【GH】【EXCEL】P1: Write DATA SET from GH into EXCEL


  • Write
    • [Fast Write](#Fast Write)
      • [GH data material :](#GH data material :)
      • [GH process and components instruction](#GH process and components instruction)
      • [Fast Write Data](#Fast Write Data)
        • [Fast Write Data & Clear Data](#Fast Write Data & Clear Data)
        • [Fast Write to Cell](#Fast Write to Cell)
      • [EXCEL written results](#EXCEL written results)
    • [Write by Column](#Write by Column)
      • [GH data material :](#GH data material :)
      • [Compile Column](#Compile Column)
      • [GH process and components instruction](#GH process and components instruction)
      • [Write Data](#Write Data)
      • [EXCEL written results](#EXCEL written results)
    • [Write By Row](#Write By Row)
      • [GH data material :](#GH data material :)
      • [GH process and components instruction](#GH process and components instruction)
      • [EXCEL written results](#EXCEL written results)


Fast Write

GH data material :

GH process and components instruction

Fast Write Data

Fast Write data to excel

Input parameters:

  • Wks (Generic Data) A Worksheet, Workbook, Range Object, Excel Application, or Text Worksheet Name
  • Cel (Generic Data) A Cell Object or Text Address (ex. A1)
  • V (Text) A datatree of values
  • _X (Boolean) If true, all contents of the sheet will be cleared prior to writing new data
  • _A (Boolean) If true, the component will be activated

Output parameters:

  • Wks (Generic Data) An Excel Worksheet Object
  • Rng (Generic Data) An Excel Range Object
Fast Write Data & Clear Data

The Fast Write component streams data to a worksheet.

Data should be formatted with each column in a list and each row a branch. Nested branches are ignored.

Fast Write to Cell

Worksheet Objects or Text Names can be used is Worksheet inputs and Cell objects or Text Cell Addresses in standard Excel format can be used to set the starting Cell.

EXCEL written results

Write by Column

The Write Data component streams either column or row formatted data to a Sheet.

By Column data assigns a Column Header and optional formatting to each column's contents.

GH data material :

Compile Column

Compile data into column assemblies

Input parameters:
N (Text) The names of the column

R (Text) The row values corresponding to each column

F (Text) A MS Office Number Format Examples

("General", "hh: mm:ss", "$#,##0.0" https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/number-format-codes-5026bbd6-04bc-48cd-bf33-80f18b4eae68?ui=en-us\&rs=en-us\&ad=us

Output parameters:
Dst (Generic Data) A Data Set object

GH process and components instruction

Write Data


Write data to Excel

Input parameters:

  • Worksheet (Generic Data) A Worksheet, Workbook, Range Object, Excel Application, or Text Worksheet Name

  • Cell (Generic Data) A Cell Object or Text Address (ex. A1)

  • Data Set (Generic Data) A Data Set object

  • Clear (Boolean) If true, all contents of the sheet will be cleared prior to writing new data

  • Activate (Boolean) If true, the component will be activated

  • Output parameters:

  • Worksheet (Generic Data) An Excel Worksheet Object

  • Range (Generic Data) An Excel Range Object

EXCEL written results

Write By Row

By Row data matches and groups column names assigned to each value in the row.

GH data material :

GH process and components instruction

EXCEL written results


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