Global Mapper SDK 19 中文开发文档(八)

7.2.8 GM_DBUtil

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public static class GM_DBUtil

| 方法 | 描述 |
| DBGetTableList | 获取指定空间数据库中的表列表 |
| DBIsDatabaseFile | 指示输入文件是否为数据库(Esri地理数据库、Spatialite等) |
| DBMakeConnectionString | 从输入连接参数创建连接字符串 |
| DBSelectExportTable | 显示对话框,允许用户选择要导出数据的表 |
| DBSelectTable | 显示对话框,允许用户选择一个或多个要加载的表 |
| DBTableList_Free | 释放与表列表关联的内存 |
| DBTableList_GetCount | 获取表列表中的表数 |
| DBTableList_GetTableName | 获取指定索引处的表名 |
| DBTestConnection | 测试输入的连接字符串,以查看是否可以用于连接到数据库 |

cs 复制代码
public static GM_Error_t32 DBGetTableList(
	out IntPtr aTableList,    //Table list handle
	string aConnectionInfo    //Connection string or database file name
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public static bool DBIsDatabaseFile(
	string aFileName    //The file name
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBMakeConnectionString(
	out string aConnectionStr,                //The connection string buffer
	uint aBufferLength,                       //The length of the connection string buffer
	GM_DBConnectionParams_t aConnectionParams //The connection parameters
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBSelectExportTable(
	out string aTable,        //Buffer for storing table name
	uint aBufferLength,       //The length of the table name buffer
	out bool aTableExists,    //Indicates whether or not the selected table exists
	string aConnectionStr     //Connection parameter string or database file name
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBSelectTable(
	out IntPtr aTableList,    //Handle for list of selected table names
	string aConnectionStr     //Connection parameter string or database file name
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBTableList_Free(
	ref IntPtr aTableList    //Table list handle to be freed
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBTableList_GetCount(
	out uint aCount,    //The number of table names in the list
	IntPtr aTableList   //Table list handle
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBTableList_GetTableName(
	out string aTableName,    //Buffer in which table name will be placed
	uint aIndex,              //The zero-based index for the table name
	IntPtr aTableList         //Table list handle
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public static GM_Error_t32 DBTestConnection(
	string aConnectionStr    //Connection parameter string

7.2.9 GM_Exception

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public class GM_Exception : Exception
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public GM_Exception()

public GM_Exception(
	string message    //Any additional error information that could be gathered

public GM_Exception(
	GM_Error_t32 error    //The GM_Error to be assosicated with this exception

public GM_Exception(
	string message,    //Any additional error information that could be gathered
	Exception inner    //The Inner Exception

public GM_Exception(
	GM_Error_t32 error,    //The GM_Error to be assosicated with this exception
	string message         //Any additional error information that could be gathered

| 属性 | 描述 |
| ErrorCode | 与异常相关的GM_Error Code |

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public GM_Error_t32 ErrorCode { get; }

7.2.10 GM_Export

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public static class GM_Export

| 方法 | 描述 |
| ExportElevation | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的分块高程文件。 |
| ExportElevationEx | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的分块高程文件。 |
| ExportMapLayoutComponent | 将地图布局组件导出为位图图像文件。 |
| ExportPackage | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的包文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportPDF | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的GeoPDF文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportRaster | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的栅格文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportRasterEx | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的栅格文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportRasterFromBitmap | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的栅格文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportVector | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的矢量文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportVectorList | 将一个或多个图层导出为新的矢量文件(在WinCE上未实现)。 |
| ExportWebFormat | 将一个或多个图层导出为适用于在Web浏览器或其他基于Web的工具中显示的Web格式文件。 |
| SetExportCropAreas | 在导出时设置要使用的裁剪区域。 |

7.2.11 GM_ExportOptsPDF_t

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public class GM_ExportOptsPDF_t
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public GM_ExportOptsPDF_t()

| 方法 | 描述 |
| mBorderColor | 边框线颜色。 |
| mBorderStyle | 边框线样式(如实线、虚线等)。 |
| mBorderWidth | 边框线宽度(以PDF点为单位的像素)。 |
| mDPI | 导出DPI。 |
| mFlags | 导出标志。 |
| mFooterFont | 页脚字体(默认为NULL)。 |
| mFooterStr | 页面页脚(无页脚则为NULL)。 |
| mHeaderFont | 页眉字体(默认为NULL)。 |
| mHeaderStr | 页面页眉(无页眉则为NULL)。 |
| mMarginRect | 边距(以英寸为单位)。 |
| mPageSizeName | 页面大小名称,如"Letter","Legal","A0"等。 |
| mSymbolScale | 点符号缩放因子(0.0将被视为1.0,使用2.0可以将大小加倍,0.5可以减半等)。 |

