
程序以 Python 语言开发,可读取、解密、还原微信数据库并帮助用户查看聊天记录,还可以将其聊天记录导出为csv、html等格式用于AI训练,自动回复或备份等等作用。下面我们将深入探讨这个工具的各个方面及其工作原理。
我们上一篇文章《劫持微信聊天记录并分析还原 ------ 合并解密后的数据库(三)》已经讲解了如何将解密后的微信数据库合并成一整个.db文件,那么本次我们将详细介绍一下微信数据库的结构与各个数据库的作用。
说明:针对 .../WeChat Files/wxid_xxxxxxxx/Msg下的各个文件解密后的内容进行概述。

你使用过的小程序 RecentWxApp
星标的小程序 StarWxApp
各个小程序的基本信息 WAContact
OpenIM 前缀
- 看起来像是企业微信的通知消息,可以理解为企业微信的企业应用消息
EmotionDes1 和 EmotionItem 应该也是类似的内容,没仔细研究
即使只是简单收藏一篇公众号文章也会在 FavDataItem 中有一个对应的记录
对于收藏的合并转发类型的消息,合并转发中的每一条消息在 FavDataItem 中都是一个独立的记录
- 有BizContactHeadImg和ContactHeadImg1两张表,应该是二进制格式的各个头像
- 前缀为 FTS 的数据库可能都和全文搜索(Full-Text Search)相关(就是微信那个搜索框)
- FTSChatroom15_content 和 FTSContact15_content 分别对应的是微信"聊天"界面会展示的消息会话(包括公众号等)和"联系人"界面会出现的所有人(有的时候并不是所有联系人都会出现在"聊天"中),信息包含昵称、备注名和微信号,也和微信支持搜索的字段相匹配。
- 命名方式类似上面一条
ps:对于收藏内容通过文字搜索,电脑版是把所有东西拼接成一个超长字符串来实现的。这对于文本、链接等没啥问题,但是对于合并转发消息,就会出现搜索[图片] 这一关键词。
- 将文件/图片/视频的文件名指向保存它们的文件夹名称(例如2023-04),有用但不多。
- ChatCRVoice和MediaInfo 可能为语音信息
四、MicroMsg (联系人核心)
Biz 前缀
能确定的是 BizSessionNewFeeds 这张表保存的是订阅号大分类底下的会话信息,包括头像、最近一条推送等。
ChatRoom 和 ChatRoomInfo
ChatRoomInfo:群聊相关信息,主要是群公告内容,与成员无关 顺便再吐槽一下,微信这个位置有一个命名出现异常的,别的表前缀都是ChatRoom,而突然出现一个ChatroomTool
ContactLabel:好友标签 ID 与名称对照
ExtraBuf: 存储位置信息、手机号、邮箱等信息
FTS 这一前缀了------这代表的是搜索时所需的索引。
docid:从1开始递增的数字,相当于当前条目的 ID
docid:与FTSChatMsg2_content表中的 docid 对应
entityId:与FTSChatMsg2_content表中的 c1entityId 对应
六、MediaMSG (语音消息)
Reserved0 与MSG数据库中消息的MsgSvrID一一对应
Buf silk格式的语音数据
内部主要的两个表是 MSG
和 Name2ID
这张表只有一列,内容格式是微信号或群聊ID@chatroom -
作用是使MSG中的某些字段与之对应。虽然表中没有 ID 这一列,但事实上微信默认了第几行 ID 就是几(从1开始编号)。
localId:字面意思消息在本地的 ID,暂未发现其功用
TalkerId:消息所在房间的 ID(该信息为猜测,猜测原因见 StrTalker 字段),与Name2ID对应。
MsgSvrID:猜测 Srv 可能是 Server 的缩写,代指服务器端存储的消息 ID
相同的消息则最后三位依次递增。需要进一步确认不重复范围是在一个会话内还是所有会话。 -
属于重复内容,这一点待确认。 -
StrContent:字符串格式的数据。特别说明的是,除了文本类型的消息外,别的大多类型这一字段都会是一段 XML 数据标记一些相关信息。通过解析xml可以得到更多的信息,例如图片的宽高、语音的时长等等。
CompressContent:字面意思是压缩的数据,实际上也就是微信任性不想存在 StrContent 里的数据在这里(例如带有引用的文本消息等;采用lz4压缩算法压缩)
分类Type | 子分类SubType | 对应类型 |
1 | 0 | 文本 |
3 | 0 | 图片 |
34 | 0 | 语音 |
43 | 0 | 视频 |
47 | 0 | 动画表情(第三方开发的表情包) |
49 | 1 | 类似文字消息而不一样的消息,目前只见到一个阿里云盘的邀请注册是这样的。估计和57子类的情况一样 |
49 | 5 | 卡片式链接,CompressContent 中有标题、简介等,BytesExtra 中有本地缓存的封面路径 |
49 | 6 | 文件,CompressContent 中有文件名和下载链接(但不会读),BytesExtra 中有本地保存的路径 |
49 | 8 | 用户上传的 GIF 表情,CompressContent 中有CDN链接,不过似乎不能直接访问下载 |
49 | 19 | 合并转发的聊天记录,CompressContent 中有详细聊天记录,BytesExtra 中有图片视频等的缓存 |
49 | 33/36 | 分享的小程序,CompressContent 中有卡片信息,BytesExtra 中有封面缓存位置 |
49 | 57 | 带有引用的文本消息(这种类型下 StrContent 为空,发送和引用的内容均在 CompressContent 中) |
49 | 63 | 视频号直播或直播回放等 |
49 | 87 | 群公告 |
49 | 88 | 视频号直播或直播回放等 |
49 | 2000 | 转账消息(包括发出、接收、主动退还) |
49 | 2003 | 赠送红包封面 |
10000 | 0 | 系统通知(居中出现的那种灰色文字) |
10000 | 4 | 拍一拍 |
10000 | 8000 | 系统通知(特别包含你邀请别人加入群聊) |
微信PC端各个数据库文件结构与功能简述 - 根目录_微信电脑端目录格式
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: dbbase.py# Description: # Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------import importlibimport osimport sqlite3import time from .utils import db_logerfrom dbutils.pooled_db import PooledDB # import logging## db_loger = logging.getLogger("db_prepare") class DatabaseSingletonBase: # _singleton_instances = {} # 使用字典存储不同db_path对应的单例实例 _class_name = "DatabaseSingletonBase" _db_pool = {} # 使用字典存储不同db_path对应的连接池 # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # if cls._class_name not in cls._singleton_instances: # cls._singleton_instances[cls._class_name] = super().__new__(cls) # return cls._singleton_instances[cls._class_name] @classmethod def connect(cls, db_config): """ 连接数据库,如果增加其他数据库连接,则重写该方法 :param db_config: 数据库配置 :return: 连接池 """ if not db_config: raise ValueError("db_config 不能为空") db_key = db_config.get("key", "chwm.vip") db_type = db_config.get("type", "sqlite") if db_key in cls._db_pool and cls._db_pool[db_key] is not None: return cls._db_pool[db_key] if db_type == "sqlite": db_path = db_config.get("path", "") if not os.path.exists(db_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"文件不存在: {db_path}") pool = PooledDB( creator=sqlite3, # 使用 sqlite3 作为连接创建者 maxconnections=0, # 连接池最大连接数 mincached=4, # 初始化时,链接池中至少创建的空闲的链接,0表示不创建 maxusage=1, # 一个链接最多被重复使用的次数,None表示无限制 blocking=True, # 连接池中如果没有可用连接后,是否阻塞等待。True,等待;False,不等待然后报错 ping=0, # ping 数据库判断是否服务正常 database=db_path ) elif db_type == "mysql": mysql_config = { 'user': db_config['user'], 'host': db_config['host'], 'password': db_config['password'], 'database': db_config['database'], 'port': db_config['port'] } pool = PooledDB( creator=importlib.import_module('pymysql'), # 使用 mysql 作为连接创建者 ping=1, # ping 数据库判断是否服务正常 **mysql_config ) else: raise ValueError(f"不支持的数据库类型: {db_type}") db_loger.info(f"{pool} 连接句柄创建 {db_config}") cls._db_pool[db_key] = pool return pool class DatabaseBase(DatabaseSingletonBase): _class_name = "DatabaseBase" existed_tables = [] def __init__(self, db_config): """ db_config = { "key": "test1", "type": "sqlite", "path": r"C:\***\wxdump_work\merge_all.db" } """ self.config = db_config self.pool = self.connect(self.config) self.__get_existed_tables() def __get_existed_tables(self): sql = "SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' and tbl_name!='sqlite_sequence';" existing_tables = self.execute(sql) if existing_tables: self.existed_tables = [row[0].lower() for row in existing_tables] return self.existed_tables else: return None def tables_exist(self, required_tables: str or list): """ 判断该类所需要的表是否存在 Check if all required tables exist in the database. Args: required_tables (list or str): A list of table names or a single table name string. Returns: bool: True if all required tables exist, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(required_tables, str): required_tables = [required_tables] rbool = all(table.lower() in self.existed_tables for table in (required_tables or [])) if not rbool: db_loger.warning(f"{required_tables=}\n{self.existed_tables=}\n{rbool=}") return rbool def execute(self, sql, params=None): """ 执行SQL语句 :param sql: SQL语句 (str) :param params: 参数 (tuple) :return: 查询结果 (list) """ connection = self.pool.connection() try: # connection.text_factory = bytes cursor = connection.cursor() if params: cursor.execute(sql, params) else: cursor.execute(sql) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception as e1: try: connection.text_factory = bytes cursor = connection.cursor() if params: cursor.execute(sql, params) else: cursor.execute(sql) rdata = cursor.fetchall() connection.text_factory = str return rdata except Exception as e2: db_loger.error(f"{sql=}\n{params=}\n{e1=}\n{e2=}\n", exc_info=True) return None finally: connection.close() def close(self): self.pool.close() db_loger.info(f"关闭数据库 - {self.config}") def __del__(self): self.close() # class MsgDb(DatabaseBase):## def p(self, *args, **kwargs):# sel = "select tbl_name from sqlite_master where type='table'"# data = self.execute(sel)# # print([i[0] for i in data])# return data### class MsgDb1(DatabaseBase):# _class_name = "MsgDb1"## def p(self, *args, **kwargs):# sel = "select tbl_name from sqlite_master where type='table'"# data = self.execute(sel)# # print([i[0] for i in data])# return data### if __name__ == '__main__':# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,# style='{',# datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',# format='[{levelname[0]}] {asctime} [{name}:{levelno}] {pathname}:{lineno} {message}'# )## config1 = {# "key": "test1",# "type": "sqlite",# "path": r"D:\e_all.db"# }# config2 = {# "key": "test2",# "type": "sqlite",# "path": r"D:\_call.db"# }## t1 = MsgDb(config1)# t1.p()# t2 = MsgDb(config2)# t2.p()# t3 = MsgDb1(config1)# t3.p()# t4 = MsgDb1(config2)# t4.p()## print(t4._db_pool)# # 销毁t1# del t1# # 销毁t2# del t2# del t3## # 销毁t4# del t4# import time# time.sleep(1)## t1 = MsgDb(config1)# t1.p()# t2 = MsgDb(config2)# t2.p()### print(t2._db_pool)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: Favorite.py# Description: 负责处理wx收藏数据库# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------from collections import defaultdict from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import timestamp2str, xml2dict # * FavItems:收藏的消息条目列表# * FavDataItem:收藏的具体数据。大概可以确定以下两点# * 即使只是简单收藏一篇公众号文章也会在 FavDataItem 中有一个对应的记录# * 对于收藏的合并转发类型的消息,合并转发中的每一条消息在 FavDataItem 中都是一个独立的记录# * FavTags:为收藏内容添加的标签 class FavoriteHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "Favorite" Favorite_required_tables = ["FavItems", "FavDataItem", "FavTagDatas", "FavBindTagDatas"] def get_tags(self, LocalID): """ return: {LocalID: TagName} """ if not self.tables_exist("FavTagDatas"): return {} if LocalID is None: sql = "select LocalID, TagName from FavTagDatas order by ServerSeq" else: sql = "select LocalID, TagName from FavTagDatas where LocalID = '%s' order by ServerSeq " % LocalID tags = self.execute(sql) # [(1, 797940830, '程序语言类'), (2, 806153863, '账单')] # 转换为字典 tags = {tag[0]: tag[1] for tag in tags} return tags def get_FavBindTags(self): """ return: [(FavLocalID, TagName)] """ sql = ("select DISTINCT A.FavLocalID, B.TagName " "from FavBindTagDatas A, FavTagDatas B where A.TagLocalID = B.LocalID") FavBindTags = self.execute(sql) return FavBindTags def get_favorite(self): """ return: [{FavItemsFields}, {FavItemsFields}] """ FavItemsFields = { "FavLocalID": "本地收藏ID", "SvrFavId": "服务器收藏ID", "SourceId": "源ID", "Type": "类型", "SourceType": "源类型", "LocalStatus": "本地状态", "Flag": "标记", "Status": "状态", "FromUser": "源用户", "RealChatName": "实际聊天名称", "SearchKey": "搜索关键字", "UpdateTime": "更新时间", "reseverd0": "预留字段0", "XmlBuf": "XML缓冲区" } FavDataItemFields = { "FavLocalID": "本地收藏ID", "Type": "类型", "DataId": "数据ID", "HtmlId": "HTML ID", "Datasourceid": "数据源ID", "Datastatus": "数据状态", "Datafmt": "数据格式", "Datatitle": "数据标题", "Datadesc": "数据描述", "Thumbfullmd5": "缩略图全MD5", "Thumbhead256md5": "缩略图头256MD5", "Thumbfullsize": "缩略图全尺寸", "fullmd5": "全MD5", "head256md5": "头256MD5", "fullsize": "全尺寸", "cdn_thumburl": "CDN缩略图URL", "cdn_thumbkey": "CDN缩略图KEY", "thumb_width": "缩略图宽度", "thumb_height": "缩略图高度", "cdn_dataurl": "CDN数据URL", "cdn_datakey": "CDN数据KEY", "cdn_encryver": "CDN加密版本", "duration": "时长", "stream_weburl": "流媒体WEB URL", "stream_dataurl": "流媒体数据URL", "stream_lowbandurl": "流媒体低带宽URL", "sourcethumbpath": "源缩略图路径", "sourcedatapath": "源数据路径", "stream_videoid": "流媒体视频ID", "Rerserved1": "保留字段1", "Rerserved2": "保留字段2", "Rerserved3": "保留字段3", "Rerserved4": "保留字段4", "Rerserved5": "保留字段5", "Rerserved6": "保留字段6", "Rerserved7": "保留字段7" } if not self.tables_exist(["FavItems", "FavDataItem"]): return False sql1 = "select " + ",".join(FavItemsFields.keys()) + " from FavItems order by UpdateTime desc" sql2 = "select " + ",".join(FavDataItemFields.keys()) + " from FavDataItem B order by B.RecId asc" FavItemsList = self.execute(sql1) FavDataItemList = self.execute(sql2) if FavItemsList is None or len(FavItemsList) == 0: return False FavDataDict = {} if FavDataItemList and len(FavDataItemList) >= 0: for item in FavDataItemList: data_dict = {} for i, key in enumerate(FavDataItemFields.keys()): data_dict[key] = item[i] FavDataDict[item[0]] = FavDataDict.get(item[0], []) + [data_dict] # 获取标签 FavTags = self.get_FavBindTags() FavTagsDict = {} for FavLocalID, TagName in FavTags: FavTagsDict[FavLocalID] = FavTagsDict.get(FavLocalID, []) + [TagName] rdata = [] for item in FavItemsList: processed_item = { key: item[i] for i, key in enumerate(FavItemsFields.keys()) } processed_item['UpdateTime'] = timestamp2str(processed_item['UpdateTime']) processed_item['XmlBuf'] = xml2dict(processed_item['XmlBuf']) processed_item['TypeName'] = Favorite_type_converter(processed_item['Type']) processed_item['FavData'] = FavDataDict.get(processed_item['FavLocalID'], []) processed_item['Tags'] = FavTagsDict.get(processed_item['FavLocalID'], []) rdata.append(processed_item) try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: return False pf = pd.DataFrame(FavItemsList) pf.columns = FavItemsFields.keys() # set column names pf["UpdateTime"] = pf["UpdateTime"].apply(timestamp2str) # 处理时间 pf["XmlBuf"] = pf["XmlBuf"].apply(xml2dict) # 处理xml pf["TypeName"] = pf["Type"].apply(Favorite_type_converter) # 添加类型名称列 pf["FavData"] = pf["FavLocalID"].apply(lambda x: FavDataDict.get(x, [])) # 添加数据列 pf["Tags"] = pf["FavLocalID"].apply(lambda x: FavTagsDict.get(x, [])) # 添加标签列 pf = pf.fillna("") # 去掉Nan rdata = pf.to_dict(orient="records") return rdata def Favorite_type_converter(type_id_or_name: [str, int]): """ 收藏类型ID与名称转换 名称(str)=>ID(int) ID(int)=>名称(str) :param type_id_or_name: 消息类型ID或名称 :return: 消息类型名称或ID """ type_name_dict = defaultdict(lambda: "未知", { 1: "文本", # 文本 已测试 2: "图片", # 图片 已测试 3: "语音", # 语音 4: "视频", # 视频 已测试 5: "链接", # 链接 已测试 6: "位置", # 位置 7: "小程序", # 小程序 8: "文件", # 文件 已测试 14: "聊天记录", # 聊天记录 已测试 16: "群聊视频", # 群聊中的视频 可能 18: "笔记" # 笔记 已测试 }) if isinstance(type_id_or_name, int): return type_name_dict[type_id_or_name] elif isinstance(type_id_or_name, str): return next((k for k, v in type_name_dict.items() if v == type_id_or_name), (0, 0)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid input type")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: MediaMSG.py# Description: 负责处理语音数据库# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import silk2audio class MediaHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "MediaMSG" Media_required_tables = ["Media"] def Media_add_index(self): """ 添加索引, 加快查询速度 """ if self.tables_exist("Media"): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS MsgSvrID ON Media(Reserved0)") def get_audio(self, MsgSvrID, is_play=False, is_wave=False, save_path=None, rate=24000): if not self.tables_exist("Media"): return False sql = "select Buf from Media where Reserved0=? " DBdata = self.execute(sql, (MsgSvrID,)) if not DBdata: return False if len(DBdata) == 0: return False data = DBdata[0][0] # [1:] + b'\xFF\xFF' try: pcm_data = silk2audio(buf_data=data, is_play=is_play, is_wave=is_wave, save_path=save_path, rate=rate) return pcm_data except Exception as e: return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: MicroMsg.py# Description: 负责处理联系人数据库# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------import logging from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import timestamp2str, bytes2str, db_loger, db_error import blackboxprotobuf class MicroHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "MicroMsg" Micro_required_tables = ["ContactLabel", "Contact", "ContactHeadImgUrl", "Session", "ChatInfo", "ChatRoom", "ChatRoomInfo"] def Micro_add_index(self): """ 添加索引, 加快查询速度 """ # 为 Session 表添加索引 if self.tables_exist("Session"): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_Session_strUsrName_nTime ON Session(strUsrName, nTime);") self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_Session_nOrder ON Session(nOrder);") self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_Session_nTime ON Session(nTime);") # 为 Contact 表添加索引 if self.tables_exist("Contact"): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_Contact_UserName ON Contact(UserName);") # 为 ContactHeadImgUrl 表添加索引 if self.tables_exist('ContactHeadImgUrl'): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ContactHeadImgUrl_usrName ON ContactHeadImgUrl(usrName);") # 为 ChatInfo 表添加索引 if self.tables_exist('ChatInfo'): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ChatInfo_Username_LastReadedCreateTime " "ON ChatInfo(Username, LastReadedCreateTime);") self.execute( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ChatInfo_LastReadedCreateTime ON ChatInfo(LastReadedCreateTime);") # 为 Contact 表添加复合索引 if self.tables_exist('Contact'): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_Contact_search " "ON Contact(UserName, NickName, Remark, Alias, QuanPin, PYInitial, RemarkQuanPin, RemarkPYInitial);") # 为 ChatRoom 和 ChatRoomInfo 表添加索引 if self.tables_exist(['ChatRoomInfo', "ChatRoom"]): self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ChatRoom_ChatRoomName ON ChatRoom(ChatRoomName);") self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ChatRoomInfo_ChatRoomName ON ChatRoomInfo(ChatRoomName);") @db_error def get_labels(self, id_is_key=True): """ 读取标签列表 :param id_is_key: id_is_key: True: id作为key,False: name作为key :return: """ labels = {} if not self.tables_exist("ContactLabel"): return labels sql = "SELECT LabelId, LabelName FROM ContactLabel ORDER BY LabelName ASC;" result = self.execute(sql) if not result: return labels if id_is_key: labels = {row[0]: row[1] for row in result} else: labels = {row[1]: row[0] for row in result} return labels @db_error def get_session_list(self): """ 获取会话列表 :return: 会话列表 """ sessions = {} if not self.tables_exist(["Session", "Contact", "ContactHeadImgUrl"]): return sessions sql = ( "SELECT S.strUsrName,S.nOrder,S.nUnReadCount, S.strNickName, S.nStatus, S.nIsSend, S.strContent, " "S.nMsgLocalID, S.nMsgStatus, S.nTime, S.nMsgType, S.Reserved2 AS nMsgSubType, C.UserName, C.Alias, " "C.DelFlag, C.Type, C.VerifyFlag, C.Reserved1, C.Reserved2, C.Remark, C.NickName, C.LabelIDList, " "C.ChatRoomType, C.ChatRoomNotify, C.Reserved5, C.Reserved6 as describe, C.ExtraBuf, H.bigHeadImgUrl " "FROM (SELECT strUsrName, MAX(nTime) AS MaxnTime FROM Session GROUP BY strUsrName) AS SubQuery " "JOIN Session S ON S.strUsrName = SubQuery.strUsrName AND S.nTime = SubQuery.MaxnTime " "left join Contact C ON C.UserName = S.strUsrName " "LEFT JOIN ContactHeadImgUrl H ON C.UserName = H.usrName " "WHERE S.strUsrName!='@publicUser' " "ORDER BY S.nTime DESC;" ) db_loger.info(f"get_session_list sql: {sql}") ret = self.execute(sql) if not ret: return sessions id2label = self.get_labels() for row in ret: (strUsrName, nOrder, nUnReadCount, strNickName, nStatus, nIsSend, strContent, nMsgLocalID, nMsgStatus, nTime, nMsgType, nMsgSubType, UserName, Alias, DelFlag, Type, VerifyFlag, Reserved1, Reserved2, Remark, NickName, LabelIDList, ChatRoomType, ChatRoomNotify, Reserved5, describe, ExtraBuf, bigHeadImgUrl) = row ExtraBuf = get_ExtraBuf(ExtraBuf) LabelIDList = LabelIDList.split(",") if LabelIDList else [] LabelIDList = [id2label.get(int(label_id), label_id) for label_id in LabelIDList if label_id] nTime = timestamp2str(nTime) if nTime else None sessions[strUsrName] = { "wxid": strUsrName, "nOrder": nOrder, "nUnReadCount": nUnReadCount, "strNickName": strNickName, "nStatus": nStatus, "nIsSend": nIsSend, "strContent": strContent, "nMsgLocalID": nMsgLocalID, "nMsgStatus": nMsgStatus, "nTime": nTime, "nMsgType": nMsgType, "nMsgSubType": nMsgSubType, "LastReadedCreateTime": nTime, "nickname": NickName, "remark": Remark, "account": Alias, "describe": describe, "headImgUrl": bigHeadImgUrl if bigHeadImgUrl else "", "ExtraBuf": ExtraBuf, "LabelIDList": tuple(LabelIDList) } return sessions @db_error def get_recent_chat_wxid(self): """ 获取最近聊天的联系人 :return: 最近聊天的联系人 """ users = [] if not self.tables_exist(["ChatInfo"]): return users sql = ( "SELECT A.Username, LastReadedCreateTime, LastReadedSvrId " "FROM ( SELECT Username, MAX(LastReadedCreateTime) AS MaxLastReadedCreateTime FROM ChatInfo " "WHERE LastReadedCreateTime IS NOT NULL AND LastReadedCreateTime > 1007911408000 GROUP BY Username " ") AS SubQuery JOIN ChatInfo A " "ON A.Username = SubQuery.Username AND LastReadedCreateTime = SubQuery.MaxLastReadedCreateTime " "ORDER BY A.LastReadedCreateTime DESC;" ) db_loger.info(f"get_recent_chat_wxid sql: {sql}") result = self.execute(sql) if not result: return [] for row in result: # 获取用户名、昵称、备注和聊天记录数量 username, LastReadedCreateTime, LastReadedSvrId = row LastReadedCreateTime = timestamp2str(LastReadedCreateTime) if LastReadedCreateTime else None users.append( {"wxid": username, "LastReadedCreateTime": LastReadedCreateTime, "LastReadedSvrId": LastReadedSvrId}) return users @db_error def get_user_list(self, word: str = None, wxids: list = None, label_ids: list = None): """ 获取联系人列表 [ 