slint 1.3.2 官方文档翻译06


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Debugging Techniques - Slint 1.3.2 Reference


Debugging Techniques 调试技术

On this page we share different techniques and tools we've built into Slint that help you track down different issues you may be running into, during the design and development.


Debugging Property Values 调试属性值

Use the debug() function to print the values of properties to stderr.

使用debug()函数将属性的值打印到stderr 标准错误。

Slow Motion Animations 慢动作动画

Animations in the user interface need to be carefully designed to have the correct duration and changes in element positioning or size need to follow an easing curve.


To inspect the animations in your application, set the SLINT_SLOW_ANIMATIONS environment variable before running the program. This variable accepts an unsigned integer value that is the factor by which to globally slow down the steps of all animations, automatically. This means that you don't have to make any manual changes to the .slint markup and recompile. For example,SLINT_SLOW_ANIMATIONS=4 slows down animations by a factor of four.


User Interface Scaling 用户界面扩展

The use of logical pixel lengths throughout .slint files lets Slint compute the number of physical pixels, dynamically, depending on the device-pixel ratio of the screen. To get an impression of how the individual elements look like when rendered on a screen with a different device-pixel ratio, set the SLINT_SCALE_FACTOR environment variable before running the program. This variable accepts a floating pointer number that is used to convert logical pixel lengths to physical pixel lengths. For example, SLINT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 renders the user interface in a way where every logical pixel has twice the width and height.

通过在. Slint文件中使用逻辑像素长度,Slint可以根据屏幕的设备像素比动态地计算物理像素的数量。要了解单个元素在具有不同设备像素比的屏幕上呈现时的样子,请在运行程序之前设置SLINT_SCALE_FACTOR环境变量。该变量接受一个浮点指针数,用于将逻辑像素长度转换为物理像素长度。例如,SLINT_SCALE_FACTOR=2以一种方式呈现用户界面,其中每个逻辑像素具有两倍的宽度和高度。

Note: Currently, only the FemtoVG and Skia renderers support this environment variable.


Debugging for Performance Improvements 调试性能改进

Slint attempts to use hardware-acceleration to ensure that rendering the user interface consumes a minimal amount of CPU resources while maintaining smooth animations. However, depending on the complexity of the user interface, quality of the graphics drivers, or the power of the GPU in your system, you may hit limits and experience slowness. To address this issue, set the SLINT_DEBUG_PERFORMANCE environment variable before running the program, to inspect the frame rate. The following options affect the frame rate inspection and reporting:


  • refresh_lazy: The frame rate is measured only when an actual frame is rendered, for example due to a running animation, user interaction, or some other state change that results in a visual difference in the user interface. If there is no change, a low frame rate is reported. Use this option to verify that no unnecessary repainting happens when there are no visual changes. For example, in a user interface that shows a text input field with a cursor that blinks once per second, the reported frame rate should be two. refresh_lazy:帧率仅在呈现实际帧时测量,例如由于正在运行的动画、用户交互或其他一些导致用户界面视觉差异的状态变化。如果没有变化,则报告低帧率。使用此选项可验证在没有视觉更改时不会发生不必要的重新绘制。例如,在显示文本输入字段的用户界面中,光标每秒闪烁一次,报告的帧率应该是2。

  • refresh_full_speed: The user interface is continuously refreshed, even if nothing is changed. This continuous refresh results in a higher load on the system. Use this option to identify any bottlenecks that prevent you from achieving smooth animations. Also disables partial rendering with the software renderer. refresh_full_speed:持续刷新用户界面,即使没有更改。这种持续刷新会导致系统负载增加。使用此选项可以识别任何阻碍实现平滑动画的瓶颈。还禁止使用软件渲染器进行部分渲染。

  • console: The frame rate is printed to stderr on the console. console:将帧速率打印到控制台上。

  • overlay: The frame rate is as an overlay text label on top of the user interface in each window. 叠加:帧率作为每个窗口中用户界面顶部的叠加文本标签。

Use these options in combination, separated by a comma. You must select a combination of one frame rate measurement method and a reporting method. For example, SLINT_DEBUG_PERFORMANCE=refresh_full_speed,overlay repeatedly re-renders the entire user interface in each window and prints the achieved frame rate in the top-left corner. In comparison, SLINT_DEBUG_PERFORMANCE=refresh_lazy,console,overlay measures the frame rate only when something in the user interface changes and the measured value is printed to stderr as well as rendered as an overlay text label.


