Android V app 冷启动(3) 添加启动窗口

根据 Android V app 冷启动 (1) Activity生命周期 的分析,在第一阶段启动中,当构建完窗口层级后,添加了启动窗口,本文就来分析这个课题。

WMCore 添加启动窗口

java 复制代码

// r 是要启动的 activity
// topTask 指的是 launcher root task
// newTask 为 true
// isTaskSwitch 为 true
// options 启动 activity 参数,不为 null
// sourceRecord 指的是 launcher
void startActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, @Nullable Task topTask, boolean newTask,
        boolean isTaskSwitch, ActivityOptions options, @Nullable ActivityRecord sourceRecord) {
    // ...

    final Task activityTask = r.getTask();
    // ...

    task = activityTask;

    // Slot the activity into the history root task and proceed
    ProtoLog.i(WM_DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE, "Adding activity %s to task %s "
                    + "callers: %s", r, task, new RuntimeException("here").fillInStackTrace());

    // ...

    // 检测是否需要显示启动窗口
    boolean doShow = true;
    if (newTask) {
        // 从 start u0 的 log 看,是包含这个 flag 的
        if ((r.intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
            // reset task 指的是把相关的 activity 移动到当前 task,或者把不相关 actvity 移出 task
            // 本文分析的案例不涉及
            resetTaskIfNeeded(r, r);
            // reset Task 后,如果 Task 的 top-non-delayed-non-finishing activity 仍然是要启动的 activity
            // 那么,需要显示启动窗口
            doShow = topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(null) == r;
    } else if (options != null && options.getAnimationType()
            == ActivityOptions.ANIM_SCENE_TRANSITION) {
        // ...
    // 启动 activity 的参数中也可以指定不需要显示启动窗口
    if (options != null && options.getDisableStartingWindow()) {
        doShow = false;
    if (r.mLaunchTaskBehind) {
    } else if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW && doShow) {
        // Figure out if we are transitioning from another activity that is
        // "has the same starting icon" as the next one.  This allows the
        // window manager to keep the previous window it had previously
        // created, if it still had one.
        Task baseTask = r.getTask();
        // Task 中前一个有启动窗口数据的 ActivityRecord
        final ActivityRecord prev = baseTask.getActivity(
                a -> a.mStartingData != null && a.showToCurrentUser());
        mWmService.mStartingSurfaceController.showStartingWindow(r, prev, newTask,
                isTaskSwitch, sourceRecord);

Task 检测了是否需要为启动的 activity 显示启动窗口,如果是,交给启动窗口控制器 StartingSurfaceController 来显示

java 复制代码

void showStartingWindow(ActivityRecord target, ActivityRecord prev,
        boolean newTask, boolean isTaskSwitch, ActivityRecord source) {
    if (mDeferringAddStartingWindow) {
        // ...
    } else {
        // 直接交给 ActivityRecord show start window
        target.showStartingWindow(prev, newTask, isTaskSwitch, true /* startActivity */,
java 复制代码

void showStartingWindow(ActivityRecord prev, boolean newTask, boolean taskSwitch,
        boolean startActivity, ActivityRecord sourceRecord) {
    showStartingWindow(prev, newTask, taskSwitch, isProcessRunning(), startActivity,
            sourceRecord, null /* candidateOptions */);

void showStartingWindow(ActivityRecord prev, boolean newTask, boolean taskSwitch,
        boolean processRunning, boolean startActivity, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
        ActivityOptions candidateOptions) {
    if (mTaskOverlay) {
        // We don't show starting window for overlay activities.
    final ActivityOptions startOptions = candidateOptions != null
            ? candidateOptions : mPendingOptions;
    if (startOptions != null
            && startOptions.getAnimationType() == ActivityOptions.ANIM_SCENE_TRANSITION) {
        // Don't show starting window when using shared element transition.

