



关键词: MYSQL数据库 B/S设计模式 JSP技术 Linux系统


The power of science and technology is always changing people's lives in key places. Not only that, but our lives are also inseparable from technological changes of one kind or another. Some consumers have no time to go shopping in shopping malls, so the combination of e-commerce and express delivery makes the distance between ports and consumers longer.Some tenants are unable to see the house due to regional or work reasons, so online AR scenery can be 100% restored to the place they want to see.When people encounter social problems in life, they always use information methods to solve current problems after experiencing various changes.With the continuous development of living standards a variety of e-commerce websites also formed a relatively mature team.Take the things we have seen in our life, generally we want to buy electrical appliances online at the first time will think of "JINGdong", and buy clothes will think of "Taobao" and other platforms.The realization of the linux-based cash register system involved in this article is the same, in order to be able to use the franchise system to solve some problems in life.

In this paper, the design and implementation of the cash register system based on Linux is the main consideration. In order to take into account information security and the degree of data access of the system, MYSQL database is used in this design.In addition, as the system behind the system may be necessary to maintain the function, so in the early stage of the design of the B/S design mode, is to be able to update the server is done without the client to do any update.At the same time, in order to meet the functional requirements also used JSP language.

Key words: The MYSQL database system B/S design pattern JSP technology Linux system



摘要 I

Abstract II

一、 绪论 3

(一) 研究背景及开发意义 3

(二) 设计思想 3

(三) 研究难点和解决方法 3

二、 开发技术简介 4

(一) IDEA简介 4

(二) MYSQL简介 4

(三) JAVAEE简介 5

(四) Linux简介 5

三、 需求分析 6

(一) 功能需求 6

(二) 系统总体建设 6

(三) 系统逻辑结构 6

四、 系统可行性研究 7

  1. 技术可行性 7
  2. 经济可行性 7
  3. 操作可行性 7
    五、 系统总体设计 7
    六、 数据库设计 8
    (一) E-R图 8
    (二) 数据库表实现 9
    (三) 系统流程设计 10
    七、系统实现 11
    (一) 后台登录界面 11
    (二) 后台功能界面 12
    (三) 用户管理界面 12
    (四) 商品管理 13
    八、系统测试 13
    参考文献 15
    致谢 16
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