android11.0(R) data分区节点加密控制分析


androidQ(10.0) 预装集成apk到data分区

Android O、P、Q 版本如何预装 APK



自动进入了 recovery 界面,且界面显示

Can't load Android system. You'r data may be corrupt.If you continue to get this message, you may

need to perform a factory data reset and erase all user data stored on this devices.


按照之前 Q 版本的经验去修改代码后,问题依旧,还是不能正常开机,这就离谱,难道谷歌把这个地方给



跳过 data 分区下 app 目录加密策略读取和设置即可


java 复制代码
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static FscryptAction FscryptInferAction(const std::string& dir)
// Special case various directories that must not be encrypted,
    // often because their subdirectories must be encrypted.
    // This isn't a nice way to do this, see b/26641735
    std::vector<std::string> directories_to_exclude = {
            "lost+found", "system_ce", "system_de", "misc_ce",     "misc_de",
            "vendor_ce",  "vendor_de", "media",     "data",        "user",
-			"user_de",    "apex",      "preloads",  "app-staging", "gsi",
+            "user_de",    "apex",      "preloads",  "app-staging", "gsi", "app",
    for (const auto& d : directories_to_exclude) {
        if ((prefix + d) == dir) {
            return FscryptAction::kNone;

跳过 init.rc 中 /data/app 节点加密


java 复制代码
+++ b/alps/system/core/rootdir/init.rc
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ on post-fs-data
     mkdir /data/app-ephemeral 0771 system system encryption=Require
     mkdir /data/app-asec 0700 root root encryption=Require
     mkdir /data/app-lib 0771 system system encryption=Require
-    mkdir /data/app 0771 system system encryption=Require
+    mkdir /data/app 0771 system system encryption=None
     mkdir /data/property 0700 root root encryption=Require
     mkdir /data/tombstones 0771 system system encryption=Require
     mkdir /data/vendor/tombstones 0771 root root


当然要打开串口 Log 记录呀,它又不是那么简单的。R 版本的串口打开修改地方如下


java 复制代码
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module_param_named(disable_uart, printk_ctrl, int, 0644);
 bool mt_get_uartlog_status(void)
        if (printk_ctrl == 1)
-               return false;
+               return true;
        else if ((printk_ctrl == 0) || (printk_ctrl == 2))
                return true;
        return true;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ void mt_disable_uart(void)
        /* uart print not always enable */
        if (printk_ctrl != 2)
-               printk_ctrl = 1;
+               printk_ctrl = 0;


java 复制代码
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ int boot_linux_fdt(void *kernel, unsigned *tags,
-                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=1");
+                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=0");
                case BUILD_TYPE_USERDEBUG:
@@ -1355,13 +1355,13 @@ int boot_linux_fdt(void *kernel, unsigned *tags,
                            (is_meta_log_disable() == 1))
-                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=1 slub_debug=O");
+                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=0 slub_debug=O");
                        else if (boot_ftrace && g_boot_arg->log_dynamic_switch == 0)
                        else if (boot_ftrace)
-                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=1 slub_debug=-");
+                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=0 slub_debug=-");
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ int boot_linux_fdt(void *kernel, unsigned *tags,
                case BUILD_TYPE_ENG:
                        if ((g_boot_mode == META_BOOT) && is_meta_log_disable &&
                            (is_meta_log_disable() == 1))
-                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=1 slub_debug=O");
+                               cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=0 slub_debug=O");
                                cmdline_append("mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=0 ddebug_query=\"file *mediatek* +p ; file *gpu* =_\"");


