AttachedRangeSet = HeapHashSet<WeakMember<Range>>;
  AttachedRangeSet ranges_;

  uint16_t listener_types_;

  MutationObserverOptions mutation_observer_types_;


  Member<StyleEngine> style_engine_;

  Member<FormController> form_controller_;

  TextLinkColors text_link_colors_;
  const Member<VisitedLinkState> visited_link_state_;

  bool visually_ordered_;

  using ElementComputedStyleMap =
      HeapHashMap<WeakMember<Element>, Member<StylePropertyMapReadOnly>>;
  ElementComputedStyleMap element_computed_style_map_;

  DocumentReadyState ready_state_;
  ParsingState parsing_state_;

  bool is_dns_prefetch_enabled_;
  bool have_explicitly_disabled_dns_prefetch_;
  bool contains_plugins_;

  bool has_render_blocking_expect_link_elements_ = false;

  // Set to true whenever shadow root is attached to document. Does not
  // get reset if all roots are removed.
  bool may_contain_shadow_roots_ = false;

  unsigned ignore_destructive_write_count_;
  unsigned throw_on_dynamic_markup_insertion_count_;
  unsigned ignore_opens_during_unload_count_;

  bool ignore_opens_and_writes_for_abort_ = false;

  String title_;
  String raw_title_;
  Member<Element> title_element_;

  Vector<AXContext*> ax_contexts_;
  Member<AXObjectCache> ax_object_cache_;
  Member<DocumentMarkerController> markers_;

  bool should_update_selection_after_layout_ = false;

  Member<Element> css_target_;
  bool css_target_is_selector_fragment_ = false;

  bool was_discarded_;

  LoadEventProgress load_event_progress_;

  bool is_freezing_in_progress_;

  base::ElapsedTimer start_time_;

  Member<ScriptRunner> script_runner_;
  Member<ScriptRunnerDelayer> script_runner_delayer_;

  HeapVector<Member<ScriptElementBase>> current_script_stack_;

  std::unique_ptr<TransformSource> transform_source_;

  String xml_encoding_;
  String xml_version_;
  unsigned xml_standalone_ : 2;
  unsigned has_xml_declaration_ : 1;
  // See enum ViewportUnitFlags.
  unsigned viewport_unit_flags_ : kViewportUnitFlagBits;

  AtomicString content_language_;

  DocumentEncodingData encoding_data_;

  bool design_mode_;
  bool is_running_exec_command_;

  HeapHashSet<WeakMember<const LiveNodeListBase>>
  LiveNodeListRegistry node_lists_;

  Member<SVGDocumentExtensions> svg_extensions_;

  Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue> annotated_regions_;
  bool has_annotated_regions_;
  bool annotated_regions_dirty_;

  std::unique_ptr<SelectorQueryCache> selector_query_cache_;

  // It is safe to keep a raw, untraced pointer to this stack-allocated
  // cache object: it is set upon the cache object being allocated on
  // the stack and cleared upon leaving its allocated scope. Hence it
  // is acceptable not to trace it -- should a conservative GC occur,
  // the cache object's references will be traced by a stack walk.
  NthIndexCache* nth_index_cache_ = nullptr;

  // This is an untraced pointer to the cache-scoped object that is first
  // allocated on the stack. It is set upon the first object being allocated
  // on the stack, and cleared upon leaving its allocated scope. The object's
  // references will be traced by a stack walk.
  CheckPseudoHasCacheScope* check_pseudo_has_cache_scope_ = nullptr;

  DocumentClassFlags document_classes_;

  bool is_view_source_;
  bool is_xr_overlay_;
  bool saw_elements_in_known_namespaces_;
  bool is_srcdoc_document_;
  bool is_mobile_document_;

  Member<LayoutView> layout_view_;

  // The last element in |top_layer_elements_| is topmost in the top layer
  // stack and is thus the one that will be visually on top.
  HeapVector<Member<Element>> top_layer_elements_;

  // top_layer_elements_pending_removal_ is a list of elements which will be
  // removed from top_layer_elements_ when overlay computes to none. Each
  // element also has a "reason" for being in the top layer which corresponds to
  // the API which caused the element to enter the top layer in the first place.
  // TODO( This data structure is a Vector in order to
  // preserve ordering, but ideally it would be a map so that we could key into
  // it with an Element and access the TopLayerReason. However, there is no
  // ordered map oilpan data structure, so some methods that access this will be
  // O(n) instead of O(1).
  class TopLayerPendingRemoval
      : public GarbageCollected<TopLayerPendingRemoval> {
    TopLayerPendingRemoval(Element* new_element, TopLayerReason new_reason)
        : element(new_element), reason(new_reason) {}
    Member<Element> element;
    TopLayerReason reason;
    void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(element); }
  VectorOf<TopLayerPendingRemoval> top_layer_elements_pending_removal_;

