Chapter04 Setting Up a React Workflow
19 React Hooks envents and state
FastAPI+React全栈开发19 React Hooks事件和状态
A great definition of React or its components is that it is, essentially, a function that converts a state to a user interface, a React component is literally a function, as we have seen, and it takes props as arguments. The output of the function (the component, really!) is a JSX element. Essentially, React hooks are functional constructs that enable us to tap into the life cycle of a component and mess with its state.
Creating stateful variables with useState
The first, and probably the most fundamental hook, is the useState hook, which enables us to maintain a certain state throughout our component. Let's say that we want to maintain some kind of state in our one-page app, we want to set a budget limit and how much money we are willing to spend, so the website doesn't try to lure us into even looking at those cars tha are just too expensive. We will make a simple textbox, set it to dispaly jsut numeric values, and hook it up with a state variable that we will aptly name budget. I have made quite a few changes to the App.js file, but we will go over it line by line.
import Header from "./components/Header";
import Card from "./components/Card";
import {useState} from "react";
function App() {
let data = [
{id: 1, brand: "Fiat", color: "green", model: "500L", price: 7000, year: 2020,},
{id: 2, brand: "Peugeot", color: "red", model: "5008", price: 8000, year: 2018,},
{id: 3, brand: "Volkswagen", color: "white", model: "Golf 7", price: 8500, year: 2019,},
{id: 4, brand: "Fiat", color: "green", model: "500L", price: 7000, year: 2020,},
{id: 5, brand: "Peugeot", color: "red", model: "5008", price: 8000, year: 2018,},
{id: 6, brand: "Volkswagen", color: "white", model: "Golf 7", price: 8500, year: 2019,},
// 响应变量
let [budget, setBudeget] = useState(4000)
// 响应实际
const onChangeHandler = (e) => {
return (
<div className="App max-w-3xl mx-auto h-full">
<div className="border-2 border-yellow-500 my-5 p-3">
Your current budget is:
<div className="grid grid-cols-3 my-3 gap-3">
{ => {
return (
<Card key={} car={v}/>
<div className="bg-gray-300 rounded-md p-3">
<label htmlFor="budget">Budget:</label>
export default App;
Let's see what we did here. First, we imported the useState hook from React. The useState hook, probably the simplest of them all, returns two values, a variable (which can be anything we want, an array or an object) and a function that sets the value for this state variable. Although you can use any legal JavaScript name, it is a good vonvention to use the name of the variable, in our case, budget, and the same name, prepended with set:setBudget. That's all there is to it! With this simple line of code, we have told React to set up a state unit called budget and to set up a setter. The argument of the useState() call is the initial value. In our case, we have set it to be 4000 Euros.
Now we are free to use this state variable across the page. Note that we placed the useState call inside the App functional component, if you try to place it elsewhere, it will not work: hooks tap into the life cycle of components from the inside of the bodies of the functions defining the components themselves.
Moving down to the bottom of the component, we can see that we added a simple textbox. We set it to only display numeric values with HTML, and we added an onchange handler.
This is a good moment to mention that React uses the so-callled SyntheticEvent, a wrapper around the browser's native events that enables React to achieve cross-browser compatibility. The documentation is very straight forward, and you can find it on the React website: Once you have remembered a couple of differences (the events are using camelCase, rather than lowercase, and you must pass them a function in JSX), you will be writing event handlers in no time.
Back to our App.js file. We added an onChange event to the textbox and set it to be handled by a function, we called it onChangeHandler.
This onChangeHandler could hardly get any simpler: it just takes the current value of the textbox (target.value, just like the original DOM events; remember, it's just a wrapper) and sets our budget state to this value using our useState call defined jsut above the function. Finally, we added a div element just below the Header component that uses this budget value and displays it. That's it, we added a state variable to our app, the root component. We can set it and get it, and we are displaying it on the page!
Now let us try another thing. We have the user entering their budget and displaying it on the page. Wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow differentiate between cars that fit said budget and those that do not? To get this to work, we will need to set our small data sample that is currently hardcoded to be a state variable itself, and then we could just filter it and display only those within our price range.
I will not go through the code for this, but you can find it in this book's GitHub repository. The procedure would be to set a new state variable that holds an array of cars satisfying the condition that their price is less than or equal to our budget(hint:JavaScript filtering arrays) and then just add setDisplayedCars to the budget event handler.
At this point, I must encourage you to dive into the excellent React.js documentation and learn more about the useState hook and its big brother, the useReducer hook. This is a hook that might be thought of as a generalization of the useState hook and that is best suited when you have to deal with numerous pieces of state that are interconnected, so managing them with many simple useState hooks could end up being tedious and difficult to maintain.
Now I am going to delet the contents of our App.js file, leaving only the empty Tailwind-styled canvas and the header.
import Header from "./components/Header";
function App() {
return (
<div className="App max-w-3xl mx-auto h-full">
export default App;
You have seen how the useState hook enables you to add a stateful variable in a very simple and staightforward way and how to manipulate the state through regular envents.
Now it is time to see how we can get our data from our efficient FastAPI backend into our beautiful React.js frontend. We will get to know another hook: useEffect.