7.2.12 GM_FindFeatures

cs 复制代码
public static class GM_FindFeatures

| 方法 | 描述 |
| FindFeaturesInArea | 查找包含在给定区域要素内的要素。 |
| FindNearestAddress | 查找离搜索位置最近的地址。 |
| FindNearestFeatures | 查找与给定像素位置的像素距离内的要素。 |

cs 复制代码
public static GM_Error_t32 FindFeaturesInArea(
	GM_LayerList_t aLayerList,                //List of layers to search or NULL for all vector layers
	GM_FindFlags_t32 aFindFlags,              //Flags controlling how the find is performed
	GM_AreaFeature_t aAreaToSearch,           //Area feature to search (use GM_GetAreaFeature to get from loaded layer)
	GM_Projection_t aAreaProj,                //Projection of coordinates in area feature (use GM_GetLayerInfo()->mNativeProj to get layer projection)
	out GM_FoundFeatureResults_t aResults,    //Results of find operation (use GM_FreeFeatureResultList to free when done)
	Object aReserved                          //Reserved for later use, must be NULL (0)
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public static GM_Error_t32 FindNearestAddress(
	GM_Point_t aSearchPt,        //Search location in current view projection (as returned by GM_SetProjection)
	GM_LayerList_t aLayerList,   //List of layers to search or NULL for all vector layers
	out string aAddressStr,      //Buffer to hold string for nearest address
	uint aMaxAddressLen,         //Maximum length of string to store in output
	double aMaxDistMeters,       //Maximum distance in meters to search around search point
	Object aReserved             //Reserved for later use, must be NULL (0)
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Error_t32 FindNearestFeatures(
	GM_Point_t aPixelSearchPt,                        //Search location in pixel coordinates
	GM_LayerList_t aLayerList,                        //List of layers to search or NULL for all vector layers
	GM_FindFlags_t32 aFindFlags,                      //Flags controlling how the find is performed
	GM_Rectangle_t aWorldBounds,                      //World bounds for search space or NULL for last drawn
	GM_PixelRect_t aPixelRect,                        //Pixel bounds for search space or NULL for last drawn
	out GM_FoundFeatureCollection_t aNearestFeatures, //List of nearest features (buffer for GM_FoundFeature_t)
	uint aMaxFeatures,                                //Max number of nearest features to find
	uint aMaxDistPixels                               //Max distance in pixels to search

7.2.13 GM_FontDef_t

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public class GM_FontDef_t
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public GM_FontDef_t()

| 方法 | 描述 |
| ToString() | 返回对象的字符串表示形式 (覆盖了Object.ToString()方法)。 |
| ToString(String) | 返回对象的字符串表示形式。 |

cs 复制代码
public override string ToString()

public string ToString(
	string theOptions    //Additional Font Info: (A) for all, (C) for Color, (F) for Format, (O) for Other

| 操作符 | 描述 |
| Equality | 根据句柄比较两个图层的相等性。 |
| Inequality | 根据句柄比较两个图层的不相等性。 |

cs 复制代码
public static bool operator ==(
	GM_FontDef_t left,    //The Left Layer
	GM_FontDef_t right    //The Right Layer
cs 复制代码
public static bool operator !=(
	GM_FontDef_t left,    //The Left Layer
	GM_FontDef_t right    //The Right Layer

| 字段 | 描述 |
| mAngle | 逆时针旋转角度(0表示从左到右水平)。 |
| mBgMode | 背景填充模式(不透明或透明)。 |
| mCharset | 字符集(使用OEM_CHARSET(255)获取默认行为)。 |
| mColor | 字体的RGB颜色。 |
| mFaceName | 使用的字体名称。 |
| mFixedHgt | 字体的固定高度(以米为单位)(使用0.0表示正常字号字体)。 |
| mHalo | 围绕文本绘制细边框,以在任何背景上使其可见。 |
| mItalicize | 使用斜体绘制文本。 |
| mPlacement | 标签相对于点要素的放置方式(仅适用于点要素)。 |
| mPointSize | 字体的字号(将mFixedHgt值设置为非零以使用固定高度)。 |
| mReserved2 | 保留,必须为0。 |
| mReserved3 | 保留,必须为0。 |
| mStrikeout | 删除线文本。 |
| mUnderline | 下划线文本。 |
| mWeight | 字体的粗细(使用GM_Constants,如FW_BOLD,FW_THIN,FW_NORMAL等)。 |

7.2.14 GM_FoundFeature_t

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public class GM_FoundFeature_t

| 属性 | 描述 |
| mDistance | 距离搜索位置的特征像素距离(只读)。 |
| mFeatureClassType | 要素类别(区域、点、线)(只读)。 |
| mFeatureIndex | 要素在图层中的索引(只读)。 |
| mLayer | 要素所在的图层(只读)。 |

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public uint mDistance { get; }
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public GM_FeatureClassType_t8 mFeatureClassType { get; }
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public uint mFeatureIndex { get; }
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public GM_Layer_t mLayer { get; }

| 方法 | 描述 |
| CompareLayer | 将此找到的图层与给定的图层进行比较。 |

cs 复制代码
public bool CompareLayer(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer    //The layer to compare against

| 操作符 | 描述 |
| Equality | 检查两个找到的要素之间是否相等。 |
| Inequality | 检查两个找到的要素之间是否不相等。 |

cs 复制代码
public static bool operator ==(
	GM_FoundFeature_t left,    //Left side feature to compare
	GM_FoundFeature_t right    //Right side feature to compare
cs 复制代码
public static bool operator !=(
	GM_FoundFeature_t left,    //Left side feature to compare
	GM_FoundFeature_t right    //Right side feature to compare