  // The stack of currently-displayed `popover=auto` elements. Elements in the
  // stack go from earliest (bottom-most) to latest (top-most).
  HeapVector<Member<HTMLElement>> popover_stack_;
  // The `popover=hint` that is currently showing, if any.
  Member<HTMLElement> popover_hint_showing_;
  // The popover (if any) that received the most recent pointerdown event.
  Member<const HTMLElement> popover_pointerdown_target_;
  // A set of popovers for which hidePopover() has been called, but animations
  // are still running.
  HeapHashSet<Member<HTMLElement>> popovers_waiting_to_hide_;
  // A set of all open popovers, of all types.
  HeapHashSet<Member<HTMLElement>> all_open_popovers_;

  Member<DocumentPartRoot> document_part_root_;

  int load_event_delay_count_;

  // Objects and embeds depend on "being rendered" for delaying the load event.
  // This is a document-wide flag saying that we have incremented the
  // load_event_delay_count_ to wait for the next layout tree update. On the
  // next layout tree update, the counter will be decremented and this flag will
  // be set to false. If any of the objects/embeds started to fetch a blocking
  // resource, they would have incremented the delay count during the layout
  // tree update and further blocked the load event.
  bool delay_load_event_until_layout_tree_update_ = false;

  HeapTaskRunnerTimer<Document> load_event_delay_timer_;
  HeapTaskRunnerTimer<Document> plugin_loading_timer_;

  DocumentTiming document_timing_;
  Member<MediaQueryMatcher> media_query_matcher_;
  bool write_recursion_is_too_deep_;
  unsigned write_recursion_depth_;

  Member<ScriptedAnimationController> scripted_animation_controller_;
  Member<ScriptedIdleTaskController> scripted_idle_task_controller_;
  Member<TextAutosizer> text_autosizer_;

  void ElementDataCacheClearTimerFired(TimerBase*);
  HeapTaskRunnerTimer<Document> element_data_cache_clear_timer_;

  Member<ElementDataCache> element_data_cache_;

  using LocaleIdentifierToLocaleMap =
      HashMap<AtomicString, std::unique_ptr<Locale>>;
  LocaleIdentifierToLocaleMap locale_cache_;

  Member<DocumentAnimations> document_animations_;
  Member<DocumentTimeline> timeline_;
  Member<PendingAnimations> pending_animations_;
  Member<WorkletAnimationController> worklet_animation_controller_;
  AnimationClock animation_clock_;

  Member<Document> template_document_;
  Member<Document> template_document_host_;

  HeapHashSet<Member<SVGUseElement>> use_elements_needing_update_;
  // SVG resources ("resource elements") for which NotifyContentChanged() needs
  // to be called to notify any clients about a change in layout attachment
  // state. Should be populated during layout detach or style recalc, and be
  // empty before and after those operations.
  HeapHashSet<Member<LocalSVGResource>> svg_resources_needing_invalidation_;

  ParserSynchronizationPolicy parser_sync_policy_;

  Member<CanvasFontCache> canvas_font_cache_;

  Member<IntersectionObserverController> intersection_observer_controller_;

  int node_count_ = 0;

  Member<PropertyRegistry> property_registry_;

  UnassociatedListedElementsList unassociated_listed_elements_;

  // |ukm_recorder_| and |source_id_| will allow objects that are part of
  // the document to record UKM.
  std::unique_ptr<ukm::UkmRecorder> ukm_recorder_;
  const int64_t ukm_source_id_;

  // Tracks and reports metrics of attempted font match attempts (both
  // successful and not successful) by the page.
  std::unique_ptr<FontMatchingMetrics> font_matching_metrics_;

  unsigned slot_assignment_recalc_forbidden_recursion_depth_ = 0;
  unsigned slot_assignment_recalc_depth_ = 0;
  unsigned flat_tree_traversal_forbidden_recursion_depth_ = 0;
  bool suppress_mutation_events_ = false;

  Member<DOMFeaturePolicy> policy_;

  Member<SlotAssignmentEngine> slot_assignment_engine_;

  // TODO(tkent): Should it be moved to LocalFrame or LocalFrameView?
  Member<ViewportData> viewport_data_;

  // This is set through permissions policy 'vertical-scroll'.
  bool is_vertical_scroll_enforced_ = false;

  // The number of canvas elements on the document
  unsigned num_canvases_ = 0;

  bool deferred_compositor_commit_is_allowed_ = false;

  // True when the document was created (in DomImplementation) for specific MIME
  // types that are handled externally. The document in this case is the
  // counterpart to a PluginDocument except that it contains a FrameView as
  // opposed to a PluginView.
  bool is_for_external_handler_;

  Member<LazyLoadImageObserver> lazy_load_image_observer_;

  // Tracks which document policies have already been parsed, so as not to
  // count them multiple times. The size of this vector is 0 until
  // `DocumentPolicyFeatureObserved` is called.
  Vector<bool> parsed_document_policies_;

  AtomicString override_last_modified_;

  // Used to keep track of which ComputedAccessibleNodes have already been
  // instantiated in this document to avoid constructing duplicates.
  HeapHashMap<AXID, Member<ComputedAccessibleNode>> computed_node_mapping_;

  // When the document contains MimeHandlerView, this variable might hold a
  // beforeunload handler. This will be set by the blink embedder when
  // necessary.

