

javascript 复制代码
npm i -S vuedraggable
// vuedraggable依赖Sortable.js,我们可以直接引入Sortable使用Sortable的特性。
// vuedraggable是Sortable的一种加强,实现组件化的思想,可以结合Vue,使用起来更方便。


javascript 复制代码
import Sortable from 'sortablejs' //(1)引入拖拽函数

 mounted() {
        this.rowDrop() //(2)组件创建时执行拖拽方法

// (3)拖拽方法
        rowDrop() {
            // 要侦听拖拽响应的DOM对象
            const el = document.querySelector('#table_count2 .el-table__body-wrapper tbody');
            const that = this;
            new Sortable(el, {
                animation: 150,
                handle: '.handle_drop', //class类名执行事件
                ghostClass: 'blue-background-class',
                // 结束拖拽后的回调函数
                onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
                    console.log(oldIndex, '----拖动到--->', newIndex)
                    const tempList = [...that.tableData]
                    /**splice 新增删除并以数组的形式返回删除内容;(此处表示获取删除项对象) */
                    const currentRow = tempList.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
                    tempList.splice(newIndex, 0, currentRow);/** 在新下标前添加一个数据, 第二个参数 0 表示不删除,即为新增 */
                    console.log('---新数组---', tempList)
                    that.tableData = [...tempList]
                // onEnd: (evt) => {
                //     console.log('----onEnd(拖拽结束)---', evt)
                // },



javascript 复制代码
    <div class="content">
        <el-table :data="tableData" id="table_count2" class="table-box" stripe border style="width: 100%;" size="mini"
            @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" row-key="id">
            <el-table-column type="selection" width="50" :reserve-selection="true" align="center"
            <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" width="50" fixed>
                <template slot-scope="scope">
                    {{ scope.$index + 1 }}
            <el-table-column prop="date" label="日期" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="address" label="地址" align="center" width="210">
            <el-table-column label="操作" width="150" align="center">
                <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <el-tooltip content="复制" placement="top">
                        <el-button type="success" plain circle size="mini"
                            @click.stop="handleCopy(scope.row, scope.$index)">
                            <i class="el-icon-box"></i>
                    <el-tooltip content="删除" placement="top">
                        <el-button type="danger" plain circle size="mini"
                            @click.stop="handleDelete(scope.row, scope.$index)">
                            <i class="el-icon-delete"></i>
                    <el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="长按拖动排序" placement="top">
                        <el-button type="info" plain circle size="mini">
                            <i class="el-icon-rank handle_drop" style="font-size: 14px;"></i>
import Sortable from 'sortablejs' //(1)引入拖拽函数
export default {
    name: "TableBase3",
    components: {},
    data() {
        return {
            multipleSelection: [],//多选
            tableData: [{
                id: 1,
                date: '2016-05-01',
                name: '王小虎1',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1510 弄'
            }, {
                id: 2,
                date: '2016-05-02',
                name: '王小虎2',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1511 弄'
            }, {
                id: 3,
                date: '2016-05-03',
                name: '王小虎3',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1512 弄'
            }, {
                id: 4,
                date: '2016-05-04',
                name: '王小虎4',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1513 弄'
    created() { },
    mounted() {
        this.rowDrop() //(2)组件创建时执行拖拽方法
    methods: {
        // (3)拖拽方法
        rowDrop() {
            // 要侦听拖拽响应的DOM对象
            const el = document.querySelector('#table_count2 .el-table__body-wrapper tbody');
            const that = this;
            new Sortable(el, {
                animation: 150,
                handle: '.handle_drop', //class类名执行事件
                ghostClass: 'blue-background-class',
                // 结束拖拽后的回调函数
                onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
                    console.log(oldIndex, '----拖动到--->', newIndex)
                    const tempList = [...that.tableData]
                    /**splice 新增删除并以数组的形式返回删除内容;(此处表示获取删除项对象) */
                    const currentRow = tempList.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
                    tempList.splice(newIndex, 0, currentRow);/** 在新下标前添加一个数据, 第二个参数 0 表示不删除,即为新增 */
                    console.log('---新数组---', tempList)
                    that.tableData = [...tempList]
                // onEnd: (evt) => {
                //     console.log('----onEnd(拖拽结束)---', evt)
                // },


        handleSelectionChange(val) {
            console.log('----多选  multipleSelection---', val)
            this.multipleSelection = val;

        handleCopy(row, rowIndex) {
            let newList = [...this.tableData]
            let newRow = { ...row }
            newRow['id'] = newList.length + 1
            newRow['name'] = newRow['name'] + "-" + newList.length + 1
            this.tableData = [...newList]

        handleDelete(row, rowIndex) {
            this.$modal.confirm('是否确认删除此项?', {
                confirmButtonText: "确定",
                cancelButtonText: "取消",
                type: "warning",
            }).then(() => {
                this.tableData.splice(rowIndex, 1)
            }).catch(() => { });
<style  lang="scss" scoped>
::v-deep {

    /**el-table表格调整 start*/
    .el-table .el-table__header-wrapper th,
    .el-table .el-table__fixed-header-wrapper th {
        height: auto;
        padding: 2px 0;

    .el-table--mini .el-table__cell {
        padding: 2px;
        flex: 1;