    // 解析 splash screen theme
    final int splashScreenTheme = startActivity ? getSplashscreenTheme(startOptions) : 0;
    final int resolvedTheme = evaluateStartingWindowTheme(prev, packageName, theme,

    // 启动窗口是显示图标,还是纯色
    // false
    mSplashScreenStyleSolidColor = shouldUseSolidColorSplashScreen(sourceRecord, startActivity,
            startOptions, resolvedTheme);

    // 这个表示 app 端 activity 是否已经创建
    // false
    final boolean activityCreated =
            mState.ordinal() >= STARTED.ordinal() && mState.ordinal() <= STOPPED.ordinal();
    // If this activity is just created and all activities below are finish, treat this
    // scenario as warm launch.
    final boolean newSingleActivity = !newTask && !activityCreated
            && task.getActivity((r) -> !r.finishing && r != this) == null;

    // 执行下一步添加启动窗口
    final boolean scheduled = addStartingWindow(packageName, resolvedTheme,
            prev, newTask || newSingleActivity, taskSwitch, processRunning,
            allowTaskSnapshot(), activityCreated, mSplashScreenStyleSolidColor, allDrawn);
    if (DEBUG_STARTING_WINDOW_VERBOSE && scheduled) {
        Slog.d(TAG, "Scheduled starting window for " + this);

boolean addStartingWindow(String pkg, int resolvedTheme, ActivityRecord from, boolean newTask,
        boolean taskSwitch, boolean processRunning, boolean allowTaskSnapshot,
        boolean activityCreated, boolean isSimple,
        boolean activityAllDrawn) {

    if (!okToDisplay()) {
        return false;

    if (hasStartingWindow()) {
        return false;
    // 目前 ActivityRecord 下还没有窗口 WindowState
    final WindowState mainWin = findMainWindow(false /* includeStartingApp */);
    if (mainWin != null && mainWin.isDrawn()) {
        // App already has a visible window...why would you want a starting window?
        return false;

    // app 冷启动,系统还没有 Task 的快照
    // null
    final TaskSnapshot snapshot =
            mWmService.mTaskSnapshotController.getSnapshot(task.mTaskId, task.mUserId,
                    false /* restoreFromDisk */, false /* isLowResolution */);
    // 获取启动窗口类型
    final int type = getStartingWindowType(newTask, taskSwitch, processRunning,
            allowTaskSnapshot, activityCreated, activityAllDrawn, snapshot);

    // false
    final boolean useLegacy = type == STARTING_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH_SCREEN
            && mWmService.mStartingSurfaceController.isExceptionApp(packageName, mTargetSdk,
                () -> {
                    ActivityInfo activityInfo = intent.resolveActivityInfo(
                    return activityInfo != null ? activityInfo.applicationInfo : null;

    // 把所有数据转化为一个 int
    final int typeParameter = StartingSurfaceController
            .makeStartingWindowTypeParameter(newTask, taskSwitch, processRunning,
                    allowTaskSnapshot, activityCreated, isSimple, useLegacy, activityAllDrawn,
                    type, isIconStylePreferred(resolvedTheme), packageName, mUserId);

    // ...

    ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_STARTING_WINDOW, "Creating SplashScreenStartingData");
    // 创建启动窗口数据
    mStartingData = new SplashScreenStartingData(mWmService, resolvedTheme, typeParameter);
    // 执行下一步添加启动窗口
    return true;

ActivityRecord 解析数据,并把所有数据包装到 mStartingData,然后执行下一步添加启动窗口。

java 复制代码

private void scheduleAddStartingWindow() {
    ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_STARTING_WINDOW, "Add starting %s: startingData=%s",
            this, mStartingData);

    // 通过 StartingData 来创建启动窗口 surface
    // 但是得到的并不是一个真正的 surface,而是一个象征 surface 的数据包装类而已
    // mStartingData 的类型为 SplashScreenStartingData
    mStartingSurface = mStartingData.createStartingSurface(ActivityRecord.this);
    if (mStartingSurface != null) {
                "Added starting %s: startingWindow=%s startingView=%s",
                ActivityRecord.this, mStartingWindow, mStartingSurface);
    } else {
        ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_STARTING_WINDOW, "Surface returned was null: %s",
java 复制代码

class SplashScreenStartingData extends StartingData {
    StartingSurface createStartingSurface(ActivityRecord activity) {
        return mService.mStartingSurfaceController.createSplashScreenStartingSurface(
                activity, mTheme);
java 复制代码