7.2.15 GM_FoundFeatureCollection_t

cs 复制代码
public class GM_FoundFeatureCollection_t

| 属性 | 描述 |
| Count | 找到的要素数量。 |
| Item | 找到的要素列表。 |

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public int Count { get; }
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public GM_FoundFeature_t this[
	int index
] { get; }

| 方法 | 描述 |
| GetAreas | 从 FoundFeatureCollection 中获取所有区域要素的列表。 |
| GetLidarPoints | 从 FoundFeatureCollection 中获取所有激光雷达点要素的列表。 |
| GetLines | 从 FoundFeatureCollection 中获取所有线要素的列表。 |
| GetPoints | 从 FoundFeatureCollection 中获取所有点要素的列表。 |

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public GM_AreaFeature_t[] GetAreas(
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags = 0    //Flags for the get area feature operation
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public GM_LidarPoint_t[] GetLidarPoints(
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags = 0    //Flags for the get point feature operation
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public GM_LineFeature_t[] GetLines(
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags = 0    //Flags for the get line feature operation
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public GM_PointFeature_t[] GetPoints(
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags = 0    //Flags for the get point feature operation

7.2.16 GM_FoundFeatureResults_t

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public class GM_FoundFeatureResults_t : IDisposable

| 属性 | 描述 |
| mFeatureCount | 结果列表中的要素数量。 |

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public ulong mFeatureCount { get; }

| 方法 | 描述 |
| Dispose | 释放非托管资源。 |

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public void Dispose()

| 字段 | 描述 |
| mFeatureList | 找到的要素列表。 |

7.2.17 GM_GPSUtil

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public static class GM_GPSUtil

| 方法 | 描述 |
| GPSGetAltitude | 获取当前的GPS海拔高度,如果有效。 |
| GPSGetBearing | 获取当前的GPS方位角,如果有效。 |
| GPSGetFixInfo | 获取当前的GPS定位准确性统计信息。 |
| GPSGetFixType | 获取当前的GPS定位类型。 |
| GPSGetLocation | 获取当前的GPS位置。 |
| GPSGetTime | 以C风格的时间加小数秒的形式获取最后一次GPS定位的UTC时间。 |
| GPSGetVelocity | 获取当前的GPS速度,如果有效。 |
| GPSRenderVessel | 在当前GPS位置将给定大小的GPS船舶渲染到提供的设备上下文中。 |
| GPSStartTrackingNMEAFile | 回放从NMEA日志文件中记录的GPS轨迹。 |
| GPSStartTrackingSerial | 开始跟踪连接到串行端口的GPS设备。 |
| GPSStartTrackingUSB | 开始跟踪连接到USB端口的GPS设备。 |
| GPSStopTracking | 停止跟踪任何已连接的GPS设备。 |

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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSGetAltitude(
	out float aAltitude    //current GPS altitude in meters
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSGetBearing(
	out float aBearing    //current GPS bearing in radians from due north
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSGetFixInfo(
	out float aHorzPosError,    //current horizontal position error in meters (0.0 if unknown)
	out float aVertPosError,    //current vertical position error in meters (0.0 if unknown)
	out float aPDOP,            //current position DOP in meters (0.0 if unknown)
	out uint aNumSats           //number of satellites used in fix (0 if unknown)
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public static GM_gps_fix_t8 GPSGetFixType()
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSGetLocation(
	out GM_Point_t aCurPos,    //current GPS location
	bool aGetLatLon            //retrieve coordinates in lat/lon/WGS84 rather than global coords
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSGetTime(
	out DateTime aFixTime    //fix time
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSGetVelocity(
	out float aVelocity    //current GPS velocity in m/s
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSRenderVessel(
	IntPtr aDC,                    //(HDC) Device context to draw to
	GM_Rectangle_t aWorldBounds,   //World bounds to convert from or NULL for last drawn
	GM_PixelRect_t aPixelRect,     //Pixel bounds to convert from or NULL for last drawn 
	uint aVesselHeight,            //The vessel height in pixels
	uint aVesselWidth,             //The vessel width in pixels
	uint aVesselColor              //The color to render the vessel in
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSStartTrackingNMEAFile(
	string aFilename,                    //full path to NMEA file to use
	GM_gps_nmea_flags_t32 aNmeaFlags,    //flags controlling NMEA playback
	GM_GPSCallbackFunc aCallbackFunc,    //optional callback function
	Object aReserved                     //reserved value (must be NULL)
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSStartTrackingSerial(
	GM_gps_format_t8 aFormat,            //format (NMEA or Garmin)
	byte aPort,                          //COM port for serial connections
	uint aBaud,                          //baud rate for serial port
	GM_GPSCallbackFunc aCallbackFunc,    //optional callback function
	uint aReserved                       //32-bit reserved value (must be 0)
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSStartTrackingUSB(
	GM_GPSCallbackFunc aCallbackFunc,     //optional callback function
	uint aReserved                        //32-bit reserved value (must be 0)
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public static GM_Error_t32 GPSStopTracking()

