springboot集成 mongodb以及mongodb简单工具类


springboot集成 mongodb 有开箱即用的starter 因此集成还是很方便的


  • 添加依赖
xml 复制代码
  • 添加配置
properties 复制代码



java 复制代码
 private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;


public interface MongoRepository {

    MongoOperations getMongoTemplate();

     * 获取集合
     * @param collectionName 集合
     * @return MongoCollection

    MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(String collectionName);

    MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(Query query, String collectionName);

     * 插入
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param doc            doc
    void insert(String collectionName, Document doc);

     * 更新文档
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param filter         filter
     * @param updateDoc      文档
     * @return long
    long update(String collectionName, Bson filter, Document updateDoc);

     * 统计
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param filter         filter
     * @return long
    long count(String collectionName, Bson filter);

     * 统计
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param filter         filter
     * @return long
    long countByLimit(String collectionName, Integer limit, Bson filter);

     * 去重
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param filter         filter
     * @param fieldName      fieldName
     * @return long
    long distinctCount(String collectionName, Bson filter, String fieldName);

     * 根据指定的管道聚合文档
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param pipeline       pipeline
     * @return AggregateIterable
    AggregateIterable<Document> aggregate(String collectionName, List<Bson> pipeline);

     * 查找
     * @param collectionName collectionName
     * @param filter         filter
     * @return FindIterable
    FindIterable<Document> find(String collectionName, Bson filter);

     * 获取实体类对应的集合名称
     * @param entityClass entityClass
     * @return String
    String getCollectionName(Class<?> entityClass);


     * Insert the object into the collection for the entity type of the object to save.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}.
     * <br />
     * If your object has an "Id' property, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a
     * String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used to populate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your
     * property type will be handled by Spring's BeanWrapper class that leverages Type Conversion API. See
     * <a href="https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#validation" > Spring's
     * Type Conversion"</a> for more details.
     * <br />
     * Insert is used to initially store the object into the database. To update an existing object use the save method.
     * <br />
     * The {@code objectToSave} must not be collection-like.
     * @param objectToSave the object to store in the collection. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the inserted object.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException                          in case the {@code objectToSave} is collection-like.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoOperations#getCollectionName(java.lang.Class)} from the given object type.
    <T> T insert(T objectToSave);

     * Insert the object into the specified collection.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * Insert is used to initially store the object into the database. To update an existing object use the save method.
     * <br />
     * The {@code objectToSave} must not be collection-like.
     * @param objectToSave   the object to store in the collection. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to store the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the inserted object.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the {@code objectToSave} is collection-like.
    <T> T insert(T objectToSave, String collectionName);

     * Insert a Collection of objects into a collection in a single batch write to the database.
     * @param batchToSave the batch of objects to save. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass class that determines the collection to use. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the inserted objects that.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoOperations#getCollectionName(java.lang.Class)} from the given type.
    <T> Collection<T> insert(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, Class<?> entityClass);

     * Insert a batch of objects into the specified collection in a single batch write to the database.
     * @param batchToSave    the list of objects to save. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to store the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the inserted objects that.
    <T> Collection<T> insert(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, String collectionName);

     * Insert a mixed Collection of objects into a database collection determining the collection name to use based on the
     * class.
     * @param objectsToSave the list of objects to save. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the inserted objects.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoOperations#getCollectionName(java.lang.Class)} for the given objects.
    <T> Collection<T> insertAll(Collection<? extends T> objectsToSave);

     * Save the object to the collection for the entity type of the object to save. This will perform an insert if the
     * object is not already present, that is an 'upsert'.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * If your object has an "Id' property, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a
     * String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used to populate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your
     * property type will be handled by Spring's BeanWrapper class that leverages Type Conversion API. See
     * <a href="https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#validation" > Spring's
     * Type Conversion"</a> for more details.
     * <br />
     * The {@code objectToSave} must not be collection-like.
     * @param objectToSave the object to store in the collection. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the saved object.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException                          in case the {@code objectToSave} is collection-like.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoOperations#getCollectionName(java.lang.Class)} from the given object type.
    <T> T save(T objectToSave);

     * Save the object to the specified collection. This will perform an insert if the object is not already present, that
     * is an 'upsert'.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted to the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * If your object has an "Id' property, it will be set with the generated Id from MongoDB. If your Id property is a
     * String then MongoDB ObjectId will be used to populate that string. Otherwise, the conversion from ObjectId to your
     * property type will be handled by Spring's BeanWrapper class that leverages Type Conversion API.
     * See <a href="https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#validation">Spring's Type Conversion</a> for more details.
     * <br />
     * The {@code objectToSave} must not be collection-like.
     * @param objectToSave   the object to store in the collection. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to store the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the saved object.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the {@code objectToSave} is collection-like.
    <T> T save(T objectToSave, String collectionName);

     * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity class to a single instance of an object of the
     * specified type.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * The query is specified as a {@link Query} which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more
     * feature rich {@link Query}.
     * @param query       the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields
     *                    specification.
     * @param entityClass the parametrized type of the returned list.
     * @return the converted object.
    <T> T findOne(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);

     * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a single instance of an object of the specified
     * type.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * The query is specified as a {@link Query} which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more
     * feature rich {@link Query}.
     * @param query          the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields
     *                       specification.
     * @param entityClass    the parametrized type of the returned list.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to retrieve the objects from.
     * @return the converted object.
    <T> T findOne(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Determine result of given {@link Query} contains at least one element. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Any additional support for query/field mapping, etc. is not available due to the lack of
     * domain type information. Use {@link #exists(Query, Class, String)} to get full type specific support.
     * @param query          the {@link Query} class that specifies the criteria used to find a record.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to check for objects.
     * @return {@literal true} if the query yields a result.
    boolean exists(Query query, String collectionName);

     * Determine result of given {@link Query} contains at least one element.
     * @param query       the {@link Query} class that specifies the criteria used to find a record.
     * @param entityClass the parametrized type.
     * @return {@literal true} if the query yields a result.
    boolean exists(Query query, Class<?> entityClass);

     * Determine result of given {@link Query} contains at least one element.
     * @param query          the {@link Query} class that specifies the criteria used to find a record.
     * @param entityClass    the parametrized type. Can be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to check for objects.
     * @return {@literal true} if the query yields a result.
    boolean exists(Query query, @Nullable Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the collection for the entity class to a List of the specified type.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * The query is specified as a {@link Query} which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more
     * feature rich {@link Query}.
     * @param query       the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields
     *                    specification. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass the parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the List of converted objects.
    <T> List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);

     * Map the results of an ad-hoc query on the specified collection to a List of the specified type.
     * <br />
     * The object is converted from the MongoDB native representation using an instance of {@see MongoConverter}. Unless
     * configured otherwise, an instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter} will be used.
     * <br />
     * The query is specified as a {@link Query} which can be created either using the {@link BasicQuery} or the more
     * feature rich {@link Query}.
     * @param query          the query class that specifies the criteria used to find a record and also an optional fields
     *                       specification. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass    the parametrized type of the returned list. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to retrieve the objects from. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the List of converted objects.
    <T> List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Returns a document with the given id mapped onto the given class. The collection the query is ran against will be
     * derived from the given target class as well.
     * @param id          the id of the document to return. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass the type the document shall be converted into. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the document with the given id mapped onto the given target class.
    <T> T findById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass);

     * Returns the document with the given id from the given collection mapped onto the given target class.
     * @param id             the id of the document to return.
     * @param entityClass    the type to convert the document to.
     * @param collectionName the collection to query for the document.
     * @return he converted object or {@literal null} if document does not exist.
    <T> T findById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Finds the distinct values for a specified {@literal field} across a single {@link MongoCollection} or view and
     * returns the results in a {@link List}.
     * @param field       the name of the field to inspect for distinct values. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass the domain type used for determining the actual {@link MongoCollection}. Must not be
     *                    {@literal null}.
     * @param resultClass the result type. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 2.1
    default <T> List<T> findDistinct(String field, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) {
        return findDistinct(new Query(), field, entityClass, resultClass);

     * Finds the distinct values for a specified {@literal field} across a single {@link MongoCollection} or view and
     * returns the results in a {@link List}.
     * @param query       filter {@link Query} to restrict search. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param field       the name of the field to inspect for distinct values. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass the domain type used for determining the actual {@link MongoCollection} and mapping the
     *                    {@link Query} to the domain type fields. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param resultClass the result type. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 2.1
    <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass);

     * Finds the distinct values for a specified {@literal field} across a single {@link MongoCollection} or view and
     * returns the results in a {@link List}.
     * @param query          filter {@link Query} to restrict search. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param field          the name of the field to inspect for distinct values. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName the explicit name of the actual {@link MongoCollection}. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass    the domain type used for mapping the {@link Query} to the domain type fields.
     * @param resultClass    the result type. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 2.1
    <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, String collectionName, Class<?> entityClass,
                             Class<T> resultClass);

