前几篇学习了元服务,后面几期就让我们开发简单的元服务吧,里面丰富的内容大家自己加,本期案例 仅供参考
先上本期效果图 ,里面图片自行替换
import { authentication } from '@kit.AccountKit';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
struct Index {
@State message: string = 'Hello World';
build() {
Column() {
Text($r('app.string.EntryAbility_label')).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).fontSize(29).fontColor("#222222").margin({ top: 20, bottom: 20 })
Row() {
Stack() {
value: 6800,
total: 10000,
type: ProgressType.Ring
.style({ strokeWidth: 10 })
}.margin({ left: 16 })
Column({ space: 6 }) {
Text('本周自动清理 1.13 GB').fontColor('#9E9E9E').fontSize(15)
Text('已使用 52.91 GB/256 GB >').fontColor('#9E9E9E').fontSize(15)
}.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start).margin({ left: 8 })
Text('推荐压缩').fontSize(24).fontColor("#222222").margin({ top: 20, bottom: 20 })
Row() {
Column({ space: 6 }) {
Text('113 组文件可压缩').fontColor('#383838').fontSize(20)
}.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start).margin({ left: 8 }).layoutWeight(1)
Button("无损压缩").height(40).fontSize(16).margin({ left: 4 })
Row() {
Column({ space: 6 }) {
Text('2.36 GB').fontColor('#A5A5A5').fontSize(15)
}.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start).margin({ left: 8 }).layoutWeight(1)
Button("立即清理").height(40).fontSize(16).margin({ left: 4 }).backgroundColor('#F8A52B')
.margin({ top: 16 })
.margin({ top: 60 })
aboutToAppear() {
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');
* Sample code for using HUAWEI ID to log in to atomic service.
* According to the Atomic Service Review Guide, when a atomic service has an account system,
* the option to log in with a HUAWEI ID must be provided.
* The following presets the atomic service to use the HUAWEI ID silent login function.
* To enable the atomic service to log in successfully using the HUAWEI ID, please refer
* to the HarmonyOS HUAWEI ID Access Guide to configure the client ID and fingerprint certificate.
private loginWithHuaweiID() {
// Create a login request and set parameters
let loginRequest = new authentication.HuaweiIDProvider().createLoginWithHuaweiIDRequest();
// Whether to forcibly launch the HUAWEI ID login page when the user is not logged in with the HUAWEI ID
loginRequest.forceLogin = false;
// Execute login request
let controller = new authentication.AuthenticationController();
controller.executeRequest(loginRequest).then((data) => {
let loginWithHuaweiIDResponse = data as authentication.LoginWithHuaweiIDResponse;
let authCode = loginWithHuaweiIDResponse.data?.authorizationCode;
// Send authCode to the backend in exchange for unionID, session
}).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'error: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(error));
if (error.code == authentication.AuthenticationErrorCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_LOGGED_IN) {
// HUAWEI ID is not logged in, it is recommended to jump to the login guide page
import { authentication } from '@kit.AccountKit';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
struct Index {
@Local c1: number = 535;
@Local c2: number = 348;
build() {
Column({ space: 8 }) {
.margin({ top: 20, bottom: 20 })
Row() {
.select(true).onChange(value => {
console.log('xxxxxxxxxxxx' + value)
Column({ space: 6 }) {
}.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start).margin({ left: 8 }).layoutWeight(1)
Text('2 项 >').fontColor('#6A6A6A').fontSize(20)
// 缓存垃圾
// 已选 535 KB
// 系统垃圾
// 2 项
// 535 KB2
// 348 KB
Row() {
.select(true).onChange(value => {
this.c1 = value ? 535 : 0
Column({ space: 6 }) {
Text('已选 535 KB').fontColor('#6A6A6A').fontSize(15)
}.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start).margin({ left: 8 }).layoutWeight(1)
Text('535 KB').fontColor('#6A6A6A').fontSize(20)
Row() {
.select(true).onChange(value => {
this.c2 = value ? 348 : 0
Column({ space: 6 }) {
Text('已选 348 KB').fontColor('#6A6A6A').fontSize(15)
}.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start).margin({ left: 8 }).layoutWeight(1)
Text('348 KB >').fontColor('#6A6A6A').fontSize(20)
Button(`删除(已选 ${this.c1 + this.c2} KB)`)
.margin({ top: 40, left: 50 })
.margin({ top: 50 })
aboutToAppear() {
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');
* Sample code for using HUAWEI ID to log in to atomic service.
* According to the Atomic Service Review Guide, when a atomic service has an account system,
* the option to log in with a HUAWEI ID must be provided.
* The following presets the atomic service to use the HUAWEI ID silent login function.
* To enable the atomic service to log in successfully using the HUAWEI ID, please refer
* to the HarmonyOS HUAWEI ID Access Guide to configure the client ID and fingerprint certificate.
private loginWithHuaweiID() {
// Create a login request and set parameters
let loginRequest = new authentication.HuaweiIDProvider().createLoginWithHuaweiIDRequest();
// Whether to forcibly launch the HUAWEI ID login page when the user is not logged in with the HUAWEI ID
loginRequest.forceLogin = false;
// Execute login request
let controller = new authentication.AuthenticationController();
controller.executeRequest(loginRequest).then((data) => {
let loginWithHuaweiIDResponse = data as authentication.LoginWithHuaweiIDResponse;
let authCode = loginWithHuaweiIDResponse.data?.authorizationCode;
// Send authCode to the backend in exchange for unionID, session
}).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'error: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(error));
if (error.code == authentication.AuthenticationErrorCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_LOGGED_IN) {
// HUAWEI ID is not logged in, it is recommended to jump to the login guide page
HarmonyOS NEXT实战:元服务与应用 APP 发布应用市场的详细步骤与流程