7.2.18 GM_GridGenSetup_t

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public class GM_GridGenSetup_t
cs 复制代码
public GM_GridGenSetup_t()

| 字段 | 描述 |
| mBounds | (GM_Rectangle_t *)要将边界框网格化到当前的投影单位中。如果要使用所有输入图层的合并边界,则传递NULL(默认值)。 |
| mDesc | 网格描述 |
| mElevUnits | 在哪些单位上生成网格(如果需要,将转换其他单位的高程值) |
| mFlags | 网格生成的标志 |
| mGridAlg | 用于创建高程网格的算法(如果有) |
| mGridBinMult | 如果使用基于 bin 的网格方法,则使用网格 bin 倍数。这是计算点密度的倍数。 |
| mLidarBreaklineBinMult | 在应用断线高度和填充间隙之前,从Lidar网格周围清除的单元格数目(如果使用GM_GridGen_ApplyLidarBreaklines有效)。通常在1-4范围内。 |
| mTaperValue | 区域网格化的锥度值。 0.0表示无锥度(默认值) |
| mTightnessMult | 网格紧密度乘数(乘以分辨率),以丢弃远离样本的值。默认值为零,不会丢弃任何值。对于Lidar bin网格化,通常不希望使用0,因为它可能会非常缓慢,以填充不规则的Lidar数据中的所有间隙。使用GM_GRID_DISABLE_GAP_FILL完全禁用填充间隙。对于Lidar bin网格,间隙填充值通常在1-32范围内。 |
| mXRes | 在当前的投影单位中生成网格的X分辨率(使用0.0进行自动间隔确定) |
| mYRes | 在当前的投影单位中生成网格的Y分辨率(使用0.0进行自动间隔确定) |

7.2.19 GM_Layer_t

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public class GM_Layer_t : IDisposable
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public GM_Layer_t(
	string aFilename,                //The Path to the file to be loaded
	GM_LoadFlags_t32 aLoadFlags = 0  //Flags for load options

