.NET Reflector Standard

.NET Reflector Standard

.NET Reflector saves time and simplifies development by letting you see and debug into the source of all the .NET code you work with. Follow bugs through your own code, third-party components, and any compiled .NET code you work with. Replace poor or missing documentation by seeing how the code works in context. Find unexposed and undocumented functionality and get more out of the APIs and technologies you're using. Drill into how .NET languages and frameworks are implemented, and learn how to use them. .NET Refelector Standard edition is a standalone application to explore and navigate decompiled code. For developers looking to use .NET Reflector within Visual Studio check out the VSPro edition.

Find and fix bugs, fast

With .NET Reflector you can decompile, understand, and fix any .NET code, even if you don't have the source

Look inside any .NET code

Debugging your application - Follow bugs through your application to see where your problems lie -- whether it's in your own code, third-party libraries, or components used by your application.

Understand how applications work - Inherited applications with little or no documentation or comments are hard to develop. Use .NET Reflector to understand how the code runs and avoid bugs.

SharePoint and other third-party platforms - Like many third-party platforms, SharePoint APIs and libraries aren't always well-documented. With .NET Reflector you can look inside their assemblies and see how they work and which APIs you can call.

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