React + TypeScript 组件的状态和构造 React Hooks

What is component state?

In React, component state refers to the internal data held by a component. It represents the mutable values that can be used within the component and can be updated over time. State allows components to keep track of information that can change, such as user input, API responses, or any other data that needs to be dynamic and responsive.State is a feature provided by React that enables components to manage and update their own data. It allows components to re-render when the state changes, ensuring that the user interface reflects the latest data.To define state in a React component, you should use the useState hook inside of component. You can then access and modify the state within the component's methods or JSX code. When the state is updated, React will automatically re-render the component and its child components to reflect the changes. Before jump to examples of using state in components, let's briefly explore what is React Hook.

在React中,组件状态指的是组件持有的内部数据。它表示可在组件中使用并随时间更新的可变值。State允许组件跟踪可能更改的信息,例如用户输入、API响应或任何其他需要动态响应的数据。State是React提供的一个特性,它使组件能够管理和更新自己的数据。它允许组件在状态改变时重新呈现,确保用户界面反映最新的数据。要在React组件中定义状态,你应该在组件内部使用useState钩子。然后,您可以在组件的方法或JSX代码中访问和修改状态。当状态更新时,React将自动重新呈现组件及其子组件以反映更改。在跳转到在组件中使用状态的示例之前,让我们简单地探索一下什么是React Hook。

React Hooks

React Hooks are a feature introduced in React 16.8 that allow you to use state and other React features in functional components. Before hooks, state management and lifecycle methods were primarily used in class components. Hooks provide a way to achieve similar functionality in functional components, making them more powerful and easier to write and understand.Hooks are functions that enable you to "hook into" React's internal features, such as state management, context, effects, and more. They are prefixed with the use keyword (e.g., useState, useEffect, useContext, etc.). React provides several built-in hooks, and you can also create custom hooks to encapsulate reusable stateful logic.The most commonly used built-in hooks are:

React Hooks是在React 16.8中引入的一个特性,它允许你在功能组件中使用状态和其他React特性。在钩子出现之前,状态管理和生命周期方法主要用于类组件。Hooks提供了一种在函数式组件中实现类似功能的方法,使它们更强大,更易于编写和理解。Hooks是允许你"hook到"React内部特性的函数,比如状态管理、上下文、效果等等。它们以use关键字作为前缀(例如,useState, useEffect, useContext等)。React提供了几个内置钩子,您还可以创建自定义钩子来封装可重用的有状态逻辑。最常用的内置钩子有:

  • useState: This hook allows you to add state to a functional component. It returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function to update the state. 这个钩子允许你向功能组件添加状态。它返回一个包含两个元素的数组:当前状态值和更新状态的函数。
  • useEffect: This hook lets you perform side effects in your components, such as fetching data, subscribing to events, or manually manipulating the DOM. It runs after every render by default and can be used to handle component lifecycle events like when component was mount, updated or unmount. 该钩子允许您在组件中执行副作用,例如获取数据、订阅事件或手动操作DOM。默认情况下,它在每次渲染之后运行,并可用于处理组件生命周期事件,例如组件安装,更新或卸载。
  • useContext: This hook allows you to consume values from a React context. It provides a way to access context values without nesting multiple components. 这个钩子允许你从React上下文中消费值。它提供了一种无需嵌套多个组件即可访问上下文值的方法。
  • useCallback and useMemo: These hooks are used for performance optimization. useCallback memoizes a function, preventing it from being recreated on every render, while useMemo memoizes a value, recomputing it only when its dependencies change. 这些钩子用于性能优化。useCallback记忆一个函数,防止在每次渲染时重新创建它,而useMemo记忆一个值,只在它的依赖项改变时重新计算它。

We will examine all hooks in this chapter and will use them during all book. Let's continue with state and explore how we can manage it with useState hook.


Maintaining state using Hooks

The first React Hook API that we'll look at is called useState , which enables your functional React components to be stateful. In this section, you'll learn how to initialize state values and change the state of a component using Hooks.