The environment variable must be set before running the program. If the application runs on a microcontroller without the standard library, the environment variable must be set during compilation.


Next 下一个

Selecting a Widget Style 选择小部件样式

Selecting a Widget Style - Slint 1.3.2 Reference

Selecting a Widget Style 选择小部件样式

Slint offers a variety of built-in widgets which can be imported from "std-widgets.slint". You can modify the look of these widgets by choosing a style.


The styles available include:


Style Name 风格名 Light Variant 光变体 Dark Variant 暗变体 Description 描述
fluent 流畅 fluent-light fluent-dark These variants belong to the Fluent style, which is based on the Fluent Design System. 这些变体属于基于Fluent设计系统的Fluent样式。
material 素材 material-light material-dark These variants are part of the Material style, which follows the Material Design. 这些变体是材质风格的一部分,遵循材质设计
cupertino cupertino-light cupertino-dark The Cupertino variants emulate the style used by macOS. Cupertino 变体模仿了 macOS 使用的样式。
qt The Qt style uses Qt to render widgets. This style requires Qt to be installed on your system. Qt 样式使用 Qt 来呈现小部件。这种样式要求在系统上安装 Qt
native 本地 This is an alias to one of the other styles depending on the platform. It is cupertino on macOS, fluent on Windows, material on Android, qt on linux if Qt is available, or fluent otherwise. 这是其他样式的别名,具体取决于平台。它在 macOS 上是 Cupertino,在 Windows 上是流利的,在 Android 上是材料,在 linux 上是 Qt (如果 Qt 可用的话) ,或者在其他方面是流利的。

By default, the styles automatically adapt to the system's dark or light color setting. Select a -light or -dark variant to override the system setting and always show either dark or light colors.


The widget style is determined at your project's compile time. The method to select a style depends on how you use Slint.


If no style is selected, native is the default.


Selecting a Widget Style with Rust:


You can select the style before starting your compilation by setting the SLINT_STYLE environment variable to the name of your chosen style.


When using the slint_build API, call the slint_build::compile_with_config() function.

当使用slint_build API时,调用slint_build::compile_with_config()函数。

When using the slint_interpeter API, call the slint_interpreter::ComponentCompiler::set_style() function.

当使用slint_interpeter API时,调用slint_interpreter::ComponentCompiler::set_style()函数。

Selecting a Widget Style when using C++


Define a SLINT_STYLE CMake cache variable to contain the style name as a string. This can be done, for instance, on the command line:

定义一个SLINT_STYLE CMake缓存变量,以字符串形式包含样式名。这可以做到,例如,在命令行:

cmake -DSLINT_STYLE="material" /path/to/source        /源/路径

Previewing Designs With slint-viewer 用slint-viewer预览设计

Select the style either by setting the SLINT_STYLE environment variable, or by passing the style name with the --style argument:


slint-viewer --style material /path/to/design.slint // 查看器样式的材料

Previewing Designs With The Slint Visual Studio Code Extension

用Slint Visual Studio代码扩展来预览设计

To select the style, first open the Visual Studio Code settings editor:

要选择样式,首先打开Visual Studio Code设置编辑器:

  • On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings 在Windows/Linux上-文件>首选项>设置

  • On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings 在macOS上-代码>首选项>设置

Then enter the style name in Extensions > Slint > Preview:Style

然后在Extensions > Slint > Preview: style中输入样式名称

Previewing Designs With The Generic LSP Process


Choose the style by setting the SLINT_STYLE environment variable before launching the process. Alternatively, if your IDE integration allows for command line parameters, you can specify the style using --style.


