读书笔记:《Effective C++》

Effective C++

GitHub - taeguk/Effective-Cpp-Series: My example and experimental source codes about books of Effective C++ Series, "Effective C++ 3/E" and "Effective Modern C++" by Scott Meyers.

C++ Basic

C++ Union

  • C
  • Object Oriented C++
  • Template C++
  • STL
  • TR1 - Boost

Using const,enum,inline instead of #define

  • constant:using const or enum
    • static int constant can not have in-class definition
      • using enum hack:enum { ConstNum = 5 };
  • function macros:using inline function

Using const whenever possible

  • bitwise constness: c++ const
  • logical constness: mutable field
  • call const function in non-const override functin, to avoid code redundant

Make sure init before use

  • in construct function:
    • using member init list instead of assignment inside function
    • order by class-field-define-order in init list
  • using static object in-function instead of global static object
    • return reference of static local object

Constructor,Destructor, Assignment op

Silent functions in class

  • default construction
  • default copy construction
  • operator=
  • destruction
  • explicitly use silent functions
    • = default

Explicitly delete silent functions

  • make private
  • make delete
  • move private or delete to a base class and private extend

Virtual destructors in polymorphic

  • use virtual destruction in polymorphic base class

Non-throw destructors

  • handle exceptions out of destruction
  • abort when destruction meet exceptions
  • ignore exceptions in destruction

No virtual call in construction and destruction

  • in construction or destruction, virtual call can not goto derived class

Operator= return *this

  • return *this in operator= to support multi =

Operator= handle self-assignment

  • make sure good condition when self-assignment

Deep copy when copy

  • copy construction
    • call base copy construction
  • operator=
    • call base operator=
  • do not call copy construction in operator=, or otherwise

Resource Management

Using resource-managing class

  • using RAII class
    • new resource when construction
    • delete resource when destruction
  • using smart pointers

Copying resource-managing class

  • disable copying: unique ptr
  • reference count: shared ptr
  • deep copy resource
  • move raw resource

Access raw in resource-managing class

  • implict cast: use operator(), can be unsafe
  • explict cast: use get(), more safer

Same form in new and delete

  • new and delete
  • new[] and delete[]

Standalone statement when smart pointers

  • give new resource to smart pointer in one statement
    • using make_shared, though it will keep reference count when having weak ptr
  • construct smart pointer in standalone statement
    • to avoid other part of statement has exceptions


Make interface to easy use

  • make new type or enum,static or const value,to make use correctly

Design class as type

  • does a new type is really needed
    • consider using non-member to replace a simple derived class

Pass by const reference instead of value

  • consider pass by const reference in all place
  • pass by value when standard types or function object

Dont return reference

  • do not return reference of stack or heap value

Make data member private

  • public data member expose the implement details
    • when change public,all user must be changed
    • when change protected,all derived must be changed

Non-member instead of member function

  • non-member function can only use public interface, and keep the encapsulation

Non-member function when type conversion

  • member function can not conversion the caller's type, while non-member function can

Non-throw swap

  • using std::swap
  • using std::swap in member swap
  • using member swap in non-member swap


Postpone variable definitions

  • avoid early returns case no-use variable
  • consider re-construction or keep the variable to operator=

Consider casting

  • dynamic cast is low efficiency
  • C cast:
    • (T)exp
    • T(exp)
  • C++ cast:
    • const cast
    • dynamic cast
    • static cast
    • reinterpret cast

Avoid return handles of object internals

  • when return handles of object internals, not only the function is const, also the return is const
    • const InternalHandle func() const

Strive for exception safe

  • exception safe:
    • when exception, no memery leak, no fake state
  • exception safe level:
    • base exception safe: when exception, no memery leak, no fake state
    • force exception safe: when exception, function is full completed or none completed
      • copy and swap
    • nothrow exception safe: no exception


  • inline is an advice, not a request
  • when inline function changed, all dependence file must be re-compile
  • when non-inline function changed, only need to re-link