注意:如果修改这个函数,要同时修改dbOpenIMContact.py中的get_im_user_list函数 ] :param word: 查询关键字,可以是wxid,用户名、昵称、备注、描述,允许拼音 :param wxids: wxid列表 :param label_ids: 标签id :return: 联系人字典 """ if isinstance(wxids, str): wxids = [wxids] if isinstance(label_ids, str): label_ids = [label_ids] users = {} if not self.tables_exist(["Contact", "ContactHeadImgUrl"]): return users sql = ( "SELECT A.UserName, A.Alias, A.DelFlag, A.Type, A.VerifyFlag, A.Reserved1, A.Reserved2," "A.Remark, A.NickName, A.LabelIDList, A.ChatRoomType, A.ChatRoomNotify, A.Reserved5," "A.Reserved6 as describe, A.ExtraBuf, B.bigHeadImgUrl " "FROM Contact A LEFT JOIN ContactHeadImgUrl B ON A.UserName = B.usrName WHERE 1==1 ;" ) if word: sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND ( A.UserName LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR A.NickName LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR A.Remark LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR A.Alias LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR LOWER(A.QuanPin) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f"OR LOWER(A.PYInitial) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f"OR LOWER(A.RemarkQuanPin) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f"OR LOWER(A.RemarkPYInitial) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f") " ";") if wxids: sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND A.UserName IN ('" + "','".join(wxids) + "') ;") if label_ids: sql_label = [f"A.LabelIDList LIKE '%{i}%' " for i in label_ids] sql_label = " OR ".join(sql_label) sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND ({sql_label}) ;") db_loger.info(f"get_user_list sql: {sql}") result = self.execute(sql) if not result: return users id2label = self.get_labels() for row in result: # 获取wxid,昵称,备注,描述,头像,标签 (UserName, Alias, DelFlag, Type, VerifyFlag, Reserved1, Reserved2, Remark, NickName, LabelIDList, ChatRoomType, ChatRoomNotify, Reserved5, describe, ExtraBuf, bigHeadImgUrl) = row ExtraBuf = get_ExtraBuf(ExtraBuf) LabelIDList = LabelIDList.split(",") if LabelIDList else [] LabelIDList = [id2label.get(int(label_id), label_id) for label_id in LabelIDList if label_id] # print(f"{UserName=}\n{Alias=}\n{DelFlag=}\n{Type=}\n{VerifyFlag=}\n{Reserved1=}\n{Reserved2=}\n" # f"{Remark=}\n{NickName=}\n{LabelIDList=}\n{ChatRoomType=}\n{ChatRoomNotify=}\n{Reserved5=}\n" # f"{describe=}\n{ExtraBuf=}\n{bigHeadImgUrl=}") users[UserName] = { "wxid": UserName, "nickname": NickName, "remark": Remark, "account": Alias, "describe": describe, "headImgUrl": bigHeadImgUrl if bigHeadImgUrl else "", "ExtraBuf": ExtraBuf, "LabelIDList": tuple(LabelIDList), "extra": None} extras = self.get_room_list(roomwxids=filter(lambda x: "@" in x, users.keys())) for UserName in users: users[UserName]["extra"] = extras.get(UserName, None) return users @db_error def get_room_list(self, word=None, roomwxids: list = None): """ 获取群聊列表 :param word: 群聊搜索词 :param roomwxids: 群聊wxid列表 :return: 群聊字典 """ # 连接 MicroMsg.db 数据库,并执行查询 if isinstance(roomwxids, str): roomwxids = [roomwxids] rooms = {} if not self.tables_exist(["ChatRoom", "ChatRoomInfo"]): return rooms sql = ( "SELECT A.ChatRoomName,A.UserNameList,A.DisplayNameList,A.ChatRoomFlag,A.IsShowName," "A.SelfDisplayName,A.Reserved2,A.RoomData, " "B.Announcement,B.AnnouncementEditor,B.AnnouncementPublishTime " "FROM ChatRoom A LEFT JOIN ChatRoomInfo B ON A.ChatRoomName==B.ChatRoomName " "WHERE 1==1 ;") if word: sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND A.ChatRoomName LIKE '%{word}%' ;") if roomwxids: sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND A.ChatRoomName IN ('" + "','".join(roomwxids) + "') ;") db_loger.info(f"get_room_list sql: {sql}") result = self.execute(sql) if not result: return rooms for row in result: # 获取用户名、昵称、备注和聊天记录数量 (ChatRoomName, UserNameList, DisplayNameList, ChatRoomFlag, IsShowName, SelfDisplayName, Reserved2, RoomData, Announcement, AnnouncementEditor, AnnouncementPublishTime) = row UserNameList = UserNameList.split("^G") DisplayNameList = DisplayNameList.split("^G") RoomData = ChatRoom_RoomData(RoomData) wxid2roomNickname = {} if RoomData: rd = [] for k, v in RoomData.items(): if isinstance(v, list): rd += v for i in rd: try: if isinstance(i, dict) and isinstance(i.get('1'), str) and i.get('2'): wxid2roomNickname[i['1']] = i["2"] except Exception as e: db_loger.error(f"wxid2remark: ChatRoomName:{ChatRoomName}, {i} error:{e}", exc_info=True) wxid2userinfo = self.get_user_list(wxids=UserNameList) for i in wxid2userinfo: wxid2userinfo[i]["roomNickname"] = wxid2roomNickname.get(i, "") owner = wxid2userinfo.get(Reserved2, Reserved2) rooms[ChatRoomName] = { "wxid": ChatRoomName, "roomWxids": UserNameList, "IsShowName": IsShowName, "ChatRoomFlag": ChatRoomFlag, "SelfDisplayName": SelfDisplayName, "owner": owner, "wxid2userinfo": wxid2userinfo, "Announcement": Announcement, "AnnouncementEditor": AnnouncementEditor, "AnnouncementPublishTime": AnnouncementPublishTime} return rooms @db_errordef ChatRoom_RoomData(RoomData): # 读取群聊数据,主要为 wxid,以及对应昵称 if RoomData is None or not isinstance(RoomData, bytes): return None data = get_BytesExtra(RoomData) bytes2str(data) if data else None return data @db_errordef get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra): if BytesExtra is None or not isinstance(BytesExtra, bytes): return None try: deserialize_data, message_type = blackboxprotobuf.decode_message(BytesExtra) return deserialize_data except Exception as e: db_loger.warning(f"\nget_BytesExtra: {e}\n{BytesExtra}", exc_info=True) return None @db_errordef get_ExtraBuf(ExtraBuf: bytes): """ 读取ExtraBuf(联系人表) :param ExtraBuf: :return: """ if not ExtraBuf: return None buf_dict = { '74752C06': '性别[1男2女]', '46CF10C4': '个性签名', 'A4D9024A': '国', 'E2EAA8D1': '省', '1D025BBF': '市', 'F917BCC0': '公司名称', '759378AD': '手机号', '4EB96D85': '企微属性', '81AE19B4': '朋友圈背景', '0E719F13': '备注图片', '945f3190': '备注图片2', 'DDF32683': '0', '88E28FCE': '1', '761A1D2D': '2', '0263A0CB': '3', '0451FF12': '4', '228C66A8': '5', '4D6C4570': '6', '4335DFDD': '7', 'DE4CDAEB': '8', 'A72BC20A': '9', '069FED52': '10', '9B0F4299': '11', '3D641E22': '12', '1249822C': '13', 'B4F73ACB': '14', '0959EB92': '15', '3CF4A315': '16', 'C9477AC60201E44CD0E8': '17', 'B7ACF0F5': '18', '57A7B5A8': '19', '695F3170': '20', 'FB083DD9': '21', '0240E37F': '22', '315D02A3': '23', '7DEC0BC3': '24', '16791C90': '25' } rdata = {} for buf_name in buf_dict: rdata_name = buf_dict[buf_name] buf_name = bytes.fromhex(buf_name) offset = ExtraBuf.find(buf_name) if offset == -1: rdata[rdata_name] = "" continue offset += len(buf_name) type_id = ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 1] offset += 1 if type_id == b"\x04": rdata[rdata_name] = int.from_bytes(ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 4], "little") elif type_id == b"\x18": length = int.from_bytes(ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 4], "little") rdata[rdata_name] = ExtraBuf[offset + 4: offset + 4 + length].decode("utf-16").rstrip("\x00") elif type_id == b"\x17": length = int.from_bytes(ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 4], "little") rdata[rdata_name] = ExtraBuf[offset + 4: offset + 4 + length].decode("utf-8", errors="ignore").rstrip( "\x00") elif type_id == b"\x05": rdata[rdata_name] = f"0x{ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 8].hex()}" return rdata