Next 下一个

Backends & Renderers 后端和渲染器

Backends & Renderers - Slint 1.3.2 Reference

Backends & Renderers 后端和渲染器

In Slint, a backend is the module that encapsulates the interaction with the operating system, in particular the windowing sub-system. Multiple backends can be compiled into Slint and one backend is selected for use at run-time on application start-up. You can configure Slint without any built-in backends, and instead develop your own backend by implementing Slint's platform abstraction and window adapter interfaces.


The backend is selected as follows: 后端选择如下:

  1. The developer provides their own backend and sets it programmatically. 开发人员提供他们自己的后端,并通过编程方式进行设置。

  2. Else, the backend is selected by the value of the SLINT_BACKEND environment variable, if it is set. 否则,如果设置了SLINT_BACKEND环境变量,则通过该变量的值来选择后端。

  3. Else, backends are tried for initialization in the following order: 否则,按以下顺序尝试初始化后端:

    1. qt

    2. winit

    3. linuxkms

The following table provides an overview over the built-in backends. For more information about the backend's capabilities and their configuration options, see the respective sub-pages.


Backend Name 后端名称 Description 描述 Built-in by Default 默认内置
qt The Qt library is used for windowing system integration, rendering, and native widget styling. Qt库用于窗口系统集成、呈现和本机小部件样式。 Yes (if Qt installed) 是(如果安装了Qt)
winit The 的winit library is used to interact with the windowing system. winit库用于与窗口系统交互。 Yes 是的
linuxkms Linux's KMS/DRI infrastructure is used for rendering. No windowing system or compositor is required. Linux的KMS/DRI基础架构用于渲染。不需要窗口系统或合成器。 No 没有

A backend is also responsible for selecting a renderer. See the Renderers section for an overview. Override the choice of renderer by adding the name to the SLINT_BACKEND environment variable, separated by a dash. For example if you want to choose the winit backend in combination with the software renderer, set SLINT_BACKEND=winit-software. Similarly, SLINT_BACKEND=linuxkms-skia chooses the linuxkms backend and then instructs the LinuxKMS backend to use Skia for rendering.

后端还负责选择渲染器。有关概述,请参阅Renderers部分。通过将名称添加到SLINT_BACKEND环境变量(用破折号分隔)来覆盖渲染器的选择。例如,如果您希望选择winit后端与软件渲染器相结合,则设置SLINT_BACKEND=winit-software。类似地,SLINT_BACKEND=linuxkms- Skia选择linuxkms后端,然后指示linuxkms后端使用Skia进行呈现。

Renderers 渲染器

Slint comes with different renderers that use different techniques and libraries to turn your scene of elements into pixels. Slint picks a renderer backend on your choice of Backend as well as the features you've selected at Slint compilation time.


Qt Renderer Qt渲染器

The Qt renderer comes with the Qt backend and renders using QPainter:


  • Software rendering, no GPU acceleration. 软件渲染,无GPU加速。

  • Available only in the Qt backend. 仅在Qt后端可用。

Software Renderer 软件渲染器

  • Runs anywhere, highly portable, and lightweight. 可在任何地方运行,高度可移植性和轻量级。

  • Software rendering, no GPU acceleration. 软件渲染,无GPU加速。

  • Supports partial rendering. 支持部分渲染。

  • Supports line-by-line rendering (Rust only). 支持逐行渲染(仅限Rust)。

  • Suitable for Microcontrollers. 适用于微控制器。

  • Some features haven't been implemented yet: 有些功能还没有实现:

    • No support for Path. 不支持Path。

    • No image rotation or smooth scaling. 没有图像旋转或平滑缩放。

    • No support for drop-shadow-* properties. 不支持dropshadow -*属性。

    • No support for border-radius in combination with clip: true. 不支持与clip: true组合使用border-radius。

