

decoding phase, 推理1个新token,


batch_size*num_heads和SM数目相比较小时:有些SM会空闲;加了--multi_block_mode,似乎是将input context再进行划分,原来1个SM干的活儿,分给多个SM来干,让所有SM都并行忙碌起来;


"we only use multi-block in generation phase (generating new token). In context phase, we have enough blocks to run in parallel and we don't need to use multi-block."

"take H100-SXM as an example, you have 132 SMs, and let us say the batch size is 1, num heads is 16, then normally we can split the sequence into (132/16 = 8) blocks to fully utilize all SMs, but if the sequence length is quite small like 1K, it might not worth 8 blocks per sequence (maybe fewer)."



# Build LLaMA v3 70B TP=8 using Meta checkpoints directly.
python convert_checkpoint.py --meta_ckpt_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 8


# Build LLaMA v3 70B using 4-way tensor parallelism and 2-way pipeline parallelism.
python convert_checkpoint.py --model_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp4_pp2 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 4 \
                            --pp_size 2


Total memory = (Model size + KV cache size + Activation memory) / Parallelism


  • The model size is the number of parameters * the size of data type.
  • The KV cache size is the total number of tokens * the size of KV cache data type * the number of layers * the KV hidden dimension
  • The activation memory is determined by TRT engine, which can be a few GBs regardless of the degree of parallelism used

For LLaMA v2 70B FP16 weights + FP8 KV cache, the model size is 70B parameters * 2 bytes = 140GB. The KV cache size is 32K tokens * 1 bytes * 80 layers * 2048 KV hidden dimension = 5GB per 32K tokens. We have 145GB spread across 8 GPUs. The end result is ~18GB per GPU plus some GBs of flat scratch/activation memory allocated by TRT engine and the TRT-LLM runtime.

Note that the KV hidden dimension is derived by the number of KV heads times hidden dimension of each head. LLaMA v2 70B has hidden dimension of 8192, and uses grouped-query attention where 8 key heads and 8 value heads are associated with 64 query heads. Each head has hidden dimension of 8192/64 = 128. So the hidden dimension for KV in total is 128 * 8 * 2= 2048. (2是K和V)

The total number of tokens is determined by beam width, batch size, and maximum sequence length.