     * Finds the distinct values for a specified {@literal field} across a single {@link MongoCollection} or view and
     * returns the results in a {@link List}.
     * @param query       filter {@link Query} to restrict search. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param field       the name of the field to inspect for distinct values. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collection  the explicit name of the actual {@link MongoCollection}. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param resultClass the result type. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 2.1
    default <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, String collection, Class<T> resultClass) {
        return findDistinct(query, field, collection, Object.class, resultClass);

     * Returns the number of documents for the given {@link Query} by querying the collection of the given entity class.
     * <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Query {@link Query#getSkip() offset} and {@link Query#getLimit() limit} can have direct
     * influence on the resulting number of documents found as those values are passed on to the server and potentially
     * limit the range and order within which the server performs the count operation. Use an {@literal unpaged} query to
     * count all matches.
     * <br />
     * This method uses an
     * {@link com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection#countDocuments(org.bson.conversions.Bson, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions)
     * aggregation execution} even for empty {@link Query queries} which may have an impact on performance, but guarantees
     * shard, session and transaction compliance. In case an inaccurate count satisfies the applications needs use
     * {@link MongoOperations#estimatedCount(Class)} for empty queries instead.
     * @param query       the {@link Query} class that specifies the criteria used to find documents. Must not be
     *                    {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass class that determines the collection to use. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the count of matching documents.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoOperations#getCollectionName(java.lang.Class)} from the given type.
    long count(Query query, Class<?> entityClass);

     * Returns the number of documents for the given {@link Query} querying the given collection. The given {@link Query}
     * must solely consist of document field references as we lack type information to map potential property references
     * onto document fields. Use {@link MongoOperations#count(Query, Class, String)} to get full type specific support. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Query {@link Query#getSkip() offset} and {@link Query#getLimit() limit} can have direct
     * influence on the resulting number of documents found as those values are passed on to the server and potentially
     * limit the range and order within which the server performs the count operation. Use an {@literal unpaged} query to
     * count all matches.
     * <br />
     * This method uses an
     * {@link com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection#countDocuments(org.bson.conversions.Bson, com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions)
     * aggregation execution} even for empty {@link Query queries} which may have an impact on performance, but guarantees
     * shard, session and transaction compliance. In case an inaccurate count satisfies the applications needs use
     * {@link MongoOperations#estimatedCount(String)} for empty queries instead.
     * @param query          the {@link Query} class that specifies the criteria used to find documents.
     * @param collectionName must not be {@literal null} or empty.
     * @return the count of matching documents.
     * @see MongoOperations#count(Query, Class, String)
    long count(Query query, String collectionName);

     * 更新插入
     * Performs an upsert. If no document is found that matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by
     * combining the query document and the update document. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> {@link Query#getSortObject() sorting} is not supported by {@code db.collection.updateOne}.
     * Use {@link MongoOperations#findAndModify(Query, UpdateDefinition, FindAndModifyOptions, Class, String)} instead.
     * @param query       the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted. Must not be
     *                    {@literal null}.
     * @param update      the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                    the existing object. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass class that determines the collection to use. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link MongoOperations#getCollectionName(Class) derived} from the given type.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass);

     * 更新插入
     * Performs an upsert. If no document is found that matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by
     * combining the query document and the update document. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Any additional support for field mapping, versions, etc. is not available due to the lack of
     * domain type information. Use {@link #upsert(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)} to get full type specific
     * support. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> {@link Query#getSortObject() sorting} is not supported by {@code db.collection.updateOne}.
     * Use {@link MongoOperations#findAndModify(Query, UpdateDefinition, FindAndModifyOptions, Class, String)} instead.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted. Must not be
     *                       {@literal null}.
     * @param update         the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                       the existing object. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to update the object in.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName);

     * 更新插入
     * Performs an upsert. If no document is found that matches the query, a new document is created and inserted by
     * combining the query document and the update document.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be upserted. Must not be
     *                       {@literal null}.
     * @param update         the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                       the existing object. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass    class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Updates the first object that is found in the collection of the entity class that matches the query document with
     * the provided update document.
     * @param query       the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be
     *                    {@literal null}.
     * @param update      the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                    the existing. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass class that determines the collection to use.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link MongoOperations#getCollectionName(Class) derived} from the given type.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass);

     * Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with
     * the provided updated document. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Any additional support for field mapping, versions, etc. is not available due to the lack of
     * domain type information. Use {@link #updateFirst(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)} to get full type specific
     * support. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> {@link Query#getSortObject() sorting} is not supported by {@code db.collection.updateOne}.
     * Use {@link MongoOperations#findAndModify(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)} instead.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be
     *                       {@literal null}.
     * @param update         the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                       the existing. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName);

     * Updates the first object that is found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with
     * the provided updated document. <br />
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be
     *                       {@literal null}.
     * @param update         the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                       the existing. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass    class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria
     * with the provided updated document.
     * @param query       the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be
     *                    {@literal null}.
     * @param update      the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                    the existing. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link MongoOperations#getCollectionName(Class) derived} from the given type.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass);

     * Updates all objects that are found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the
     * provided updated document. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Any additional support for field mapping, versions, etc. is not available due to the lack of
     * domain type information. Use {@link #updateMulti(Query, UpdateDefinition, Class, String)} to get full type specific
     * support.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be
     *                       {@literal null}.
     * @param update         the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                       the existing. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName);

     * Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria
     * with the provided updated document.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to select a record to be updated. Must not be
     *                       {@literal null}.
     * @param update         the {@link UpdateDefinition} that contains the updated object or {@code $} operators to manipulate
     *                       the existing. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entityClass    class of the pojo to be operated on. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection to update the object in. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link UpdateResult} which lets you access the results of the previous write.
     * @see Update
     * @see AggregationUpdate
     * @since 3.0
    UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Remove the given object from the collection by {@literal id} and (if applicable) its
     * {@link org.springframework.data.annotation.Version}. <br />
     * Use {@link DeleteResult#getDeletedCount()} for insight whether an {@link DeleteResult#wasAcknowledged()
     * acknowledged} remove operation was successful or not.
     * @param object must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the {@link DeleteResult} which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link MongoOperations#getCollectionName(Class) derived} from the given object type.
    DeleteResult remove(Object object);

     * Removes the given object from the given collection by {@literal id} and (if applicable) its
     * {@link org.springframework.data.annotation.Version}. <br />
     * Use {@link DeleteResult#getDeletedCount()} for insight whether an {@link DeleteResult#wasAcknowledged()
     * acknowledged} remove operation was successful or not.
     * @param object         must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be {@literal null} or empty.
     * @return the {@link DeleteResult} which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
    DeleteResult remove(Object object, String collectionName);

     * Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the the collection used to store the
     * entityClass. The Class parameter is also used to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.
     * @param query       the query document that specifies the criteria used to remove a record.
     * @param entityClass class that determines the collection to use.
     * @return the {@link DeleteResult} which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException                          when {@literal query} or {@literal entityClass} is {@literal null}.
     * @throws org.springframework.data.mapping.MappingException if the target collection name cannot be
     *                                                           {@link MongoOperations#getCollectionName(Class) derived} from the given type.
    DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass);

     * Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the the collection used to store the
     * entityClass. The Class parameter is also used to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to remove a record.
     * @param entityClass    class of the pojo to be operated on. Can be {@literal null}.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be {@literal null} or empty.
     * @return the {@link DeleteResult} which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@literal query}, {@literal entityClass} or {@literal collectionName} is
     *                                  {@literal null}.
    DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);

     * Remove all documents from the specified collection that match the provided query document criteria. There is no
     * conversion/mapping done for any criteria using the id field. <br />
     * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Any additional support for field mapping is not available due to the lack of domain type
     * information. Use {@link #remove(Query, Class, String)} to get full type specific support.
     * @param query          the query document that specifies the criteria used to remove a record.
     * @param collectionName name of the collection where the objects will removed, must not be {@literal null} or empty.
     * @return the {@link DeleteResult} which lets you access the results of the previous delete.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@literal query} or {@literal collectionName} is {@literal null}.
    DeleteResult remove(Query query, String collectionName);



java 复制代码
public class MongoRepositoryImpl implements MongoRepository {

    private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    public MongoOperations getMongoTemplate() {
        return mongoTemplate;

    public MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);

    public MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(Query query, String collectionName) {
        mongoTemplate.count(query, collectionName);
        return mongoTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);

    public void insert(String collectionName, Document doc) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);

    public long count(String collectionName, Bson filter) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        return collection.countDocuments(filter);

    public long countByLimit(String collectionName, Integer limit, Bson filter) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        CountOptions countOptions = new CountOptions();
        return collection.countDocuments(filter, countOptions);