    • No circular gradients. 没有圆形梯度。

  • Text rendering currently limited to western scripts. 文本渲染目前仅限于西方文字。

  • Available in the Winit backend. 在Winit后端可用。

  • Public Rust and C++ API. 公共Rust和c++ API。

FemtoVG Renderer FemtoVG渲染器

  • Highly portable. 具有高度的可移植性。

  • GPU acceleration with OpenGL (required). GPU加速与OpenGL(必需)。

  • Text and path rendering quality sometimes sub-optimal. 文本和路径渲染质量有时不是最佳的。

  • Available in the Winit backend and LinuxKMS backend. 可在Winit后端和LinuxKMS后端使用。

  • Public Rust API. 公共Rust API。

Skia Renderer Skia渲染器

  • Sophisticated GPU acceleration with OpenGL, Metal, Vulkan, and Direct3D. 先进的GPU加速与OpenGL,Metal,Vulkan和Direct3D。

  • Heavy disk-footprint compared to other renderers. 与其他渲染器相比,磁盘占用较大。

  • Available in the Winit backend and LinuxKMS backend. 可在Winit后端和LinuxKMS后端使用。

  • Public C++ API. 公共c++ API。

Troubleshooting 故障排除

You may run into compile issues when enabling the Skia renderer. The following sections track issues we're aware of and how to resolve them.


  • Compilation error on Windows with messages about multiple source files and unused linker input Windows上的编译错误,有关于多个源文件和未使用的链接器输入的消息

    You may see compile errors that contain this error and warning from clang-cl: 您可能会看到包含此错误的编译错误和clang-cl的警告:

    rust 复制代码
     clang-cl: error: cannot specify '/Foobj/src/fonts/fontmgr_win.SkFontMgr_indirect.obj' when compiling multiple source files
     clang-cl: warning: Hausmann/.cargo/registry/src/ 'linker' input unused [-Wunused-command-line-argument]

    The Skia sources are checked out in a path that's managed by Cargo, the Rust package manager. The error happens when that path contains spaces. By default that's in %HOMEPATH%\.cargo, which contains spaces if the login name contains spaces. To resolve this issue, set the CARGO_HOME environment variable to a path without spaces, such as c:\cargo_home. Skia来源在Rust包经理Cargo管理的路径中进行检查。当该路径包含空格时,会发生错误。默认情况下,它位于%HOMEPATH%\.forge中,如果登录名包含空格,则包含空格。要解决此问题,请将CARGO_HOME环境变量设置为不带空格的路径,例如c:\CARGO_HOME。

  • Compilation error when compiling for ARMv7 with hardware floating-pointer support 编译支持硬件浮点指针的ARMv7时出现编译错误

    You may see compiler errors that contain this message: 您可能会看到包含以下消息的编译器错误:

    rust 复制代码
     Unable to generate bindings: ClangDiagnostic("/home/runner/work/slint/yocto-sdk/sysroots/cortexa15t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/gnu/stubs-32.h:7:11: fatal error: 'gnu/stubs-soft.h' file not found\n")

    The Skia build invokes clang in multiple occasions and is sensitive to compiler flags that affect the floating point abi (such as -mfloat-abi=hard), as they affect header file lookups. Skia构建在多个场合调用clang,并且对影响浮点abi的编译器标志(例如-mfloat-abi=hard)很敏感,因为它们会影响头文件查找。

The solve this, set the BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS environment variable to contain the same flags that your build environment also passes to the C++ compiler.


For example, if you're building against a Yocto SDK, then you can find these flags in the OECORE_TUNE_CCARGS environment variable.

例如,如果您正在针对Yocto SDK进行构建,那么您可以在OECORE_TUNE_CCARGS环境变量中找到这些标志。

Next 下一个

Qt Backend Qt的后端

Qt Backend - Slint 1.3.2 Reference

Qt Backend Qt的后端

The Qt backend uses the Qt library to interact with the windowing system, for rendering, as well as widget style for a native look and feel.


The Qt backend supports practically all relevant operating systems and windowing systems, including macOS, Windows, Linux with Wayland and X11, and direct full-screen rendering via KMS or proprietary drivers.