java 复制代码
[   13.654157] <4>.(4)[1:init]init 21: [13623][0]Switched to default mount namespace
[   13.655223] <4>.(4)[1:init]init 21: [13624][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/apex
[   13.663218] <4>.(4)[1:init]init 21: [13632][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/app-staging
[   13.666087] <4>.(4)[1:init]init 21: [13635][0]starting service 'apexd'...
) failed: No such file or directory
[   13.677980] <4>.(4)[1:init]init 25: [13644][0]Encryption policy of /data/misc set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
d input file '/data/misc/recovery/': open() failed: No such file or directory
ata/misc/recovery/proc/version': open() failed: No such file or directory
[   13.692959] <7>.(7)[456:apexd]apexd: Scanning /system/apex for preinstalled data
[   13.698614] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: Scanning /system_ext/apex for preinstalled data
[   13.699725] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: ... does not exist. Skipping]=[stopped]13507 []=[]13507 []=[dm-7]13509 [init.svc.apexd]=[running]13639 [ro.boottime.apexd]=[13638876462]13640 [init.svc_debug_pid.apexd]=[456]13641 Done
[   13.700519] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: Scanning /product/apex for preinstalled data
[   13.706583] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: ... does not exist. Skipping
[   13.707396] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: Scanning /vendor/apex for preinstalled data
[   13.708382] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: ... does not exist. Skipping
[   13.709166] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: Populating APEX database from mounts...
[   13.710720] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: 0 packages restored.
[   13.711617] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]apexd: Marking APEXd as starting
[   13.730259] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 25: [13698][0]Encryption policy of /data/local set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   13.745616] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]EXT4-fs (loop6): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)
[   13.758344] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 25: [13727][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/preloads
[   13.762309] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 25: [13730][0]Encryption policy of /data/vendor set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   13.764161] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 25: [13733][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/vendor_ce
[   13.766555] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 25: [13735][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/vendor_de
[   13.773079] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 25: [13742][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/data
[   13.776787] <1>.(1)[456:apexd]EXT4-fs (loop7): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)
[   13.777475] <3>.(3)[1:init]init 21: [13745][0]Encryption policy of /data/app-private set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   13.781923] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 21: [13749][0]Encryption policy of /data/app-ephemeral set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   13.785340] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 21: [13753][0]Encryption policy of /data/app-asec set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   13.788729] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 21: [13756][0]Encryption policy of /data/app-lib set to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   13.790485] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 21: [13759][0]Inferred action different from explicit one, expected 0 but got 2
[   13.792434] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 21: [13759][0]Failed to set encryption policy of /data/app to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2: Directory not empty
:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[   13.800279] <2>.(2)[1:init]ls 21: [13759][0]executing ls failed: No such file or directory
[   13.800313] <2>.(1)[462:init]logwrapper 21: executing ls failed: No such file or directory
[   13.800321] <2>.(1)[462:init]logwrapper 21: 
[   13.805673] <2>.(2)[1:init]ls 21: [13759][0]ls terminated by exit(255)
[   13.806716] <2>.(2)[1:init]init: 1 output lines suppressed due to ratelimiting
[   13.807641] <2>.(2)[1:init]init 25: [13759][0]ls -laZ /data/app returned failure: 255
[   13.808723] <2>.(2)[1:init]init 25: [13759][0]Setting d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d policy on /data/app failed!
[   13.809210] <0>.(0)[456:apexd]EXT4-fs (loop8): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)
[   13.810098] <2>.(2)[1:init]init 25: [13759][0]Rebooting into recovery


Failed to set encryption policy of /data/app to d27f72eaf61213e463b2a9ec48dae65d v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2: Directory not empty

R 版本上谷歌对 libfscrypt 这块进行了重构,代码移到了 system/core/init/util.cpp

现在来看下整体的流程,切入点从 init.rc 开始

mkdir /data/app 0771 system system encryption=Require

相比较 Q 版本的 init.rc R 多出了 encryption=Require 属性,就是这个属性决定了 boot

阶段需要检查文件加密情况。mkdir 指令应该调用 builtins 中 do_mkdir(args) 方法


java 复制代码
// mkdir <path> [mode] [owner] [group] [<option> ...]
static Result<void> do_mkdir(const BuiltinArguments& args) {
    auto options = ParseMkdir(args.args);
    if (!options.ok()) return options.error();
    return make_dir_with_options(*options);

static Result<void> make_dir_with_options(const MkdirOptions& options) {
    std::string ref_basename;
    if (options.ref_option == "ref") {
        ref_basename = fscrypt_key_ref;
    } else if (options.ref_option == "per_boot_ref") {
        ref_basename = fscrypt_key_per_boot_ref;
    } else {
        return Error() << "Unknown key option: '" << options.ref_option << "'";

