

无意间发现一个华盛顿大学分布式系统的课程实验,感觉课程组设计得非常用心。不同于一般实验仅仅给出若干测试样例并判断程序的输出是否正确,实验中的验证环节通过DFS搜索来遍历分布式系统可能的状态,以此判断学生对分布式协议的实现是否正确。 实验一共有五个,第一个实验lab0是课程组给出的做完了四个实验,决定来写一个总结经验的帖子。





Lab0的主要目的是让人熟悉一下实验的框架代码和测试方法,类似于很多课程都有环境配置、Hello World程序一样。


java 复制代码
class PingClient extends Node implements Client {

public class PingServer extends Node {

PingClientServer 都继承于父类 NodeNode 是定义于课程组提供框架中的一个类,具有类成员有地址(Address),几个主要被使用的类方法有:

java 复制代码
   * The address of this Node.
   * @return the address
  public final Address address() {
    return address;

   * Send a message to a Node with the given {@link Address}. The message will be cloned or
   * serialized immediately as it is sent; there is no need to deep copy data structures when
   * creating messages.
   * @param message the message to send
   * @param to the destination address
  protected void send(Message message, Address to) {
    send(message, address, to);
   * Sends a message to all Nodes in the array.
   * @param message the message to send
   * @param to the destination addresses
  protected void broadcast(Message message, Address[] to) {
    broadcast(message, address, to);

   * Sets a {@link Timer} to be tracked by the environment. The Timer will be re-delivered to the
   * setting {@link Node} after timerLengthMillis milliseconds. Timers may be cloned by the testing
   * infrastructure before being re-delivered.
   * @param timer the timer to set
   * @param timerLengthMillis the timer duration
  protected void set(Timer timer, int timerLengthMillis) {
    set(timer, timerLengthMillis, timerLengthMillis, address);


在分布式领域的奠基之作,Lamport的论文《Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System》中将分布式系统抽象为一系列具有定时器,彼此之间互相发送和接收消息的有限状态机的集合。因此后来的分布式协议中一般都采用类似的节点模型。注意,分布式系统中消息的传输是不可靠的,可能丢失,乱序,节点将定时器消息和接收到的消息排成一个队列作为有限状态机的输入序列。


java 复制代码
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   *  Client Methods
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  public synchronized void sendCommand(Command command) {
    if (!(command instanceof Ping)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    Ping p = (Ping) command;

    ping = p;
    pong = null;

    send(new PingRequest(p), serverAddress);
    set(new PingTimer(p), RETRY_MILLIS);
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   *  Message Handlers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  private synchronized void handlePongReply(PongReply m, Address sender) {
    if (Objects.equal(ping.value(), m.pong().value())) {
      pong = m.pong();
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   *  Timer Handlers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  private synchronized void onPingTimer(PingTimer t) {
    if (Objects.equal(ping, t.ping()) && pong == null) {
      send(new PingRequest(ping), serverAddress);
      set(t, RETRY_MILLIS);



java 复制代码
  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   *  Message Handlers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  private void handlePingRequest(PingRequest m, Address sender) {
    Pong p = app.execute(m.ping());
    send(new PongReply(p), sender);