Qt后端支持几乎所有相关的操作系统和窗口系统,包括macOS, Windows, Linux与Wayland和X11,并通过KMS或专有驱动程序直接全屏渲染。

The Qt backend only supports software rendering at the moment. That means it runs with any graphics driver, but it does not utilize GPU hardware acceleration.


Configuration Options 配置选项

The Qt backend reads and interprets the following environment variables:


Name 名字 Accepted Values 接受的值 Description 描述
SLINT_FULLSCREEN any value 任何值 If this variable is set, every window is shown in fullscreen mode. 如果设置了这个变量,每个窗口都以全屏模式显示。

Next 下一个

Winit Backend Winit后端

Winit Backend - Slint 1.3.2 Reference

Winit Backend Winit后端

The Winit backend uses the winit library to interact with the windowing system.


The Winit backend supports practically all relevant operating systems and windowing systems, including macOS, Windows, Linux with Wayland and X11.

Winit后端支持几乎所有相关的操作系统和窗口系统,包括macOS, Windows, Linux与Wayland和X11。

The Winit backend supports different renderers. They can be explicitly selected for use through the SLINT_BACKEND environment variable.


Renderer name 渲染器名 Supported/Required Graphics APIs 支持/需要的图形api SLINT_BACKEND value to select renderer SLINT_BACKEND值来选择渲染器
FemtoVG OpenGL winit-femtovg
Skia OpenGL, Metal, Direct3D, Software-rendering OpenGL, Metal, Direct3D,软件渲染 winit-skia
Skia Software Skia软件 Software-only rendering with Skia Skia的纯软件渲染 winit-skia-software
software 软件。 Software-rendering, no GPU required 软件渲染,不需要GPU winit-software

Configuration Options 配置选项

The Winit backend reads and interprets the following environment variables:


Name 名字 Accepted Values 接受的值 Description 描述
SLINT_FULLSCREEN any value 任何值 If this variable is set, every window is shown in fullscreen mode. 如果设置了这个变量,每个窗口都以全屏模式显示。

Next 下一个

LinuxKMS Backend LinuxKMS后端

LinuxKMS Backend - Slint 1.3.2 Reference

LinuxKMS Backend LinuxKMS后端

The LinuxKMS backend runs only on Linux and eliminates the need for a windowing system such as Wayland or X11. Instead it uses the following libraries and interface to render directly to the screen and react to touch, mouse, and keyboard input.


  • OpenGL via KSM/DRI. OpenGL通过KSM/DRI。

  • Vulkan via the Vulkan KHR Display Extension. Vulkan通过Vulkan KHR显示扩展。

  • libinput for input event handling from mice, touch screens, or keyboards. Libinput用于处理来自鼠标、触摸屏或键盘的输入事件。

  • libseat for GPU and input device access without requiring root access. libseat用于GPU和输入设备访问,而不需要root访问。

The LinuxKMS backend supports different renderers. They can be explicitly selected for use through the SLINT_BACKEND environment variable.


Renderer name 渲染器名 Required Graphics APIs 所需图形api SLINT_BACKEND value to select renderer SLINT_BACKEND值来选择渲染器
FemtoVG OpenGL ES 2.0 opengles2.0 linuxkms-femtovg
Skia OpenGL ES 2.0, Vulkan linuxkms-skia-opengl or 或linuxkms-skia-vulkan

Note 注意

This backend is still experimental. The backend has not undergone a great variety of testing on different devices and there are known issues.


Display Selection with OpenGL 用OpenGL选择显示

FemtoVG uses OpenGL, and Skia - unless Vulkan is enabled - uses OpenGL, too. Linux's direct rendering manager (DRM) subsystem is used to configure display outputs. Slint defaults to selecting the first connected display and configures it at either its preferred resolution (if available) or its highest. Set the SLINT_DRM_OUTPUT environment variable to select a specific display. To get a list of available outputs, set SLINT_DRM_OUTPUT to list.

