c:\>net localgroup
c:\>net localgroup administrators
C:\>net localgroup administrators
Alias name administrators
The command completed successfully.
"net localgroup "命令用于管理 Windows 计算机上的本地组。下面是它的作用:
显示信息: 在不带任何参数的情况下使用时,它会显示服务器名称和计算机上的本地组名称。
* 要添加新的本地组,可使用语法:net localgroup <GroupName> /add [/comment:"<Text>"] 。
* 要删除现有本地组,请使用:net localgroup <GroupName> /delete。
- 从本地组中添加或删除用户:
* 要在本地组中添加用户或全局组,请使用:net localgroup <GroupName> /add <Name>。
* 要从本地组中删除用户或组,请使用: net localgroup <GroupName> /delete <Name>。
- 附加参数:
* /comment:"<Text>": 为新组或现有组添加注释(最多 256 个字符)。
* /domain: 在当前域的主域控制器上执行操作(否则在本地计算机上执行)。
- 示例
* 显示所有本地组: net localgroup
* 显示特定组的用户账户: net localgroup <group_name>
* 添加名为 "Exec "的本地组: net localgroup exec /add
* 将 "Exec "组添加到域用户账户数据库: net localgroup exec /add /domain
请记住,该命令适用于管理 Windows 系统中的本地组及其成员。
| The "net localgroup" command is used to manage local groups on a Windows computer. Here's what it does: 1. Displays Information: When used without any parameters, it displays the name of the server and the names of local groups on the computer. 2. Adds or Modifies Local Groups: * To add a new local group, you can use the syntax: net localgroup <GroupName> /add [/comment:"<Text>"]. * To delete an existing local group, use: net localgroup <GroupName> /delete. 3. Adds or Removes Users from Local Groups: * To add a user or global group to a local group, use: net localgroup <GroupName> /add <Name>. * To remove a user or group from a local group, use: net localgroup <GroupName> /delete <Name>. 4. Additional Parameters: * /comment:"<Text>": Adds a comment for a new or existing group (up to 256 characters). * /domain: Performs the operation on the primary domain controller of the current domain (otherwise, it's performed on the local computer). 5. Examples: * To display all local groups: net localgroup * To display the specific group's user account: net localgroup <group_name> * To add a local group called "Exec": net localgroup exec /add * To add the "Exec" group to the domain user accounts database: net localgroup exec /add /domain Remember that this command is useful for managing local groups and their members on a Windows system. |
c:\>gpupdate /force
命令 "gpupdate /force "用于强制对所有组策略设置进行后台更新,无论这些设置是否已更改。该命令不考虑常规刷新间隔,强制重新应用每项新旧策略。当你需要确保无需等待正常更新周期就能应用所有策略时,该命令尤其有用。该命令既可在本地计算机上运行,也可远程启动强制组策略更新。
| The command "gpupdate /force" is used to force a background update of all Group Policy settings, whether they have changed or not. This command disregards the regular refresh interval and forcefully reapplies every policy, new and old. It is especially useful when you need to ensure that all policies are applied without waiting for the normal update cycle. The command can be run both locally on a computer or remotely to initiate a forced Group Policy update. |