| 属性 | 描述 |
| Closed | 返回图层的关闭状态。 |

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public bool Closed { get; }

| 方法 | 描述 |
| AddAreaToVectorLayer | 向加载的矢量图层添加区域要素 |
| AddLineToVectorLayer | 向加载的矢量图层添加点要素 |
| AddPointToVectorLayer | 向加载的矢量图层添加点要素 |
| Close | 关闭图层并清理非托管代码。返回GM_Error_t32 |
| CombineTerrainLayers | 通过组合两个加载的地形网格图层创建一个新的地形图层(在WinCE上未实现) |
| CreateCustomElevGridLayer | 创建一个用于内存高程网格的新的自定义图层(在WinCE上未实现) |
| CreateCustomRasterLayer | 创建一个用于内存栅格网格的新的自定义图层(在WinCE上未实现) |
| CreateCustomVectorLayer | 创建一个用于添加矢量要素的新的自定义图层 |
| CreateVectorLayerFromFindResults | 根据查找操作的结果创建一个新的矢量图层 |
| Dispose | 与Close执行相同的操作 |
| Draw | 将指定图层的指定部分绘制到DIB中。如果没有显式指定图层,则将绘制所有加载的图层。 |
| Equals | 根据句柄比较两个图层的相等性(重写Object.Equals(Object)。) |
| FlushCache | 刷新图层的任何内存缓存(在低内存环境中非常有用) |
| GetAreaFeature | 获取指定索引处具有可选标志的该图层中的区域要素。 |
| GetAreaFeatureEx | 获取指定索引处具有可选标志的该图层中的区域要素。 |
| GetAvailableOnlineSourceList | 检索所有可用的在线源的列表 |
| GetFeatureElevation | 获取要素的高程。使用SetLayerElevationAttribute设置高程属性的名称。 |
| GetLayerInfo | 返回有关指定图层的信息的副本。如果图层未加载,则返回NULL。 |
| GetLayerLidarStats | 从Lidar图层检索统计数据 |
| GetLidarPoint | 从图层中检索给定索引处的Lidar点要素 |
| GetLineFeature | 以可选标志获取该图层中指定索引处的线要素 |
| GetLineFeatureEx | 以可选标志获取该图层中指定索引处的线要素 |
| GetLocationColor(Double, Double, GM_Color_t) | 从提供的图层或当前加载的栅格和高程图层列表(最顶层图层优先)中的给定位置检索颜色 |
| GetLocationColor(GM_Layer_t, Double, Double, GM_Color_t) | 从提供的图层或当前加载的栅格和高程图层列表(最顶层图层优先)中的给定位置检索颜色 |
| GetLocationElevation(Double, Double, Single) | 从提供的图层或当前加载的高程图层列表(最顶层高程图层优先)中的给定位置检索高程 |
| GetLocationElevation(GM_Layer_t, Double, Double, Single) | 从提供的图层或当前加载的高程图层列表(最顶层高程图层优先)中的给定位置检索高程 |
| GetOnlineSourceInfo | 获取有关在线源的详细信息并检查可用性 |
| GetPixelBandValue(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | 从提供的图层中检索给定像素位置的波段值 |
| GetPixelBandValue(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | 从提供的图层中检索给定像素位置的波段值 |
| GetPixelColor(Int32, Int32, GM_Color_t) | 从提供的图层中检索给定像素位置的颜色 |
| GetPixelColor(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Int32, GM_Color_t) | 从提供的图层中检索给定像素位置的颜色 |
| GetPixelColorRow(Int32,Color[], Color) | 从提供的图层中检索整行颜色值 |
| GetPixelColorRow(GM_Layer_t, Int32,Color[], Color) | 从提供的图层中检索整行颜色值 |
| GetPixelElevation(Int32, Int32, Single) | 从提供的图层中检索给定像素位置的高程 |
| GetPixelElevation(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Int32, Single) | 从提供的图层中检索给定像素位置的高程 |
| GetPixelElevationRow(Int32,Single[], Single) | 从提供的图层中检索整行高程值 |
| GetPixelElevationRow(GM_Layer_t, Int32,Single[], Single) | 从提供的图层中检索整行高程值 |
| GetPointFeature | 使用可选标志获取该图层中指定索引处的点要素的副本 |
| GetPointFeatureEx | 使用可选标志获取该图层中指定索引处的点要素的副本 |
| IsFeatureDeleted | 查询图层中给定索引处要素的删除状态 |
| LoadGenericAsciiTextLayer | 从简单的ASCII文本文件中加载新的图层。将指向该图层的指针存储以便后续调用使用。 |
| LoadLayer | 加载数据文件(已弃用) |
| LoadOnlineLayer | 从在线源(如WMS服务器或TerraServer-USA)加载数据 |
| LoadRectifiedLayer | 从文件中加载新的图层。将指向该图层的指针存储以便后续调用使用。该图层将使用提供的地面控制点和投影进行校正。 |
| RepositionLayer | 重新定位/重投影先前加载的栅格图层 |
| SetAreaFeatureClass | 设置给定要素使用的分类。 |
| SetAreaFeatureDrawStyle | 设置用于区域要素的绘制样式 |
| SetAreaFeaturePointList | 设置用于给定区域要素的点位置列表 |
| SetAreaFeaturePointListEx | 设置用于给定区域要素的点位置列表,包括每个顶点的高程。 |
| SetCodePage | 设置图层的代码页解释 |
| SetFeatureAttrList | 设置用于指定要素的属性值列表。 |
| SetFeatureDelete | 更改图层中给定索引处要素的删除状态 |
| SetFeatureDescription | 设置要素使用的描述。 |
| SetFeatureLabel | 设置要素使用的显示标签。 |
| SetLayerDescription | 设置图层的描述 |
| SetLayerElevationAttribute | 设置用于检索该图层内要素的高程值的属性名称。 |
| SetLayerElevationUnits | 设置用于没有高程单位的3D矢量要素的高程单位 |
| SetLayerEnabled | 设置给定图层是否启用显示。如果禁用,该图层将永远不会被绘制,也不会用作其他半透明或贴图图层的输入。 |
| SetLayerHeightAttribute | 设置用于从该图层内获取点要素的高度值的属性名称。 |
| SetLayerHeightUnits | 设置用于没有高度单位的3D矢量要素的高度单位 |
| SetLayerLabelAttribute | 设置用于设置该图层内要素显示标签的属性名称。 |
| SetLayerPalette | 为图层设置自定义调色板,以覆盖现有调色板。仅适用于基于调色板的图层。 |
| SetLayerUserData | 为图层设置用户数据。 |
| SetLayerUserText | 为图层设置用户文本。保存到工作空间后仍保持不变。 |
| SetLidarPoint | 设置给定索引处从该图层中获取的Lidar点要素 |
| SetLineFeatureClass | 设置给定要素使用的分类。 |
| SetLineFeatureDrawStyle | 设置用于线要素的绘制样式 |
| SetLineFeaturePointList | 设置用于给定线要素的点位置列表 |
| SetLineFeaturePointListEx | 设置用于给定线要素的点位置列表,包括高程列表。 |
| SetPointFeatureClass | 设置给定要素使用的分类。 |
| SetPointFeatureDrawStyle | 设置用于点要素的绘制样式 |
| SetPointFeaturePosition | 设置用于给定点要素的位置 |
| ShowOptionsDialog | 显示图层的显示选项对话框 |
| ToString | 返回对象的字符串表示形式(重写Object.ToString()方法) |

cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 AddAreaToVectorLayer(
	GM_AreaFeature_t aArea,         //Area feature to add
	GM_AddFeatureFlags_t8 aFlags    //Flags controlling the add
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 AddLineToVectorLayer(
	GM_LineFeature_t aLine,        //Line feature to add
	GM_AddFeatureFlags_t8 aFlags   //Flags controlling the add
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 AddPointToVectorLayer(
	GM_PointFeature_t aPoint,    //Point feature to add
	GM_AddFeatureFlags_t8 aFlags //Flags controlling the add
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 Close()
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t CombineTerrainLayers(
	GM_GridCombineSetup_t aSetup,    //Setup for operation
	Object aReserved                 //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t CreateCustomElevGridLayer(
	string aDescription,            //Description to use for layer (can be NULL to use default)
	GM_Projection_t aProj,          //Native projection of new layer
	GM_GridLayout_t aGridLayout,    //Grid layer layout and type
	IntPtr aElevGrid,               //Grid of elevation values in row-major order
	Object aReserved                //Reserved for future use (must be NULL)
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t CreateCustomRasterLayer(
	string aDescription,                //Description to use for layer (can be NULL to use default)
	GM_Projection_t aProj,              //Native projection of new layer
	GM_RasterLayout_t aRasterLayout,    //Raster layer layout
	IntPtr aDataBuf                     //Grid of raster data values in row-major order
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t CreateCustomVectorLayer(
	string aDescription,    //Description to use for layer (can be NULL to use default)
	GM_Projection_t aProj   //Native projection of new layer
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t CreateVectorLayerFromFindResults(
	string aDescription,                    //Description to use for layer (can be NULL to use default)
	GM_Projection_t aProj,                  //Native projection of new layer
	GM_FoundFeatureResults_t aResultList    //Results of find operation to create layer from
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public void Dispose()
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 Draw(
	IntPtr aDC,                    //Device context to draw to
	GM_Rectangle_t aWorldBounds,   //World bounds to draw or NULL for all
	int aLeftPixel,                //Left pixel coordinate to draw to
	int aTopPixel,                 //Top pixel coordinate to draw to
	int aPixelWidth,               //Width in pixels to draw
	int aPixelHeight               //Height in pixels to draw
cs 复制代码
public override bool Equals(
	Object obj    //The layer to compare to this one
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 FlushCache()
cs 复制代码
public GM_AreaFeature_t GetAreaFeature(
	uint aIndex    //Index of Area feature to retrieve
cs 复制代码
public GM_AreaFeature_t GetAreaFeatureEx(
	uint aIndex,                    //Index of Area feature to retrieve
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags,  //Flags for fetching feature
	Object aReserved                //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public static GM_OnlineSourceInfo_t[] GetAvailableOnlineSourceList()
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetFeatureElevation(
	GM_FeatureClassType_t8 aFeatureClassType,    //Type of feature class (area, point, line)
	uint aFeatureIndex,                          //Index of feature in layer
	out float aElev                              //Elevation of feature (in meters)
cs 复制代码
public GM_LayerInfo_t GetLayerInfo()
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetLayerLidarStats(
	out GM_LidarStats_t aLidarStats,    //Buffer to hold stats in
	Object aReserved                    //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetLidarPoint(
	ulong aPointIndex,                //Index of Lidar point feature to retrieve
	out GM_LidarPoint_t aLidarPoint,  //Lidar point to fill in
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags,    //Flags for fetching Lidar point
	Object aReserved                  //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_LineFeature_t GetLineFeature(
	uint aIndex    //Index of Line feature to retrieve
cs 复制代码
public GM_LineFeature_t GetLineFeatureEx(
	uint aIndex,                    //Index of Line feature to retrieve
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags,  //Flags for fetching feature
	Object aReserved                //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetLocationColor(
	double aXCoord,        //X coord in current projection
	double aYCoord,        //Y coord in current projection
	out GM_Color_t aColor  //Color of pixel at location

public static GM_Error_t32 GetLocationColor(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,     //Layer to get color from or NULL for topmost
	double aXCoord,        //X coord in current projection
	double aYCoord,        //Y coord in current projection
	out GM_Color_t aColor  //Color of pixel at location
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetLocationElevation(
	double aXCoord,    //X coord in current projection
	double aYCoord,    //Y coord in current projection
	out float aElev    //Elevation at location in meters

public static GM_Error_t32 GetLocationElevation(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,    //Layer to get elevation from or NULL for topmost
	double aXCoord,       //X coord in current projection
	double aYCoord,       //Y coord in current projection
	out float aElev       //Elevation at location in meters
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Error_t32 GetOnlineSourceInfo(
	string aSourceName,                      //Name of online source to get detail info for
	out GM_OnlineSourceInfo_t aSourceInfo,   //Detailed information about provided source, mostly in attributes
	Object aReserved                         //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetPixelBandValue(
	int aRow,        //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	int aCol,        //X coord of pixel (0 is leftmost)
	int aBand,       //Band to get value for (0-based, so first band is 1)
	out int aVal     //Color of pixel at location 