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: MSG.py# Description: 负责处理消息数据库数据# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------import jsonimport osimport reimport lz4.blockimport blackboxprotobuf from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import db_error, timestamp2str, xml2dict, match_BytesExtra, type_converter class MsgHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "MSG" MSG_required_tables = ["MSG"] def Msg_add_index(self): """ 添加索引,加快查询速度 """ # 检查是否存在索引 if not self.tables_exist("MSG"): return self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_MSG_StrTalker ON MSG(StrTalker);") self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_MSG_CreateTime ON MSG(CreateTime);") self.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_MSG_StrTalker_CreateTime ON MSG(StrTalker, CreateTime);") @db_error def get_m_msg_count(self, wxids: list = ""): """ 获取聊天记录数量,根据wxid获取单个联系人的聊天记录数量,不传wxid则获取所有联系人的聊天记录数量 :param wxids: wxid list :return: 聊天记录数量列表 {wxid: chat_count, total: total_count} """ if isinstance(wxids, str) and wxids: wxids = [wxids] if wxids: wxids = "('" + "','".join(wxids) + "')" sql = f"SELECT StrTalker, COUNT(*) FROM MSG WHERE StrTalker IN {wxids} GROUP BY StrTalker ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;" else: sql = f"SELECT StrTalker, COUNT(*) FROM MSG GROUP BY StrTalker ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;" sql_total = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MSG;" if not self.tables_exist("MSG"): return {} result = self.execute(sql) total_ret = self.execute(sql_total) if not result: return {} total = 0 if total_ret and len(total_ret) > 0: total = total_ret[0][0] msg_count = {"total": total} msg_count.update({row[0]: row[1] for row in result}) return msg_count @db_error def get_msg_list(self, wxids: list or str = "", start_index=0, page_size=500, msg_type: str = "", msg_sub_type: str = "", start_createtime=None, end_createtime=None, my_talker="我"): """ 获取聊天记录列表 :param wxids: [wxid] :param start_index: 起始索引 :param page_size: 页大小 :param msg_type: 消息类型 :param msg_sub_type: 消息子类型 :param start_createtime: 开始时间 :param end_createtime: 结束时间 :param my_talker: 我 :return: 聊天记录列表 {"id": _id, "MsgSvrID": str(MsgSvrID), "type_name": type_name, "is_sender": IsSender, "talker": talker, "room_name": StrTalker, "msg": msg, "src": src, "extra": {}, "CreateTime": CreateTime, } """ if not self.tables_exist("MSG"): return [], [] if isinstance(wxids, str) and wxids: wxids = [wxids] param = () sql_wxid, param = (f"AND StrTalker in ({', '.join('?' for _ in wxids)}) ", param + tuple(wxids)) if wxids else ("", param) sql_type, param = ("AND Type=? ", param + (msg_type,)) if msg_type else ("", param) sql_sub_type, param = ("AND SubType=? ", param + (msg_sub_type,)) if msg_type and msg_sub_type else ("", param) sql_start_createtime, param = ("AND CreateTime>=? ", param + (start_createtime,)) if start_createtime else ( "", param) sql_end_createtime, param = ("AND CreateTime<=? ", param + (end_createtime,)) if end_createtime else ("", param) sql = ( "SELECT localId,TalkerId,MsgSvrID,Type,SubType,CreateTime,IsSender,Sequence,StatusEx,FlagEx,Status," "MsgSequence,StrContent,MsgServerSeq,StrTalker,DisplayContent,Reserved0,Reserved1,Reserved3," "Reserved4,Reserved5,Reserved6,CompressContent,BytesExtra,BytesTrans,Reserved2," "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CreateTime ASC) AS id " "FROM MSG WHERE 1=1 " f"{sql_wxid}" f"{sql_type}" f"{sql_sub_type}" f"{sql_start_createtime}" f"{sql_end_createtime}" f"ORDER BY CreateTime ASC LIMIT ?,?" ) param = param + (start_index, page_size) result = self.execute(sql, param) if not result: return [], [] result_data = (self.get_msg_detail(row, my_talker=my_talker) for row in result) rdata = list(result_data) # 转为列表 wxid_list = {d['talker'] for d in rdata} # 创建一个无重复的 wxid 列表 return rdata, list(wxid_list) @db_error def get_date_count(self, wxid='', start_time: int = 0, end_time: int = 0, time_format='%Y-%m-%d'): """ 获取每日聊天记录数量,包括发送者数量、接收者数量和总数。 """ if not self.tables_exist("MSG"): return {} if isinstance(start_time, str) and start_time.isdigit(): start_time = int(start_time) if isinstance(end_time, str) and end_time.isdigit(): end_time = int(end_time) # if start_time or end_time is not an integer and not a float, set both to 0 if not (isinstance(start_time, (int, float)) and isinstance(end_time, (int, float))): start_time = 0 end_time = 0 params = () sql_wxid = "AND StrTalker = ? " if wxid else "" params = params + (wxid,) if wxid else params sql_time = "AND CreateTime BETWEEN ? AND ? " if start_time and end_time else "" params = params + (start_time, end_time) if start_time and end_time else params sql = (f"SELECT strftime('{time_format}', CreateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS date, " " COUNT(*) AS total_count ," " SUM(CASE WHEN IsSender = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS sender_count, " " SUM(CASE WHEN IsSender = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS receiver_count " "FROM MSG " "WHERE StrTalker NOT LIKE '%chatroom%' " f"{sql_wxid} {sql_time} " f"GROUP BY date ORDER BY date ASC;") result = self.execute(sql, params) if not result: return {} # 将查询结果转换为字典 result_dict = {} for row in result: date, total_count, sender_count, receiver_count = row result_dict[date] = { "sender_count": sender_count, "receiver_count": receiver_count, "total_count": total_count } return result_dict @db_error def get_top_talker_count(self, top: int = 10, start_time: int = 0, end_time: int = 0): """ 获取聊天记录数量最多的联系人,他们聊天记录数量 """ if not self.tables_exist("MSG"): return {} if isinstance(start_time, str) and start_time.isdigit(): start_time = int(start_time) if isinstance(end_time, str) and end_time.isdigit(): end_time = int(end_time) # if start_time or end_time is not an integer and not a float, set both to 0 if not (isinstance(start_time, (int, float)) and isinstance(end_time, (int, float))): start_time = 0 end_time = 0 sql_time = f"AND CreateTime BETWEEN {start_time} AND {end_time} " if start_time and end_time else "" sql = ( "SELECT StrTalker, COUNT(*) AS count," "SUM(CASE WHEN IsSender = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS sender_count, " "SUM(CASE WHEN IsSender = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS receiver_count " "FROM MSG " "WHERE StrTalker NOT LIKE '%chatroom%' " f"{sql_time} " "GROUP BY StrTalker ORDER BY count DESC " f"LIMIT {top};" ) result = self.execute(sql) if not result: return {} # 将查询结果转换为字典 result_dict = {row[0]: {"total_count": row[1], "sender_count": row[2], "receiver_count": row[3]} for row in result} return result_dict # 单条消息处理 @db_error def get_msg_detail(self, row, my_talker="我"): """ 获取单条消息详情,格式化输出 """ (localId, TalkerId, MsgSvrID, Type, SubType, CreateTime, IsSender, Sequence, StatusEx, FlagEx, Status, MsgSequence, StrContent, MsgServerSeq, StrTalker, DisplayContent, Reserved0, Reserved1, Reserved3, Reserved4, Reserved5, Reserved6, CompressContent, BytesExtra, BytesTrans, Reserved2, _id) = row CreateTime = timestamp2str(CreateTime) type_id = (Type, SubType) type_name = type_converter(type_id) msg = StrContent src = "" extra = {} if type_id == (1, 0): # 文本 msg = StrContent elif type_id == (3, 0): # 图片 DictExtra = get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra) DictExtra_str = str(DictExtra) img_paths = [i for i in re.findall(r"(FileStorage.*?)'", DictExtra_str)] img_paths = sorted(img_paths, key=lambda p: "Image" in p, reverse=True) if img_paths: img_path = img_paths[0].replace("'", "") img_path = [i for i in img_path.split("\\") if i] img_path = os.path.join(*img_path) src = img_path else: src = "" msg = "图片" elif type_id == (34, 0): # 语音 tmp_c = xml2dict(StrContent) voicelength = tmp_c.get("voicemsg", {}).get("voicelength", "") transtext = tmp_c.get("voicetrans", {}).get("transtext", "") if voicelength.isdigit(): voicelength = int(voicelength) / 1000 voicelength = f"{voicelength:.2f}" msg = f"语音时长:{voicelength}秒\n翻译结果:{transtext}" if transtext else f"语音时长:{voicelength}秒" src = os.path.join(f"{StrTalker}", f"{CreateTime.replace(':', '-').replace(' ', '_')}_{IsSender}_{MsgSvrID}.wav") elif type_id == (43, 0): # 视频 DictExtra = get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra) DictExtra = str(DictExtra) DictExtra_str = str(DictExtra) video_paths = [i for i in re.findall(r"(FileStorage.*?)'", DictExtra_str)] video_paths = sorted(video_paths, key=lambda p: "mp4" in p, reverse=True) if video_paths: video_path = video_paths[0].replace("'", "") video_path = [i for i in video_path.split("\\") if i] video_path = os.path.join(*video_path) src = video_path else: src = "" msg = "视频" elif type_id == (47, 0): # 动画表情 content_tmp = xml2dict(StrContent) cdnurl = content_tmp.get("emoji", {}).get("cdnurl", "") if not cdnurl: DictExtra = get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra) cdnurl = match_BytesExtra(DictExtra) if cdnurl: msg, src = "表情", cdnurl elif type_id == (48, 0): # 地图信息 content_tmp = xml2dict(StrContent) location = content_tmp.get("location", {}) msg = (f"纬度:【{location.pop('x')}】 经度:【{location.pop('y')}】\n" f"位置:{location.pop('label')} {location.pop('poiname')}\n" f"其他信息:{json.dumps(location, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)}" ) src = "" elif type_id == (49, 0): # 文件 DictExtra = get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra) url = match_BytesExtra(DictExtra) src = url file_name = os.path.basename(url) msg = file_name elif type_id == (49, 5): # (分享)卡片式链接 CompressContent = decompress_CompressContent(CompressContent) CompressContent_tmp = xml2dict(CompressContent) appmsg = CompressContent_tmp.get("appmsg", {}) title = appmsg.get("title", "") des = appmsg.get("des", "") url = appmsg.get("url", "") msg = f'{title}\n{des}\n\n<a href="{url}" target="_blank">点击查看详情</a>' src = url extra = appmsg elif type_id == (49, 19): # 合并转发的聊天记录 CompressContent = decompress_CompressContent(CompressContent) content_tmp = xml2dict(CompressContent) title = content_tmp.get("appmsg", {}).get("title", "") des = content_tmp.get("appmsg", {}).get("des", "") recorditem = content_tmp.get("appmsg", {}).get("recorditem", "") recorditem = xml2dict(recorditem) msg = f"{title}\n{des}" src = recorditem elif type_id == (49, 57): # 带有引用的文本消息 CompressContent = decompress_CompressContent(CompressContent) content_tmp = xml2dict(CompressContent) appmsg = content_tmp.get("appmsg", {}) title = appmsg.get("title", "") refermsg = appmsg.get("refermsg", {}) type_id = appmsg.get("type", "1") displayname = refermsg.get("displayname", "") display_content = refermsg.get("content", "") display_createtime = refermsg.get("createtime", "") display_createtime = timestamp2str( int(display_createtime)) if display_createtime.isdigit() else display_createtime if display_content and display_content.startswith("<?xml"): display_content = xml2dict(display_content) if "img" in display_content: display_content = "图片" else: appmsg1 = display_content.get("appmsg", {}) title1 = appmsg1.get("title", "") display_content = title1 if title1 else display_content msg = f"{title}\n\n[引用]({display_createtime}){displayname}:{display_content}" src = "" elif type_id == (49, 2000): # 转账消息 CompressContent = decompress_CompressContent(CompressContent) content_tmp = xml2dict(CompressContent) wcpayinfo = content_tmp.get("appmsg", {}).get("wcpayinfo", {}) paysubtype = wcpayinfo.get("paysubtype", "") # 转账类型 feedesc = wcpayinfo.get("feedesc", "") # 转账金额 pay_memo = wcpayinfo.get("pay_memo", "") # 转账备注 begintransfertime = wcpayinfo.get("begintransfertime", "") # 转账开始时间 msg = (f"{'已收款' if paysubtype == '3' else '转账'}:{feedesc}\n" f"转账说明:{pay_memo if pay_memo else ''}\n" f"转账时间:{timestamp2str(begintransfertime)}\n" ) src = "" elif type_id[0] == 49 and type_id[1] != 0: DictExtra = get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra) url = match_BytesExtra(DictExtra) src = url msg = type_name elif type_id == (50, 0): # 语音通话 msg = "语音/视频通话[%s]" % DisplayContent # elif type_id == (10000, 0): # msg = StrContent # elif type_id == (10000, 4): # msg = StrContent # elif type_id == (10000, 8000): # msg = StrContent talker = "未知" if IsSender == 1: talker = my_talker else: if StrTalker.endswith("@chatroom"): bytes_extra = get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra) if bytes_extra: try: talker = bytes_extra['3'][0]['2'] if "publisher-id" in talker: talker = "系统" except: pass else: talker = StrTalker row_data = {"id": _id, "MsgSvrID": str(MsgSvrID), "type_name": type_name, "is_sender": IsSender, "talker": talker, "room_name": StrTalker, "msg": msg, "src": src, "extra": extra, "CreateTime": CreateTime, } return row_data @db_errordef decompress_CompressContent(data): """ 解压缩Msg:CompressContent内容 :param data: CompressContent内容 bytes :return: """ if data is None or not isinstance(data, bytes): return None try: dst = lz4.block.decompress(data, uncompressed_size=len(data) << 8) dst = dst.replace(b'\x00', b'') # 已经解码完成后,还含有0x00的部分,要删掉,要不后面ET识别的时候会报错 uncompressed_data = dst.