

    • [1. 概要](#1. 概要)
    • [2. 进程管理接口详解](#2. 进程管理接口详解)
      • [2.1 进程冻结与恢复的基本概念](#2.1 进程冻结与恢复的基本概念)
      • [2.2 进程查找与PID获取](#2.2 进程查找与PID获取)
      • [2.3 进程冻结与恢复的实现](#2.3 进程冻结与恢复的实现)
        • [2.3.1 进程冻结](#2.3.1 进程冻结)
        • [2.3.2 进程恢复](#2.3.2 进程恢复)
      • [2.4 进程终止](#2.4 进程终止)
      • [2.5 进程状态监控与控制](#2.5 进程状态监控与控制)
    • [3. dummy_process的设计与实现](#3. dummy_process的设计与实现)
      • [3.1 创建dummy_process脚本](#3.1 创建dummy_process脚本)
      • [3.2 启动dummy_process](#3.2 启动dummy_process)
      • [3.3 终止dummy_process](#3.3 终止dummy_process)
    • [4. GTest单元测试代码详解](#4. GTest单元测试代码详解)
      • [4.1 测试框架和测试结构](#4.1 测试框架和测试结构)
      • [4.2 单元测试用例](#4.2 单元测试用例)
        • [4.2.1 测试冻结功能 `FreezeProcessByPidTest`](#4.2.1 测试冻结功能 FreezeProcessByPidTest)
        • [4.2.2 测试恢复功能 `TryToResumeProcessByPidTest`](#4.2.2 测试恢复功能 TryToResumeProcessByPidTest)
        • [4.2.3 测试终止功能 `TerminateProcessTest`](#4.2.3 测试终止功能 TerminateProcessTest)
    • [5. 运行和验证](#5. 运行和验证)

1. 概要


本文将展示如何使用Google Test(gtest)编写针对进程冻结与恢复功能的单元测试。

2. 进程管理接口详解

2.1 进程冻结与恢复的基本概念

在Linux环境中,进程的管理涉及到对进程执行状态的控制,其中包括了进程的冻结(暂停)和恢复(继续执行)。这些操作通过发送特定的信号来实现,主要使用到 SIGSTOPSIGCONT 信号。

2.2 进程查找与PID获取

为了准确控制目标进程,首先需要能够根据进程名称或者其他标识符获取到进程的PID。在Linux系统中,可以通过读取 /proc 文件系统来获取所有运行中进程的详细信息,包括进程的命令行参数和状态。

cpp 复制代码
 * @brief Function to find the PID of a process by its name
 * @param [in] processName  process name
 * @param [out] pid  process id
 * @return true - find pid by process name; false - not find pid by process name
bool FindPidByProcessName(const std::string& processName, pid_t &pid);

2.3 进程冻结与恢复的实现

2.3.1 进程冻结

进程冻结通过发送 SIGSTOP 信号来实现,暂停进程的执行。实现方法包括使用 kill(pid, SIGSTOP) 函数调用,并等待进程状态确认操作成功。

cpp 复制代码
 * @brief freeze process by pid
 * @param [in] pid - pid find by process name.
 * @return true - Freeze successfully; false - Freeze failed
bool FreezeProcessByPid(pid_t pid);
2.3.2 进程恢复

一旦进程被冻结,可以通过发送 SIGCONT 信号来恢复其执行。恢复过程中可能需要多次尝试,以确保进程成功从暂停状态恢复到执行状态。

cpp 复制代码
 * @brief try to resume a stopped process by pid
 * @param [in] attempts - if resume failed, try another attempts times.
 * @param [in] pid - pid find by process name.
 * @return true - Resume successfully; false - Resume failed
bool TryToResumeProcessByPid(pid_t pid, int attempts = 3);

2.4 进程终止

在某些情况下,需要强制终止一个进程以释放系统资源或确保安全性。可以使用 SIGKILL 信号立即终止进程的执行,但需要注意可能会造成数据丢失。

cpp 复制代码
 * @brief terminate a process
 * @param [in] processName - process name.
 * @param [in] attempts - if resume failed, try another attempts times.
 * @return 0 -  successfully; -1 - not found process; -2 terminate failed
 *         -3 - Handle waitpid error
int TerminateProcess(const std::string& processName, int attempts = 3);

2.5 进程状态监控与控制

在实现进程管理功能时,还需要监控进程的状态并根据需要进行控制。通过读取 /proc/[pid]/status 文件可以获取进程的详细状态信息,如是否处于停止状态。

cpp 复制代码
 * @brief Function to check if the process is not in stopped state
 * @param [in] pid - pid find by process name
 * @return true - stopped; false - not stopped
bool IsProcessStopped(pid_t pid);


3. dummy_process的设计与实现


3.1 创建dummy_process脚本


cpp 复制代码
void CreateDummyProcessScript(const std::string& scriptPath) {
  std::ofstream scriptFile(scriptPath);
  if (scriptFile.is_open()) {
    scriptFile << "#!/bin/bash\n";
    scriptFile << "\n";
    scriptFile << "# Function to handle signals\n";
    scriptFile << "function handle_signal() {\n";
    scriptFile << "    echo \"[dummy_process] Received signal: $1\"\n";
    scriptFile << "    exit 0\n";  // Exit gracefully on signal
    scriptFile << "}\n";
    scriptFile << "\n";
    scriptFile << "# Trap signals\n";
    scriptFile << "trap 'handle_signal SIGTERM' SIGTERM\n";  // Handle SIGTERM signal
    scriptFile << "\n";
    scriptFile << "# Main loop\n";
    scriptFile << "while true; do\n";
    scriptFile << "    echo \"dummy_process is running...\"\n";
    scriptFile << "    sleep 1\n";
    scriptFile << "done\n";
    // Add executable permission to the script
    if (chmod(scriptPath.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) == -1) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to set execute permission on " << scriptPath << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cerr << "Failed to create " << scriptPath << std::endl;