public static GM_Error_t32 GetPixelBandValue(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,    //Layer to get color from
	int aRow,             // Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	int aCol,             //X coord of pixel (0 is leftmost)
	int aBand,            //Band to get value for (0-based, so first band is 1)
	out int aVal          //Color of pixel at location 
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetPixelColor(
	int aRow,                //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	int aCol,                //X coord of pixel (0 is leftmost)
	out GM_Color_t aColor    //Color of pixel at location

public static GM_Error_t32 GetPixelColor(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,        //Layer to get color from
	int aRow,                 //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	int aCol,                 //X coord of pixel (0 is leftmost)
	out GM_Color_t aColor     //Color of pixel at location
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetPixelColorRow(
	int aRow,                //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	out Color[] aColorRow,   //Pointer to arrow to hold color values for row
	Color aInvalidVal        //Value to use for invalid pixels

public static GM_Error_t32 GetPixelColorRow(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,        //Layer to get color from
	int aRow,                 //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	out Color[] aColorRow,    //Pointer to arrow to hold color values for row
	Color aInvalidVal         //Value to use for invalid pixels
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetPixelElevation(
	int aRow,        //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	int aCol,        //X coord of pixel (0 is leftmost)
	out float aElev  //Elevation at location in meters

public static GM_Error_t32 GetPixelElevation(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,    //Layer to get elevation from
	int aRow,             //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	int aCol,             //X coord of pixel (0 is leftmost)
	out float aElev       //Elevation at location in meters
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 GetPixelElevationRow(
	int aRow,                //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	out float[] aElevRow,    //Buffer to hold elevation values for row in meters
	float aInvalidVal        //Value to use for invalid samples (i.e. -9999.9)