我们要看的第一个React Hook API是useState,它使你的功能React组件是有状态的。在本节中,您将学习如何使用Hooks初始化状态值并更改组件的状态。

Initial state values

When our components are first rendered, they probably expect some state values to be set. This is called the initial state of the component, and we can use the useState Hook to set the initial state. Let's take a look at an example:



tsx 复制代码
import { useState } from "react";

export default function MyComponent5() {
  const [name, setName] = useState("张三");
  const [age, setAge] = useState(23);

  const onUpdateName = () => {
  const onUpdateAge = () => {

  return (
        <button onClick={onUpdateName}>修改姓名</button>
        <button onClick={onUpdateAge}>修改年龄</button>

The App component is a functional React component that returns JSX markup. But it's also now a stateful component, thanks to the useState Hook. This example initializes two pieces of state, name and age. This is why there are two calls to useState , one for each state value.You can have as many pieces of state in your component as you need. The best practice is to have one call to useState per state value. You could always define an object as the state of your component using only one call to useState , but this complicates things because you have to access state values through an object instead of directly. Updating state values is also more complicated using this approach. When in doubt, use one useState Hook per state value.When we call useState , we get an array returned to us. The first value of this array is the state value itself. Since we've used arraydestructuring syntax here, we can call the value whatever we want; in this case, it is name and age. Both of these constants have values when the component is first rendered because we passed the initial state values for each of them to useState .


Now that you've seen how to set the initial state values of your components, let's learn about updating these values.


Updating state values

React components use state for values that change over time. The state values used by components start off in one state, as we saw in the previous section, and then change in response to some event -- for example, the server responds to an API request with new data, or the user has clicked a button or changed a form field.To update the state, useState hook provides an individual function for every peace of states, that we can access from returned array from useState hook. The first item is the state value and the second is the function used to update the value. Let's take a look at an example:


tsx 复制代码
import { useState } from "react";

export default function MyComponent5() {
  const [name, setName] = useState("张三");
  const [age, setAge] = useState(23);

  const onUpdateName = () => {
  const onUpdateAge = () => {

  return (
        <button onClick={onUpdateName}>修改姓名</button>
        <button onClick={onUpdateAge}>修改年龄</button>

Just like the example from the Initial state values section, the App component in this example has two pieces of state -- name and age . Unlike the previous example, this component uses two functions to update each piece of state. These are returned from the call to useState . Let's take a closer look:


tsx 复制代码
const [name, setName] = useState("张三");
const [age, setAge] = useState(23);

Now, we have two functions -- setName and setAge -- that can be used to update the state of our component. Let's take a look at the text input field that updates the name state:


tsx 复制代码
const onUpdateName = () => {
const onUpdateAge = () => {

Whenever the user changes the text in the input field, the onChange event is triggered. The handler for this event calls setName , passing it as an argument. The argument passed to setName is the new state value of name. The succeeding paragraph shows that the text input is also updated with the new name value every time the user changes the text input.Next, let's look at the age number input field and how this value is passed to setAge :


html 复制代码
    <button onClick={onUpdateName}>修改姓名</button>
    <button onClick={onUpdateAge}>修改年龄</button>

The age field follows the exact same pattern as the name field. The only difference is that we've made the input a number type. Any time the number changes, setAge is called with the updated value in response to the onChange event. The following paragraph shows that the number input is also updated with every change that is made to the age state.


In this section, you learned about the useState Hook, which is used to add state to functional React components. Each piece of state uses its own Hook and has its own value variable and its own setter function. This greatly simplifies accessing and updating state in your components. Any given state value should have an initial value so that the component can render correctly the first time. To re-render functional components that use state Hooks, you can use the setter functions that useState returns to update your state values as needed.The next Hook that you'll learn about is used to perform initialization and cleanup actions.


