在 Node.js 环境中使用 Koa2 的洋葱模型

本文介绍如何在 Node.js 环境中使用 Koa2 的洋葱模型,并且介绍了多级鉴权的实现思路。


首先,确保在 Node.js 环境中安装了 Koa:

bash 复制代码
npm install koa


创建一个 app.js 文件,并写入以下代码:

javascript 复制代码
const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();

// 日志中间件
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    const start = Date.now();
    await next();
    const ms = Date.now() - start;
    console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);

// 认证中间件
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    if (ctx.headers.authorization) {
        await next();
    } else {
        ctx.status = 401;
        ctx.body = '未授权';

// 错误处理中间件
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    try {
        await next();
    } catch (err) {
        ctx.status = err.status || 500;
        ctx.body = err.message;
        ctx.app.emit('error', err, ctx);

// 主路由
app.use(async ctx => {
    // 模拟数据库操作或其他逻辑
    ctx.body = '受保护的内容,仅对认证用户开放';

// 错误事件监听器
app.on('error', (err, ctx) => {
    console.error('服务器错误', err, ctx);

app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('服务器运行在 http://localhost:3000');


  1. 日志中间件:此中间件记录请求方法、URL 和响应时间。这对监控和调试很有用。

  2. 认证中间件 :此中间件检查 authorization 头部(简单的认证机制表示)。如果头部不存在,则响应 401 未授权状态。否则,将控制权传递给下一个中间件。

  3. 错误处理中间件 :此中间件使用 try...catch 块包裹下游中间件,以处理发生的任何错误。它设置适当的状态码和错误消息,并发出错误事件。

  4. 主路由中间件:代表应用程序的核心逻辑。在现实世界场景中,这可能是数据库操作或任何业务逻辑。

  5. 错误事件监听器:此事件监听器记录服务器错误。它有助于记录错误以供进一步分析。



  • 日志中间件首先记录开始时间,然后将控制权传递给下一个中间件。
  • 认证中间件检查授权。如果授权,它将控制权向前传递;否则,它会响应错误。
  • 错误处理中间件准备捕获下游中间件的所有异常,并适当处理它们。
  • 主路由中间件执行应用程序的核心逻辑。
  • 控制权随后通过中间件堆栈返回。日志中间件计算响应时间并记录。

此设置有效地展示了 Koa 的洋葱模型,其中每个中间件都可以在下游中间件之前和之后执行动作。这是一个强大的模式,用于构建具有清晰和可维护代码的 Web 应用程序。


假设某些以 '/data' 开头的 URL 请求不需要授权,您可以修改 Koa 应用程序,以有条件地应用身份验证中间件。这可以通过检查请求 URL 并决定是否绕过或强制执行授权来实现。



javascript 复制代码
// 身份验证中间件
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    // 对某些路径绕过身份验证
    if (ctx.url.startsWith('/data')) {
        await next();
    } else {
        // 对其他路径强制执行身份验证
        if (ctx.headers.authorization) {
            await next();
        } else {
            ctx.status = 401;
            ctx.body = '未授权';


  • 这个修改后的中间件首先检查请求 URL 是否以 '/data' 开始。如果是,中间件调用 await next() 而不检查授权头,有效地绕过这些路由的身份验证过程。
  • 对于所有其他路由,中间件强制执行原始的身份验证检查。


假设您有一个路由 /data/public 应该公开访问,以及另一个路由 /data/private 需要认证:

javascript 复制代码
router.get('/data/public', async ctx => {
    ctx.body = '公共数据,无需认证';

router.get('/data/private', async ctx => {
    // 受保护的逻辑在这里
    ctx.body = '私有数据,需要认证';

有了修改后的中间件,对 /data/public 的请求将不需要认证,而对 /data/private 和任何其他不以 /data 开头的路由的请求将接受通常的认证检查。


English version

Certainly! A more realistic example of Koa's onion model can be demonstrated with middleware handling authentication, logging, and error handling. These are common tasks in many web applications. Let's illustrate this with a code example:

Koa2 Onion Model in a Realistic Scenario

Project Setup

First, ensure you have Koa installed in your Node.js environment:

bash 复制代码
npm install koa

Example Code

Create an app.js file and write the following code:

javascript 复制代码
const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();

// Logger Middleware
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    const start = Date.now();
    await next();
    const ms = Date.now() - start;
    console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${ms}ms`);

// Authentication Middleware
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    if (ctx.headers.authorization) {
        await next();
    } else {
        ctx.status = 401;
        ctx.body = 'Unauthorized';

// Error Handling Middleware
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    try {
        await next();
    } catch (err) {
        ctx.status = err.status || 500;
        ctx.body = err.message;
        ctx.app.emit('error', err, ctx);

// Main Route
app.use(async ctx => {
    // Simulating a database operation or any other logic
    ctx.body = 'Protected content, only for authenticated users';

// Error Event Listener
app.on('error', (err, ctx) => {
    console.error('server error', err, ctx);

app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('Server running on http://localhost:3000');


  1. Logger Middleware: This middleware logs the request method, URL, and response time. It's a useful feature for monitoring and debugging.

  2. Authentication Middleware : This middleware checks for the presence of an authorization header (a simple representation of an authentication mechanism). If the header is missing, it responds with a 401 Unauthorized status. Otherwise, it passes control to the next middleware.

  3. Error Handling Middleware : This middleware wraps the downstream middleware with a try...catch block to handle any errors that occur. It sets the appropriate status code and error message, and emits an error event.

  4. Main Route Middleware: This represents your main application logic. In a real-world scenario, this could be a database operation or any business logic.

  5. Error Event Listener: This event listener logs server errors. It's helpful for recording errors for further analysis.

How It Works Together

When a request is made to the server:

  • The logger middleware first logs the start time and then passes control to the next middleware.
  • The authentication middleware checks for authorization. If authorized, it passes control forward; otherwise, it responds with an error.
  • The error handling middleware is ready to catch any exceptions from downstream middleware and handle them appropriately.
  • The main route middleware executes the application's core logic.
  • Control then unwinds back through the middleware stack. The logger middleware calculates the response time and logs it.

This setup effectively demonstrates the Koa onion model, where each middleware can perform actions both before and after the downstream middleware. It's a powerful pattern for building web applications with clean and maintainable code.


If certain requests with URLs starting with '/data' do not require authorization, you can modify your Koa application to conditionally apply the authentication middleware. This can be achieved by checking the request URL and deciding whether to bypass or enforce the authorization.

Here's how you can implement this logic:

Modifying the Authentication Middleware

javascript 复制代码
// Authentication Middleware
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    // Bypass authentication for certain paths
    if (ctx.url.startsWith('/data')) {
        await next();
    } else {
        // Enforce authentication for other paths
        if (ctx.headers.authorization) {
            await next();
        } else {
            ctx.status = 401;
            ctx.body = 'Unauthorized';


  • This modified middleware first checks if the request URL starts with '/data'. If it does, the middleware calls await next() without checking the authorization header, effectively bypassing the authentication process for these routes.
  • For all other routes, the middleware enforces the original authentication check.


Consider you have a route /data/public that should be publicly accessible, and another route /data/private that requires authentication:

javascript 复制代码
router.get('/data/public', async ctx => {
    ctx.body = 'Public data, no authentication required';

router.get('/data/private', async ctx => {
    // Protected logic here
    ctx.body = 'Private data, authentication required';

With the modified middleware, requests to /data/public will not require authentication, while requests to /data/private and any other routes not starting with /data will be subject to the usual authentication check.

This approach allows you to have fine-grained control over which routes are protected by authentication and which are not, providing flexibility in how you manage access to different parts of your application.

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