    struct stat mstat;
    if (lstat(, &mstat) != 0) {
        if (errno != ENOENT) {
            return ErrnoError() << "lstat() failed on " <<;
        if (!make_dir(, options.mode)) {
            return ErrnoErrorIgnoreEnoent() << "mkdir() failed on " <<;
        if (lstat(, &mstat) != 0) {
            return ErrnoError() << "lstat() failed on new " <<;
    if (!S_ISDIR(mstat.st_mode)) {
        return Error() << "Not a directory on " <<;
    bool needs_chmod = (mstat.st_mode & ~S_IFMT) != options.mode;
    if ((options.uid != static_cast<uid_t>(-1) && options.uid != mstat.st_uid) ||
        (options.gid != static_cast<gid_t>(-1) && options.gid != mstat.st_gid)) {
        if (lchown(, options.uid, options.gid) == -1) {
            return ErrnoError() << "lchown failed on " <<;
        // chown may have cleared S_ISUID and S_ISGID, chmod again
        needs_chmod = true;
    if (needs_chmod) {
        if (fchmodat(AT_FDCWD,, options.mode, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) == -1) {
            return ErrnoError() << "fchmodat() failed on " <<;
    if (fscrypt_is_native()) {
        if (!FscryptSetDirectoryPolicy(ref_basename, options.fscrypt_action, {
            return reboot_into_recovery(
                    {"--prompt_and_wipe_data", "--reason=set_policy_failed:"s +});
    return {};

可以看到其中调用 ParseMkdir(args.args) 获取 options,然后根据 options 创建文件夹,

如果过程中没遇到问题,则 return {} 可以看到出问题的时候进入 recovery 界面,应该是走的

reboot_into_recovery( {"--prompt_and_wipe_data", "--reason=set_policy_failed:"s +})

那么来看下 FscryptSetDirectoryPolicy() 方法是如何判断的


java 复制代码
bool FscryptSetDirectoryPolicy(const std::string& ref_basename, FscryptAction action,
                               const std::string& dir) {
    if (action == FscryptAction::kNone) {
        return true;
    if (SetPolicyOn(ref_basename, dir) || action == FscryptAction::kAttempt) {
        return true;
    if (action == FscryptAction::kDeleteIfNecessary) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Setting policy failed, deleting: " << dir;
        return SetPolicyOn(ref_basename, dir);
    return false;

可以看到要想不进入 recovery 界面,action 为 FscryptAction::kNone 即可,也就是跳过

action 的取值 options.fscrypt_action,回到 builtins.cpp 中关注 auto options = ParseMkdir(args.args);


java 复制代码
Result<MkdirOptions> ParseMkdir(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
    mode_t mode = 0755;
    Result<uid_t> uid = -1;
    Result<gid_t> gid = -1;
	//第一次赋值 fscrypt_action,FscryptInferAction() 和之前一样有白名单可跳过
    FscryptAction fscrypt_inferred_action = FscryptInferAction(args[1]);
    FscryptAction fscrypt_action = fscrypt_inferred_action;
    std::string ref_option = "ref";
    bool set_option_encryption = false;
    bool set_option_key = false;