Performing initialization and cleanup actions

Often, our React components need to perform actions when the component is created. For example, a common initialization action is to fetch API data that the component needs. Another common action is to make sure that any pending API requests are canceled when the component is removed. In this section, you'll learn about the useEffect Hook and how it can help you with these two scenarios. You'll also learn how to make sure that the initialization code doesn't run too often.


Fetching component data

The useEffect Hook is used to run "side-effects" in your component. Another way to think about side-effect code is that functional components have only one job -- returning JSX content to render. If the component needs to do something else, such as fetching API data, this should be done in a useEffect Hook. For example, if you were to just make the API call as part of your component function, you would likely introduce race conditions and other difficult-to-fix buggy behavior.Let's take a look at an example that fetches API data using Hooks:


tsx 复制代码
import {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from "react";

interface User {
    id: number
    name: string
    age: number

export default function MyComponent6() {
    const [id, setId] = useState(1);
    const [name, setName] = useState("张三");
    const [age, setAge] = useState(23);

    const fetchUser = useCallback(() => {
        return new Promise<User>((resolve) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                resolve({"id": 1, "name": "张三111", "age": 233} as User)
            }, 1000)
    }, [])

    useEffect(() => {
        fetchUser().then((user) => {
    const onUpdateName = () => {
    const onUpdateAge = () => {

    return (
                ID: {id}
                <button onClick={onUpdateName}>修改姓名</button>
                <button onClick={onUpdateAge}>修改年龄</button>

The useEffect Hook expects a function as an argument. This function is called after the component finishes rendering, in a safe way that doesn't interfere with anything else that React is doing with the component under the covers. Let's look at the pieces of this example more closely, starting with the mock API function:


tsx 复制代码
const fetchUser = useCallback(() => {
  return new Promise<User>((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({"id": 1, "name": "张三111", "age": 233} as User)
    }, 1000)
}, [])

The fetchUser function is defined using the useCallback hook. This hook is used to memoize the function, meaning that it will only be created once and will not be recreated on subsequent renders unless the dependencies change. The useCallback accepts two arguments, first is function we want to memorize and second is list of dependencies that will be use to identify when React should re-create this function instead of using memorized version. The fetchUser function is passed an empty array ( [] ) as the dependency list. This means that the function will only be created once during the initial render and won't be recreated on subsequent renders.The fetchUser function returns a promise. The promise resolves a simple object with two properties, id and name . ThesetTimeout function delays the promise resolution for 1 second, so this function is asynchronous, just as a normal fetch call would be.Next, let's look at the Hooks used by the App component:


tsx 复制代码
const [id, setId] = useState(1);
const [name, setName] = useState("张三");
const [age, setAge] = useState(23);

useEffect(() => {
  fetchUser().then((user) => {

As you can see, in addition to useCallback we're using two Hooks in this component -- useState and useEffect . Combining Hook functionality like this is powerful and encouraged. First, we set up the id and name states of the component. Then, useEffect is used to set up a function that calls fetchUser and sets the state of our component when the promise resolves.


After 1 second, the promise returned from fetchUser is resolved with data from the API, which is then used to update the ID and name states.


There is a good chance that your users will navigate around your application while an API request is still pending. The useEffect Hook can be used to deal with canceling these requests.


Canceling actions and resetting state

There's a good chance that, at some point, your users will navigate your app and cause components to unmount before responses to their API requests arrive. Sometimes your component can listen some events and we should delete all listeners before unmount component to avoid memory leaks. In general its important to stop performing any background actions when related component was deleted from the screen.Thankfully, the useEffect Hook has a mechanism to clean up effects such as pending setInterval when the component is removed. Let's take a look at an example of this in action:


新增: src/Timer.tsx

tsx 复制代码
import {useEffect, useState} from "react";

export default function Timer() {
    const [timer, setTimer] = useState(100);
    useEffect(() => {
        const interval = setInterval(() => {
            setTimer(prevTimer => prevTimer === 0 ? 0 : prevTimer - 1)
        }, 1000)

