[Admin] Dashboard Filter for Mix Report Types


RevOps team has built a dashboard for sales team to track team members' performance, but they're blocked by how to provide a manager view based on sales' hierarchy. Therefore, they seek for dev team's help to clear their blocker.

From following pic, you can see there are 3 reports are used in the dashboard, and they mix up different report types, and the primary object for each report type is different, listed below:

  • Conversation - we should use Owner's Direct Manager as report filter
  • Activity - we should use CreatedBy's Direct Manager as report filter
  • Lead - we should use SDR's Direct Manager as report filter

Pain Point: how to use one unified dashboard filter for all report charts.


Draft Version (V1)
  1. Maintain manager info on user detail page.
  2. Create formula field for each object to get user's direct manger info.
  3. Apply filter on dashboard.

It's easy to get the initial solution as listed above without any exploration (play and run).

However, we will find the formula field (or even the text field) can only be used in the report filter soon.

NOT in the dashboard filter.

Inspired by Client Success Manager a lookup field, we may need a lookup data type for that purpose.

The amended solution may like below.

  1. Maintain manager info on user detail page.
  2. Create formula field lookup field for each object.
  3. Setup automation to populate the manager value when record saving with person changed.
  4. Apply filter on dashboard.

As shown in the following pic, it seems we need to add multiple filters rather than the unified one filter onto dashboard.

After adding the 2 filters for further exploration, and I found it doesn't make sense since the default filter logic is AND for every reports if we applied 2 filter on dashboard level.

We don't expect user to apply 1st filter for report 1, and then reset to apply 2nd filter for report 2.

Final Version (V3)

The same with V2, but the minor change is that we need to select right field for each report charts.

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