Compilation dependency

  • only declare class in classfwd.h, and define those in class.h
    • class declare no change, only change class definition
  • handle class: implementation pointer to implementation class
    • handle class no change, only change implementation class
    • additional memory resource management
  • interface class: vptr to virtual function
    • base class no change, only change derived class
    • addition virtual table cost

Inheritance and OOP

Public inheritance means is-a

  • make sure public inheritance means is-a relationship
    • not has-a relationship
    • not implement-of relationship

Avoid hiding base class through overwrite

  • the same name in child class will hide those in base class, though parameters are different
    • using BaseClass::function for not hiding
    • BaseClass::function directly for using once

Interface extend and implementation extend

  • pure virtual: interface extend
  • impure virtual: interface extand and default implementation
    • if no same name, using default implementation
    • if has same name, hide the default implementation
  • non-virtual: implementation extend
    • will hide implementation if the same name in child

Alternative virtual

  • template method
    • template method has implementation extend, which can be final
    • call virtual method which has default implementation, also can be overriden
  • strategy pattern
    • using function ptr
    • using std::function

Never redefine non-virtual from base class

  • base class implementation will be hiden
  • also non-virtual function is statically bound, which means, using base class ptr or reference will call the base version

Never redefine default parameters

  • virtual function is dynamically bound, while default parameter is statically bound
  • which means, virtual function is about the dynamical type, and default parameter is about static type
  • alternative implementation: template method
    • non-virtual function to override default parameter
    • call virtuall function to core implementation

Composition means has-a or implement-of

  • composition is different from public inheritance
    • has-a
    • implement-of: using public interface to implement new feature
      • ex, using list to implement set

Private inheritance means implement-of

  • when implement-of is using protected member, consider private inheritance

Multiple inheritance

  • virtual inheritance to handle diamond inheritance
  • only use multiple inheritance when implement-of
    • multiple implement interface class
    • multiple implement private inheritance

Template & Generic Programming

Implicit interface and compile-time polymoriphism

  • class inheritance and class template both support interface and ploymoriphism
  • class inheritance is explicit support
  • class template is implicit support

Using typename

  • using typename means it is a type not others
    • typename Class::Type_t

Templatized base class

  • using template class as base class:
    • template class Child: public Base
  • call function in base tempalte class space:
    • just simple func() won't work
    • force this->func()
    • force using Base::func
    • force Base::func()

Template Parameter

  • non-type template parameter change to function parameter, to reduce code size
  • type template parameter using shared implementation to reduce code size
    • in base class
    • in non-member function

Member function template

  • template++Class(U)
    • used in construction
    • used in copy construction or operator=
    • default version is still needed++

Non-member function to cast

  • member function can not conversion the caller's type, while non-member function can

Traits class

  • using traits class to only handle types in different template specializing

Meta programming

  • get result when compiling
    • make sure unit is aligned
    • simplify expression computation
    • implement strategy pattern

New & Delete

  • new handler
    • when operator new failed of OOM, will call new handler
    • using set_new_handler to set, usually return abort or exit
  • new (std::throw)
    • common new throw bad_alloc when failed
    • nonthrow-new return nullptr when failled
    • though opreator new wont throw, constructor will throw exception either
  • why self-defined operator new and delete
    • for debug or stats
    • for long-term program or short-term program, big-block or tiny-block to accelate
      • which standard new and delete are for common use
  • self-defined operator new: static void* operator new (std::size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc);
    • handle size is not equal to class size
    • allocate memory in a while loop
    • call new_handler when failed
    • return size-1 when ask for size-0 memory
  • self-defined operator delete: static void operator delete (void*) throw();
    • handle size is not equal to class size
  • self-defined placement new and delete
    • static void* operator new (std::size_t, void*) throw (std::bad_alloc);
    • static void operator delete (void*, void*) throw();
    • self-define both at the same time
  • do not overwrite the standard new and delete
    • explict define standard new and delete in base class
    • add using BaseClass:: operator new/delete in child class if you want to use the standard one


  • TR1 是一份规范文档,Boost 则是这个规范的实现,最终会并入 C++ 标准库中
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