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') return uncompressed_data except Exception as e: return data.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') @db_errordef get_BytesExtra(BytesExtra): BytesExtra_message_type = { "1": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "int", "name": "" } }, "name": "1" }, "3": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "str", "name": "" } }, "name": "3", "alt_typedefs": { "1": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": {}, "name": "" } }, "2": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "13": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" }, "12": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "3": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "15": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "4": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "15": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "14": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "5": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "12": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" }, "7": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" }, "6": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "6": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "7": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" }, "6": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "7": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "12": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "8": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "6": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" }, "12": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "9": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "15": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "12": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" }, "6": { "type": "int", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, "10": { "1": { "type": "int", "name": "" }, "2": { "type": "message", "message_typedef": { "6": { "type": "fixed32", "name": "" }, "12": { "type": "fixed64", "name": "" } }, "name": "" } }, } } } if BytesExtra is None or not isinstance(BytesExtra, bytes): return None try: deserialize_data, message_type = blackboxprotobuf.decode_message(BytesExtra, BytesExtra_message_type) return deserialize_data except Exception as e: return None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: OpenIMContact.py# Description: # Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import db_error class OpenIMContactHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "OpenIMContact" OpenIMContact_required_tables = ["OpenIMContact"] def get_im_user_list(self, word=None, wxids=None): """ 获取联系人列表 [ 注意:如果修改这个函数,要同时修改dbMicro.py中的get_user_list函数 ] :param word: 查询关键字,可以是用户名、昵称、备注、描述,允许拼音 :param wxids: 微信id列表 :return: 联系人字典 """ if not self.tables_exist("OpenIMContact"): return [] if not wxids: wxids = {} if isinstance(wxids, str): wxids = [wxids] sql = ("SELECT UserName,NickName,Type,Remark,BigHeadImgUrl,CustomInfoDetail,CustomInfoDetailVisible," "AntiSpamTicket,AppId,Sex,DescWordingId,ExtraBuf " "FROM OpenIMContact WHERE 1==1 ;") if word: sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND (UserName LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR NickName LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR Remark LIKE '%{word}%' " f"OR LOWER(NickNamePYInit) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f"OR LOWER(NickNameQuanPin) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f"OR LOWER(RemarkPYInit) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " f"OR LOWER(RemarkQuanPin) LIKE LOWER('%{word}%') " ") ;") if wxids: sql = sql.replace(";", f"AND UserName IN ('" + "','".join(wxids) + "') ;") result = self.execute(sql) if not result: return {} users = {} for row in result: # 获取用户名、昵称、备注和聊天记录数量 (UserName, NickName, Type, Remark, BigHeadImgUrl, CustomInfoDetail, CustomInfoDetailVisible, AntiSpamTicket, AppId, Sex, DescWordingId, ExtraBuf) = row users[UserName] = { "wxid": UserName, "nickname": NickName, "remark": Remark, "account": UserName, "describe": '', "headImgUrl": BigHeadImgUrl if BigHeadImgUrl else "", "ExtraBuf": None, "LabelIDList": tuple(), "extra": None} return users @db_errordef get_ExtraBuf(ExtraBuf: bytes): """ 读取ExtraBuf(联系人表) :param ExtraBuf: :return: """ if not ExtraBuf: return None buf_dict = { '74752C06': '性别[1男2女]', '46CF10C4': '个性签名', 'A4D9024A': '国', 'E2EAA8D1': '省', '1D025BBF': '市', 'F917BCC0': '公司名称', '759378AD': '手机号', '4EB96D85': '企微属性', '81AE19B4': '朋友圈背景', '0E719F13': '备注图片', '945f3190': '备注图片2', 'DDF32683': '0', '88E28FCE': '1', '761A1D2D': '2', '0263A0CB': '3', '0451FF12': '4', '228C66A8': '5', '4D6C4570': '6', '4335DFDD': '7', 'DE4CDAEB': '8', 'A72BC20A': '9', '069FED52': '10', '9B0F4299': '11', '3D641E22': '12', '1249822C': '13', 'B4F73ACB': '14', '0959EB92': '15', '3CF4A315': '16', 'C9477AC60201E44CD0E8': '17', 'B7ACF0F5': '18', '57A7B5A8': '19', '695F3170': '20', 'FB083DD9': '21', '0240E37F': '22', '315D02A3': '23', '7DEC0BC3': '24', '16791C90': '25' } rdata = {} for buf_name in buf_dict: rdata_name = buf_dict[buf_name] buf_name = bytes.fromhex(buf_name) offset = ExtraBuf.find(buf_name) if offset == -1: rdata[rdata_name] = "" continue offset += len(buf_name) type_id = ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 1] offset += 1 if type_id == b"\x04": rdata[rdata_name] = int.from_bytes(ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 4], "little") elif type_id == b"\x18": length = int.from_bytes(ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 4], "little") rdata[rdata_name] = ExtraBuf[offset + 4: offset + 4 + length].decode("utf-16").rstrip("\x00") elif type_id == b"\x17": length = int.from_bytes(ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 4], "little") rdata[rdata_name] = ExtraBuf[offset + 4: offset + 4 + length].decode("utf-8", errors="ignore").rstrip( "\x00") elif type_id == b"\x05": rdata[rdata_name] = f"0x{ExtraBuf[offset: offset + 8].hex()}" return rdata