StartingSurface createSplashScreenStartingSurface(ActivityRecord activity, int theme) {
    final Task task = activity.getTask();
    final TaskOrganizerController controller =
    // 最终由 TaskOrganizerController 执行添加启动窗口
    if (task != null && controller.addStartingWindow(task, activity, theme,
            null /* taskSnapshot */)) {
        // StartingSurface 只是一个数据包装类,并不是真正的 surface
        return new StartingSurface(task, controller.getTaskOrganizer());
    return null;
java 复制代码

boolean addStartingWindow(Task task, ActivityRecord activity, int launchTheme,
        TaskSnapshot taskSnapshot) {
    final Task rootTask = task.getRootTask();
    if (rootTask == null || activity.mStartingData == null) {
        return false;
    final ITaskOrganizer lastOrganizer = getTaskOrganizer();
    if (lastOrganizer == null) {
        return false;
    // 把所有启动窗口的相关数据,都保存到 StartingWindowInfo
    final StartingWindowInfo info = task.getStartingWindowInfo(activity);
    if (launchTheme != 0) {
        info.splashScreenThemeResId = launchTheme;
    info.taskSnapshot = taskSnapshot;
    info.appToken = activity.token;
    try {
        // 通知 WMShell 添加启动窗口
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Slog.e(TAG, "Exception sending onTaskStart callback", e);
        return false;
    return true;

兜兜转转,最终是把启动窗口数据包装到 StartingWindowInfo,然后发送给 WMShell,让其完成添加启动窗口的任务。

WMShell 创建启动窗口

java 复制代码

public void addStartingWindow(StartingWindowInfo info) {
    if (mStartingWindow != null) {
java 复制代码

public void addStartingWindow(StartingWindowInfo windowInfo) {
    // 注意,这是在 splash screen thread 中执行的
    mSplashScreenExecutor.execute(() -> {
        // WMShell 添加启动窗口的 trace
        Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "addStartingWindow");
        // 1. 计算启动窗口类型
        final int suggestionType = mStartingWindowTypeAlgorithm.getSuggestedWindowType(
        final RunningTaskInfo runningTaskInfo = windowInfo.taskInfo;
        if (suggestionType == STARTING_WINDOW_TYPE_WINDOWLESS) {
            // ...
        } else if (isSplashScreenType(suggestionType)) {
            // 2. 添加启动窗口
            mStartingSurfaceDrawer.addSplashScreenStartingWindow(windowInfo, suggestionType);
        } else if (suggestionType == STARTING_WINDOW_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) {
            // ...

        if (suggestionType != STARTING_WINDOW_TYPE_NONE
                && suggestionType != STARTING_WINDOW_TYPE_WINDOWLESS) {
            int taskId = runningTaskInfo.taskId;
            int color = mStartingSurfaceDrawer
            if (color != Color.TRANSPARENT) {
                mTaskBackgroundColors.append(taskId, color);

            if (mTaskLaunchingCallback != null && isSplashScreenType(suggestionType)) {
                mTaskLaunchingCallback.accept(taskId, suggestionType, color);
java 复制代码

 * A class which able to draw splash screen or snapshot as the starting window for a task.
public class StartingSurfaceDrawer {

    void addSplashScreenStartingWindow(StartingWindowInfo windowInfo,
            @StartingWindowType int suggestType) {
        mSplashscreenWindowCreator.addSplashScreenStartingWindow(windowInfo, suggestType);
java 复制代码

void addSplashScreenStartingWindow(StartingWindowInfo windowInfo,
        @StartingWindowInfo.StartingWindowType int suggestType) {
    final ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskInfo = windowInfo.taskInfo;
    final ActivityInfo activityInfo = windowInfo.targetActivityInfo != null
            ? windowInfo.targetActivityInfo
            : taskInfo.topActivityInfo;
    if (activityInfo == null || activityInfo.packageName == null) {
    // replace with the default theme if the application didn't set
    final int theme = getSplashScreenTheme(windowInfo.splashScreenThemeResId, activityInfo);
    final Context context = SplashscreenContentDrawer.createContext(mContext, windowInfo, theme,
            suggestType, mDisplayManager);
    if (context == null) {
    // 构建布局参数,为了通过 WindowManager 添加启动窗口 View
    final WindowManager.LayoutParams params = SplashscreenContentDrawer.createLayoutParameters(
            context, windowInfo, suggestType, activityInfo.packageName,
                    ? PixelFormat.OPAQUE : PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT, windowInfo.appToken);

    final int displayId = taskInfo.displayId;
    final int taskId = taskInfo.taskId;
    final Display display = getDisplay(displayId);