  // Used to communicate state associated with resource management to the
  // embedder.
  std::unique_ptr<DocumentResourceCoordinator> resource_coordinator_;

  // Used for document.cookie. May be null.
  Member<CookieJar> cookie_jar_;

  bool toggle_during_parsing_ = false;

  bool is_for_markup_sanitization_ = false;

  Member<FragmentDirective> fragment_directive_;

  HeapHashMap<WeakMember<Element>, Member<ExplicitlySetAttrElementsMap>>


  Member<DisplayLockDocumentState> display_lock_document_state_;

  bool in_forced_colors_mode_;

  bool applying_scroll_restoration_logic_ = false;

  // Records find-in-page metrics, which are sent to UKM on shutdown.
  bool had_find_in_page_request_ = false;
  bool had_find_in_page_render_subtree_active_match_ = false;
  bool had_find_in_page_beforematch_expanded_hidden_matchable_ = false;

  bool has_dir_attribute_ = false;

  // True if the developer supplied a media query indicating that
  // the site has support for reduced motion.
  bool supports_reduced_motion_ = false;

  Member<RenderBlockingResourceManager> render_blocking_resource_manager_;

  // Record if the previous UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForThisDocument() happened
  // while RenderingHasBegun() returned true.
  // UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForThisDocument() can happen while render-blocking.
  // For instance a forced update from devtools queries. If rendering_had_begun
  // is false we should not
  bool rendering_had_begun_for_last_style_update_ = false;

  bool rendering_has_begun_ = false;

  DeclarativeShadowRootAllowState declarative_shadow_root_allow_state_ =

  WeakMember<Node> find_in_page_active_match_node_;

  Member<DocumentData> data_;

  // List of meta[name=theme-color] elements cached used when getting theme
  // color.
  HeapVector<Member<HTMLMetaElement>> meta_theme_color_elements_;

  Member<ResizeObserver> intrinsic_size_observer_;

  // Watches lazy loaded auto sized img elements for resizes.
  Member<ResizeObserver> lazy_loaded_auto_sized_img_observer_;

  // Whether any resource loads that block printing are happening.
  bool loading_for_print_ = false;

  // Document owns pending preloads, prefetches and modulepreloads initiated by
  // link header so that they won't be incidentally GC-ed and cancelled.
  HeapHashSet<Member<const PendingLinkPreload>> pending_link_header_preloads_;

  // This is incremented when a module script is evaluated.
  unsigned ignore_destructive_write_module_script_count_ = 0;

  // Number of data-list elements in this document.
  unsigned data_list_count_ = 0;

  // If legacy DOM Mutation event listeners are supported by the embedder.
  absl::optional<bool> legacy_dom_mutations_supported_;

  // For rendering media URLs in a top-level context that use the
  // Content-Security-Policy header to sandbox their content. This causes
  // access-controlled media to not load when it is the top-level URL when
  // third-party cookie blocking is enabled.
  bool override_site_for_cookies_for_csp_media_ = false;

  // If you want to add new data members to blink::Document, please reconsider
  // if the members really should be in blink::Document.  document.h is a very
  // popular header, and the size of document.h affects build time
  // significantly.
  // If a new data member doesn't make sense in inactive documents, such as
  // documents created by DOMImplementation/DOMParser, the member should not be
  // in blink::Document.  It should be in a per-Frame class like
  // blink::LocalDOMWindow and blink::LocalFrame.
  // If you need to add new data members to blink::Document and it requires new
  // #includes, add them to blink::DocumentData instead.

extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT Supplement<Document>;

inline void Document::ScheduleLayoutTreeUpdateIfNeeded() {
  // Inline early out to avoid the function calls below.
  if (HasPendingVisualUpdate())
  if (ShouldScheduleLayoutTreeUpdate() && NeedsLayoutTreeUpdate())

// This is needed to avoid ambiguous overloads with the Node and TreeScope
// versions.

// Put these methods here, because they require the Document definition, but we
// really want to inline them.

inline bool Node::IsDocumentNode() const {
  return this == GetDocument();

Node* EventTargetNodeForDocument(Document*);

template <>
struct DowncastTraits<Document> {
  static bool AllowFrom(const Node& node) { return node.IsDocumentNode(); }

}  // namespace blink

#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the blink namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
CORE_EXPORT void ShowLiveDocumentInstances();






cpp 复制代码
void GetElementByIdOperationCallbackForNonMainWorlds(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
  RUNTIME_CALL_TIMER_SCOPE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT(info.GetIsolate(), "Blink_Document_getElementById");

v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < 1)) {
  const ExceptionContextType exception_context_type = ExceptionContextType::kOperationInvoke;
const char* const class_like_name = "Document";
const char* const property_name = "getElementById";
ExceptionState exception_state(isolate, exception_context_type, class_like_name, property_name);
exception_state.ThrowTypeError(ExceptionMessages::NotEnoughArguments(1, info.Length()));
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