    for (size_t i = 2; i < args.size(); i++) {
        switch (i) {
            case 2:
                mode = std::strtoul(args[2].c_str(), 0, 8);
            case 3:
                uid = DecodeUid(args[3]);
                if (!uid.ok()) {
                    return Error()
                           << "Unable to decode UID for '" << args[3] << "': " << uid.error();
            case 4:
                gid = DecodeUid(args[4]);
                if (!gid.ok()) {
                    return Error()
                           << "Unable to decode GID for '" << args[4] << "': " << gid.error();
                auto parts = android::base::Split(args[i], "=");
                if (parts.size() != 2) {
                    return Error() << "Can't parse option: '" << args[i] << "'";
                auto optname = parts[0];
                auto optval = parts[1];
				//第二次赋值 fscrypt_action,根据 optval 值再次判断
				//这里增加 log 打印后发现 optname = encryption  optval = Require/None 在init.rc中配置
                if (optname == "encryption") {
                    if (set_option_encryption) {
                        return Error() << "Duplicated option: '" << optname << "'";
                    if (optval == "Require") {
                        fscrypt_action = FscryptAction::kRequire;
                    } else if (optval == "None") {
                        fscrypt_action = FscryptAction::kNone;
                    } else if (optval == "Attempt") {
                        fscrypt_action = FscryptAction::kAttempt;
                    } else if (optval == "DeleteIfNecessary") {
                        fscrypt_action = FscryptAction::kDeleteIfNecessary;
                    } else {
                        return Error() << "Unknown encryption option: '" << optval << "'";
                    set_option_encryption = true;
                } else if (optname == "key") {
                    if (set_option_key) {
                        return Error() << "Duplicated option: '" << optname << "'";
                    if (optval == "ref" || optval == "per_boot_ref") {
                        ref_option = optval;
                    } else {
                        return Error() << "Unknown key option: '" << optval << "'";
                    set_option_key = true;
                } else {
                    return Error() << "Unknown option: '" << args[i] << "'";
    if (set_option_key && fscrypt_action == FscryptAction::kNone) {
        return Error() << "Key option set but encryption action is none";
    const std::string prefix = "/data/";
    if (StartsWith(args[1], prefix) &&
        args[1].find_first_of('/', prefix.size()) == std::string::npos) {
        if (!set_option_encryption) {
            LOG(WARNING) << "Top-level directory needs encryption action, eg mkdir " << args[1]
                         << " <mode> <uid> <gid> encryption=Require";
        if (fscrypt_action == FscryptAction::kNone) {
            LOG(INFO) << "Not setting encryption policy on: " << args[1];
    if (fscrypt_action != fscrypt_inferred_action) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Inferred action different from explicit one, expected "
                     << static_cast<int>(fscrypt_inferred_action) << " but got "
                     << static_cast<int>(fscrypt_action);
	//构建 options 返回
    return MkdirOptions{args[1], mode, *uid, *gid, fscrypt_action, ref_option};

static FscryptAction FscryptInferAction(const std::string& dir) {
    const std::string prefix = "/data/";

    if (!android::base::StartsWith(dir, prefix)) {
        return FscryptAction::kNone;

    // Special-case /data/media/obb per b/64566063
    if (dir == "/data/media/obb") {
        // Try to set policy on this directory, but if it is non-empty this may fail.
        return FscryptAction::kAttempt;

    // Only set policy on first level /data directories
    // To make this less restrictive, consider using a policy file.
    // However this is overkill for as long as the policy is simply
    // to apply a global policy to all /data folders created via makedir
    if (dir.find_first_of('/', prefix.size()) != std::string::npos) {
        return FscryptAction::kNone;

    // Special case various directories that must not be encrypted,
    // often because their subdirectories must be encrypted.
    // This isn't a nice way to do this, see b/26641735
    std::vector<std::string> directories_to_exclude = {
            "lost+found", "system_ce", "system_de", "misc_ce",     "misc_de",
            "vendor_ce",  "vendor_de", "media",     "data",        "user",
            "user_de",    "apex",      "preloads",  "app-staging", "gsi", 
	//在 directories_to_exclude 集合中则跳过
    for (const auto& d : directories_to_exclude) {
        if ((prefix + d) == dir) {
            return FscryptAction::kNone;
    // Empty these directories if policy setting fails.
    std::vector<std::string> wipe_on_failure = {
            "rollback", "rollback-observer",  // b/139193659
            "connsyslog", "debuglogger", "ramdump",
            "mdlog", "log_temp", "aee_exp", "mdl",
    for (const auto& d : wipe_on_failure) {
        if ((prefix + d) == dir) {
            return FscryptAction::kDeleteIfNecessary;
    return FscryptAction::kRequire;


回到 fscrypt_init_extensions.cpp 中

java 复制代码
bool FscryptSetDirectoryPolicy(const std::string& ref_basename, FscryptAction action,
                               const std::string& dir) {
    if (action == FscryptAction::kNone) {
        return true;
    if (SetPolicyOn(ref_basename, dir) || action == FscryptAction::kAttempt) {
        return true;
    if (action == FscryptAction::kDeleteIfNecessary) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Setting policy failed, deleting: " << dir;
        return SetPolicyOn(ref_basename, dir);
    return false;

static bool SetPolicyOn(const std::string& ref_basename, const std::string& dir) {
    EncryptionPolicy policy;
    if (!LookupPolicy(ref_basename, &policy)) return false;
    if (!EnsurePolicyOrLog(policy, dir)) return false;
    return true;

static bool EnsurePolicyOrLog(const EncryptionPolicy& policy, const std::string& dir) {
    if (!EnsurePolicy(policy, dir)) {
        std::string ref_hex;
        BytesToHex(policy.key_raw_ref, &ref_hex);
        LOG(ERROR) << "Setting " << ref_hex << " policy on " << dir << " failed!";
        return false;
    return true;