    /**el-table表格调整 end */


javascript 复制代码
    <div class="content">
        <el-table :data="tableData" id="table_count"  class="table-box" stripe border style="width: 100%;" size="mini"
            @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" row-key="id">
            <el-table-column type="selection" width="50" :reserve-selection="true" align="center"
            <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" width="50" fixed>
                <template slot-scope="scope">
                    {{ scope.$index + 1 }}
            <el-table-column prop="date" label="日期" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="name" label="姓名" align="center">
            <el-table-column prop="address" label="地址" align="center" width="210">
            <el-table-column label="操作" width="100" align="center" fixed="right">
                <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <el-tooltip content="复制" placement="top">
                        <el-button type="success" plain circle size="mini"
                            @click.stop="handleCopy(scope.row, scope.$index)">
                            <i class="el-icon-box"></i>
                    <el-tooltip content="删除" placement="top">
                        <el-button type="danger" plain circle size="mini"
                            @click.stop="handleDelete(scope.row, scope.$index)">
                            <i class="el-icon-delete"></i>
import Sortable from 'sortablejs' //(1)引入拖拽函数
export default {
    name: "TableBase2",
    components: {},
    data() {
        return {
            multipleSelection: [],//多选
            tableData: [{
                id: 1,
                date: '2016-05-01',
                name: '王小虎1',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1510 弄'
            }, {
                id: 2,
                date: '2016-05-02',
                name: '王小虎2',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1511 弄'
            }, {
                id: 3,
                date: '2016-05-03',
                name: '王小虎3',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1512 弄'
            }, {
                id: 4,
                date: '2016-05-04',
                name: '王小虎4',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1513 弄'
    created() { },
    mounted() {
        this.rowDrop() //(2)组件创建时执行拖拽方法
    methods: {
        // (3)拖拽方法
        rowDrop() {
            // 要侦听拖拽响应的DOM对象
            const el = document.querySelector('#table_count .el-table__body-wrapper tbody');
            const that = this;
            Sortable.create(el, {
                // 结束拖拽后的回调函数
                onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
                    console.log(oldIndex, '----拖动到--->', newIndex)
                    const tempList = [...that.tableData]
                    /**splice 新增删除并以数组的形式返回删除内容;(此处表示获取删除项对象) */
                    const currentRow = tempList.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
                    tempList.splice(newIndex, 0, currentRow);/** 在新下标前添加一个数据, 第二个参数 0 表示不删除,即为新增 */
                    console.log('---新数组---', tempList)
                    that.tableData = [...tempList]
                // onEnd: (evt) => {
                //     console.log('----onEnd(拖拽结束)---', evt)
                // },

        handleSelectionChange(val) {
            console.log('----多选  multipleSelection---', val)
            this.multipleSelection = val;

        handleCopy(row, rowIndex) {
            let newList = [...this.tableData]
            let newRow = { ...row }
            newRow['id'] = newList.length + 1
            newRow['name'] = newRow['name'] +"-"+ newList.length + 1
            this.tableData = [...newList]

        handleDelete(row, rowIndex) {
            this.$modal.confirm('是否确认删除此项?', {
                confirmButtonText: "确定",
                cancelButtonText: "取消",
                type: "warning",
            }).then(() => {
                this.tableData.splice(rowIndex, 1)
            }).catch(() => { });
<style  lang="scss" scoped>
::v-deep {

    /**el-table表格调整 start*/
    .el-table .el-table__header-wrapper th,
    .el-table .el-table__fixed-header-wrapper th {
        height: auto;
        padding: 2px 0;

    .el-table--mini .el-table__cell {
        padding: 2px;
        flex: 1;

    /**el-table表格调整 end */

5、自定义ul li 行拖拽(完整代码--复制即用)

javascript 复制代码
    <div class="content">

        <ul id="table_count2">
            <!-- 注意 key必须是唯一的id, 如果用index就可能导致渲染错误问题 -->
            <li class="table_li" v-for="(item,index) in tableData" :key="'tli_'+item.id">         
                <span>{{ item.name  }}</span>
                <i class="el-icon-rank handle_drop" style="font-size: 14px;"></i>
import Sortable from 'sortablejs' //(1)引入拖拽函数
export default {
    name: "TableBase3",
    components: {},
    data() {
        return {
            tableData: [{
                id: 1,
                date: '2016-05-01',
                name: '王小虎1',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1510 弄'
            }, {
                id: 2,
                date: '2016-05-02',
                name: '王小虎2',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1511 弄'
            }, {
                id: 3,
                date: '2016-05-03',
                name: '王小虎3',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1512 弄'
            }, {
                id: 4,
                date: '2016-05-04',
                name: '王小虎4',
                address: '上海市普陀区金沙江路 1513 弄'
    created() { },
    mounted() {
        this.rowDrop() //(2)组件创建时执行拖拽方法
    methods: {
        // (3)拖拽方法
        rowDrop() {
            // 要侦听拖拽响应的DOM对象
            const el = document.querySelector('#table_count2');
            const that = this;
            new Sortable(el, {
                animation: 150,
                handle: '.handle_drop', //class类名执行事件
                ghostClass: 'blue-background-class',
                // 结束拖拽后的回调函数
                onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
                    console.log(oldIndex, '----拖动到--->', newIndex)
                    const tempList = [...that.tableData]
                    /**splice 新增删除并以数组的形式返回删除内容;(此处表示获取删除项对象) */
                    const currentRow = tempList.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
                    tempList.splice(newIndex, 0, currentRow);/** 在新下标前添加一个数据, 第二个参数 0 表示不删除,即为新增 */
                    console.log('---新数组---', tempList)
                    that.tableData = [...tempList]
                // onEnd: (evt) => {
                //     console.log('----onEnd(拖拽结束)---', evt)
                // },


<style  lang="scss" scoped>

    width: 500px;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid orange;
    border-radius: 5px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: space-between;
quitv19 分钟前
化作繁星29 分钟前
在 Vue 3 中,如何缓存和复用动态组件
一只小姜丝3321 小时前
Gazer_S2 小时前
林的快手4 小时前
贺今宵4 小时前
lifire_H8 小时前
林涧泣8 小时前
皓月当空hy10 小时前
十八朵郁金香10 小时前
深入理解 JavaScript 中的 this 指向