    // 注意下面一段注释,解释了添加启动窗口 View 的流程
    // TODO(b/173975965) tracking performance
    // Prepare the splash screen content view on splash screen worker thread in parallel, so the
    // content view won't be blocked by binder call like addWindow and relayout.
    // 1. Trigger splash screen worker thread to create SplashScreenView before/while
    // Session#addWindow.
    // 2. Synchronize the SplashscreenView to splash screen thread before Choreographer start
    // traversal, which will call Session#relayout on splash screen thread.
    // 3. Pre-draw the BitmapShader if the icon is immobile on splash screen worker thread, at
    // the same time the splash screen thread should be executing Session#relayout. Blocking the
    // traversal -> draw on splash screen thread until the BitmapShader of the icon is ready.

    // Record whether create splash screen view success, notify to current thread after
    // create splash screen view finished.
    // SplashScreenViewSupplier 是为了缓存 worker thread 中创建的启动窗口 View
    final SplashScreenViewSupplier viewSupplier = new SplashScreenViewSupplier();
    // 创建启动窗口的根 View
    final FrameLayout rootLayout = new FrameLayout(
    rootLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
    // 这个 Runnable 同步地获取 worker thread 中创建的启动窗口 View,并添加到根 View 中
    final Runnable setViewSynchronized = () -> {
        // trace 记录了同步并添加 view 的过程
        Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "addSplashScreenView");
        // waiting for setContentView before relayoutWindow
        // 阻塞式的同步 worker thread 创建的启动窗口 View
        SplashScreenView contentView = viewSupplier.get();
        final StartingSurfaceDrawer.StartingWindowRecord sRecord =
        final SplashWindowRecord record = sRecord instanceof SplashWindowRecord
                ? (SplashWindowRecord) sRecord : null;

        if (record != null && windowInfo.appToken == record.mAppToken) {
            if (contentView != null) {
                try {
                    // 把启动窗口 View 保存到根 View 中
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    // ...
    // 1. SplashScreenContentDrawer 在 worker thread 中创建启动窗口 View
    // 创建完成之后,会通过第四个参数,把 view 缓存到 ViewSupplier 中
    mSplashscreenContentDrawer.createContentView(context, suggestType, windowInfo,
            viewSupplier::setView, viewSupplier::setUiThreadInitTask);
    try {
        // 2. 通过 WindowManager 添加启动窗口的根 View
        if (addWindow(taskId, windowInfo.appToken, rootLayout, display, params, suggestType)) {
            // We use the splash screen worker thread to create SplashScreenView while adding
            // the window, as otherwise Choreographer#doFrame might be delayed on this thread.
            // And since Choreographer#doFrame won't happen immediately after adding the window,
            // if the view is not added to the PhoneWindow on the first #doFrame, the view will
            // not be rendered on the first frame. So here we need to synchronize the view on
            // the window before first round relayoutWindow, which will happen after insets
            // animation.
            // 3. 请求 Vsync 信号,在下一帧的回调中,把 worker thread 中创建的启动窗口 View,
            // 同步到当前线程,并添加到根 View 中
            mChoreographer.postCallback(CALLBACK_INSETS_ANIMATION, setViewSynchronized, null);
            // ...
        } else {
            // ...
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // ...

简单来说,这里就是为启动窗口创建一个 View,然后通过 WindowManager add 进去。但是,从 AOSP 可以看出,为了性能,采用多线程来,具体流程如下

  1. SplashscreenContentDrawer 在 worker thread 中启动窗口 View。
  2. splash screen thread(当前线程)先通过 WindowManager 添加启动窗口根 View。注意,ViewRootImpl 会向 Choreographer 注册一个类型为 CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL 的回调,用于执行 traversal。 relayout window 就是在 traversal 中执行的。
  3. splash screen thread(当前线程)向 Choreographer 注册一个 CALLBACK_INSETS_ANIMATION 的回调,用于同步 worker thread 中的启动窗口 View,并添加到根 View 中。

当 vsyn 信号到来,会先执行 CALLBACK_INSETS_ANIMATION 类型的回调,再执行 CALLBACK_TRAVERSAL 的回调。因此,先执行第三步,同步启动窗口 View,并添加到根 View 中,然后执行第二步,在 traversal 中,会 relayout window 获取 surface,之后绘制启动窗口。

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