RMAN备份时遇到ORA-48132 &ORA-48170且备份变慢案例



操作系统:Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.10

数据库版本: Oracle 企业版

备份作业在执行RMAN备份时,告警日志中会出现ORA-48132 & ORA-48170错误,如下所示(数据库实例用xxx做了混淆)

Errors in file /xxxdb/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx/trace/xxx_ora_3430285.trc:
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN] [/xxxdb/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx/lck/AM_1618_3044626670.lck]
ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use
Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Additional information: 8
Additional information: 2421413
Errors in file /xxxdb/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx/trace/xxx_ora_3430287.trc:
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN] [/xxxdb/diag/rdbms/xxx/xxx/lck/AM_1618_3044626670.lck]
ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use
Linux-x86_64 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Additional information: 8
Additional information: 2421413


备份作业之前是完全正常的,而且没有做过配置与参数的变更,突然间出现了这样的报错。研究了报错的trc文件后确定是RMAN备份时抛出的错误,另外,在分析研究过程中,我们发现如果备份的时候能够重现这个错误的话,就可以观察到有ADR file lock。如果错过了备份时间段,也可以通过AWR或ASH发现,如下截图所示:


------ ------------------- ------------------- ---------- ------- ---------- ------- ---------- ----------- --------
     1 2025-01-29 18:30:07 2025-01-29 18:45:54 DB FULL      588.6   636.47M    144.4   156.18M         15.8 DISK
     1 2025-01-30 18:30:07 2025-01-30 18:46:02 DB FULL      587.8   630.25M    143.8   154.17M         15.9 DISK
     1 2025-01-31 18:30:07 2025-01-31 18:45:54 DB FULL      587.8   635.63M    143.7   155.43M         15.8 DISK
     1 2025-02-01 18:30:07 2025-02-01 18:46:00 DB FULL      587.4   631.12M    142.9   153.52M         15.9 DISK
     1 2025-02-02 18:30:06 2025-02-02 19:21:39 DB FULL      582.1   192.73M    137.4    45.49M         51.6 DISK
     1 2025-02-03 18:30:07 2025-02-03 19:21:39 DB FULL      582.3   192.84M    137.4    45.51M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-04 18:30:07 2025-02-04 19:21:39 DB FULL      582.2   192.80M    137.4    45.50M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-05 18:30:07 2025-02-05 19:21:39 DB FULL      588.0   194.74M    140.7    46.59M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-06 18:30:06 2025-02-06 19:21:38 DB FULL      586.4   194.22M    140.5    46.54M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-07 18:30:07 2025-02-07 19:21:38 DB FULL      582.6   193.00M    136.7    45.30M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-08 18:30:07 2025-02-08 19:21:39 DB FULL      583.4   193.21M    136.9    45.34M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-09 18:30:07 2025-02-09 19:21:40 DB FULL      583.6   193.21M    137.3    45.45M         51.6 DISK
     1 2025-02-10 18:30:06 2025-02-10 19:21:40 DB FULL      583.7   193.17M    137.1    45.39M         51.6 DISK
     1 2025-02-11 18:30:07 2025-02-11 19:21:38 DB FULL      584.4   193.62M    137.2    45.46M         51.5 DISK
     1 2025-02-12 10:36:50 2025-02-12 11:20:23 DB FULL      590.2   231.30M    142.9    56.00M         43.6 DISK
     1 2025-02-12 11:21:35 2025-02-12 11:35:55 DB FULL      550.4   655.32M    103.1   122.71M         14.3 DISK

16 rows selected

解决这个问题是在2025-02-12日10点多,临时解决后RMAN备份速度又恢复正常了。我搜索了Oracle官方文档,关于这个错误,其实官方文档Oracle Support上有详细文档ORA-48132 ORA-48170 When Running RMAN Backups (Doc ID 2904353.1)介绍,我们这边遇到的案例跟链接内容极其相似(但是还有点不同),这里就不画蛇添足了,贴上具体内容如下所示


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Alert log flooded with below errors while running the RMAN backup.
ADR or AMH operation error:; err_code=48132, "dbkh_create_pseudo_run_ctx-1"=dbkh_create_pseudo_run_ctx-1
at 0xffffffff7fff5870 placed krbb.c@25071
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [HM_RUN] [/db01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/<DB_NAME>/<SID>/lck/AM_1618_3044626670.lck]
ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use
SVR4 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Additional information: 8
Additional information: 2701

'ADR file lock' wait event observed during the backup.
INST_ID     SID CH                            SEQ# EVENT                         STATE            SECS        
---------- ------- --------------------------- ------ ----------------------------  ---------- ----------
        1     262                               6114 SQL*Net message from client   WAITING            50
        1     467 rman channel=ORA_SBT_TAPE_1    898 ADR file lock                 WAITING             2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This symptom is being investigated by developer in Bug 10125939.
Bug 10125939 - GSFBDRA: RMAN VALIDATE HANG WAITING FOR 'ADR FILE LOCK' Closed as could not reproduce

Choose the following workaround:

Solution 1:

Disable HM Monitor as below:

alter system set "_diag_hm_rc_enabled"=false scope=both;

Solution 2:

Enable krb trace , this might lead to more RMAN KRB traces to generate.

If RAC, Krb tracing needs to enabled on all nodes.

alter system set event='logon trace name krb_options level 20' scope=spfile; <==== To set it.
alter system set event='logon trace name krb_options off' scope=spfile; <==== To set it off

Solution 3:

Rename/Move lck folder.

ex: /db01/app/<BASE>/diag/rdbms/<sid>/<SID>/lck/AM_1618_3044626670.lck

Shutdown database;

cd /db01/app/<BASE>/diag/rdbms/<sid>/<SID>

mv lck lck_bkp

start the database

purge adrci


这里我们通过删除lck文件了暂时解决了RMAN备份时告警日志报ORA-48132&ORA-48170错误。在Oracle Service Requests提交SR反馈给官方后,Oracle技术人员也确认是遇到了bug,不过他们反馈遇到的是Bug 35500265 - Slow backups with errors ORA-48132 ORA-48170 ( Doc ID 35500265.8 )导致。而不是上文中的Bug 10125939,官方结论如下:

-- Conclusion:

The following bug might be hit:

Bug 35500265 - Slow backups with errors ORA-48132 ORA-48170 ( Doc ID 35500265.8 )

-- Evidence:

1. The symptom that RMAN backup slow with ORA-48132 and ORA-48170 is similar.

2. 19.24 is in the scope of 35500265's effected version.

3. The patch of 35500265 is not applied in this system

关于Bug 35500265,这个Bug已将在19.中fix掉了。如果要彻底解决这个问题就必须安装相关补丁。


ORA-48132: Requested File Lock Is Busy, [HM_RUN] (Doc ID 3066412.1)

ORA-48132 ORA-48170 When Running RMAN Backups (Doc ID 2904353.1)