    public long distinctCount(String collectionName, Bson filter, String fieldName) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        long count = 0;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldName)) {
            return 0L;
        for (BsonValue ignored : collection.distinct(fieldName, filter, BsonValue.class)) {
        return count;

    public AggregateIterable<Document> aggregate(String collectionName, List<Bson> pipeline) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        return collection.aggregate(pipeline);

    public FindIterable<Document> find(String collectionName, Bson filter) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        return collection.find(filter);

    public long update(String collectionName, Bson filter, Document updateDoc) {
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        return collection.updateOne(filter, updateDoc).getModifiedCount();

    public String getCollectionName(Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(entityClass);

    public <T> T insert(T objectToSave) {
        return mongoTemplate.insert(objectToSave);

    public <T> T insert(T objectToSave, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.insert(objectToSave, collectionName);

    public <T> Collection<T> insert(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.insert(batchToSave, entityClass);

    public <T> Collection<T> insert(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.insert(batchToSave, collectionName);

    public <T> Collection<T> insertAll(Collection<? extends T> objectsToSave) {
        return mongoTemplate.insertAll(objectsToSave);

    public <T> T save(T objectToSave) {
        return mongoTemplate.save(objectToSave);

    public <T> T save(T objectToSave, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.save(objectToSave, collectionName);

    public <T> T findOne(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.findOne(query, entityClass);

    public <T> T findOne(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.findOne(query, entityClass, collectionName);

    public boolean exists(Query query, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.exists(query, collectionName);

    public boolean exists(Query query, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.exists(query, entityClass);

    public boolean exists(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.exists(query, entityClass);

    public <T> List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.find(query, entityClass);

    public <T> List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.find(query, entityClass, collectionName);

    public <T> T findById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.findById(id, entityClass);

    public <T> T findById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.findById(id, entityClass, collectionName);

    public <T> List<T> findDistinct(String field, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.findDistinct(field, entityClass, resultClass);

    public <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.findDistinct(query, field, entityClass, resultClass);

    public <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, String collectionName, Class<?> entityClass, Class<T> resultClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.findDistinct(query, field, collectionName, entityClass, resultClass);

    public <T> List<T> findDistinct(Query query, String field, String collection, Class<T> resultClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.findDistinct(query, field, collection, resultClass);

    public long count(Query query, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.count(query, entityClass);

    public long count(Query query, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.count(query, collectionName);

    public UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.upsert(query, update, entityClass);

    public UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.upsert(query, update, collectionName);

    public UpdateResult upsert(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.upsert(query, update, entityClass, collectionName);

    public UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, entityClass);

    public UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, collectionName);

    public UpdateResult updateFirst(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, entityClass, collectionName);

    public UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.updateMulti(query, update, entityClass);

    public UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.updateMulti(query, update, collectionName);

    public UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, UpdateDefinition update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.updateMulti(query, update, entityClass, collectionName);

    public DeleteResult remove(Object object) {
        return mongoTemplate.remove(object);

    public DeleteResult remove(Object object, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.remove(object, collectionName);

    public DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass) {
        return mongoTemplate.remove(query, entityClass);

    public DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.remove(query, entityClass, collectionName);

    public DeleteResult remove(Query query, String collectionName) {
        return mongoTemplate.remove(query, collectionName);



java 复制代码
@SpringBootTest(classes = App.class)
public class ProcessTest {

    private MongoRepository mongoRepository;

    public void test() {
        String collectionName = mongoGateway.getCollectionName(User.class);
        User user = new User();
        User user1 = mongoRepository.save(user, "user");
        System.out.println("新增user: " + JSON.toJSONString(user1));

        Query query = new Query();
        Criteria criteria = new Criteria(TableInfoEnum.USER.getUniqueFieldName());

        Update update = new Update();
        setUpdate(update, user);
        mongoRepository.updateMulti(query, update, User.class, "user");

        User one = mongoRepository.findOne(query, User.class, "user");
        System.out.println("one: " + JSON.toJSONString(one));

    public void setUpdate(Update update, Object object) {
        if (null == object) {
        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();

        BeanInfo beanInfo;
        try {
            beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz);

            PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
            for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) {
                String name = propertyDescriptor.getName();
                if (!"class".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                    Method readMethod = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod();
                    Object invoke = readMethod.invoke(object, null);
                    if (null != invoke) {
                        update.set(name, invoke);
                        System.out.println("name: " + name + " invoke: " + invoke);

        } catch (IntrospectionException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
            log.error("setUpdate属性失败,错误日志: {[]}", e);

官方文档参考: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/mongodb/reference/mongodb.html

the end !!!

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