命令:de4dot.exe "D:\xxx.exe"
命令:de4dot.exe file1 -f "D:\xxx.exe" -o "D:\output\xxx_cleaned.exe"
解释:-f : 指定.NET 程序集文件,-o : 指定输出 文件
命令:de4dot -r "D:\input" -ru -ro "D:\output"
解释:反混淆整个文件夹其中-r xxx : 指定输入文件夹,包括子文件夹,-ru : 跳过不支持的混淆工具混淆过的文件,-ro : 指定输出文件夹
命令:de4dot.exe -f "D:\a\xxx.exe" -d
命令:de4dot file1.dll -p sa
解释:指定混淆工具名称,de4dot可能检测不准确混淆工具的名称,可以通过 -p 参数指定
de4dot <options> <file options>
-r DIR Scan for .NET files in all subdirs
-ro DIR Output base dir for recursively found files
-ru Skip recursively found files with unsupported obfuscator
-d Detect obfuscators and exit
--asm-path PATH Add an assembly search path
--dont-rename Don't rename classes, methods, etc.
--keep-names FLAGS
Don't rename n(amespaces), t(ypes), p(rops), e(vents), f(ields), m(ethods), a(rgs), g(enericparams), d(elegate fields). Can be combined, eg. efm
Don't create method params when renaming
Don't restore properties/events
--default-strtyp TYPE
Default string decrypter type
--default-strtok METHOD
Default string decrypter method token or [type::][name][(args,...)]
--no-cflow-deob No control flow deobfuscation (NOT recommended)
Only control flow deobfuscation
Load executed assemblies into a new process
--keep-types Keep obfuscator types, fields, methods
Preserve important tokens, #US, #Blob, extra sig data
--preserve-table FLAGS
Preserve rids in table: tr (TypeRef), td (TypeDef), fd (Field), md (Method), pd (Param), mr (MemberRef), s (StandAloneSig), ed (Event), pr (Property), ts (TypeSpec), ms (MethodSpec), all (all previous tables). Use - to disable (eg. all,-pd). Can be combined: ed,fd,md
--preserve-all Preserve all tokens
Preserve #Strings heap offsets
--preserve-us Preserve #US heap offsets
--preserve-blob Preserve #Blob heap offsets
Preserve extra data at the end of signatures
--one-file Deobfuscate one file at a time
-v Verbose
-vv Very verbose
-h Show this help message
--help Same as -h
File options:
-f FILE Name of .NET file
-o FILE Name of output file
-p TYPE Obfuscator type (see below)
--strtyp TYPE String decrypter type
--strtok METHOD String decrypter method token or [type::][name][(args,...)]
Deobfuscator options:
Type un (Unknown)
--un-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[a-zA-Z_<{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
Type dr4 (.NET Reactor)
--dr4-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
--dr4-methods BOOL
Decrypt methods (True)
--dr4-bools BOOL Decrypt booleans (True)
--dr4-types BOOL Restore types (object -> real type) (True)
--dr4-inline BOOL
Inline short methods (True)
--dr4-remove-inlined BOOL
Remove inlined methods (True)
--dr4-embedded BOOL
Dump embedded assemblies (True)
--dr4-rsrc BOOL Decrypt resources (True)
--dr4-ns1 BOOL Clear namespace if there's only one class in it (True)
--dr4-sn BOOL Remove anti strong name code (True)
--dr4-sname BOOL Rename short names (False)
String decrypter types
none Don't decrypt strings
default Use default string decrypter type (usually static)
static Use static string decrypter if available
delegate Use a delegate to call the real string decrypter
emulate Call real string decrypter and emulate certain instructions
Multiple regexes can be used if separated by '&'.
Use '!' if you want to invert the regex. Example: !^[a-z\d]{1,2}$&!^[A-Z]_\d+$&^[\w.]+$
de4dot -r c:\my\files -ro c:\my\output
de4dot file1 file2 file3
de4dot file1 -f file2 -o file2.out -f file3 -o file3.out
de4dot file1 --strtyp delegate --strtok 06000123