2024-02-16 web3-区块链-keypass记录


2024-02-16 web3-区块链-keypass记录


Introduction - Keypass Docs

What is KEYPASS? - Keypass Docs

What is KEYPASS?

KeyPass Wallet is a new smart contract wallet that provides a secure and customizable registration and authorization process for Web3 applications.

    1. The KeyPass wallet supports thenewest technological evolutions such as smart contracts, authentication and management, and account abstraction, enabling users to perform frictionless authentication and login in the Web3 environment. Different from other wallets, the KeyPass wallet uses theoff-chain verification function, users only need to use email and password to register and log in to the account, without using hard-to-remember mnemonic words and private keys, which greatly improves the user experience.
    1. KeyPass wallet also supports on-chain email key recovery and reset, users can choose someone with no experience in Web3 as one of their account key authenticators, they only need to use their email account to help users with key recovery and reset. Thanks to the implementation of multi-party authentication on the chain, key recovery can be achieved without a third-party server.
    1. At the same time, the KeyPass wallet also provides theGasless function. Registered users can directly use any legal currency to pay the transfer fee, saving the trouble of downloading exchanges or OTC to exchange digital assets, and realizing a truly gas-free experience.
    1. In addition, the KeyPass wallet also uses thezero-knowledge technology to protect users' email information on the chain, prevent hacker Trojan attacks, and protect user privacy. The
    1. KeyPass wallet will support all Web3 platforms as well as non-Web3 platforms and be available on websites, mobile devices and browser extensions. It will support major blockchain databases and frameworks including but not limited to web3modal and Wallet Connect.
    1. In addition, the KeyPass wallet is also compatible with all EVM chains, which ensures that users have the same address on all chains, allowing users to manage their assets more conveniently.
    1. The goal of KeyPass Wallet is to provide the safest, most convenient, and most efficient walletexperience using the latest innovations in this field, allowing more people to become true Web3 citizens and have a decentralized identity (DID). If you want frictionless authentication and login in a Web3 environment, then the KeyPass wallet is the solution you need. Download the KeyPass wallet now and join the world of Web3!
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