        // 返回的函数会在组件卸载之前自动执行
        return ()=>{
    }, [])

    return <p>Timer:{timer}</p>

This a simple Timer component. It has the state timer , and it setup interval callback to update timer inside useEffect() , and it renders the output with the current timer value. Let's take a closer look at the useEffect() Hook:


tsx 复制代码
useEffect(() => {
  const interval = setInterval(() => {
    setTimer(prevTimer => prevTimer === 0 ? 0 : prevTimer - 1)
  }, 1000)

  // 返回的函数会在组件卸载之前自动执行
  return ()=>{
}, [])

This effect creates a interval timer by calling the setInterval function with callback which updates our timer state. Interesting thing you can notice here, to setTimer function we are passing callback instead of number. It's a valid React API, when we need previous state value to use to calculate new one, we can pass callback where first argument is current or "previous" state value and we should return the new state value from this callback to update our state.Inside useEffect we are also returns a function, which React runs when the component is removed. In this example, the interval that is created by calling setInterval is cleared by calling function that we returned from useEffect where we call clearInterval . Functions that you return from useEffect will be triggered when component is going to unmount.Now, let's look at the App component, which renders and removes the Timer component:

这个效果通过调用setInterval函数来创建一个间隔计时器,该函数带有更新计时器状态的回调函数。有趣的是,在setTimer函数中我们传递的是callback而不是number。这是一个有效的React API,当我们需要以前的状态值来计算新的状态时,我们可以通过回调,其中第一个参数是当前或"以前"的状态值,我们应该从这个回调中返回新的状态值来更新我们的状态。在useEffect中,我们也返回一个函数,当组件被移除时React会运行这个函数。在这个例子中,通过调用setInterval创建的间隔通过调用从useEffect返回的函数来清除,我们调用clearInterval。当组件要卸载时,从useEffect返回的函数将被触发。现在,让我们看看App组件,它渲染并移除Timer组件:


tsx 复制代码
import Timer from "./Timer.tsx";
import {useState} from "react";

export default function MyComponent8() {
    const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

    return (
                {show ? <Timer/> : ''}
            <button onClick={() => setShow(!show)}>切换</button>

Optimizing side-effect actions

By default, React assumes that every effect that is run needs to be cleaned up and it should be run on every render. This typically isn't the case. For example, you might have specific property or state values that require cleanup and run one more time when they change. You can pass an array of values to watch as the second argument to useEffect -- for example, if you have a resolved state that requires cleanup when it changes, you would write your effect code like this:


tsx 复制代码
const [resolved, setResolved] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
  // ...the effect code...
  return () => {
  	// ...the cleanup code
}, [resolved]);

In this code, effect will be triggered only ever run if the resolved state value changes. If the effect runs and the resolved state hasn't changed, then the cleanup code will not run and original effect code will not run second time as well. Another common case is to never run the cleanup code, except for when the component is removed. In fact, this is what we want to happen in the example from the section of fetching user data. Right now, the effect runs after every render. This means that we're repeatedly fetching the user API data when all we really want is to fetch it once when the component is first mounted.Let's make some modifications to the App component from the fetching component data requests example:


tsx 复制代码
React.useEffect(() => {
  fetchUser().then((user) => {
}, []);

We've added a second argument to useEffect , an empty array. This tells React that there are no values to watch and that we only want to run the effect once it rendered and cleanup code when the component is removed. We've also addedconsole.count('fetching user') to the fetchUser function. This makes it easier to look at the browser dev tools console and make sure that our component data is only fetched once. If you remove the [] argument that is passed to useEffect , you'll notice that fetchUser is called several times.In this section, you learned about side effects in React components. Effects are an important concept, as they are the bridge between your React components and the outside world. One of the most common use cases for effects is to fetch data that the component needs, when it is first created, and then clean up after the component when it is removed.Now, we're going to look at another way to share data with React components -- context.


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