3.2 启动dummy_process


cpp 复制代码
pid_t StartDummyProcess() {
  pid_t pid = fork();
  if (pid == -1) {
    std::cerr << "Failed to fork() process." << std::endl;
    return -1;
  } else if (pid == 0) {
    // Child process: execute dummy_process script
    execlp(dummyScriptPath.c_str(), dummyScriptPath.c_str(), nullptr);
    // execlp should not return if successful
    std::cerr << "Failed to exec " << dummyScriptPath << std::endl;
  } else {
    // Parent process: return child process PID
    return pid;

3.3 终止dummy_process


cpp 复制代码
void TerminateDummyProcess(pid_t pid) {
  // Send SIGKILL to dummy_process
  kill(pid, SIGKILL);
  // Wait for child process to end
  int status;
  waitpid(pid, &status, 0);

4. GTest单元测试代码详解

4.1 测试框架和测试结构

测试夹具 ProcessHelperTest 管理测试过程中的环境准备和清理工作,包括创建、启动和终止dummy_process。

cpp 复制代码
class ProcessHelperTest : public ::testing::Test {
  pid_t dummyProcessPid;
  std::string dummyScriptPath = "./dummy_process";  // Path to dummy_process shell script

  void SetUp() override {
    // 创建 dummy_process shell 脚本并启动
    dummyProcessPid = StartDummyProcess();
    ASSERT_NE(dummyProcessPid, -1);  // 检查 dummy_process 启动成功

  void TearDown() override {
    // 结束 dummy_process
    // 清理 dummy_process shell 脚本

4.2 单元测试用例

4.2.1 测试冻结功能 FreezeProcessByPidTest
cpp 复制代码
TEST_F(ProcessHelperTest, FreezeProcessByPidTest) {
  pid_t pid;
  bool find = FindPidByProcessName("dummy_process", pid);
  EXPECT_TRUE(find);  // 预期找到进程的PID
  bool result = FreezeProcessByPid(pid);
  EXPECT_TRUE(result);  // 预期冻结操作成功
  ASSERT_TRUE(IsProcessRunning("dummy_process"));  // 检查进程仍在运行
  ASSERT_TRUE(IsProcessStopped(dummyProcessPid));  // 检查进程是否被成功冻结
4.2.2 测试恢复功能 TryToResumeProcessByPidTest
cpp 复制代码
TEST_F(ProcessHelperTest, TryToResumeProcessByPidTest) {
  pid_t pid;
  bool find = FindPidByProcessName("dummy_process", pid);
  EXPECT_TRUE(find);  // 预期找到进程的PID
  bool result = TryToResumeProcessByPid(pid, 3);
  EXPECT_TRUE(result);  // 预期恢复操作成功
  ASSERT_TRUE(IsProcessRunning("dummy_process"));  // 检查进程仍在运行
  ASSERT_FALSE(IsProcessStopped(dummyProcessPid));  // 检查进程是否已恢复执行
4.2.3 测试终止功能 TerminateProcessTest
cpp 复制代码
TEST_F(ProcessHelperTest, TerminateProcessTest) {
  int result = TerminateProcess("dummy_process", 3);
  EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);  // 预期终止操作成功
  ASSERT_FALSE(IsProcessRunning("dummy_process"));  // 检查进程是否已终止

5. 运行和验证

测试程序的主函数调用了 RUN_ALL_TESTS() 来执行所有测试用例。在运行过程中,每个测试用例会被独立执行,并根据 EXPECT_ASSERT_ 宏的断言结果判断测试是否通过。

cpp 复制代码
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();


bash 复制代码
$ ./process_helper_test 
[==========] Running 6 tests from 2 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 5 tests from ProcessHelperTest
[ RUN      ] ProcessHelperTest.FreezeProcessByNameTest
dummy_process is running...
Success to send SIGSTOP to process 12780
Process 12780 status is T is in stopped state.
Process 12780 freeze success.
processName dummy_process pid 12780 freeze success.
Process 12780 status is T is in stopped state.
[       OK ] ProcessHelperTest.FreezeProcessByNameTest (9 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProcessHelperTest.TryToResumeProcessByNameTest
dummy_process is running...
Process 12782 status is S is not in stopped state.
Process 12782 resumed successfully.
Process 12782 status is S is not in stopped state.
[       OK ] ProcessHelperTest.TryToResumeProcessByNameTest (25 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProcessHelperTest.FreezeProcessByPidTest
dummy_process is running...
Success to send SIGSTOP to process 12784
Process 12784 status is T is in stopped state.
Process 12784 freeze success.
Process 12784 status is T is in stopped state.
[       OK ] ProcessHelperTest.FreezeProcessByPidTest (14 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProcessHelperTest.TryToResumeProcessByPidTest
dummy_process is running...
Process 12786 status is S is not in stopped state.
Process 12786 resumed successfully.
Process 12786 status is S is not in stopped state.
[       OK ] ProcessHelperTest.TryToResumeProcessByPidTest (16 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProcessHelperTest.TerminateProcessTest
dummy_process is running...
Process with PID: 12788 has been terminated.
[       OK ] ProcessHelperTest.TerminateProcessTest (6 ms)
[----------] 5 tests from ProcessHelperTest (74 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from IsProcessStoppedTest
[ RUN      ] IsProcessStoppedTest.IsStoppedTest
[       OK ] IsProcessStoppedTest.IsStoppedTest (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from IsProcessStoppedTest (1 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 6 tests from 2 test suites ran. (77 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
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