最终调用到 system\extras\libfscrypt\fscrypt.cpp

java 复制代码
bool EnsurePolicy(const EncryptionPolicy& policy, const std::string& directory) {
    union {
        fscrypt_policy_v1 v1;
        fscrypt_policy_v2 v2;
    } kern_policy;
    memset(&kern_policy, 0, sizeof(kern_policy));

    switch (policy.options.version) {
        case 1:
            if (policy.key_raw_ref.size() != FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid key descriptor length for v1 policy: "
                           << policy.key_raw_ref.size();
                return false;
            // Careful: FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1 is actually 0 in the API, so make sure
            // to use it here instead of a literal 1.
            kern_policy.v1.version = FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1;
            kern_policy.v1.contents_encryption_mode = policy.options.contents_mode;
            kern_policy.v1.filenames_encryption_mode = policy.options.filenames_mode;
            kern_policy.v1.flags = policy.options.flags;
        case 2:
            if (policy.key_raw_ref.size() != FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid key identifier length for v2 policy: "
                           << policy.key_raw_ref.size();
                return false;
            kern_policy.v2.version = FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2;
            kern_policy.v2.contents_encryption_mode = policy.options.contents_mode;
            kern_policy.v2.filenames_encryption_mode = policy.options.filenames_mode;
            kern_policy.v2.flags = policy.options.flags;
            LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid encryption policy version: " << policy.options.version;
            return false;

    android::base::unique_fd fd(open(directory.c_str(), O_DIRECTORY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC));
    if (fd == -1) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open directory " << directory;
        return false;

    bool already_encrypted = fscrypt_is_encrypted(fd);

    // FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY will set the policy if the directory is
    // unencrypted; otherwise it will verify that the existing policy matches.
    // Setting the policy will fail if the directory is already nonempty.
    if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY, &kern_policy) != 0) {
        std::string reason;
        switch (errno) {
            case EEXIST:
                reason = "The directory already has a different encryption policy.";
                reason = strerror(errno);
        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set encryption policy of " << directory << " to "
                   << PolicyDebugString(policy) << ": " << reason;
        if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) {
        return false;

    if (already_encrypted) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Verified that " << directory << " has the encryption policy "
                  << PolicyDebugString(policy);
    } else {
        LOG(INFO) << "Encryption policy of " << directory << " set to "
                  << PolicyDebugString(policy);
    return true;

重新编译烧写后成功开机的log,可以看到打印了跳过 /data/app/ 相关

java 复制代码
[   14.186668] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 16: [14155][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption policy on: /data/app-lib
[   14.187866] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 16: [14155][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optname: encryption
[   14.189007] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14155][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optval: Require
[   14.191729] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14155][0]Encryption policy of /data/app-lib set to ef2067add1858706a84cc01d25260ea5 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   14.193467] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14162][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption policy on: /data/app
[   14.194557] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14162][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optname: encryption
[   14.195651] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14162][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optval: None
[   14.196637] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14162][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption hook: 
[   14.197555] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14162][0]Not setting encryption policy on: /data/app
[   14.198574] <5>.(5)[317:init]init 16: [14167][200]ReapLogT PropSet [apexd.status]=[starting]13967 Done
[   14.198737] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14167][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption policy on: /data/property
[   14.200913] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 19: [14167][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optname: encryption
[   14.201996] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14167][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optval: Require
[   14.204488] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14167][0]Encryption policy of /data/property set to ef2067add1858706a84cc01d25260ea5 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   14.206220] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14175][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption policy on: /data/tombstones
[   14.207437] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14175][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optname: encryption
[   14.208516] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14175][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption optval: Require
[   14.211116] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14175][0]Encryption policy of /data/tombstones set to ef2067add1858706a84cc01d25260ea5 v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2
[   14.212936] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14181][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption policy on: /data/vendor/tombstones
[   14.215671] <0>.(0)[1:init]init 25: [14184][0]ccz ParseMkdir encryption policy on: /data/vendor/tombstones/wifi

关于 init.rc 启动可以参考下面

Android Q 开机启动流程 Android的init过程(二):初始化语言(init.rc)解析

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