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: OpenIMMedia.py# Description: 负责处理语音数据库# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import silk2audio, db_loger class OpenIMMediaHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "OpenIMMedia" OpenIMMedia_required_tables = ["OpenIMMedia"] def get_im_audio(self, MsgSvrID, is_play=False, is_wave=False, save_path=None, rate=24000): if not self.tables_exist("OpenIMMedia"): return False sql = "select Buf from OpenIMMedia where Reserved0=? " DBdata = self.execute(sql, (MsgSvrID,)) if not DBdata: return False if len(DBdata) == 0: return False data = DBdata[0][0] # [1:] + b'\xFF\xFF' try: pcm_data = silk2audio(buf_data=data, is_play=is_play, is_wave=is_wave, save_path=save_path, rate=rate) return pcm_data except Exception as e: db_loger.warning(e, exc_info=True) return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: PublicMsg.py# Description: 负责处理公众号数据库信息# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------from .dbMSG import MsgHandlerfrom .utils import db_error class PublicMsgHandler(MsgHandler): _class_name = "PublicMSG" PublicMSG_required_tables = ["PublicMsg"] def PublicMsg_add_index(self): """ 添加索引,加快查询速度 """ # 检查是否存在索引 if not self.tables_exist("PublicMsg"): return sql = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_PublicMsg_StrTalker ON PublicMsg(StrTalker);" self.execute(sql) sql = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_PublicMsg_CreateTime ON PublicMsg(CreateTime);" self.execute(sql) sql = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_PublicMsg_StrTalker_CreateTime ON PublicMsg(StrTalker, CreateTime);" self.execute(sql) @db_error def get_plc_msg_count(self, wxids: list = ""): """ 获取聊天记录数量,根据wxid获取单个联系人的聊天记录数量,不传wxid则获取所有联系人的聊天记录数量 :param wxids: wxid list :return: 聊天记录数量列表 {wxid: chat_count} """ if not self.tables_exist("PublicMsg"): return {} if isinstance(wxids, str) and wxids: wxids = [wxids] if wxids: wxids = "('" + "','".join(wxids) + "')" sql = f"SELECT StrTalker, COUNT(*) FROM PublicMsg WHERE StrTalker IN {wxids} GROUP BY StrTalker ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;" else: sql = f"SELECT StrTalker, COUNT(*) FROM PublicMsg GROUP BY StrTalker ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;" sql_total = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MSG;" result = self.execute(sql) total_ret = self.execute(sql_total) if not result: return {} total = 0 if total_ret and len(total_ret) > 0: total = total_ret[0][0] msg_count = {"total": total} msg_count.update({row[0]: row[1] for row in result}) return msg_count @db_error def get_plc_msg_list(self, wxids: list or str = "", start_index=0, page_size=500, msg_type: str = "", msg_sub_type: str = "", start_createtime=None, end_createtime=None, my_talker="我"): """ 获取聊天记录列表 :param wxids: [wxid] :param start_index: 起始索引 :param page_size: 页大小 :param msg_type: 消息类型 :param msg_sub_type: 消息子类型 :param start_createtime: 开始时间 :param end_createtime: 结束时间 :return: 聊天记录列表 {"id": _id, "MsgSvrID": str(MsgSvrID), "type_name": type_name, "is_sender": IsSender, "talker": talker, "room_name": StrTalker, "msg": msg, "src": src, "extra": {}, "CreateTime": CreateTime, } """ if not self.tables_exist("PublicMsg"): return [], [] if isinstance(wxids, str) and wxids: wxids = [wxids] param = () sql_wxid, param = (f"AND StrTalker in ({', '.join('?' for _ in wxids)}) ", param + tuple(wxids)) if wxids else ("", param) sql_type, param = ("AND Type=? ", param + (msg_type,)) if msg_type else ("", param) sql_sub_type, param = ("AND SubType=? ", param + (msg_sub_type,)) if msg_type and msg_sub_type else ("", param) sql_start_createtime, param = ("AND CreateTime>=? ", param + (start_createtime,)) if start_createtime else ( "", param) sql_end_createtime, param = ("AND CreateTime<=? ", param + (end_createtime,)) if end_createtime else ("", param) sql = ( "SELECT localId,TalkerId,MsgSvrID,Type,SubType,CreateTime,IsSender,Sequence,StatusEx,FlagEx,Status," "MsgSequence,StrContent,MsgServerSeq,StrTalker,DisplayContent,Reserved0,Reserved1,Reserved3," "Reserved4,Reserved5,Reserved6,CompressContent,BytesExtra,BytesTrans,Reserved2," "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CreateTime ASC) AS id " "FROM PublicMsg WHERE 1=1 " f"{sql_wxid}" f"{sql_type}" f"{sql_sub_type}" f"{sql_start_createtime}" f"{sql_end_createtime}" f"ORDER BY CreateTime ASC LIMIT ?,?" ) param = param + (start_index, page_size) result = self.execute(sql, param) if not result: return [], [] result_data = (self.get_msg_detail(row, my_talker=my_talker) for row in result) rdata = list(result_data) # 转为列表 wxid_list = {d['talker'] for d in rdata} # 创建一个无重复的 wxid 列表 return rdata, list(wxid_list)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Name: Sns.py# Description: 负责处理朋友圈相关数据 软件只能看到在电脑微信浏览过的朋友圈记录# Author: Rainbow# Date: 2024/11/08# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------import json from .dbbase import DatabaseBasefrom .utils import silk2audio, xml2dict, timestamp2str # FeedsV20:朋友圈的XML数据# CommentV20:朋友圈点赞或评论记录# NotificationV7:朋友圈通知# SnsConfigV20:一些配置信息,能读懂的是其中有你的朋友圈背景图# SnsGroupInfoV5:猜测是旧版微信朋友圈可见范围的可见或不可见名单 class SnsHandler(DatabaseBase): _class_name = "Sns" Media_required_tables = ["AdFeedsV8", "FeedsV20", "CommentV20", "NotificationV7", "SnsConfigV20", "SnsFailureV5", "SnsGroupInfoV5", "SnsNoNotifyV5"] def get_sns_feed(self): """ 获取朋友圈数据 http://shmmsns.qpic.cn/mmsns/uGxMq1C4wvppcjBbyweK796GtT1hH3LGISYajZ2v7C11XhHk5icyDUXcWNSPk2MooeIa8Es5hXP0/0?idx=1&token=WSEN6qDsKwV8A02w3onOGQYfxnkibdqSOkmHhZGNB4DFumlE9p1vp0e0xjHoXlbbXRzwnQia6X5t3Annc4oqTuDg """ sql = ( "SELECT FeedId, CreateTime, FaultId, Type, UserName, Status, ExtFlag, PrivFlag, StringId, Content " "FROM FeedsV20 " "ORDER BY CreateTime DESC") FeedsV20 = self.execute(sql) for row in FeedsV20[2:]: (FeedId, CreateTime, FaultId, Type, UserName, Status, ExtFlag, PrivFlag, StringId, Content) = row Content = xml2dict(Content) if Content and Content.startswith("<") else Content CreateTime = timestamp2str(CreateTime) print( f"{FeedId=}\n" f"{CreateTime=}\n" f"{FaultId=}\n" f"{Type=}\n" f"{UserName=}\n" f"{Status=}\n" f"{ExtFlag=}\n" f"{PrivFlag=}\n" f"{StringId=}\n\n" f"{json.dumps(Content, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)}\n\n" ) return FeedId, CreateTime, FaultId, Type, UserName, Status, ExtFlag, PrivFlag, StringId, Content def get_sns_comment(self): pass