public static GM_Error_t32 GetPixelElevationRow(
	GM_Layer_t aLayer,        //Layer to get elevation from
	int aRow,                 //Y coord of pixel (0 is topmost)
	out float[] aElevRow,     //Buffer to hold elevation values for row in meters
	float aInvalidVal         //Value to use for invalid samples (i.e. -9999.9)
cs 复制代码
public GM_PointFeature_t GetPointFeature(
	uint aIndex    //Index of Point feature to retrieve
cs 复制代码
public GM_PointFeature_t GetPointFeatureEx(
	uint aIndex,                    //Index of Point feature to retrieve
	GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32 aFlags,  //Flags for fetching feature
	Object aReserved                //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 IsFeatureDeleted(
	GM_FeatureClassType_t8 aFeatureClassType,    //Type of feature class (area, point, line)
	uint aFeatureIndex,                          //Index of feature in layer
	out bool aIsDeleted                          //Returns TRUE if marked as deleted, FALSE if not
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t LoadGenericAsciiTextLayer(
	string aFilename,                    //filename of ASCII file to load
	GM_LoadFlags_t32 aLoadFlags,         //load flags
	GM_AsciiFormatInfo_t aFormatInfo,    //optional format info (use NULL to prompt user)
	GM_Projection_t aProj                //optional projection to use for file (use NULL to prompt user)
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t LoadLayer(
	string aFilename,                //The Path to the file to be loaded
	GM_LoadFlags_t32 aLoadFlags = 0  //Flags for load options
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t LoadOnlineLayer(
	string aSourceName,            //name of the TerraServer-USA theme or WMS source to load ("drg", "doq", etc.) or NULL to ask user
	GM_Rectangle_t aLatLonRect,    //lat/lon rect to import (NULL to ask user)
	string aExtraLoadOptions       //extra load options
cs 复制代码
public static GM_Layer_t LoadRectifiedLayer(
	string aFilename,                    //File to be loaded
	GM_LoadFlags_t32 aLoadFlags,         //Flags to set load options
	GM_GroundControlPoint_t[] aGCPList,  //(const GM_GroundControlPoint_t*) list of control points for layer
	GM_Projection_t aProj                //projection of control points
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 RepositionLayer(
	GM_GroundControlPoint_t[] aGCPList,    //new control points. Null to not modify
	GM_Projection_t aProj                  //projection of control points
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetAreaFeatureClass(
	uint aFeatureIndex,                    //Index of feature in layer
	AreaFeatureClass_t16 aFeatureClass     //New feature class to assign to feature
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetAreaFeatureDrawStyle(
	uint aFeatureIndex,        //Index of feature in layer
	GM_AreaStyle_t aAreaStyle  //New style to use for Area, pass null to restore default type-based stuff
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetAreaFeaturePointList(
	uint aFeatureIndex,        //Index of feature in layer
	uint aHoleIndex,           //Index of hole to apply locations to (0 for main parent area, 1 for first hole, etc.)
	GM_Point_t[] aPointList,   //New list of points for area
	bool aPosInLayerCoords     //Are the position in the layer coordinate system or the current coordinate system
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetAreaFeaturePointListEx(
	uint aFeatureIndex,         //Index of area in layer
	uint aHoleIndex,            //Index of hole to apply locations to (0 for main parent area, 1 for first hole, etc.)
	GM_Point_t[] aPointList,    //(const GM_Point_t*) New list of points for area
	bool aPosInLayerCoords,     //Are the position in the layer coordinate system or the current coordinate system
	float[] aElevList           //Per-vertex elevations for area feature, or NULL for none
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetCodePage(
	int aCodePage    //Code page to use (-1 for not set, 0 for current system, CP_UTF8 for UTF-8, or normal code page, like 1252, 936, etc.)
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetFeatureAttrList(
	GM_FeatureClassType_t8 aFeatureClassType,    //Type of feature class (area, point, line)
	uint aFeatureIndex,                          //Index of feature in layer
	GM_AttrValue_t[] aAttrList                   //New list of attributes to associate with feature
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetFeatureDelete(
	GM_FeatureClassType_t8 aFeatureClassType,    //Type of feature class (area, point, line)
	uint aFeatureIndex,                          //Index of feature in layer
	bool Delete                                  //Use TRUE to mark as deleted, FALSE to clear delete flag
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetFeatureDescription(
	GM_FeatureClassType_t8 aFeatureClassType,    //Type of feature class (area, point, line)
	uint aFeatureIndex,                          //Index of feature in layer
	string aDesc                                 //New description for feature (NULL to reset to default)
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetFeatureLabel(
	GM_FeatureClassType_t8 aFeatureClassType,    //Type of feature class (area, point, line)
	uint aFeatureIndex,                          //Index of feature in layer
	string aLabel                                //New display label for feature
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerDescription(
	string aDesc    //Description to use (pass NULL to restore default)
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerElevationAttribute(
	string aAttrName,    //Name of attribute to use for elevations
	uint aReserved       //Reserved value for future expansion (must be zero)
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerElevationUnits(
	GM_ElevUnits_t8 aElevUnits    //Elevation units to interpret values as
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerEnabled(
	bool aEnable    //Enable or disable the layer
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerHeightAttribute(
	string aAttrName,    //Name of attribute to use for height
	uint aReserved       //Reserved value for future expansion (must be zero)
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerHeightUnits(
	GM_ElevUnits_t8 aHeightUnits    //Height units to interpret values as
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerLabelAttribute(
	string aAttrName,    //Name of attribute to use for naming labels
	uint aReserved       //Reserved value for future expansion (must be zero)
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerPalette(
	GM_PaletteEntry_t[] aNewPalette,    //pointer to list of palette entries to use for layer or NULL to reset palette to original palette
	Object aReserved                    //reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerUserData(
	IntPtr aUserData    //User data pointer/value to associate with layer
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLayerUserText(
	string aUserText    //Text string to set as text for layer
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLidarPoint(
	ulong aPointIndex,            //Index of Lidar point feature to update
	GM_LidarPoint_t aLidarPoint,  //Lidar point to update
	Object aReserved              //Reserved for future use, must be NULL
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLineFeatureClass(
	uint aFeatureIndex,                    //Index of feature in layer
	LineFeatureClass_t16 aFeatureClass     //New feature class to assign to feature
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLineFeatureDrawStyle(
	uint aFeatureIndex,        //Index of feature in layer
	GM_LineStyle_t aLineStyle  //New style to use for line, pass null to restore default type-based stuff
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLineFeaturePointList(
	uint aFeatureIndex,        //Index of feature in layer
	GM_Point_t[] aPointList,   //New list of points for line
	bool aPosInLayerCoords     //Are the position in the layer coordinate system or the current coordinate system
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetLineFeaturePointListEx(
	uint aFeatureIndex,        //Index of feature in layer
	GM_Point_t[] aPointList,   //New list of points for line
	bool aPosInLayerCoords,    //Are the position in the layer coordinate system or the current coordinate system
	float[] aElevList          //List of per-vertex elevations. Use NULL if no elevation list
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetPointFeatureClass(
	uint aFeatureIndex,                    //Index of feature in layer
	PointFeatureClass_t16 aFeatureClass    //New feature class to assign to feature
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetPointFeatureDrawStyle(
	uint aFeatureIndex,            //Index of feature in layer
	GM_PointStyle_t aPointStyle    //New style to use for point, pass null to restore default type-based stuff
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 SetPointFeaturePosition(
	uint aFeatureIndex,        //Index of feature in layer
	GM_Point_t aPosition,      //New location of point
	bool aPosInLayerCoords     //Is the position in the layer coordinate system or the current coordinate system
cs 复制代码
public GM_Error_t32 ShowOptionsDialog()
cs 复制代码
public override string ToString()

| 操作符 | 描述 |
| Equality | 基于它们的句柄比较两个图层是否相等。 |
| Inequality | 基于它们的句柄比较两个图层是否不等。 |

cs 复制代码
public static bool operator ==(
	GM_Layer_t left,    //The Left Layer
	GM_Layer_t right    //The Right Layer
cs 复制代码
public static bool operator !=(
	GM_Layer_t left,    //The Left Layer
	GM_Layer_t right    //The Right Layer
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