FemtoVG使用OpenGL, Skia(除非Vulkan被启用)也使用OpenGL。Linux的直接呈现管理器(DRM)子系统用于配置显示输出。Slint默认选择第一个连接的显示器,并将其配置为首选分辨率(如果可用)或最高分辨率。设置SLINT_DRM_OUTPUT环境变量以选择特定的显示。要获得可用输出的列表,请将SLINT_DRM_OUTPUT设置为list。

For example, the output may look like this on a laptop with a built-in screen (eDP-1) and an externally connected monitor (DP-3):


DRM Output List Requested:
eDP-1 (connected: true)
DP-1 (connected: false)
DP-2 (connected: false)
DP-3 (connected: true)
DP-4 (connected: false)

Setting SLINT_DRM_OUTPUT to DP-3 will render on the second monitor.


Display Selection with Vulkan 用Vulkan选择显示

When Skia's Vulkan feature is enabled, Skia will attempt use Vulkan's KHR Display extension to render directly to a connected screen. Slint defaults to selecting the first connected display and configures it at its highest available resolution and refresh rate. Set the SLINT_VULKAN_DISPLAY environment variable to select a specific display. To get a list of available outputs, set SLINT_VULKAN_DISPLAY to list.


For example, the output may look like this on a laptop with a built-in screen (index 0) and an externally connected monitor (index 1):


Vulkan Display List Requested:
Index: 0 Name: monitor
Index: 1 Name: monitor

Setting SLINT_VULKAN_DISPLAY to 1 will render on the second monitor.


To select a specific resolution and refresh rate (mode), set the SLINT_VULKAN_MODE variable. Set it to list to get a list of available modes. For example the output could look like this:


Vulkan Mode List Requested:
Index: 0 Width: 3840 Height: 2160 Refresh Rate: 60
Index: 1 Width: 3840 Height: 2160 Refresh Rate: 59
Index: 2 Width: 3840 Height: 2160 Refresh Rate: 50
Index: 3 Width: 3840 Height: 2160 Refresh Rate: 30
Index: 4 Width: 3840 Height: 2160 Refresh Rate: 29
Index: 5 Width: 2560 Height: 1440 Refresh Rate: 59
Index: 6 Width: 1920 Height: 1080 Refresh Rate: 60
Index: 7 Width: 1920 Height: 1080 Refresh Rate: 59
Index: 8 Width: 1920 Height: 1080 Refresh Rate: 50
Index: 9 Width: 1680 Height: 1050 Refresh Rate: 59

Set SLINT_VULKAN_MODE to 6 to select 1920x1080@60.


Configuring the Keyboard 配置键盘

By default the keyboard layout and model is assumed to be a US model and layout. Set the following environment variables to configure support for different keyboards:


  • XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT: A comma separated list of layouts (languages) to include in the keymap. See the layouts section in xkeyboard-config(7) for a list of accepted language codes. for a list of supported layouts. XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT:要包含在keymap中的布局(语言)的逗号分隔列表。请参阅xkeyboard-config(7)中的布局部分,以获取可接受的语言代码列表。以获取支持的布局列表。

  • XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL: The keyboard model by which to interpreter keys. See the models section in xkeyboard-config(7) for a list of accepted model codes. XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL:用来解释键的键盘模型。请参阅xkeyboard-config(7)中的模型部分,以获取可接受的模型代码列表。

  • XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT: A comma separated list of variants, one per layout, which configures layout specific variants. See the values in parentheses in the layouts section in xkeyboard-config(7) for a list of accepted variant codes. XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT:一个逗号分隔的变体列表,每个布局一个,它配置特定于布局的变体。查看xkeyboard-config(7)的布局部分中括号中的值,以获得可接受的变体代码列表。

  • XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS: A comma separated list of options to configure layout-independent key combinations. See the options section in xkeyboard-config(7) for a list of accepted option codes. XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS:一个逗号分隔的选项列表,用于配置与布局无关的键组合。请参阅xkeyboard-config(7)中的options部分,以获取可接受的选项代码列表。


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