Technology Strategy Patterns 学习笔记7 -Communicating the Strategy-Templates

Technology Strategy Patterns-Communicating the Strategy-Templates

1 One-Slider

1.1 Challenge:

You need to pull together the huge and diverse volumes

of analysis work into a simple summary that you can use to inform teams and executives of the strategy.

1.2 Solution:

You need to create a single slide that forces you to crystallize and succinctly state your strategic goals, the initiatives or practices as propositions that follow from them, and the supporting culture you will develop and encourage.

  • At the top you state your vision
  • Next, all of your three or five strategic goals should follow as propositions that support and help realize that vision
  • Next you state the initiatives or practices. This is the execution part. These should be specific, and each will likely be defined as its own project or program and involve cross-discipline teams

Use a spreadsheet to show how that decomposes into more localized specific actions and deliverables.

2 Use Case Map

2.1 Challenge:

  • You need to decompose the idea further into practical use cases of value to an end user.
  • You need something to share with an extended team to ensure their alignment and buy-in with the initiative.

2.2 Solution:

2.2.1 Make a set of Use Case Map slides, one for each major use


2.2.2 示意图

2.3 five components

  • Customer outcome
    Here you state the business benefit that this use case aims to achieve for customers reusing the outcome aspect of the SBM
  • Features
    list one or more bullet points of the major features of the system.
  • Data components:
    These are the sets of data that are required to realize the output of this use case or to measure the metrics
  • System components
    These are critical, big components of the software or process system you'll need to create.
  • Customer success measure
    • These are the metrics, stated like SMART goals, with measurements you can aim for and later verify.
    • SMART原则(S=Specific、M=Measurable、A=Attainable、R=Relevant、T=Time-bound)是为了利于员工更加明确高效地工作,更是为了管理者将来对员工实施绩效考核提供了考核目标和考核标准,使考核更加科学化、规范化,更能保证考核的公正、公开与公平

3 Directional Costing

3.1 Rough, Refined, Realistic Estimates

  • a spreadsheet that is a really detailed, thoughtful, thorough, researched estimate that everyone could have a lot of confidence in
  • first idea is that you need the time to treat the act of estimating itself as a project
  • Second, you need a form to act as the deliverable of this estimate: you need a template so that you don't forget all those auxiliary things that constitute the majority of the product timeline
  • The third thing you need is a funnel of time with stage gates. 有估算的时间计划

Three stages of estimating

  • Rough-粗糙
    This takes only a few days to produce, and everyone knows it's only within maybe 50%
  • Refined
    This takes a couple of weeks to produce, and includes more discovery conversations, and a clear understanding of requirements.
  • Realistic
    This has a lot of homework behind it, many customer conversations, and a clear understanding and a commitment on the functional and nonfunctional requirements: the epics and stories are written, and the Architecture Definition is done. This estimate might be within 5% or 10% range. Never go without a contingency.

3.2 Estimate Template

4 Priority Map

4.1 prioritize your Use Cases

4.2 评定优先级的参考项

5 Technology Radar

5.1 引用业界的技术雷达即可,自己创建雷达的可能性比较小(行业特殊技术才可能)

6 Build/Buy/Partner

6.1 可以参考DDD的核心、支撑和通用域

6.2 Build

6.2.1 reasons

  • You are, or want to be, a pioneer or leader in the market.
  • You have some reason or desire to own the intellectual property.
  • You have technologists in-house with the proper skills.
  • You have time to build it.
  • You want to own the technology for a long period because it's core to your business.
  • You have expansion plans and you'd be in a more flexible strategic position if you owned the intellectual property.
  • You think what you would do with the product is innovative enough that it could be patented and licensed and become a valuable asset long-term.

6.3 Buy

The Buy decision comes down to determining what your core priorities really are.

6.4 Partner

6.4.1 evaluating a partnership

  • Is the potential partner financially healthy?
  • How important or strategic is this deal to them? What's in it for them to make sure this is successful?
  • Relationship: How well do you know each other, have you done business before, will your styles of working and your systems be compatible?
  • Execution: Will both of you be able to fulfill the obligations of the deal?
  • Speed: Is speed to market the most important thing, and will this technology enhance your existing offering in a credible,clear way

7 Due Diligence-尽职调查

7.1 This is an assessment of the technology and operational aspects of the target company

7.2 Characteristic-可以再分解进行子项评估

  • Maintainability
  • Manageability
  • Portability 软硬件迁移能力
  • Security
  • Compliance
  • Privacy
  • Resiliency
  • Compatibility
  • Performance
  • Usability
  • Functional suitability

7.3 legend -分类

  • 0: Unsupported and not on the Roadmap
  • 1: Unsupported but on the Roadmap
  • 2: Implemented but weak
  • 3: Implemented and suitable
  • 4: Implemented and world-class

8 Architecture Definition

8.1 Metadata or Front Matter

  • 文档的基本元素定义
  • 比如:system name, author, date,keywords,terms

8.2 Business Architecture template components

  • Major Features
  • Strategic Fit
  • Business Drivers
  • Business Priorities
  • Assumptions
  • Constraints
  • Risks
  • Impacts
  • Stakeholders
  • Governance

8.3 Application Architecture template components

  • Applicable Standards and Policies
  • Guidelines and Conventions
  • User Interface
  • Security
  • SLA-Availability
  • Scalability and Performance
  • Extensibility; List APIs, ways that the application affords future change, how the application supports customizing per customer, and how configurations are afforded.
  • Testability: How will this be tested, what tools will be used
  • Maintainability
  • Monitorability and Metrics

8.4 Data Architecture template components

  • Data Sources
  • Data Strategy: Include data warehousing, storage and management requirements. Transfer requirements. Long-term storage.
  • Transactional Requirements: What are transaction requirements such as two-phase commit, eventual consistency? What data volumes must be supported? Include data movement policies and requirements
  • Volatility: How often will key pieces of the data change?
  • Data Maintenance :Describe how data will be maintained, data retention policies, scripting to offload, data restoration. How will data be populated for different environments for this application? Will data be truncated? At what interval? How will data be encrypted? Are there GDPR or PII/PCI requirements to be stated for dev teams or infrastructure admins?
  • Data Migration
  • Data Volume
  • Logging
  • Analytics: What data must be exposed by the application to support business analytics
  • Caching Strategy

8.5 Infrastructure Architecture template components

  • Cloud and Data Center Requirements
  • Deployments
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Network
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