FastAPI+React全栈开发16 设置一个React工作流

Chapter04 Setting Up a React Workflow

16 Summary

FastAPI+React全栈开发16 设置一个React工作流

This title might be a bit awkward, but really, I am going to go over a bit of React since it is a vast topic that deserves a separate book, and there are plenty of very good ones on the market. I listed the reasons for choosing React in the first place, back when we were analyzing our stack in Chapter 1, Web Development and the FARM Stack, so we will not go over it again. Instead, I will try to make a concise and short introduction to React, while pinpointing what I feel are the most important topics and features that you should be aware of in order to be proficient as soon as possible.


In this chapter, wee're going to create a very simplle React app, or better, the frontend of an app through which we will showcase the main features and the most salient concepts that will make working with React worth your while. We will begin with the prerequisites and tools (such as Node.js, some Virual Stutio Code extensions, and more). We will also learn how to use the standard command-line tool Create React App for quick starting new applications, and then I will go over the concept of components and the role of JSX, the essence of React.

在本章中,我们将创建一个非常简单的React应用程序,或者更好的是,一个应用程序的前端,通过它我们将展示主要特性和最突出的概念,这些将使React值得你花时间使用。我们将从先决条件和工具(如Node.js,一些virtual studio Code扩展等)开始。我们还将学习如何使用标准的命令行工具Create React App来快速启动新应用程序,然后我将介绍组件的概念和JSX的作用,这是React的本质。

We will design a simple application in terms of components, and we will see how decoupling helps us write modular and maintainable code. We will briefly glance over two of the most important hooks and see how they solve some web development problems that are as ancient as the web itself. Finally, we will deploy our shell app and briefly discuss the deployment possibilities.


In this chapter, we will cover the following main topics:

  • The basic ideas behind React
  • Creating React apps and the resulting starter files
  • Styling with Tailwind CSS
  • Functional components and JSX, the language of React
  • Managing state with the useState hook and communicating with APIs using the useEffect hook
  • Exploring React Router and other goodies


  • React背后的基本思想
  • 创建React应用程序和生成的启动文件
  • 样式Tailwind CSS
  • React语言的功能组件和JSX
  • 使用useState钩子管理状态,并使用useEffect钩子与api通信
  • 探索React路由器和其他好东西

By the end of the chapter, you will have created a minimal, yet fully functional React web app, and you will become part of an army of frontend developers who value simple tools to be able to achieve complex functionalities, without being confined within a strict framework.

在本章结束时,你将创建一个最小的,但功能齐全的React web应用程序,你将成为前端开发人员大军的一员,他们重视简单的工具,能够实现复杂的功能,而不受严格框架的限制。

We made it through a short and atypical introduction to the world's most popular user interface library- React.js. I tried to cover the absolute basics and point the reader in a certain direction, rather than trying to elaborate on topics that require esparate chapters or entire books. I have covered the topics that I believe are enough to get started.


We have seen what JSX is and why it is so convenient for developers. We introduced the basic building blocks of React, functional components, and the basic rules that must be followed when designing them. I have introduced two fundamental React Hooks that, when combined, allow you to begin building basic user interfaces, maintain and change state in the components and interact with external APIs.

我们已经看到了JSX是什么,以及为什么它对开发人员如此方便。我们介绍了React的基本构建块、功能组件以及在设计它们时必须遵循的基本规则。我已经介绍了两个基本的React Hooks,当它们结合在一起时,允许你开始构建基本的用户界面,维护和更改组件中的状态,以及与外部api交互。

Finally, I mentioned some of the React libraries that will make your life easier when developing custom applications, they all have excellent documentation and are updated frequently, so covering them in depth would defy the purpose of this chapter.


In the next chapter, we will use some of this basic knowledge and use React to create a simple but fully functional and dynamic for our application.


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