Stimulsoft Reports.NET 2023.3.1 Crack

Stimulsoft Reports.NET 2023.3.1

Reports.NETThe package contains a set of necessary libraries for working with reports in WinForms and ASP.NET applications. The product includes .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET engines, WinForms report designer and viewer, and HTML5 report viewer for ASP.NET applications.

Stimulsoft Reports.NET Reporting tool for WinForms

Stimulsoft Reports.NET is a reporting tool created for integration and work in Windows Forms applications. Using our reporting tool, you can create, edit, view, export, and print reports of any complexity. The product includes a powerful, intuitively understandable report designer and an interactive viewer. Besides, the product contains a fully functional web viewer for the ASP.NET platform.

Royalty-Free Report Designer

The most important part of Stimulsoft Reports.NET is the royalty-free report designer -- a component for integration and use in WinForms applications. It is very simple to use -- you need only several strings of code, and your clients can start creating new reports and working with already existing ones. Besides, the component supports localization of 40+ languages and has a familiar Ribbon UI and many report wizards.

New Features
1. A function button was added to the Cross-Tab editor.
2. We have added the ability to select a custom color for the GUI in WinForms and WPF Report Designer.
3. A new data adapter has been added to connect to CData Connect Cloud.
4. Security warnings were added when documents with enabled compilation mode are loaded or when compilation mode is being enabled.
5. We have added the ability to search for items in the Data Dictionary, as well as in the "Globalization Strings" editor when adding a culture.
6. We have added the ability to delete Stimulsoft.MathFX.dll, LibExcel.dll, and Stimulsoft.Svg.dll files from the "Restore Default" menu.

1. We have updated the Monoline icons in the GUI for both the dark and light themes of the designer and report viewer.

Fixed Bugs
1. We have fixed a bug related to navigation in the report designer using the Tab and Shift+Tab hotkeys.
2. We have fixed the location of the password entry window when opening *.mrx files in the report designer welcome window.
3. We have fixed an issue related to changing the theme in WinForms components for the .NET Core 3.1 framework.
4. We have fixed a bug related to resetting the report designer theme after calling the "Restore Default" menu.
5. We have fixed a bug related to opening a saved report template page in the WinForms designer.
6. A new 3D line chart has been added.
7. The issue with the SumIf function in the data transformation has been fixed.
8. The issue with converting decimal null values in requests from user variables has been fixed.
9. The issue with dragging XSD files to the dictionary has been fixed.
10. A bug related to the request to add the 'System.Runtime' library for projects under the .NET Framework 4.5.2 has been fixed.
11. We have fixed a bug related to opening a dashboard that contains the "Shape" element with the title included.
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